HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-091 t CLTY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date November. 2, 1981 Resolution No. 81-91 Motion by Sindt Seconded ~y Nelson RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEES.FOR THE APPLICATION AND P~2.OCESSING OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAKEVILLE COb'iPREHENSIVE PLAN C~'fiEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lakeville has established that fees are to be charged to a~~licants for nrooerty im~?rovement;requests and such fees .are to cover the full costs of processing=such requests. NO~1, THEREFORE,.. BE IT RESOLVED bar the City Council of the City of Lakeville, thatthe following fees and _nrocedures-be established for the brocessing of Comprehensive ~1an Amendmentsc FEES To defray'adminis rative and technical review costs of processing of requests for comprehensive: olan'amendr,~ents, abase fee of one hundred (.$100.00) dollars der- ar~x~lication shall be laid by all araplicants. In order to defray the_addtonal cost of orocessina comprehensive plan amendments for develo)?ments, all 'anblicants shall a~ay the total cos't' of sta~f_ and/or consulting time and clir~ct exx~enses spent exclusively in `producing materials for the applicant's request, and all materials :for said rectuest. a. "Materials°' shall include ,..but not be limited to, mans, graphs, charts, drawings, etc., and all .printing or repro-' duction of same. .Legal. notification and publications shall also be included. b. '°Staff and/or Consulting Time" shall include any time spent in either researching for or'''actual production of materials. c. The hourly rate for.°°staff and/or consulting time°` shall be established ~a~id made available to 'the aa~nlicant by .the City. Administrator prior to production of any. materials, andthe aeaplicant shall be given a'reaspnable estimate of project time and/or material costs. Th.e base fee shall be ~iaayable at ,the 'time a.~blcations are .filed with the City Administrator and axe not ref~zn~.able. A deposit to cover staff or consulting time and s~?ecial na~erials will be established and. required by the City Administrator prior to formal.;,acce~tance of the ap*~lcation. -1- e«J r PPOCEDURE l; An applicant contacts the City Administrator, discusses his requests and completes the .request and informational forms:. 2. The applicant pays. the_base fee ($100. Q0) and makes a cash de~aosit, to be held. in escrow, and charged against the time and materia s necessary for processing. the request. A deposit of five hundred ($500>00) dollars will be charged. 3 Theaonlicant°s request is processed. according t® procedures. established by governing ordinances of the City: and State. 4. If difficulties are encountered in the review and evaluation of the request as a consequence of lack of information, unexpected. site problems and questions, etc:, and the escrow deposit. is .exceeded, all processing of the"request will be halted. until another estimate .for completion is deteranined and deposit made. 5. Following the City Council.°s decision on the request, the City Administrator will notify the apx~licant of_ the out- come and refund any portion'of the escrow deposit=remaining: 6. The request will be subsequently referred to the 'Twin Cities .Metropolitan Council for their review and action. APP220VED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, .this 2nd day of November , 1981. .CITY OF LAKEVILLE r ~3Y ` D a _:Zaun,:Actng or ,ATTEST: f _ r Patrick E. McGarvey, City erk -2-