HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-021 ° APPLICATION FOR PERMIT OF FLASHING BEACON INSTALLATION (Type or use black ball paint. Fill out both sides) ~~D COUNTY ~dkOta DIST. g T.H. 5~ REF. POINT 6. X24 INTERSECTING STREET LOCATION CITY CSAH 23 Cedar Ave Lakeville APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE BY THE ~ /CITY /~I~~1~1~'~: OF -Lakeville , (hereinafter called the beacon owner)to place, construct, and thereafter maintain and be liable for, an (overhead) Qt;Dfl~) and roads 1 de (intersection control beacon /~}IXat)~Xd~~kU€2~]Ot9Cb~A4C9Ql+~ (~3(CIDC9N~D~DGX9~~1K~Ot#OJq~X4S3C9(adkXDl~l(S~ at the above location. It is agreed that the installation will be in accordance with the terms and conditions provided for herein, and with the provisions of the current Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as modified by the Commissioner of Transportation. RESOLUTION #82-21 BE IT RESOLVED that the beacon owner enter into an agreement with the :State of Minnesota, Departme~it of Transportation for the following purpose, to wit: to install at the above location an (overhead) (roadside} (intersection control beacon / ~dJi>~X4C4@J~I~R~~~3C4~IXFlX~LDt~7d94~t9i~QDC9CK#?~L+~() in accordance with the terms and conditions provided for herein, a copy of which was before the (council / ~l). - BE IT FLIRT}iER RESOLVED that. the proper officers be, and hereby are, authorized to execute such an agreement, and thereby assume for, and on behalf of, the beacon owner, all of the contractual obligations contained herein. CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY that, according to minutes in my possession, the foregoing resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolu~~tio~~n~~,,p((resented to, and ado ted by, tQQh~'e (co Heil / b®,~ a duty authorized meeting thereof, held on the_[r~day of , 19.1LE: x horned ature Title FLASHING BEACON INSTALLATION DETAILS (list manufacturer and model /serial no.) BEACON l Z° Red FLASHER TIME CLOCK To be urchased b Cit None POLE LUMINAIRE l-LOURS OF OPERATION W ° n 1n OUS POWER COMPANY NAME YELLOW BEACONS FACIE N E S W ADDRESS RED BEACONS FACL' N E S W None SKfITC}i OF BEACON LOCATION Indicate roadway widths, sidewalks, poles, beacon, and luminaite location (If additional space is needed, attach separate sheet) C 5,~1 Z3 (C~D~ra., ~+E NORT7i ~2~ ~ "il•1SO 3p Minnesota Department of Transportation Distribution: (ay C.O. Traffic) Office of Traffic I'ngineerint; original=Traffic Engineering Signal Design Unit Transportation Buildi7g copies: Traffic Engineering Agreements Unit St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Electrical Services Unit District Engineer Mn/DOT TP-?9246-01 Submitting Agency PGRMIT AGREEMENT WIiERI?AS TI{I, City of Lakeville (beacon owner) desires to place a flashing beacon in operation at T.H. 50 at CSAH 23 (Cedar Avenue) (location) and the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation (State) is agreeable to permit such placement on the following terms and conditions, NOW, TIIERIFORI?, I'T IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The beacon owner shall prepare, or may request the State to prepare, any necessary plans, specifications, and proposals; and shall perform the engineering and inspection required to complete the items of work hereinafter set forth, all at the cost and expense of the beacon owner. ~ The beacon owner, with its own forces and equipment, or by contract, shall install or cause to be installed the necessary equipment at the location specified herein, at the cost and expense of the beacon owner. Exact locations will be deter- { mined by flee State. If said. installation is not begun within 12 months of the date of approval of the application, the State~_. will require a new permit application. 3. The work provided for above shall be done with materials and equipment approved by, and constructed to the satisfaction of, the State's District Traffic Engineer: a. Overhead beacons shall be installed with a minimum clearance of 17 feet and a maximum clearance of 19 .feet above the roadway surface. b. Roadside beacons shall be mounted at Icast 8 feet above the roadway surface, and shall have a lateral clearance of at least 3 feet from the edge of .the usable shoulder or at least 2 feet from the face of the curb. c. #lazard identifirrtivn beacons shalt be operated at all times that the ha2ard exists. Intersection control beacons shall be operated continuously throughout the year. d. Overhead beacon installations shall include adequate ilhunination (minimum of one luminaire for crosswalk installations and two luminaires for intersection control beat, ns). 4, Upon completion of thework contemplated herein, the beacon owner shall maintain and keep in repair said installation, and shall provide the necessary electrical power ter its operation, including fete power supply to the service equipment, ail at the cost and expense of the beacon owner. 5, The beacon owner indemnifies, saves and holds harmless the State and all of its agents and employees of and from. any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action, of whatever nature or character, arising out of, or by reason of, the performance of any work by the beaeorcowner provided for hereby; and further agrees to defend, at its sole cost and expense, any action or proceedingconunenred for the prrrpose of asserting any claims of whatsoever character arisin~_, in arnnection with, or by virtue of, the installation by the beacon owner. :Any and alt persons engaged in the aforesaid work to be performed by the beacon owner shall be considered employees of the beacon owner: and any and aU claims that may or might arise under the Worker's Compensation Act of this State on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and atl claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees of the beacon owner while so engaged in any of the .work contemplated herein., shall be the sole obligation and responsibility ~f the beacon owner. If <rt any time the State, acting through the Commissioner of Transportation, shall deem it necessary to make any improvements or changes on all or any part of the right of way of the trunk highway, which affect the abovementioned installation as located underthis permit; then, and in such an event, the beacon owner shall, within fifteen days after written notice from the Commissioner of Transportation or authorized agent, proceed. to alter, change, vacate, or remove from the trunk highway right of way said equipment so as to conform to said changes; such work to be done without any cost whatsoever to the State, and completed on or before the date specified in said written order. In the event said notice is not complied with by the beacon owner, the State will perform the work necessary for said alterations, change, or removal, at the sole cost and expense of .the beacon owner. ,:,`1~f~tCD~ ~ ~KE=V / G ~L BY ,c. ,.s.<`(.L- ~,~~~2-- t:COUN'fl' / CITE' / 'TOWNS#lll') Authorized Signature Date SE L) orized Signatur pa, e ~ J.?.} . „ STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSI'ORTATIUN JO ANN TAFT I ~ NOTARY PUBLIC -MINNESOTA DAKOTA COUNT`! STUDIES AND JtiSTIF1CAT10N tt fiAVE BEL'N SU$MITTED. NtyCommissionExpiresJune25, t982 RECO;~IRIENDED FOR APPROVAL: District Traffic Engineer Reg.. No. Date PERit41SSION 1S iIEREBY GRANTED fvr installation and operation of the aforesaid equipment in accordance with the ' teens and conditions f~rovided for herein. • APPROVED din/DOT: Director. Traffic Eneineerina Date PERMtT NUMBER