HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-009 r.. cIT~ of zAxEVlzz~ RESOLUTIONT Date February 1® 1982 Resolution No: 82-9 Motion by Zaun Seconded by Nelson RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A CITIZENS TASK FORE FQR THE STUDY OF THE NEED FOR AND AhTERNATIVES FORA NEW POLICE DEPARTMENT BUILDING FOR'LAKEVILLE WHEREAS, the City Council believes there-is a need•f_or the citizens of Lakeville to study the needs=-for a new molice dex~artment -building to serve the county and. AREAS, the Ctv Council believes ahat..a citizens task. force will assist t~~e council iz determining the 'need for, a.nd alternatives for, anew ;police deiaa.rtanent building; and * , [WHEREAS, the City Council xaishee to have the supx~ort and acceptance of as many citizens as nossib~:e°, to'accomvlish the task of determining the 'alternatives for imprcaving the capabilities of the Lakeville`FOlice Department;.and .WHEREAS, the.Cty Council wishes to .forma citizens -task force to study the need for, and alternatives:-..for, anew nol.ice debart- anent building. NOG1, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: -l. A Citizens Task Force for the purpose ®f studying the need for, and alternatives for, anew police department building for :Lakeville s hereby established.. 2. The Citizens Task Force shall include any x~erson who gives their.oermission to have their name. associatedaath the work of the Task Force. 3, The Citizens Task Force may organize its members into 'mini-task groups for the purpose of accomplishing ths_study, making recommendationsao the City. Council and?su~aportinq' the recommendations 'of. the Citizens Task Force. -1- 4. The City Council requests the Citizens Task Force 'to keep minutes of its meetings, .make ?~eri.odic reports to the Cite Council, and to completeits initial study and. recommendations bar Juiy` ; 1982- 5. The City Administrator and Chief of Police are authorized to ?~r©vide `al.l ap~arobrate staff su~nort and. assistance to the Citizens Task Force. APPR.OV~'D'AND ADt~PT~D this lst .day of February, 1982. C2Tv of r,AxEVZZr~~ By_ ?Robert Je en r Mayor ATTEST: ~/6~/A ~ /i/J G%~!i~ ~ Patrick E, i~cGarvey, City Clerk -2-