HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-110
-bate.- December 21 -1981 Resolution. No. 81-110
Motion by faun Seconded by Enright-
NOw, THEREFORE, ~E IT RESOLVF.,I) that the fa? Zc~~~incl schedule
of fees is hereby .approved and,ac~onted effective. January ®`..1982.
I. Licenses
Garbage.::....,...<.. .$35.00
B. Bingo.
1. Annual..:.....o........$1A0.;00
2. Per event. 25.00
C. Paddlewheel
1, Annualo...;o.....>>....$100.00
2. `Per .event.. 25.00
D. Tp.BOard
1. Annual .................$r00.00
2. Per event....::....e... 25.00
E. Raffle
1. Annual.. .$150.:00
2, per event.... .e..... 50:00
F. Combination.
1. Annual.. e. ....$200.00
Z Per event.. 50.00
G. Scavenger.. ..$35.00
I`I. Permits
A. Building. ...,.:..e,,.,.,.,.,As recommended by the 1978 Minnesota
State Building Code
B. Plumbing< ...................$15.50'plus 50~ minimum plus $2.50
per fixture over four..z~er residential
unit.. Commercial/industrial, 1%
of plumbing cosh ux~ to $10,000:and
1/2o above. $10 ,000 with a $25.00 minimum
C. Heating:.. .$15.50 plus 50~ yninmtxm, existing
:residence $29.50 plus 50~ new :residential "
unit. Commercial/industrial, 1~ of
costs up to $10®000 and 1/2~ above
:$10,000 plus .50~ surcharge., $25.:.00: minimum
D„ Well.... o ..................$30.OD Residentia $75.00 Commercial/
E. Fence. .......:......$1Q.00
F. Swimming Poo1s.........;...:Same rate schedule as building permits
C: Moving... .$55.00 plus costs
H. Sex~tic S~ystesn...............$30.00.<Residential;' $100.00 Commercial
L. Utility; for underground
gas, electric or telephonee$.25..00.
J. Mechanical. ......_....:......Same as heating-above
I~.. Excavating & Filing..,o...10,000'cubic yards or less, $75
1,001 to 250,000 cubic. yards,
...$1.,035 initial 'fee
$500. annual fee
250,001 to 500,00'0 cubic veard,
$1,13.5 initial fee
$~75 annual fee
..•500,0.01 or .Wore cubic yarc?s,
$1,.500 initial fee
$1a000 annual fee
_ w
II. permits (Continued)
L. Street excavation.. .$25.00,
M. Fire 5vstem
1. Stand pipes &'hose
cabinets ......:........lo of contract up to $10®00
2: Sprinkler.. system
First 10 heads.. .$20.00
Each addnh. 10 heads
or fraction thereof..,.$2.00
N. 4e~ood Cutting ...............$7-®.00
O. ~a7ater-saaa ..................$15.00
P. Sewer Tap. ..$15.00
0. Billboards
1, Single face., .,$35.00/annually.
2. Double faced.., .....$70.00/annually.
3. Illuminating, .....,....$10.00 additional
R. Signs
1. Permanent.. ..........$25.00
2. Temporary... ...$10.00
3. Installation.... ,$25.00
III. Planazing...and Zoning
A. Platting..... .$50.00; in sedition to the $50
fee, s deposit ~a to be paid for
consulting. fees. mhe amount of
.the deposit is to be based. on the
size, complexity, diversity.
and location of the project.
B. P.U.D.....o ................Sa.me as platting fee
C. Variance.., ......Same as platting: fee
D. ..Conditional Use,:.... .$125.00; in addition o the $125
fee, a-deposit is to be paid for
consulting costs incurred. The
amount of the dex~osit is to be
based on the size, complexity,
diversity and location of the ~oroject.
E. Home Occupation............Sszne as plattingx_fee
?tezoning ..:...........®>...Same as conditional use
G. Special Home OccuT~ation...,$100:00 alas consulting costs
H. Administrative Subdivision,$25,00.plus consulting costs
IV.' General Government Services
A. .Mobile .Home insp~ction,l....$25.00;taer inspection
Bo Plan and energy checks.....Maximuata rate as recommended by
the P?innesota State Building Code
C. Topographic. maps..,..,..,»-..$8..50 per acre, minimum charge.
o~ $35.,.00
D. Special Assessment search..$5..00 ~;er parcel
E. Certification of minutes, _
resolutions, ordinances, ,
etc.. .....$5.00 plus _.~.5~ :der page
F. Charge~for•copies........ »15~ perrpage
V. Anmal.Fees/Eicen es
A. Annual dog license.........$5.00 :per animal.
B. ...Annual kennel:'license.......$100.00
C. Monthly penalty...:,„......$1.00 for dogs .after e~Iarch 1
$10.00 for kennels after March 1.
D. Transfer....c...,,,,.... „_$1.00 far :replacement
E. Transfer.. .00 for ownership
F. Pickup,o .:$10.00 first impoundment
.$20.00 second impoundment
$30.00 third impoundment
C. Boarding.. .....$3'.00 per animal ter day
H. Rabies retainer., ,,$15.00 per animal4
I, 'transfer-of kennel•license,$25,00
_ _2_
APPROVED AND ADOPTED brr{.the City Council of the City of L,akevalle,
Minnesota, this 21st day of December, 1981,
xobert Jens ~ayor
Patrick E McGarvey,' itv ,Cler7