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Minutes for meeting on: May 2, 2007
ITEM 1 Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Council Chambers at 6:00 PM.
ITEM 2 Roll call.
Committee members present were: P. Messinger, T. Goodwin, J. Hayes, K. Miller, S. Kelly, J. Peterson,
and H. Lovelace. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary
T J. Ruter. Roger Walia was not in attendance due to a personal conflict and had notified staff in advance
of the meeting. Judy Hayes arrived at 6:04 p.m. Mac Lafferty had a special family event to attend so he was
not present.
ITEM 3 Approval of Apri118, 2007 meeting minutes.
The minutes of the April 18, 2007 Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Committee meeting were
presented. They were approved as written.
ITEM 4 Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present at the meeting for items other than those scheduled on the agenda.
ITEM 5 Staff reports and summary of current projects.
Steve Michaud reported that the East Community Park plans and specifications axe about 99% completed
and have been provided to Tradition Development; it will prepare and submit an itemized bid. to the City.
Chair Miller inquired as to whether the City had to get other bids. Steve replied that this particular case is a
bit unusual because it's considered an extension of its contract. He assured the committee members that
City staff will scrutinize the bid thoroughly to make sure the costs are within the current market range for
these types of services.
Steve also reported that the Metropolitan Council has started its project regarding filling in the manholes
in the wetland. He also discussed the letter to Pat Lynch at the Department of Natural Resources which
will request the construction of a bridge as well as the ability to fill some additional wetland areas..
Additionally, Steve explained to the committee members that he recently had a meeting with Tradition
Development and Brauer & Associates. He has communicated to them that regardless of the outcome
with the bridge, they should keep moving forward with the park. Finally, he reported that Mac Lafferty
and some other City staff will be meeting with Sunram Construction on Friday, May 4. The company has
already installed many bridges for Continental Bridge and may have some alternatives for the City.
Steve Michaud explained that the Valley Lake project is going well so far. The parking lot and some trails
are carved in already. Steve reminded the contractor to get started as soon as possible with the plantings
on the berms. Chair Miller asked about the need for packing the soil. Steve said that it happens
automatically because of the heavy equipment being used; sometimes it's packed too tightly.
Steve announced that the road has been carved in behind Lifetime Fitness. There is also a tour of the
facility for City Hall staff on Thursday, May 3. They are currently working on the pools. Steve reiterated
that it's quite an amazing project.
• Tom Goodwin inquired about the plans to install rain gardens and the pavers at the liquor store. Steve
reported that the City was still on track with those plans as far as he knew. Tom also asked if Valley Lake
was still accessible. Steve explained several access points to the members.
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee
May 2, 2007
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• Finally, Steve Michaud reported the Ironman Bike Ride figures to the group. There were 5,400
registrations and 5,200 riders on the event day. With the number of participants, the organizers and the
City were pleased with the fact that there were no major issues.
ITEM 6 Autumn Meadows final plat.
Steve explained the plat and a correction from the preliminary plat. The first phase of the plat will be
strictly a cash contribution only. A future phase would include the land contribution. He then summarized
the rest of the details committee members received in their packets. Pat Messinger inquired about the
number of trees in this final plat; the planning report said 13 trees are to be saved and the engineering
report said 15 trees are to be saved. Staff will clarify this item and e-mail the committee members.
(07.15) Motion made by Goodwin and seconded by Messinger to recommend City Council consider
approval of Autumn Meadows final plat. The City's 2006 Park and Open Space System Plan identifies the
need fox public open space within this planning district. The Autumn Meadows preliminary plat proposed
a combination of land and cash for park dedication purposes. Autumn Meadows final .plat proposes a cash
contribution at the 2006 rate ($3,995 x 471ots=$ 187,765) to satisfy the park dedication ordinance. At a
future phase, approximately 2.88 acres will be dedicated as park land. The adjacent 80-acre property to the
east will dedicate 3.9 acres of land to be combined with Outlot D to create a dedicated park area of 6.78
acres. The balance of park dedication for Autumn Meadows and the development to the East. will. be paid
in cash.
In addition, five-foot-wide concrete sidewalks will be constructed by the developer along one side of all
local streets and cul-de-sac streets. Eight-foot-wide bituminous trails will be constructed by the developer
along the north and south side of 179`'' Street. The City will reimburse the developer 3/8ths the cost of the
trail as identified in the Engineering report. The developer will be responsible for all the grading and
restoration of trails. An eight-foot-wide bituminous trail is adjacent to the east side of Flagstaff Avenue but
will have to be modified slightly as part of the proposed road construction with the Autumn Meadows
plat. The developer is required to construct an eight-foot-wide bituminous trail within Outlot B and over
an existing trail easement in Kenridge to Firebird Path.
Finally, the developer is required to follow recommendations which are outlined in the Planning and
Engineering reports as they pertain to this plat. The developer is also required to follow the natural
resources requirement. detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation,
grading, drainage, and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water
Conservation District, if applicable.
7-Ayes 0-Nays
Motion passed.
ITEM 7 Unfinished business.
There was no unfinished business to discuss.
ITEM 8 New business.
Steve gave a report on the status of the eagles at Ritter Farm Park; it looks like there may be babies in the
nest. He also told committee members that planning is underway for the Annual Spring Park Tour Qune
20, 2007). The group discussed some of the sites to be visited.
ITEM 9 Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee is scheduled for May 16,
2007 at 6:00 PM at City Hall (Council Chambers).
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee
May 2, 2007
Judy Hayes will not be in attendance at the next meeting (Nlay 16) because of teacher conferences.
ITEM 10 Adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 6:23 PM.
Respectfully s bmitt d,
Ta Jo uter, Recording Secretary
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