HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-017 CITY OF LAKEVILL~ RESOLUTION Date March 1, 1982 Resolution. No. 82-17 ...:..Motion by Zaun Seconded bv' Nelson RESOZUTZON,R~Qu~sTzrrc ~~RMISSION FoR THE•cITY To REMOVE A SIGHT L3NE HAZARD FROM STATE ROAD RIGHT-Off'-CaAY AT THE INTERSECTION> OF DODD .ROAD AND T . kC . 5 0 ~IHEREAS, the intersection of State'T.x~: 50, Dodd Road, and County.R.oad 64 in La~eville is`a dangerous intersection; and WHEREAS, an improvement project has :been approved;bv the State of Minnesota, and the right~of-wav"has been determined by the -State for themprovement;.and 6v'HEREA5, a building.in the northwest quadrant of the inter- ection,.known as JohnBs Tavern, is a severe sight ~.ine hazard, is in a rundoum condition, has been purchased by the State. o:~ Minnesota and'is on a highway right-of-way, N06n1, THEREFORE, BE IT' RESOLVED that in order to provide immediate improvement for sight lines at the intersection and-because .the building will have to :be removed 'for the improvement project, the City of Lakevillerec~uests oermis'sion toburnthe building as a fire training exercise. This procedure will remove the building at. no cost to the State of Minnesota, provide fire training for. the local fire department and»mprove the safety of the intersection. The City assumes all responsibility for damages arising from the burning of the building and agrees`to hold the State ,harmless from an3~ such" claims. ADOPTED this lst ' day of March , 1982. CITY OF LAI~EVILLE BY; Robert.Jen , Manor ATTEST : Patrick'~EI~~McGarvl`ew, -,City erk