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OCTOBER 5, 1994
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. Roll call was
taken. Present: Councilmembers Johnson, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey and Mayor
Zaun. Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City
Administrator; D. Licht, Planning Consultant; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
94.206 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to receive the following
information for the special. Council meeting:
• .Findings of Fact and Decisions in Regard to Application for Comprehensive
Plan Amendment and Rezoning
• Letter from Bruce Mafkerson dated October 5, 1994
• Proposed Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 167, the City's Zoning
Ordinance, by Rezoning Certain Property
• .Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
94.207 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to adopt the ordinance
amending Ordinance No. 167, the City's Zoning Ordinance, by rezoning Outlot
A, Dakota Heights 7th Addition from B-2, Retail Business District, to R-5,
Single Family, Two-family and Medium. Density Residential District,. and a
corresponding amendment to the Comprehensive Plan.
Discussion on the motion was as follows:
Councilmember Mulvihill stated she supports the rezoning. She stated she did
not allow what is politically correct,. the potential for a lawsuit against the City,
or the property owner's. personal problems, to cloud her decision. She stated
she feels the rezoning would not change Mr. Johnson's right to develop the
property, but would only change the type of development that can be placed on
this property. She stated she does not consider this rezoning a sweeping
change in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and feels the Plan will continue to
be a credible guide for the City. She stated that her decision to support the
rezoning was also based on personal instincts, common sense and her
perception of what is best for the City at this location, at this point in time.
OCTOBER 5, 1994
Councilmember Harvey stated his. decision is based on his commitment, as a
Councilmember, to do what. is best for the community as a whole. He stated he
feels the bulk of traffic in this area will be from local residents. He further
stated School District 194 officials were aware of the B-2 zoning when they
purchased the land for Christina Huddleston Elementary School. He stated he
feels consistent zoning protects.the investments of all residents of the
`community. He stated: the City is not doing a fair and consistent job of looking
at all commercial sites in the community in determining an appropriate distance
from schools, and he could note support. the rezoning.
Councilmember Sindt stated the School Board had not been concerned with
the adjacent commercial zoning vrhen they purchased the land for the
elementary. school, because they intended to use school patrols and bus most
of their students to and from. school. She stated the intersection of 175th
Street and Ipava Avenue is, and has been, a major intersection with high traffic
volumes. After examining the crime statistics prepared by Officer Strachan for
the residents, she pointed out that they were comparable with other
commercial areas when "drive-offs" were eliminated. She stated she does not
support the zoning change.
Councilmember Johnson stated he feels he was elected to look after the
welfare and future of the entire City. Property owners and developers need
assurances that the zoning on their property will not suddenly change when
they make plans to develop it. He stated he would very much like to see a
win/win situation for both the property owner and the area residents. He stated
he feels the conditional use permit process will provide a large range of
protection to area residents when this .property is developed. He stated he is
not able to support the zoning change.
Mayor Zaun thanked the residents and business community for their input.. He
explained the rezoning process. and the requirement for afour-fifths vote of the
Council on rezoning matters. He stated he has concerns with allowing a
convenience store with motor fuel sales in close proximity to an elementary
school He stated he had concerns with this particularsite when the text
amendment allowing motor-fuel sales in the B-2 District was adopted. He
stated he feels the rezoning to R-5 would be appropriate.
Roll. call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun and Mulvihill. Nays, Sindt,
Harvey and Johnson.. Motion defeated.
Councilmember Harvey expressed a desire to discuss a potential alternative
• to total. B-2 zoning, which was submitted by the property owner's attorney, Mr.
Malkerson. Councilmembers agreed to hear Mr. Malkerson's proposal.
OCTOBER 5, 1994
Mr. Malkerson presented, on behalf of his client, the following proposal as
outlined in his letter dated. October 5, 1994, which would reduce the amount of
commercial zoning on the site by one-third.
1) Thee City would down-zone the southerly 166 feet of Outlot A, .Dakota
'Heights 7th Addition to R-S;
2) The northerly 260.5 feet of Outlot A would remain zoned B-2;
3) When development plans for a retail center are approved, the eastlwest
dividing Jine shall be moved 50 feet in either direction by the .property
owner to effectuate the development plans as needed;
4) The southerly portion of the property to be developed R-5;
5) In the event the City approves the property owner's B-2 development
plans with fuel for the northerly portion of the property, the property owner
would thereby waive. any rights to contest the down zoning of the
• southerly portion of the property;
6) The 6-2 development .plans for the northerly portion of the property would
include: a retail center with fuel not to exceed 15,000 sq. ft., two access
points on 175th Street, the possibility of a right in and right out only to
Ipava Avenue;
7) Copy of the general concepfi plan.
Mayor Zaun asked if this matter falls under the same time constraints as the
previous rezoning, and the City Attorney stated it does not.
Mayor Zaun recessed the meeting at 7:40 p.m. and reconvened at 7:50 p.m.
Mr. Erickson presented the concept plan prepared by Lowell "Wagner on behalf
of the developer. He stated-this concept would provide a blend ofcommercial
and R-5 development on the subject property.
Councilmember Harvey stated he supports this alternative, as it would limit the
size of commercial development on this property.
Councilmember Johnson stated he supports this alternative, as it represents a
. win/win situation for the developer and residents.
OCTOBER 5, 1994
Mayor Zaun pointed out that if this rezoning is not approved, .the entire area
will remain B-2. He stated that while he is opposed to the B-2 zoning, he felt
that a partial B-2 zoning would. lessen the impact on the area and residents..
94.208 Motion was. made by Harvey, seconded by Johnson to adopt Ordinance No,
532 rezoning the south 166 feet of Outlot A, Dakota Heights 7th Addition,
(exact legal description #o be determined by a survey), from B-2 to R-5, amend
the Comprehensive Plan appropriately and direct the City Attorney to prepare
findings of fact and decision to be considered by the City Council at the next
regular meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Johnson,
94.209 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to cancel the special Council
meeting scheduled for October 11, 1994, at 7:00 p.m.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Johnson, Zaun,
Councilmember Sindt suggested staff put together a proposal that would
require property owners to place signage on vacant commerciallindustrial
property identifying its zoning classification.
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, y Clerk
Du a Zaun, May