HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-008 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date' February 1, 1982 Resolution No. ~2-8 :.Motion by Za:un Seconded bar Sindt RESOLUTION RE~U~ST~NG THE `MINNESF3TA~STATE LEGISLATURE TO ADOPT A LAW %PLACING A ONE=YEAR MORATORIUM ON THE FINAL DEC.~SION OF SELECTING`AN ON-LAND SLUDGE-ASH DISPOSAL SITE F0~2: -THE Pi3'14.pOSE OF PROVIDING TIME TO STUDY ALTERiQAst'IVE P'IETHODS OF bISPOSAL tnTHEREAS, the disposal of sludge-ash is an issue that is complex and potentially unsafe and damaging to the public safety ansi to property; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council is now in the process of selecting a sludge.-ash disposal ste.froan six proposed sites, .two alternate sites: and one volunteer site; and = WHEREAS, two of these sites directly affect p~o~aerty within or near the pity of Lakeville; and WHEREAS® the proposed on°land disposal. of sludge-ash at these sites will cause..a Loss of property .value: and. taxes in the vicinity of this ,subject ' s~roperty ; and WHEREAS,. the City Council believes there are other alternatives ~hatshould be 'studied arzd considered for the disposal o~ sludge-ash; and WHEREAS,. there should be me and funds provided for the'' study of these alternatives before any final .decision is'made;on the method of disposal, NOW,<THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: 1. The La]ceville City.Council requests and supports a bill that would place aone-year moratorium on the-final decis'ion;af the Metropolitan Council to select any site now under consideration. 2. The Legislature direct and authorize the Metro?~olitan Council or the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to conduct studies on the various known::z~ethods and alternatives available .for disposal of .sludge-ash for the purpose of identifying the most. effective and efficient-method.. of disposal with the least adverse effects on the- public and property owners. 4 APPROVED AND ADOPTED this lst d.ay of February, 1982: CTTY OF LAKEV2LLE BY° Robert Jen , Mayor ATTEST:. Patrick Eo McGarvey, City erk ;