HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-14Lukcvi((e • PARKS, RECREATION, AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Minutes for meeting on: November 14, 2007 ITEM 1 Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Council Chambers at 6:11 p.m. Because Chair Kevin Miller was absent, Vice Chair Tom Goodwin led the meeting. ITEM 2 Roll call. Committee members present were: P. Messinger, J. Hayes, S. Kelly, J. Peterson, H. Lovelace, and T. Goodwin. Roger Walia was absent due to a work conflict. Kevin Miller was not in attendance. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary T J. Ruter. ITEM 3 Approval of September 19, 2007 meeting minutes. The minutes of the September 19, 2007 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting were presented. They were approved as written. ITEM 4 Citizen comments. There were no citizens present at the meeting for items other than those scheduled on the agenda. ITEM 5 Staff reports and summary of current projects. Steve Michaud reported that more work had been completed at East Community Park and staff will begin to review the boardwalk plans toward the end of the season. Steve explained that there have been quite a • few interested parties to do this work, including a company up north in Alexandria. Steve Michaud also gave a brief update on the Valley Lake Park improvements. The well drilling company is due at Casperson Park any day. He also summarized some of the other highlights from the narrative, including the hiring of Patricia Ruedy as the part-time Recreation Program Assistant. Tom Goodwin inquired about the stone wall at Orchard Lake. Steve replied that it is currently scheduled to be a two-year project and the work has already ceased for the rest of this year. The City's goal is to have it completed by next year. If the timeline gets compressed for any reason, it has been standard procedure in the past for Tree Trust in conjunction with City maintenance staff to finish the project. ITEM 6 Review proposed park dedication ordinance requirement for senior housing. Steve Michaud gave background information to committee members regarding this issue and reiterated the details as written in the narrative. Steve further explained that City staff would like to hold firm on charging the regular fee for the independent living units. Tom Goodwin inquired as to why Welsh/Walker is seeking credits on this development. Steve replied that they do not think the residents vl the senior housing facility will use the area's parks and/or recreational facilities or programs. Tom further inquired if the residents pay property taxes or if they have some type of non-profit status. Steve answered that the company is a non-profit and he will clarify the tax question. Judy Hayes asked if the developer and/or City would be installing trails with this development. Steve replied that there would be trails eventually and they will escrow for them. Judy then commented that it would be beneficial to have sensory items along the trail for people in wheelchairs; it would be an idea for • consideration in the future development of the trails. Steve gave some details about the Veterans Memorial's gardens and how that destination facility would act as a sensory experience for visitors. Tom Goodwin inquired if there axe currently other groups that get exceptions. Steve replied that this development is the first of its kind. Staff is proposing the addition to the ordinance because they think the City of Lakeville is likely to have more of these types of facilities in the future. Judy Hayes asked if low Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee November 14, 2007 Page 2 . income housing developments also get some type of break. Steve explained that the developer pays the park dedication fee, so they currently do not get a break. All previous senior housing units built in Lakeville have paid park dedication fees. Finally, Pat Messinger expressed that she feels the changes are generous, especially with the assisted living units paying one quarter of the fee and memory care units having no fee, and strongly supports the recommendation. (07.27) Motion made by Hayes and seconded by Messinger to recommend City Council consider approval of the proposed changes to the park dedication ordinance as it relates to senior housing units as outlined by the memo to staff from Dan Licht at Northwest Associated Consultants, Inca 6-Ayes 0-Nays Motion passed. ITEM 7 Resolutions establishing rules and rental fees for use of City shelters/buildings and City athletic facilities. Steve Michaud explained the background information and revision process to the new committee members; there are very few changes to the resolutions this year. Judy Hayes asked for clarification on items G and L on the use of City shelters/buildings; Steve explained the difference to her. Judy also asked for clarification on number 6 under scheduling priorities on the use of City .athletic facilities. Steve Michaud assured her that it applies to the ball fields and not the lacrosse field at that location. Tom Goodwin inquired if the City receives any feedback on the fees. Steve Michaud responded that some • people think it is a bit expensive; however, Lakeville's fees are average compared to other cities south of the river. In other cities north of the river, it can be more expensive. Judy Hayes added that she has encouraged people to call other commuruttes when they think the fees are high. After they do it, they realize that Lakeville's fees are reasonable. Finally, Judy and Steve both mentioned that when you factor in other items, such as electricity and maintenance costs, it is quite reasonable overall. (07.28) Motion by Messinger and seconded by Lovelace to recommend City Council consider approval of the revisions to the resolutions establishing rules and rental fees for the use of City shelters/buildings as well as athletic facilities. Additionally, staff will add the word Association after Lakeville Lacrosse on page one of the resolution for use of City athletic fields. 6-Ayes 0-Nays Motion passed. ITEM 8 Unfinished business. Tom Goodwin gave committee members an update that the tree preservation information will be going to a City Council work session in December. Staff will communicate with Mac to see if the tree preservation issue will be coming back to the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Committee. If not, the members requested a copy of the information being presented to Council. ITEM 9 New business. Steve quickly discussed each of the other items and/or articles included in the packets. Pat Messinger inquired about a water spray park in Apple Valley and whether a facility like that would ever be developed • in Lakeville. Her observation was that it seems to be a very popular destination for young families. Judy Hayes commented on how some other local water spray parks have had to be shut down because of unsafe conditions regarding the spread of infections, etc. A short discussion then ensued regarding whether Parks and Recreation Departments could get sued over some type of infectious outbreak at facility such as a water spray park. Scott Kelly explained that the Parks and Recreation departments can't Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee November 14, 2007 Page 3 . get sued very easily because the law protects all cities, in general, very well. Steve Michaud added that cities are expected to maintain high standards at all tunes. Because of recording keeping procedures and other types of documentation, it is quite difficult to show negligence on the part of a city. The City of Lakeville has a strong track record in this regard. ITEM 10 Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee is scheduled for December 5, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall (Council Chambers). The Advisory Appreciation Dinner will be held on Wednesday, November 28, 2007. Tom briefly described his past experiences with this event and encouraged everyone to attend it. ITEM 11 Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m. Res ectfu y submitted Ta y o Ruter, Recording Secretary • •