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~4°r • • s ~ • ~.QUNCIL ME~'TII~G ~1 NUARY 13, 1969 Item 1 The meeting ~~as called to order by ~`ayor Aronson with Jensen, Taft, Sullivan and ~ako present. Item 2 Jensen made a motion seconded by ~1ako to accept the minutes of the Januarg 6, 1969 meeting as read. A11 4 for. '"jotion carried. Item 3 The council decided to haue the ~ ill2ge engineer attend the second Monday meeting of each month. Item 4 Jerry Clay advised that the hearings on traitors were almost concluded. Ten were scheduled to appear before the council on January 2©, 1969 as they would need a veriance. The council requested that a report be turned in for each individual he€~-ring. Item 5 Chairman C1aq advised thatthe Planning Co~nission had hired a high school girl to take the minutes and he was instructed to enquire into the going wage paid to high school students. .Item 6 The Planning Comx~ission requested that all building ~aermits be ~oublished in the paper. This. should include the name of the person getting-the permit and the type of building. Item 7 I~ako made a motion seconded by Taft to authorize the building inspector to have hard cardboard permits printed so that these could be posted at the construction site of each new building. All 4 for. ~.otion carried. The clerk is to inform the building insrector of this motion. Item 8 It was decided that the Planning Commission and. the Council will work together on drawing u~ precinet4 for voting. Jensen,Taft and. Mako were ax?po~$nted from the council to this committee. Item 9 The Planning Commission recommended that there should be permits granted for agricultural building. Jensen made a motion seconded by Sullivan to deny this recommendation. Jensen and Su.lliva.n voted. for the motion. A~A.ko and Taft voted against the motion. Aronson voted for the denial. The motion da~~ied.~ Item 10 The urorosed ordinance for the licensing of plumbers ~~ss discussed. Clay reported that there had been lots of problems ~?ith unqualified reopie. This .recommendation ~n7as tabled until the ordinance comes from Mr. Farrell. ltem ll Jensen made s motion seconded by ~tako to ado?~t the recommendation of the Planning Commission to adopt the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code which is the 1967 Fdittion. All 4 for. lotion carried. Item 12 An ordinance on glue sniffing is being prepared by ~1r. Farrell and will be acted on ~rhen it is received. Item 13 Taft made a motion seconded by Sullivan to grant an off8sale license to ~~~innregs Inc. All 4 for. ~~otion carried. Item 14 Taft made a motion seconded by Sullivan to grant ~ i ~ ~ ~ • PAGE 2 the V.F.'~~', an on-sale beer license and a special club license. All 4 for. emotion carried. Item- 15 The clerk wss instructed to have T~Ir. 'Fifes come in to the Jan. 20, 1969 meeting. Item I6 Taft made a motion seconded by Sullivan to have door oreners installed on the fire hall doers. All 4 for. Motion carried. .Item 17 The motion was made by Taft, seconded by Sullivan to ar?r3oint Bob Jensen acting mayor in 1969. All 4 for. motion carried. Item 18 Taft made a motion seconded by Is.ko to have insulation placed between the fire hall and the council chambers.- All 4 for. emotion carried. Item 19 Jensen made a motion seconded by Taft to grant G.E. Stel~el of Farmington an e~scavating permit. All 4 for. lotion carried. Item 20 Niako made a motion seconded by Taft to clear the hall of the audience to carry on en interview for a job. All 4 for. lotion carried. Item 21 The council interviewed ~~dilliam a.lich for steady work 'for the village in both the street der~artment and the ~.Fater and sewer department. He is 42 years old and a graduate of. Farmington High. The ax~~licant will give the matter some thought and re?-~ort back to the council. Item 22 Sullivan made a motion seconded by Taft to adjourn. A11 4 for. lotion carried. Respectfully submitted, 1~~~;~ _ lG ~larce~lin+e ~emstrom, Village k e Leo Ar son, ayor