HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-014 i' CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date February T6~ 1982.. Resolution AIo, 82-14 Motion, by Zaun Secondedbv Sindt RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MUNICIPAL STATE AID HIGHWAYS VIHEREAS, it ar~pears to the. City Council of the City of Lakeville that the street hereinafter described should be desidnated a Municipal-- State Aid Street under the provisions ef. Minnesota Laws of .1976 Cha*~ter 162a NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City .Council of the City of Lakeville that the road described: as fellows, to_wit: That x~ortion of Flagstaff Avenue from Dodd Road south to the Farmincrton border .and. thence west to Cedar Avenue by, and hereby is established, located, and desicxnated a: Municipal State Aid Street of said City, subject to the ~.~?~aroVal of the Con~nissioner of Highways of the State off' Minnesota. BE IT FURTF~'ER SOLVED that the ~ City >C1erk` pis hereby authorized and directed to 'foriaard two-certified copies of this resolution to -the Commissioner o£ Highways for his consideration,. and that uxaon`his am~roval of the designation. of said`; road or pertien thereofa that same be constructed, imrsroved and rnaintain~d as a .T~umici~a.l State Aid .Street of. the City 'of ~,akevlle,'to be numbered and known as Municmal State ?did Streezo Flagstaff Avenue. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of February, 198.2. .CITY OF LAICEVILLE BS' ..best den Mover ATTEST:' r Patrick E.'McGa.rvey, City ;Clerk CERTIFICATION_ I hereby certify what the above is a true and cerrect coxes of a Resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the City Council of said City on February-16, 1982. _ r Patrick: E. McCarvey, City. erk (SEAL) ,