HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-003 CITY OF LAKEVI'LLE
Date January. 4, 1982 Resolution No. 82--3
Motion by Zaun Seconded by Enright
WHEREAS, the City°s consulting engineers .have completed the
Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Phase II, and the plan has been. adopted
by the City Council on December 17, 19:7.9.; and
WHEREAS., it, is necessary for the City to establish storm .sewer,
rates that are-current with the-estimated cost of construction of the
planned improvements for an effective. storm drainage system.
NOW,-THEREFOt2E, BE IT RESOLVED.: by the Lakeville City Council.::
1. The storm sewercharge set by this resolution shall be
a. On new-plats, or developing commercial,. industrial and
institutional parcels of property.
b. On previously platted but undeveloped property as a condi=
Lion to the. City allowing the construction of roads ,or
installation of public utilities..
c. On storm sewer improvement :projects.
2. The storm-sewer charges shall be;
a. Type I - Single. and two family. lots,. $.074 cents per'square
foot per .net lot area.
b. Type II;,- Multiple-family lots, $.081 cents. per square
.foot per net lot area...
c. Type III -Commercial/industrial/institutional lots,-
$.102 cents per square: foot per net lot area:.
d. Unplatted property - to be determined by the City Engineer..
based ,upon the amount 4f -run-off generated, ,and type of
property use.
e. ~ charge per square-foot shall. be added to the above
rates for property in thez'Crystal'Lake Drainage District.
as follows:
Type I $.0057
Type II $.0063
Type .III $00.80
3. Thi-s resolution .shall, be updated from-timeto time to reflect
.increased costs.
.4 r
APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville,
Minnesota., this 4th day of January, 198:2,
Robert Jen , Mayor
Patrick E McGarvey, City C rlc