HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-18-69 ~ • • ! VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 18 ,1969 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Aronson at 8:50 P.M. Item 1 Roll call was taken with Trustees Mako, Jensen, Taft and Sullivan present. Also present were Village attornery, Pat Farrell and Village engineer, Bob Frigaard. Item 2 Taft Made a motion seconded by Sullivan .that the minutes of the Aug. 11, 1969 meeting stand as read. All 4.for, motion carried. .Item 3 A motion by Mako seconded by Taft to pay the liquor bills was carried. Item 4 Jensen made a motion seconded by Sullivan to instruct the c erk to .stop payment on check # 2144 in the amount of 355.80 issued to Mr: Jim Martin on the 31st of July,-1969. Bond would be waived, and a new check issued, but Mr. Martin would sign an affidavit that he would indemnify the Village if it would be obligated to pay the expense. A11 4 for, motion carried. item 5 Jensen made a motion seconded by Sullivan to pay the Village bills. All. 4 for, motion carried. Item 6 Clifford Stevens explained his plans for property on County Road ~0 and Hiway 35W. The following recommendation was presented to the counci from the ..Planning Commission: A motion by Simones seconded by Murphy to recommend to the Village Council approval of Mr. Stevens request for rezoning to commercial industrial and granting a building permit at legal description of land attached which forms a permanent part of this record with set back and screening to be as recommended by Midwest Planners and overall-plan approval by the Village Engineer. Motion carried: A letter protesting. this business at this corner by Mr. Nitchc~ck was read to the council. Taft moved to grant the rezoning to commercial industrial subject to set back-and screening to be as recommended by Midwest Planners and overall plan approval by Village Engineer. Sullivan seconded the motion. Mako, Jensen, Taft, Sullivan and Aronson for. Motion carried. .Item 7 Jensen made a motion secoended by Sullivan that a building permit be granted to Clifford Stevens for the Auto Auction. All 5 for, motion carried.. Item 8 A meeting was set for Aug.. 26, 1969 for the council to meet with the Panning Commission. be Item 9 Bob Burger appeared/for the council with the final plat of Valley Park 3rd Addition. He explained that there was 13.~cres dedicated to park land and 50 ft. dedicated for ,right of way along proposed Flagstaff Ave. ` ~ . • ~ • .COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST. 18,1969 .PAGE 2 Sullivan moved to follow the Planning Corranission recommendations to approve LAD Holding Co. final plat of Valley Park 3rd Addn. with LAD. Holding furnishing water.. and sewer into all park..grounds in .Valley Park and subject to attorney's titre opinion, Village engineer's bonding requirements, escrow subject to development contract and with L9D.Holding Co. providing-up to 80' feet of right ofway .along ..proposed extension of Flagstaff Ave.. if needed.. Taft seconded ..the motion. All 4 for:, motion carried. Bob Burger informed the council that the situation regarding the bridgewill be corrected. Item 10 The minutes of the .Aug 14,:19.69 Planning Commission meeting were read. Sullivan made a motion seconded by Jensen to follow the Planning Commssion recommendation tarezone land with the following legal description. 1 Acre 218 x 178 west of cabinet shop. on .162nd St. Sec. 1-T114 R 21W. .and to grant a building permitwith a variance to allow the building to be level with the road. Jensen, Mako, Taft, Aronson and Sullivan for. Motion carried. Item 11 Harris-Jorgensen appeared with a preTim~nary plat for Hill- Dee 2nd Addition. The council tabled the matter until a more complete plan is .presented. Item 12 The Planning Recommendation that the portion of Judicial Road through Minnreg Park be reopened was discussed. Pat Farrell 'informed the council that the, road was legally vacated. pursuant to resolution of the Lakeville Town Board in 1966. No action was taken .and mr. Clay was informed of this. Item 13 Roy Valentini appeared with a request that the speed be reduced on Cedar by Valley Park Mayor Aronson informed him that the county had already been contacted and the highway commissiover would have to be approached in regard to this. matter. Sullivan made a resolution to request the clerk to write to the Commissioner of Highways reco?runending that the speed limit be lowered from 60 miles per hour to 40 miles per hour between County Road 46 and 170th St. on Cedar Ave. This letter -would be sent to the commi signer of highways and the county board. Mako seconded the motion-. A11 4 for,.. motion carried. Item 14 Jensen made a motion seconded by Sullivan to have the Lakeville Jaycees work on that piece of park N. of 207th and behind the houses on Nughes. They are going to insta l baseball diamonds and a picnic area. All 4 for, motion carried. Item 15 Jensen made a motion seconded by Taft to have the Mayor and- clerk sign the C~tnge Order No. l for adding the letters Valley Park to the water reservoir. All 4 for, mo ion carried. Item 16 Jensen made a motion seconded by Taft to approve the gas permit No. S8198-1.969 subject to the developer having the bowlevards shaped to grade. All 4 for, motion carried. Item 17 Sullivan made a motion seconded by Taft to approve the Peoples Natural. Gas Permit subject to 'the.ition that if they have to be lowered due to necessary grade changed by the Village, no cost for such lowering would be assumed by the Village .All 4 for, motion carried. • r ~ • • . • COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 18, 1969 PAGE. 2 Item 18 Malt King, Jr's Justice of the Peace report was reviewed by the counci1~ Item 19 Mako made a motion seconded by Jensen to adjourn, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, . e . e~... Marceline Hemstrom, Village-Clerk ~ ~ ~ F Leo Aronson, Mayor