HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-002 CITY OF LA~VILLE ..RESOLUTION Date January 4, 1982 _Resolutian No. 82-2 .Motion by Nelson Seconded by Zaun RESOLUTIOIti SETTING DATE OF REGULAR COUAJCIL MEETINGS FOR 1982 [nIHEREAS, the council deems it to be in the best interest of the City to promote and provide ample 'time for the council and staff to'prepare for each council meetinct; and WHEREAS, the ~?ublic should receive advanced notice of each council meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the regular council. meeting dates for 1982 for the Lakeville :City Council be set as follows: January 4 18 February l 16* March l 15 Ax~ril 5 19 r~av 3 17 June 7""" 21 July `5 19 August 2 ~:6 September 7* 2Q- October 4 18 November l 15 December 6 20 *Meeting date is a Tuesday due to Monday being a legal holiday.. The council meeti:~cs sha11 be held at the Council Chambers in the Public Works Building in Airlake Industrial Park, and the meetings shal]. begin at 7:30 p.`rn. The council may hold special meetings deemed necessary for the efficient and effective conduct°of the City's business-. Said meetings shall'be called pursuant to legal notice required by P~tinnesota law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED b^~~'the City Council ®f the City of Lakeville, .Minnesota. this 4th day of Januarya 1982, CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: ober Jens Mavo~~....._ ATTEST:.. r Patrick E. Mcc~arvey, ty Cle