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AUGUST 2, 1993
The. meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.rn. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ruhmann, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K.
Nelson,. City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development Director;.
D. Morey, Planner; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks &
Recreation Director; D. Gudrnundson, Chief of Police; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the July 19, 1993, City Council meeting were approved.. as
Attorney: None,
Engineer: Nane.
Administrator: Mr. Erickson provided corrections to Pages 7 and $ of the
development contract for Hypomte Crossing 3rd Addition, Agenda Item No. 8.
He also presented a letter of resignation from Parks & Recreation Committee
member Jeffrey Larson. The Council .agreed to receive the letter under New
Police Chief Gudmundson and Park Director Steve Michaud presented plaques to
Sandra Winters, President of The First National Bank of Lakeville, and Thomas
Wolk, General Manager of Chemcentral Corporation, in recognition of their
donations to the City's Safety Camp program.
Ms. Jill Lawrence, 9712-201st Street, voiced a complaint against the City's
Park Department and Park Ranger regarding the use of a park shelter at
Antlers Park. She .stated that she verbally reserved the .shelter by
.telephone, but was unable to come to City Hall to .sign the contract. She
stated she decided at the last minute not to reserve the shelter and take a
chance that one would be available when her party arrived. She stated that
her group did use the shelter, and she was asked by the Park. Ranger to leave
the park because she did not sign the contract or pay the fees.
Mr. Erickson stated the importance of Park Department employees following, the
City's rule that park users make reservations in person, and not over the
phone.. He stated he has spoken. to the City employees involved, and their
stories are slightly different. than Ms. Lawrence's. He stated he would
schedule a meeting with all individuals involved. to resolve the matter.
AUGUST 2,1993
• PAGE 2
Councilmernbers added Item No. 10 to the consent agenda, a special home
occupation permit .for Lori Bernard, 17396. Ixonia Path. Ms. Bernard was
93.206 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the consent .agenda.:
items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Planning Commission, July 15, 1993
Parks & Recreation Committee, July 21,1993
Cable TV Board, July 13, 1993
Environmental Affairs Committee, July 13, 1993
c. Receive bids and approve Resolution No. 93-145 awarding contract for
utility and street .improvements, 18$th Street and Orchard Trail,
Improvement Project 92-19.
• d. Resolution No. 93-146 accepting donation from the Grist Mill for the
Safety Camp.
e. Authorize Progressive Consulting Engineers, Inc. and Black & Veatch to
prepare a pilot plant study for iron and manganese removal processes at
a cost not to exceed $27,500.
f. Final acceptance of street and utility improvements, Rolling. Oaks South
Plat S.
g. Approve Right-of--Way Acquisition Agreement with Dakota County for
C.S.A.H. S, County Road 46 and I-35 interchange, Improvement Project
h. .Approve amendment to Lakeville City Channel 16 (previously Channel 34)
Operating Policies and Procedures.
i. Resolution No. 93-147 establishing rules .and rental fees for use of City
parks and property (designating park buildings as tobacco and aleohal
j. Adopt Ordinance No, .508 amending Title 3, Chapter 1, of the City Code
concerning on-sale wine licenses.
k. Appointment of David A. Luick to the Planning Commission for the
remainder of a term expiring on January 1,1994.
AUGUST 2,1993
• PAGE 3
1. Authorize staff to advertise the vacancy on the Economic Development
m. Adopt Ordinance No. 509 granting to Northern. States Power, a Minnesota
Corporation, its successors and assigns, permission to construct,
operate, repair .and maintain in the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, an
electric distribution system and transmission lines, including necessary
poles, lines, fixtures and appurtenances, for the furnishing of .electric
energy to the City, its .inhabitants, and others, and to use the public
ways and public grounds of the City for such purposes.
n. Adopt Ordinance No. 510 amending Title 3, Chapter 14, of the City Code
concerning tree trimming and removal.
o, .Resolution No. 93-148 approving a gambling license for All Saints
p. Resolution No. 93-149 accepting donation from Knights of Columbus
Counei18367 to the Parks & Recreation Department.
10. Approve special home occupation permit. for Lori Bernard, 17396 Ixonia
Path, for a heat transfer and clothes embossing business.
• Rolf call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Mr. Lee Johnson of U.S. Homes Corporation requested Council approval of the
final plat of Hypointe. Grassing 3rd Addition.
Mr. Morey presented .the. planning report for the final plat of Hypointe
Crossing 3rd Addition, which consists of 48 single family residential lots on
land located south of 165th Street. and east of Crystal Lake Golf Estates. He
stated an eight foot multi ppurpose trailway. will be constructed on the south
side of the existing 165th Street. The six corner lots in Hypointe Crossing
3rd Addition that abut 165th .Street will have driveway access off of the
local streets, and not 165th Street. Berming and landscaping will be
constructed as a buffer from 165th Street, and all 15 significant trees will.
be saved with this development.
The Environmental Affairs Committee, Parks & Recreation Committee and
Planning Commission have reviewed the final plat and recommend approval. A
cash escrow far security to the development contract has been submitted.
Staff recommends approval
Councilmember Harvey asked what the maximum amount of fill under house
footings is proposed to be. Mr. Nelson stated that the maximum amount of
• fill will be about two and one-half. feet:
AUGUST 2,1993
• PAGE 4
93.20'7 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve Resolution No. 93-150
approving the final plat of Hypointe Crossing 3rd Addition and authorize the
Mayor and City Clerk to sign the development contract.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Mr. Jeff Hultgren of Freeborn-Mower, Ltd. requested Council approval of the
final plat of Crystal Lake Maintenance Facility.
Mr. Morey presented the planning report for the final plat of Crystal Lake
Maintenance Facility. He explained that .the plat consists of one lot, which
is being platted to allow the construction of the Crystal Lake Golf Course
maintenance building. The maintenance building will be used for the storage
of maintenance equipment and materials associated with the golf course.
There will be no outdoor storage on site. A six foot chain link fence will.
be installed around the maintenance building area, and security gates will be
installed at the driveway entrance. Twenty parking spaces, .including one
handicapped space, will be provided. As recommended by the Planning
Commission and staff, the maintenance building .doors will face north, toward
the golf course, and will not face the homes in Walnut Ridge.
. The Environmental Affairs Committee, Parks & Recreation Committee and
Planning Commission have reviewed the final plat and recommend approval. A
cash escrow has been submitted for the open cutting of 165th Street for
utility. service to the site and the final placement of iron monuments at
property corners. Staff recommends approval.
Councilmember Sindt raised a concern regarding the open cutting of 165th
Street. Mr. Erickson indicated that staff could retain a portion of the
security to guarantee proper compaction/patching of 165th Street; if
93.208 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No.
93-151 approving the final plat of Crystal Lake Maintenance Facility.
Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann,
ITEM ~ 1
Mr. Greg Pruyn, Operations Manager for Model Stone Company/Northwestern
Aggregates, requested Council approval of a PUD amendment and excavation
permit for their existing 220 acre gravel mining operation located in the
southeast quadrant of Pilot Knob Road and 160th Street.
Mr. Sobota stated the Northwestern Aggregates conditional use permit
• agreement was approved in 1972 fora 20 year period. Changes to the original
conditional use permit agreement have been made in terms of the End Use Plan,
phasing and restoration of the site.
AUGUST 2,1993
• PAGE 5
Mr. Sobota presented the proposed long term End Use Plan for the site,
referred to as the Nordic Square Mining and End Use Plan Update June, 1993.
The End Use Plan includes two lakes to be excavated, low density single
family and multi-family housing and an undisturbed .area for a possible future
park in the extreme southwest portion of the site.
Mr. Sobota indicated that all .issues related to the site plan have been
incorporated into a planned unit development conditional use permit and
excavation permit, which has been signed by the developer. The developer has
posted the security for the restoration of the site, which is reviewed by the
City annually prior to issuance of the annual .gravel license. Staff
recommends approval of the Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit
and Excavation Permit with Nordic Square, Nordic Square Limited Partnership,
Model Stone and Northwestern Aggregates.
Councilmember Sindt questioned the future use of the property along 160th
Street {a major collector) for low density single .family residential. Mr.
Sobota explained that the plan as submitted is only a concept and will have
to be reviewed again prior to development. He further explained that the
City Council can approve the End Use Plan at this time, and is not lacked
into it if a future City Council feels that the plan is inappropriate.
• Mr. Knutson pointed out Paragraph 6A. of the Planned Unit Development
Conditional Use Permit and Excavation. Permit which states, "Ultimate
development shall be consistent with contemporary needs, surrounding land
uses, the City's zoning and subdivision ordinances, and other official
controls then in effect".
Mayor Zaun questioned the flan for two lakes, rather than one. Mr. Sobota
stated that based on discussions with the developer's consultant, it was felt
that two lakes work better on the site in terms of its overall usefulness
from a future land use concept.
93.209. Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve the Planned Unit
Development Conditional Use Permit and Excavation Permit far Model Stone
Company, Northwestern Aggregates and Nordic Square Limited Partnership.
Roll call was .taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Mr. Dave Blanski, Operations Manager far Midwest Asphalt Corporation,
requested Council approval of an excavation permit for their existing gravel
mining operation located north of 195th Street and east of Kenrick Avenue.
Mr. Sobota stated the Lake .Marion gravel mine. is located outside the. 2010
. MUSA boundary. Once approved, the reclamation plan submitted will bring the
Lake Marion gravel mine into conformance with the City's excavation and
AUGUST 2, 1993
• PAGE 6
mining ordinance adopted in 1989. The permit includes 12 stipulations, which
the owner and operator have agreed to. Staff recommends approval
Councilmember Harvey asked if the shoreland area along Lake Marion will
ultimately be disturbed in the mining process. Mr. Sobota stated mining will
stay out of the bluff area and away from the lake shore under the plan
submitted and recommended for approval.
In answer to Councilmember Sndt's question, the applicant stated that mining
will continue at this location for approximately two to five years.
93.210 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to receive the Planning
Commission's findings of fact and approve an Excavation and Mining Permit for
Midwest Asphalt Corporation, Richard B. Bury and Beatrice Ferron.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt,
Mr. John Prins of Render Development, Inc. requested Council approval of the
final plat of Stonebriar of Lakeville.
• Mr. Sobota presented the planning report for the final plat of Stonebriar of
Lakeville, which consists of 27 single family residential lots located west
of Ipava Avenue and south of 170th Street. The final plat of Stonebriar
represents the first phase of development of the 97 single family residential
lot preliminary plat approved in 1992.
Mr. Sobota .explained that in conjunction with the final plat, the. developer
is requesting approval of the vacation of an existing drainage and utility
easement that lies over the existing wetland/pond located in the southerly
portion of the plat. When the preliminary plat of Stonebriar was approved,
all of the highest quality wetlands were reserved. The final plat placed
these wetlands into outlots to be .deeded to the City as part of the
development. Mr. Sobota explained that as a result of the Army Corps of
Engineers' permit, future additions within the preliminary plat have lost
four lots .because of the redeiineation of some of the wetlands. Outlot A
will also be dedicated to the City for- combination with the Tabaka property
when that parcel redevelops in the future.
The. Environmental Affairs Committee, Parks & Recreation Committee and
Planning Commission have reviewed the final plat and recommend approval. A
letter of intent to issue a letter of credit for security to the development
contract has been submitted. Staff recommends approval.
Councilmember Ruhmann asked if a portion of Wetland N will be retained. Mr.
Sobota explained that it will not be filled but will be within a drainage and
utility easement rather than an outlot.
AUGUST 2, 1993
Councilmember Ruhmann pointed out a discrepancy in the street connection
between Isleton Avenue and Island Avenue. Staff indicated that since there
are no homes currently on Island Avenue, the street will be named Isleton
Avenue and the existing Island Avenue will be changed to Isleton Avenue.
Councilmember Harvey asked what the maximum amount of compacted fill under
house footings is proposed to be. Mr. Nelson stated that the maximum amount
of fill will be about two and one-half feet.
Councilmember Sindt asked about tree preservation and the removal of
additional trees during custom grading. Mr. Sobota explained that options
for street connections in this development were limited due to the presence
of street stubs. in adjacent plats.
93.211 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to approve Resolution No.
93-152 vacating a portion. of a drainage and utility easement in the
Stonebriar of Lakeville plat.
Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
93.212 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution Na.
93y153 approving the final plat of Stonebriar of Lakeville and authorize the
Mayor and City Clerk to sign the development contract.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Councilmember Sindt asked about the status of the 160th Street trail, and Mr.
Michaud indicated that the trail is .currently impassible.. Mr. Erickson
stated that this situation was discussed with Apple Valley City officials at
a recent Metropolitan Council meeting.
93.213 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to receive the letter of
resignation from Jeffrey W. Larson, Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann,
93.214 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Ruhmann to direct staff to
advertise the vacancy on the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun,
• Sindt.
AUGUST 2,.1993
• PAGE 8
Next Re ular Council Meeting, August 16, 1993
Council Work Session, August 10,1993
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
harlene Frie es, City Jerk
Du ne Zaun, M y r