HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-032 f . Y CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date May 3, 1982 Resolution No.' 82-32 ...Motion by Zaun Seconded by Enright RESOLUTION ESTABLLSHING A CABLE T.V. BOARD WHEREAS, the City .believes it is desirable to establish a Cable T.V. Board... :NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota: Board Established There 'is hereby established a Cable T.V. Board in the City of Lakeville to advise the City Council on matters xel~ted to cable T. V. 'in the city. 2. Pur~aose and Scope The purpose. of the Cable. Board is to insure citizen partici- Paton in the administration of a„cable T.V. franchise within this city, to .identify present and future needs, and to provide advice to the City Council on; cable T.V."franchise, renewals or .administration of franchise ,agreements. 3. Membership The Cable T.V: Board shall consist of seven members., all of whom shall be residents of the City of Lakeville, except for members appointed to represent school districts. School districts having schools within the city will be encouraged to have a member on the board,` and the City Council will endeaver to keep school district representatives on the committee. In making the initial appointments to the committee, 'the Council shall 'appoint four members for terms. which. will initially expire on January 1, 1983 and three members for terms which will expire on January 1, 1984. Thereafter, the members shall be appointed by the City Council for terms of two years, four of which .shall expire in odd-numbered years and three of which 'shall expire in even-numbered years... The. City Council may remove any member of_ the committee, with or without cause, at any. time. Individuals commercially involved in -1- r cable communications:, public or-prvate-broadcasting, or the private news media shall not serve as members of_ tkre board. ` 4. Duties `and Responsibi~.ities ~'he dutiesand rest©nsibilities of the Board: will be to advise the. City Council on all matters concerning cable T.V. including, but not limited to, franchising.., franchise. administration and such other matters as the City Cauncl may direct. C3eneral concerns and_ responsibilities are outlined as follows: a. Make reports to the City Council'as required by'franchise .agreements. b. Make recommendations to the Council regarding_immedate or on-going use of cable communications in the city of T:~akeville . c. '..Conciliate disagreements between a franchise, subscribers and public & pritrate users of the franchise system's facilities. - d. Submit an=annual report to the City Council no later than March lst of the following 'year assessing the franchise's performance according to the terms of the franchise and make recommendations regarding the apparent or likely..needfor upgrading the system as .may be required. ~'he report hould'include data'on .growth during the year and any other information the committee deems appropriate. e. Keep.;tself'advsed as to activities of other municipalities, commissions; boards, regional, state and federal agencies concerning cable '~.V. f. Recommend to the City Council action to be taken .concerning cable T.V. Such recommendations may include proposed legislation on a ocal or state basis or other action re- lating to local, county, metropolitan or statewide .cable 'Z'.V'. activities, g.> Promote public access broadcasting, citizen part.cibation and the educational aspects of ?public access broadcasting.' h. Make xecommendatons_to the City `Council on`the use of funds received by the City ~'rcim gross receipts of a cable T.V. franchise. -2- ~ • ° n 3 ~ ~ 5. Organization a. The January meeting of each year sha11 be an organizational meeting, at .which time the .members sha11 elect from among them a chairman :and vice-chairman to serve for a period of one yeas. b. No one shall serve as chairman of the committee for more than two consecutive .terms.'. The chairman must be confirmed by the City Council.' c. The chairman ahall preside over all meetings. Thee chairman shall assign .specific .tasks to members of the committee as deemed necessary. The chairman may, with the consent of the members, establish sub-committees and appoint members to liaison. duties with other committees, commissions and boards. d. The vice-chairman-shall, gr~side over meetings in the absence o£ the chairman. 6. Attendance at Meetings a.' Regular attendance at'meet~ings by a1°l"members is necessary if. the committee is to°e~ffectivei.y discharge its duties .and. responsibilities. It is incumbent:. upon each member to ~.ttend regularly. Tf a memberf~,nds that he or she. cannot. attend regularly, the member. should, of his/her own: volition, either ;ask for a leaveof a„b ence o~ resign. In the event=ot continued unexcused absences. by a member, the chairmen may, with .the consent of the other members, request that the-City Council terminate the appointment of the: absentee member. b. It shall be the duty of each member to notify the chairman if the member will be absent from a meeting. 'c. It shall be the duty of each member to maintain a'notebook for keeping his copies of the minutes of he meetings. 7. Meetings a. Regular meetings shall be held at 7:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month. Additiona]. meetings may be held`at the ;discretion of the chairman or city staff if he workload warrants,`and meetings may be=cancelled by the chairman and staff when there is a lack o£ business for the; agenda. -3- . ~y ) i 4' b. Meetings shall be held in^the City ~ounCil Chambers and notice of the meetings .provided to the-public and press: c. A quorum-shall consist of four regularly appointed members, or in he event of unfilled appointments, a single majority of the sworn members. A quorum sha11 be necessary to conduct regular meetings.. d. A secretary,. appointed by the City Council, sha11 keep minutes of each meeting and distribute minutes of the previous meetings and a copy of the next agenda to each member. prior to the next meeting. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of May,. , 1982. CIT~Z OF LAKEV2ZLE BY Robert Je s , Mayor .ATTEST: P Patrick E. Mc Garvey, Citu Cle -4-