HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-05-69 Y w/'~ Lakeville Council Meeting May 5, 1969 Item 1 The meeting was called to order-with Taft, Sullivan, Jensen and I!~ko present. Item 2 Mr. Ackermsn presented. his monthly building and other reports to th® council. Hee also reported abort the different areas in the Village having problems with their eesspoolsar~ septic tanks running out;on top of the ground. Peter Jorgensen also reported on this matter. Mr. Ackerman is going to take some of the council out to view the different problem areas. Item 3 Eugene Peterson reported. that a culvert at his place north of town. was not large enough to handle the drainage. It was decided to provide the larger culvert. Item 4 Gerald Spande of Oak Shores 3rd. Addition requested a building permit. Jensen made a motion seconded by Sullivan to grant Mr. Sparxie the permit. Sullivan, Taft and. Jensen for. Mako abstained., Item ~ non Fanum read the minutes of the 3Karch 39, 1969 water &.sewer committee meeting,' Jensen made a motion seconded by Taft that on the second billing cycle of the water bills that the resident be no~l.fied that if the bill isn't paid within ten (IO) days, their water service will be diseontinu®d and that th® Utilities Committees p©licy for delinquent village utility bills be as follows; In the event that water service is terminated, a $1D fee will b® charged. for reeonneetion. All for, motion carried.. Item 6 Sullivan made a motion seconded. by Jensen that the seco ~ recormaendation re; that the Utilities Committee by the September meeting of each year a list should be made available by the Utilities Clerk to inform the Committee of delinquent bills so that this information can be sent to the nako~a County Auditor and the due be applied. to the following years taxes against the property owner. All 4 for, motion carried.. Item ? The Water & Sewer Committee minutes for the April 23, 1969 meeting were read:..by Mr. Fanum. The petition for a sanitary servey of Lake Marion was tabled for the present. Jensen made a motion seconded by Taft that the 1st recomu~endation to instruct the village maintenance .man to hire a plumber to assist him in installing a water meter for the Lakeville Liquor Store be follor~ed. All in favor, motion carried... Item 8 Jensen made a motion seconded.. by Sullivan to follow the second. reeommendatiort to take the proper steps to have the drinking grater .tested in Glenn Addition with Mr. Mako to take charge. All in favor, motion carried.. Item 9 The residents of Glenn Addition were present to try to get the road ' a3.t~aation straightened, out. The portion. of the minutes of the village records of Julg 1~6 were read in which Floyd Bentsen had. agreed to grade and.. gravel the street, Sullivan made a motion seconded by Jensen that the. village mainenance man go out and grade Icelar~i a~3 2U.~th to Idalia for rich Mr. Bentson wi11 pay X10 par hour for 8 hours and that Mr. Bentson lwill post a borx~ to put. in 3 inches of class ~ gravel. It was also understood that any future mayor . ~ • • PAGE 2 COUNCIL MEETING MAY 5, 1969 road improvements would be assessed. against the property owners of which there are 22 involved II on posh, of the bond.., Mr. Berrtson may aPPI,Y for 4 buildin - _~~-'°~-a~~~-., 0 9 g permd,ts. ~-nti.,~ Mako, Sullivan and. Jensen yes, Taft opposed.. Motion carried. Item 10 Cliff LeMieux appeared to request for vacation of a road in northern sec. of ~gc but as this had already been dons=it wan d®cided:to wait to close the street until Minnreg Road. is in operation and then the closing ;w3i.11 published in the paper. Item 11 Jensen msd~ a motion seconded by Mako to grant Minnr®g's a set-up license. All in favor, motion carried.. Stem 12 Sullivanmade a motion seconded by Jensen to grant fenny Hay a variance to move a trailer home. All in favor, motion carried.. Item 13 Jensen made a motion seeonded.by Sullivan to grant PuWayr~ Johnson for Northwest Bituminouse a building permit.. All for, Motion carri.ed.. ..Item 14 Sullivan made a motion seconded. by Taft to grant Ed Mako a garage building 'permit variance. Sullivan, Taft and, Jensen-for. Mako abstained. Motion carried. Ttem l~ The counc3,1 decided to put off the d®cision of the color of the Malley Park Feeservoir until they sax how the Arlake Tower looked,. Item 16 Jensen made a motion seconded by Sullivan to .authorise the village engineer to order the street improvement for Park Terrace 2nd. Addition provitded that the village is provided. with copies of the plat of Park Terrace Addition. All in favor, motion carried... Item 17 Taft made a motion seconded by Jensen to authorise the mayor and: clerk to sign the contract for street lights on Hamburg Ave. Copy attached.. All in favor, ~aotion carried. Item 18 The minutes of the April 21, 1969 meeting were read, Jensen made motion seconded. by Mako to accept the minutes as read.. All for., motion carr3ted Item 19 Pat Farrell, Village At~s®rney, reported. that the street lights in Pall®y Park ~rould be no problem. He also t~ntioned the Qost of the assessor. Jensen made a motion seconded by Taft that the Village would. pay up to $1,544 per year .for assessing with anything beyor~` that to be drone-with the approval of the Village Council and have the Vi11ag® Attorney work this agreemmerit out. All in favor. Motion carried. Item ~ It was stated. that the Park and Recreation Committee n®eded a replaQement for Mrs. Huddleston. This was tabled until May 12, 1968. Item 21 Taft made a motion seconded by Sullivan that the Lakeville Bowl be granted aset-up license for adult dances only. Ail 4 for. Motion carried. Item 22 Mako made a motion seconded.. by Jensen to have the clerk purchase directory of all officials from the I4e~r~,ue of NH.nn®sota Muni.eipalities. All fore. Nation- carr3.ed,. • PAGE THREE, CQIINCIL MEETII3G MAY ,5, ].969 Item 23 Sul7.i.van made a motion seconded by Jensen to, empower the paying of a bi11 for. the Valley Park ImproveHent if this is ok with the auditor. All 4 for. Motion carried.., Item 24 Sullivan made a motion secoryded:by Mako to hire Mr. Ackerman on A a permanent basis. All 4 for, Motion carried.. IteH 25 The reeommeridation of the Planning commission for Lakeville Parking, Inc, parking lot was reviewed. Jensen made a notion that the recommendation of Mr..Raserie of a curb on the north side of the lot and. the streets be k®pt cleaned be folTcd.. Mako seconded. J®nsen for. M+ako, Taft and Sullivan against., Motion failed. to carry. ;tam 26 Taft Waved to follow the Planning Ccam~ission recommsnd.ation that the lot would be zoned ocm~rcial -inchastrial contir~ent that the grade in the alley be re-established, that a screening fence 6" high along the north and 3' high along Art Heinz's house be erected. and maintained by Iakevi.ll® parking, and, that the east side be barricaded., that a. curb be place by the fence, and that e " no truck parking "sign be placed in the perking lot. Mako, Taft and Sullivan voted yes. Jensen opposed., Motion carried. Item 27 It was mentioned,that the sidewalk in front of Gephart's will b® reshaped. by the contractor. Item 28 Mako made a motion to empc~er the mayor to call the sh®rr3.ff concerx~in~g the deputy wanting the position in the police force, A special Heating will be set. .Taft seconded. the notion, All in favor. Motion carried.. Item 2$ Sullivan made a motion seconded by Jensen to ad~aurn. Meeting ad3ourned. Respectfully submitted., ' ~ Marceline Hemstran, Village Clerk Leo Aronson, Mayor