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Minutes for meeting on: October 1, 2008
ITEM 1 Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.
ITEM 2 Roll call.
Committee members present were: P. Messinger, J. Hayes, K. Miller, S. Kelly, and J. Peterson. Tom
Goodwin and Howard Lovelace were not in attendance. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director
Steve Michaud, and Recording Secretary T J. Ruter. Planning Commission member Brooks Lillehei was
also present at the meeting.
ITEM 3 Approval of August 20, 2008 meeting minutes.
The minutes of the August 20, 2008 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting were
presented. They were approved as written.
ITEM 4 Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present at the meeting. Steve Michaud welcomed Brooks Lillehei and gave a brief
introduction. Chair Miller also welcomed him to the meeting. Chair Miller then explained that he had
asked staff to have the meeting even though there were no planning items on the agenda; his goal was to
get the team back together and discuss any pressing issue as well as get some important updates on
projects from staff. He thanked the committee members for attending the meeting.
• ITEM 5 Staff reports and summary of current projects.
Steve Michaud added one detail to his report; the stonework on the columns at the Veterans Memorial was
completed today. Judy Hayes inquired about the last meeting in which there were two residents in
attendance with regard to the hunting map. Steve Michaud explained that a packet was mailed to the
residents in the neighborhood ~.nd they were asked to comply with the hunting ordinance. Staff suggested
that the residents monitor the situation and file any complaints as needed. If complaints are received, the
police will enforce the ordinance.
ITEM 6 2009-2010 CIP projects update.
Staff went through the proposed 2009-2010 CIP projects. All projects scheduled for 2008 are scheduled
fox completion this year. With the recent park dedication payment received from two senior projects it
appears that all projects scheduled for 2009 will now move forward as planned. 2010 still remains an
unknown and will depend on how the new housing market turns out.
Staff went on to discuss concerns by administration about constructing new parks and having the
resources to maintain them in what may become difficult times in 2010. Staff explained how he intends to
work with operations manager, John Hennen, to fine tune maintenance tasks throughout the system to
ensure ongoing. maintenance on any new parks constructed in the next two years. In particular, a
considerable amount of time could be saved by reducing maintenance on county roads and redirecting
those resources to park properties. Finally, he explained how the park staff has already absorbed East
Community Park and associated maintenance.
• He asked if committee members had any questions and there were none. Lastly, he explained the narrative
section in the Capital Improvement Plan and encouraged members to keep it for reference.
ITEM 7 Veterans Memorial update.
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Corrunittee
October 1, 2008
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• Steve Michaud reiterated that the stonework on the columns was finally fuushed. He also counted that
there are 20 pallets of stone remaining fox other projects. He asked committee members to review the
photos of the site in their packets. Additionally, he reported that two gardens would be installed yet .this
fall. Chair Miller added that the second garden to be installed this fall is the community garden. An Eagle
Scout candidate will be doing the installation over two weekends in October.
Steve Michaud mentioned that the final two gardens will be installed next spring. The plan is to have
plaques on them that will say they are still available for sponsorship unless they get sold beforehand.
Chair Miller gave committee members the details regarding the columns and some of the challenges faced
by the Veterans Memorial Planning Committee. That group had originally purchased bricks to finish the
columns. However, the stone donation came through at the last minute. Because they had already
purchased the bricks, he reported how Steve Michaud then resold them to get most of the money back.
With the sale of the bricks, the Veterans committee members tried to find some masons to complete the
work. After calculating the remaining money in the budget after expenses, the group made an offer to the
contractors; the masons agreed to the offer. Finally, Chair Miller encouraged the Parks committee
members to visit the site; it is very impressive.
Steve Michaud reported that he is getting quotes on the Memorial sponsor signage to be hung on the
fence. He is also working with the local garden club as well as the Dakota County master gardeners club to
see if they might be willing to adopt a garden or two at the Memorial. Eventually, it would be nice to have
a variety of flowers, but the City does not have enough staff to provide the amount of care necessary for a
rose or flower-intensive garden at this time.
• Lastly, Steve LvTichaud ex lained the Veterans 1~lemorial committee's idea to ossibl shrink wra the lane
P P Y p p
for the winter this year. He recently saw a marketing sign in someone's yard and contacted the person.
Steve is negotiating with him and he may donate the shrink wrapping to the cause. Chair Miller added that
plans are being made for Veterans Day. He and Steve and will continue to keep committee members
ITEM 8 Casperson Park Playground update.
At this time, Steve Michaud reported that sponsors have raised $79,100. For that reason, staff has initiated
the site plan development. Staff also learned that access trails to the playground do not meet ADA
requirements. Steve informed the committee that park dedication funds will be used to correct the access.
He further explained that they will likely have a memorial rock with a plaque at the site as well. Steve then
communicated the timeline to committee members with playground bids occurring this winter and an
installation in the spring. Steve also mentioned that committee members might receive or hear feedback
when the existing playground equipment gets removed; kids have historically loved to play on the current
playground. Pat Messinger inquired about the age range fox the new playground. Steve Michaud answered
that it would be suitable for both young and older children. The target range is 5-9 years old, but they will
have a section with equipment for young children.
ITEM 9 Duane Zaun Performing Arts Theater.
Steve Michaud described the event to committee members. Members asked if Duane Zaun knew about it
ahead of time. Steve replied that he knew something was going on, but he just didn't know what it was. Pat
• Messinger asked if his wife knew about the surprise. Steve answered that she wasn't aware either. He
further commented that it was an emotional event for every one. Duane Zaun's whole life has been
dedicated to the City, so it was awell-deserved honor.
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 3
October 1, 2008
• ITEM 10 Unfinished business.
There were no items to discuss.
ITEM 11 New business.
Chair 1~liller presented two items for discussion. First, he asked stafffor an update on committee
reappointments. Steve Michaud explained that there is currently afull-time member opening because of
Roger Walia's resignation. He also explained that Jeanne Peterson (current alternate) has written a letter to
the 1~Iayor and City Council to be considered for that opening. With the assumption that she will be
appointed for that opening, City Council would then be looking to fill the alternate opening. Staff will not
know the outcome of the reappointments until December. Staff will keep the committee members
Secondly, Chair Miller asked the committee to discuss the 2009 tree sale. The group was unanimously in
favor of doing it again this year. Chair 1~liller inquired about the limit of two trees per household and
wondered if it the limit should be changed. Steve Michaud said that he would like to discuss the sale with
John Hennen because he did all the initial research. Staff thought there was a limit partially due to the
quantity of trees available from the wholesale nursery. Staff will also talk to the distributor and discuss
various options. Several committee members commented on the affordable prices as well as the fact that
the distributor would take back any unsold trees; they would like to see this important facet remain in the
sale process. Finally, Steve Michaud commented that now is the time to begin talking about it, so he will
begin working with staff on it.
• Steve Michaud discussed the current budget situation. The City budget can still be reduced, but not
increased because of the max levy amount that was approved. There have been some discussions in the
City Council regarding more cuts. However, more cuts would likely result in service level reductions that
would be felt by Lakeville residents. Furthermore, City staff is very worried about the budget in 2010.
In light of the current economic climate, department staff has been given a green light to develop an
entrepreneurial spirit. Staff members are working on opportunities to sell ads in brochures at this time.
Revenue generated from the ads would help fund certain publications; staff is experimenting with the
Senior Center newsletter as well as the Parks and Recreation winter/spring brochure. Steve Michaud then
explained the Arts Center playbill and its success with the sale of ads.
Steve Michaud reported on the letter that was mailed to all youth sports associations' leaders requesting
financial assistance; the response to the City's request for help was very:. positive. The City is proposing a
new service charge per participant starting in 2009. Steve Michaud explained that staff has created a
starting point and will then adapt as more information becomes available for 2010.
Finally, Chair Miller read the flyer from Dan Brettschneider regarding the Haunted Forest. Judy Hayes
encouraged people to help her in concessions and selling popcorn. Steve h~Iichaud added that the liquor
store is doing a community food drive and the food donations collected at the Haunted Forest event will
go to this cause, ultimately benefiting area food shelves through the Community Action Council.
ITEM 12 Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee is scheduled fox October 15,
• 2008 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall (Council Chambers). Judy Hayes will not be able to attend the October 15
ITEM 13 Adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee
October 1, 2008
• Respectfully sub ~ ted,
Ta o Ruter, Recording Secretary
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