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Date January 4, 1982 Resolution No. 82-4
Motion by Zaun Seconded by _ Nelson
BE IT RESOLVED that the benefit be determined'by the following
A, An area.. of benefit. shall be established by the City Council
-for any particular segment: of .the State Aid Collector Street
System. This area of benefit shall generally.include all
properties. within an'a?~nroximate maximum of ane-half mile
on either side. of a State'Ad Collector Street Improvement
which:. do not .abut upon another major thoroughfare. Properties
within this area of benefit":shall be assessed as follows:
1. Residential properties with existing structures shall be
assessed $Z50'for each existing dwelling unit.-
2. Commercial and industrial properties with existing
structures sha11 be assessed $150 for each residential
:equivalent unit "as determined by the City<
3. In the future, $150 per dwe-Ming. unit shall be paid at
the...time a building permit is taken out for new con-
struction in residential areas..
4. In the, future, $150 per residential equivalent .unit
sha11 be paid. at the-time a building hermit is taken out
for new construction in commercial and industrial areas.
5. Propert~;es shall be subject to being included in the area
of benefit for only one segment ~fthe State Aid
Collector Street S~~stem.
6. This cost per unit has 'been established-for 1982 and shall
be updated an_tu~.lly to account for. inflationary trends
in constructican costs
B. Properties which abut directly upon the State Aid Street
Improvement shall. be assessed a; frontage benef_i~t rate
dependent upon the ty~ae of"improvement being installed as
follows: -
1. Residential properties which abut upon an urban 'street.
section :may be assessed at a maximum rate of $24.00
per front foot and upon a rural street section may be
assessed at a rate of $15,00 per front foot. These
rates have been established for 1982 and shall be undated
annually to account for inflationary trends in canstruction<
2. Platted* residential prox~ertieswhich abut upon aState -
Aid .Street and front. upon another platted street shall.
be assessed-for only one,-half of the actual frontage on
the State Aid Street and for. the full :.frontage on the
.interior platted street.
A platted lot is defined as a City approved single family residential
lot Less than an acre area.
. , ~ ~
3. Properties which are zoned for commercial or industrial
development shall be assessed at a rate 1,5 times the
frontage rate given in B1 forache frontage which abuts....
a State Aid Street, Proa~erties zoned for commercial or
industrial uses, but which have an existing residential
.use shall be assessed under the residential policies.
4. Platted residential x~roperties without utility service
shall be adjusted to be camparable to normally .platted.
residential lots. 'the actual front footage shall be
reduced by 50~ toadjust the front footage to a maximum of
175 feet or a minimum o~ 85 feet.:. These properties
shall be assessed on the basis o.f_ this adjusted front
footage and: the rates of B1.
C. Properties: which abut directly upon a State Aid .Street
Improvement:shall receive a driveway apron access .for eacYa
existing driveway directly frost the State Aid Street.
A reasonable number of additional driveway .aprons will be
provided for:. City ap~iroved additional driveways. These
driveway aprons will be provided within the raters of para~-
graph Bl, without additional cast to_the property. The
cast of any driveway pavement behind. the apron installed
as part of the project shall be assessed entirely to the
property served based upon the actual square footage installed:
D. Resolution Igo. 78-20 is hereby repealed,
.APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of: the City of Lakeville.,
Minnesota, .this. 4th day of January:,- 1982.
Robert Je S n
` /'r
.Patrick E. Mcca eY.'City C1.