HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-079 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
Date October 4 1982 Resolution No. 82_79
Motion by Sindt Seconded by Nelson.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of .the. City of Lakeville
that the budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1983-and ending
December. 31, 1983 be adapted as follows:
Taxes $ 911,585
Intergovernmental revenue 930,440
Licenses ancc3. permits 79,277
Charges far services 178,825
Court fines 21,.940
Miscellaneous. revenue 6,750
Certificates of indebtedness 220,491
Interfund transfers 131,330
Total revenue $2,480.,638
Administrative Services
Council $ 26,044
Pan-O-Prog support 600
City Administrator 58,968
Elections. 7,046
Motor Vehicle 33,192
Legal 47,67.5
Committees 48,511
Inspection 71,516
Financialcontrol 93,920
Building .maintenance 105,034•
Insurance 46.,547
Total administrative $ 539,05.3
Public Safety.
Administration $ 37,380.
.Dispatching 33,670
Investigations 71,044
Courts 29,,322
Schools 12,555
Patrol 215,720
Youth advisory 579._
Police reserves' 15,998
Police .reporting 102,492
Youth relations 29,201
Equipment maintenance 60,006
Capital outlay 172,962
Employee benefits 199.,105
Animal patrol 15,163
Civil defense 2,640
Ambulance 33,025
Fire prevention 45,687
Fire relief 48,493
Fire..equipment maintenance 14,836`
Total public .safety $1,139,878
. ~
-'.Publi:c Works
Admiuist~sation $ 6,.063
Streets _ 11,228
Snow removal, 30,600.
Bladng 14,500
Patching 16,000
.Sweeping 6,560
Sit3ns & signals 10,000
Storm sewer 9,300
Weed control 880:
Seal. coating 31,000
.Boulevard trimming 3,800
Graveling 7,50Q
'Street lighting 72,000
Equipment, maintenance 72,120'
- Vehicle maintenance overhead 8,000
Road oiling. 8,600
Shade tree control _ 3,730
Employee .benefits - 73,247
Capital outlay _ 18,006
Engineering 37,340
Total public works $ 44Q,408
Parks and Recreation
Administration $ 37,34
Community education 5,OOp
Youth activities 7,905
Senior citizens 5,2:15
Park maintenance 82,876
Hockey & ice `skating. 18,761
Swim lessons 1,200
Swim beaches _ 1$ , 696
.Ritter park maintenance 1,900
Equipment maintenance 23,028
Employee benefits 56,156
.Total parks and: recreation. $ 258,079
Contingency _ $ 103,220
Totalexpenditures $2,480,638
APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of,
Lakeville, Minnesota, this 4th day of October, 1982.
Robert Jen n, .:Mayor.
Patrick E. Mc Gar ey, City Clerk