HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-001 . CI'T'Y OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date January 4,'1982 Resolution No. _82-1 Motion by Zaun Seconded"by Sindt RESOLUTION APPOINTING DEPOSITORIES FOR THE CI,~„~ OF` LAKEVILLE G]HEREAS, the Lakeville City Council wishes ;to ab~oint depositories for the year,19F32 .for checking, savings and inveshrnent purt~oses NOTn7, THEREFORE, ' BE TT RESOLVED that 1. The mayor and clerk'be authorized to execute any required documents withdenositaries named below including signature cards and agree:rents. 2. The following :institutions`are hereby named det~ositories subject to the maximuan degzosits`and collateral require- menu as required by law. " 1. First Lakeville State Bank 2. First National :Bank of St. Paul 3, Narthwestern National .Bank of tninnea~olis 4. First National Bank of Minneax~olis ' 5. Minnesota E'ederal Savings and. Loan 6. Merrill Lvneh 7, Twin City Federal"Savings and :roan. '8, Midwest Federal Savings and Loan 9. Midland National Bank 10. Peoples Savings and. Loam Association APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville this 4th day of January, 1982. CI'T'Y OF LAKEVILLE BY : G1...~---'---- Rober Jen~ , Mayor ATTEST: ~ Patrick E: McGarvey® City C k