Minutes for meeting on: January 7, 2009
ITEM 1 Call to order
The meeting was called to order in the Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.
ITEM 2 Roll call
All Committee members were present: P. Messinger, T. Goodwin, J. Hayes, K. Miller, S. Kelly, J. Peterson,.
and H. Lovelace. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Environmental
Resources Manager Mac Lafferty, and Recording Secretary T J. Ruter.
ITEM 3 Approval of December 3, 2008 meeting minutes
The minutes of the December 3, 2008 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting were
presented. They were approved as written.
ITEM 4 Citizen comments
There were no citizens present at the meeting.
ITEM 5 Staff reports and summary of current projects
Steve Michaud gave the administrative update. He reported that staff held its annual field scheduling
meeting on Tuesday. The Valley Athletic Association is applying some pressure to secure fields in Lakeville
• because of the participation of Lakeville youth in their programs. Lakeville youth have travelled across
borders to play sports fox many years. This request has prompted staff to gather additional data regarding
the breakdown and percentages of Lakeville youth playing in other communities.
Additionally, Steve noted that it is likely a matter of time when Lakeville fields will be scheduled seven days
per week. So far, the City has. been able to hold off scheduling fields on weekends. He also explained the
priority system fox rentals to private teams (Bangu for example) and/or college teams. There may be a
future need to change the system or stop accommodating the requests if scheduling conflicts occur with
the major youth sports associations. Judy Hayes added that the addition of lacrosse programs in
communities is also impacting field usage because the sport has field requirements as well.
Steve Michaud reported that there is a budget meeting on Monday with department directors regarding
additional City budget cuts for 2009. He will continue to keep committee members informed as
information becomes available.
Steve also announced the retirement of John Hoger, Parks Superintendent, after 35 years of service to the
City. He expressed how John has been atop-notch, dedicated, veteran employee and that his position is a
key managementrole. Despite the budget issues, Steve is hopeful that staff will be able to rehire for his
Steve also gave an update on some upcoming Rotary service projects in conjunction with the City. The
Rotary contributed a matching grant along with the City to then match the contribution from Tradition
Development to reforest part of East Community Park. They will also be working on a project to purchase
and install directional signage on Lakeville trails from Casperson Park to Downtown Lakeville.
He commented that he and T J. Ruter are currently working on a snowmobile capital improvement grant.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources recently mailed a solicitation letter for projects, so staff
thought it would be good to take advantage of the opportunity. Steve explained his improvement concept.
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• Steve Michaud further reported on the department's work with the Lakeville Police Department regarding
the City's Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). Parks and Recreation would assist in managing the
volunteers'in the event of a major disaster or emergency. Staff has recently contacted local churches to
have them play a role in the EOP. Also, the City will be modifying its joint powers agreements with the
school districts to have them also be a part of the EOP. The group then discussed the very recent example
of the Burnsville apartment fire.
Steve briefly commented on the status of the Miracle Field and the recent donations it received. The
organizer and the Lakeville Baseball Association would like to begin the project this spring. Chair Miller
inquired if the LBA has thought about increasing its fees slightly to help support the construction of the
field. Steve said he would pass that idea along to the project's leadership.
Steve Michaud then expressed staff's interest in completing some major projects in 2009. Specifically, the
group discussed Fieldcrest Park and the irrigation system at North Park. Chair Miller asked when the
budget would be approved. Steve explained that staff is already operating with an approved budget; the
cuts. are retroactive because of the State's recent announcement of budget cuts, including funding to
municipalities. The above projects will be funded from the park dedication fund.
Finally, Steve asked committee members to consider attending the Liverpool Legends concert on January
31. Jeanne Peterson commented that she has seen the group before and has really enjoyed the concert.
ITEM 6 Timbercrest at Lakeville 5`" Addition preliminary and final plat
Mac Cafferry presented the details of the plat. It consists of a little over nine acres with mostly wetlands
that will be given to the City. He discussed the dedicated trailway easement which will be part of the
greenway corridor in that area. Mac also spoke about the tree removals for grading purposes and the-2:1
replacement ratio fox any trees located outside Lot 1 that are damaged or removed during the
construction. Steve Michaud commented on Exhibit M and discussed additional details, future trails, and
the greenway corridor. Tom Goodwin inquired about Outlot B and whether it was dedicated to the City.
Mac replied that Outlot B along with Outlot D will be retained by the developer; Outlot D may have some
buildable land. Steve explained that the park dedication fee was calculated using the commercial rate.
(09.01) Motion made by Messinger and seconded by Goodwin to recommend City Council consider
approval of TimberCrest at Lakeville 5`" Addition.
The City's Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan District #2 does not designate any park area within this
project area. The City's Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan identifies a future regional trail corridor along
the east plat boundary. Although no specific route has been defined, the corridor is intended to be
integrated with other local and regional trail systems to provide a connection with adjacent communities.
In conjunction with the TimberCrest at Lakeville 5`" Addition plat, DEA is establishing and granting to the
City a permanent 30-foot wide trail easement adjacent to the east property line of Lot 1, as shown on the
preluninary plat.
The plat will be required to pay a cash fee to satisfy the park dedication ordinance. Using the commercial
park dedication fee rate, the park dedication fee is calculated as follows: 9.31 acres (gross area of
• TimberCrest at Lakeville 5`" Addition) minus 5.08 acres (gross area of oudots A-E) multiplied by
$7,693/acre (current park dedication fee rate) equals $32,541.39.
Finally, the developer is required to follow any other recommendation outlined in the Planning and
Engineering reports as they pertain to this plat. The developer is also required to follow the natural
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• resources requirement detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation,
grading, drainage, and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water
Conservation District, if applicable.
7-Ayes 0-Nays
Motion passed.
ITEM 7 2009 Tree Sale Program
Steve Michaud provided a brief summary to committee members. Recreation department staff thought it
would be a good idea to combine smaller events with other larger, successful events, so the Arbor Day
observance will be held in conjunction with the sale. Chair Miller summarized the 2009 estimated costs
and the suggestion from the last park meeting with regard to committee members volunteering their time
at the event to reduce the need for full-time City employees. He then asked Steve Michaud about the
proceeds of the sale and whether or not they would go into a parks or recreation fund. Steve Michaud
replied that staff continues to work with administration and finance to allow the use of special fundraising
activity revenues to be reinvested back into certain programs dependent on sponsorships.
The committee members expressed their interest and support in having the proceeds of the tree sale go
back into the parks and recreation budget to enhance existing recreation programs, family-oriented events,
or other recreational services for the community. Staff hopes to come to an agreement with administration
and finance in the near future.
Finally, Chair Miller inquired if the City is protected like last year's event and can return trees that are not
• sold. Steve Michaud replied that the same format applies this year. The trees will be pre-ordered, so any
trees that are not sold can be returned to the nursery.
(09.02) Motion by Goodwin and seconded by Hayes to recommend City Council consider approval of
an April 25, 2009 Arbor Day observance and authorize staff to conduct the second annual community tree
sale as part of Lakeville's annual Arbor Day celebration.
7-Ayes 0-Nays
Motion passed.
ITEM 8 Unfinished business
Mac Lafferty presented the Environmental Resources Department's fourth quarter update and
summarized the status of various projects, including the 205t" Channel Stabilization project, Market
Plaza/Downtown project, and the zoning enforcement at the Southwest Industrial Area. He also
commented on the upcoming Blue Thumb workshops and the successful outcome from last year in which
seven rain gardens and three shoreline restoration projects were completed. Finally, Mac announced that
the department had received the Outstanding Conservationist Award from Dakota County SWCD at a
convention on December 9; it is rare for a municipality to receive the award, so it was a huge honor. Mac
thanked the committee members for their support in achieving this honor. Chair Miller along with the rest
of the committee members congratulated Mac as well as his staff for this accomplishment; he asked that
Mac communicate the kudos to his staff.
• ITEM 9 New business
Steve Michaud announced that committee members Messinger and Hayes had been reappointed to the
committee. Jeanne Peterson was appointed to fill the rest of Roger Walia's term as a full-time member of
the. committee.
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• Additionally, Steve announced that the committee members needed to elect the 2009 officers. He said that
Kevin Miller contacted the office to express his interest to remain as Chair of the committee. Pat
Messinger added that Kevin has done a great job in the role and. would support lus decision to continue in
it. There was a brief discussion about the roles for Vice-Chair and Secretary.
(09.03) Motion by Messinger and seconded by Peterson to nominate Kevin Miller as Chair, Tom
Goodwin as Vice-Chair, and Judy Hayes as Secretary of the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources
Committee for 2009 and (09.04) Motion to approve the nominations of the 2009 officers as presented.
7-Ayes 0-Nays
Motion passed.
ITEM 10 Announcements
The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee is scheduled for January 21,
2009 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall (Council Chambers). Steve Michaud suggested that meeting will be held in
2009 regardless of planning items; if staff can put together a packet or there are pressing issues to discuss,
staff will plan to have the meetings.
Chair Miller inquired if there any upcoming planning items so far in 2009. Steve Michaud briefly discussed
a few possibilities in the pipeline, but nothing is confirmed at this time.
Steve Michaud quickly commented on a potential bike ride event being organized by Harley Horsager and
the Lakeville Friends of the Environment. The event will likely be held in September and could possibly be
• a community bike ride or a bike/walk event. The group plans to hold it at East Community Park.
Chair Miller asked for a status report on the Berres cabin at Ritter Farm Park. Steve explained the next
step is to make the building handicap accessible. Chair Miller suggested that the proceeds from the tree
sale could be used for this purpose. The rest of the committee members really liked and supported this
idea. Finally, the members also discussed the need to ask for donations at big events to help pay or begin
to assist with the budget shortfall. Steve Michaud agreed that residents would likely be willing to pay or
make a small donation for a fun event, like the Fourth of July Celebration, For the Birds event, etc.
ITEM 11 Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ta Jo uter, Recording Secretary
in Miller