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Date July 19,..1982 Resolution No. 82-50
Motion by Enright Seconded by Sindt
WHEREAS, the Council must deliberate many agenda items at
its .meetings; and.
WHEREAS, the time. available to the Council for such deliber-
anon is Limited; and
WHEREAS, the Council 'desires to have as much time as possible
for the deliberation of major agenda items which involve .the establish-
meet of City policy' and gdals; and
WHEREAS, some agenda items are of such a routine, non-contro-
versial nature that they need minimal Council deliberation, and
WHEREAS., the Counc desires to handle. these agenda .items.
as expeditiously as possible in; order to provide more time for major
agenda items.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City.COuncil of the
-.City of Lakeville hereby directs the City Administrator-C1erk to prepare
a consent agenda for each regular council. meeting. The consent. agenda
shall. contain routine, non-controversial items that require council.
action but need. Little or no deliberation.
Ltems such as the following shah be placed on the consent agenda
and forwarded to the council members .prior to each regular. meeting:
routine financial management actions such as approval of_
the bills for payment,. transfers of funds, sale of surplus
propertyy,, approving specifications and setting bid. openings,
property actions such as minor subdivisions where no develop-
merit agreement is involved, resolutions. approving. reapportionment
of assessments;
Licenses for approval not: involving public hearings;
receiving routine department reports such as police; fire,
building and finance;
miscellaneous citizen ~'equests such-as 'for street lights,
stop or other traffic control signs which meet uniform
traffic control. regulations;
xeceipt of minutes of advisory committee meetings;
setting of public hearing dates for the assessment of city
improvement projects;
approval of the minutes of City Council>meetings;
final payment and acceptance of City. improvement projects.
The following procedures and rules sha11 govern the use by the Council
of the consent agenda.
1. Amotion to approve the consent .agenda shall not be
2. The consent agenda shall. be placed on the .Council
agenda immediately after citizen comments and requests.
3. The consent `agenda shall only be adopted by a'unanimous
vote o£ those Council members present at `the meeting'.
4. At the request. of any individual Council member,;~an'tem
shall be removed-from the consent agenda and pl~.aed
upon. the regul~.r agenda for debate.
5. The Mayor or Acting Mayor"may recognize questions or
comments from the .floor before a motion to adopt the
consent is voted on.
APPRgVED AND .ADOPTED this l9th day of July. , 1982.
Robert Je n, Mayor
Patrick E. Mc Garvey, City Cl