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JUNE 21, 1993
The meting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge of
allegiance to the. flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey .and
Mayor Zaun. Absent: Councilmember Ruhmann.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development. Director;
D. Feller,. Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; D.
Gudmundson, Chief of Police; D. Morey, City Planner; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the. June 7, 1993, City Council meeting were approved as
ENGINEER: Mr. Nelson announced that the Minnesota Department of
Transportation has executed the agreement with Dakota County. for the turnback
• of Trunk Highway 50 to Dakota County and reconstruction of Trunk Highway 50
from Kenwood Way to .Iceland Trail. The agreement also .includes. MnD T's cost
participation of $4.1 million toward the I-35 interchange at County Road 46
and funding for a third lane on I-35. The contractor for the project, Ames
Construction, will begin construction of detour routes this week, and this
portion of Trunk Highway 50 will officially close on Monday, June 28th. The
main detour for the project will be Dodd Boulevard and 185th Street, however,
two-way traffic will be maintained along Trunk Highway 50 between Jaguar
Avenue and Dodd Boulevard.
CHIEF OF POLICE: Chief Gudmundson presented the May Police Department
monthly activity report.
PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR: Mr, Michaud presented the May Parks and
Recreation Department monthly activity report.
Ms. Marcie Padgett and Ms. Barb Kasal, representing the Minnesota Recreation
and Parks Association, presented an Award of Excellence to the City Council
and Friends of the Land of Amazement for the community playground project.
Ms. Sheila Handl, President of the Lakeville Women of Today, requested the
Mayor's signature on a proclamation designating July 1, 1993, as Women of
Today Founders' Day.
JUNE 21,1993
• PAGE 2
93.182 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to authorize the Mayor's
signature on the proclamation designating July 1, 1993, as Women of Today
Founders' Day.
Rail. call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey.
Police Chief Gudmundson introduced representatives of the Dakota County
Chapter of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk. Driving)..:. A Certificate of
Appreciation was.. presented to the .organization for their donation of funds
toward the purchase of a video camera for installation in a police .patrol
Police Chief Gudmundson introduced Police Officers David Watson, John Elder
and Andy Bohlen and administered the oath of office to the new officers.
Mr. Doug Thompson, 1993 Pan-O-frog President, expressed appreciation to the
City of Lakeville far its .cooperation and support of the annual celebration,
and outlined the 1993 schedule of Pan-O-Prog events.
Councilmembers removed item 7t, resolution declaring. surplus property and
authorising its sale, from the consent agenda.. Cauncilrnembers added item. 11,
resolution vacating an existing drainage and utility :easement at 12058
Lucerne Trail, to the consent agenda.
93.183 Motion was made by .Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the consent agenda
items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. May investment report.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Planning Commission, June 3rd
Parks & Recreation Committee, June 2nd
EnvironmentaLAffairs Committee, June.. lst
Cable TV Board, May 11th and June 8th
d. Resolution No. 93-116 receiving donation from MADD.
e. Change Order No. 5 with Fredges Landscaping, Inc. for Improvement
Project 92-14, Parkview ballfields and Cedar Highlands park development.
JUNE 21, 1993
• PAGE 3
£ Resolution No. 93-117 approving a raffle license for the Leukemia
Society of America, Minnesota Chapter, for an event at the Chart House
g. Change order with Carl Bolander and Sons for the downtown concrete silo
demolition project, Improvement. Project 92-17.
h. Authorize .submittal of a Dakota County Community Landfill Abatement
Special Assistance Grant Application..
i. Receive bids on the outdoor siren warning system, Improvement Project
93-3, and approve Resolution No. 93-118 awarding contract.
j. Resolution No. 93-119 approving abatement of assessments on the former
Pedley property, Judicial Road, Improvement Project 89-9.
k. Resolution No, 93-120 designating a portion of T.H. 50 as a County State
Aid Highway.
1. Easements for conveyance of City-owned land to Dakota County for the
reconstruction of County Road 46, Ipava Avenue to Joplin Avenue, County
Project 46-09, Improvement Project 91-3.
• rn. Resolution No. 93-121 extending the Interim Wetland Activities Rule.
n. Dance permit for Colleen. McDonald, representing the Students Against
Drunk Drivers, for the Pan-O-Prog teen dance to be held on July 7, 1993.
o. Resolution No. 93-122 authorizing temporary closing of City streets for
Pan-O-Prog events..
p. Real Estate Purchase Agreement between the .City of Lakeville and Mildred
Miller £or Lot 6, Marrinan Addition.
q. Resolution No~ 93-123 .accepting donation from Christina Huddleston Cub.
Scout Pack 262 to the Parks & Recreation Department.
r. Agreement .for Le al Services between the City of Lakeville and Campbell,
Knutson, Scott & Fuchs incorporating a monthly retainer for prosecution
s. Resolution No. 93-124 requesting Dakota County Board of Commissioners to
continue in their efforts to provide juvenile detention for .Dakota
t. (Removed from consent agenda)..
u. Agreement with James Bohrr for purchase of the quonset building located
• on 210th Street.
JUNE 21,1993
• PAGE 4
11. Resolution No. 93-128 vacating a drainage and utility easement fog Todd
Klinge1,12058 Lucerne Trail.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Zaun.
93.184 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill, to table consideration of
.consent agenda item 7t until such time as the list of surplus property is
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Zaun, Sindt.
ITEMS 8-10
Finance Director, Dennis Feller, and Mr. Jerry Shannon of Springsted, Inc.
requested Council authorization for the issuance and sale of three bond.
550,000 General Obligation Improvement Bands, Series 1993A: Will .assist in
financing two improvement projects, sealcoating and 195th Street sanitary.
• X1,250,000 General Obligation Park Refunding Bonds, Series 1993B: The City
Council considered refunding this issue in October of 1992; however, due to
market conditions, the level of savings was not satisfactory, and the. funding
was rejected. Market conditions have since improved, :and Springsted is
recommending the City take- advantage of lower interest rates. This issue
would result m an estimated savings. to the City of $131,285, with a present
value savings of $91.,932.
X1,340,000 General Obligation Improvement Refunding Bonds, Series 1993C: The
City Council considered refunding two existing issues in October of 1992, the
1983 Improvement Bonds and the 1988A Improvement Bonds; however, due to
market conditions, the level of savings was not satisfactory, and the funding
was rejected. Market conditions have since improved, and Springgsted is
recommending the City take advantage of lower interest rates. The net
savings on interest costs will be used to offset cash flow deficiencies which
have been incurred as a result of special assessment delinquencies and green
acre deferments. This issue would result in an .estimated savings in debt
service costs to the City of $496,750, with a present value savings of
Mr. Shannon recommended the bonds be offered for sale on Monday, July 19th,
with bids received at the S ringsted office at 12:00 noon and a
recommendation presented to the City Council that evening.
• Mayor Zaun asked Mr. Feller what happens to the unencumbered funds that are
derived from payments eventually received from green acres deferments and
delinquent special assessments.
JUNE 21, 1993
Mr. Feller explained that there .are several geographic locations where green
acres deferments exist, and all of the deferments he within the MUSA. When
property is developed, the assessments will be paid off, leaving no deficit
m the bond fund. After the retirement of the last bond payment, the City
Council may designate unencumbered balances for any general purpose which is
of City-wide benefit.
93.185 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No.
93-125 authorizing issuance and sale of $SS0,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 1993A; Resolution No, 93-126 authorizing issuance
and sale of $1,250,000 General Obligation Park Refunding Bonds,. Series 1993B;
and Resolution No. 93-127 authorizing issuance and sale of $1,340,000 General.
Obligation Improvement Refunding bonds, Series 1993C.
.Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill.
Pastor Del Lind, representing the Family of Christ Lutheran Church, requested
Council approval of the preliminary and final plat of Family of Christ
Lutheran Church. Addition and a conditional use permit to allow the
construction of a church and the operation of a day care facility on the
south side of 185th Street east of Orchard Trail
Mr. Morey provided an overview of the plat and conditional .use .permit
request, which involves the construction of a 7,500. square foot, one story,
church building with 86 parking spaces and adrop-off driveway aisle at the
church entrance. A 23,000 square foot expansion, with an additional 113
parking spaces, is planned far a future date. He stated that .11 acres of
mitigation is proposed for the wetland located in the northwest corner of the
Mr. Morey stated the Dakota County Plat Review Committee recommended that. the
proposed driveway access on 185th Street should not be allowed. He stated,
however, that City staff will submit a request to the County.. in support of
the 185th Street driveway access, taking into consideration that peak demand
for the church will only occur an Wednesday evening and Sunday morning.
The City staff and advisory committees recommend. approval of the .preliminary
and final. plat and conditional use permit for Family of Christ Lutheran
Mr. Nelson presented plans and specifications for the Orchard Trail/188th
Street trunk sanitary .sewer, watermain and street improvements. Because of
the Family of Christ Lutheran Church development, a 10-inch trunk sanitary
sewer and 12-inch trunk watermain will be extended along Orchard. Trail from
188th to 185th streets. As stated in the development contract, the _ Family of
Christ Lutheran Church have agreed to be assessed $13,848 for sanitary sewer
construction and $8,160 for lateral watermain construction along Orchard
Trail. As part of the project, Orchard Trail is proposed to be blacktopped
JUNE 21, .1993
with a temporary 24-foot wide bituminous surface. Mr. Nelson stated this
temporary resurfacing is an important part of the project, as Orchard Trail
will become a major detour route with the proposed reconstruction of Trunk
Highway 50.
Councilmember Harvey raised a concern regarding the proposed driveway access
.from the church property onto 185th Street and asked where the driveway is
proposed to be located. in relation to the .crown of the hi1L
Mr. Ken Anderson, the church's engineer, stated that while, in his opinion,
the site distance is not perfect, they have improved it somewhat by moving
the driveway further to the east, away from the hill. He stated that while
the site distance is considered adequate for the speed limit on 185th .Street,
the church is considering purchasing additional property to the east so that
the driveway can be moved.
Councilmember Harvey suggested possibly designating the driveway .right turn.
in/right turn aut only. Mr. Erickson stated he did not feel that would be
necessary at this time, but suggested the issue be re-evaluated in the future
when traffic increases on 185th Street.
Mr. Morey suggested an .additional stipulation be added to .the conditional use
permit stating that the need and location of the driveway access be evaluated
when the building expands.
93.186 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to receive the Planning
Commission's findings of fact and approve a conditional use permit for Family
of Christ Lutheran Church. to allow the construction of a church and the
operation of a day care facility on the south side of 185th Street, east of
Orchard Trail; with an additional stipulation that the need and location of
the driveway access onto 185th Street will be evaluated at the .time of Phase
Two building expansion.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey.
93.187 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve. Resolution No.
93-129 approving the preliminary and final plat of Family of Christ Lutheran
Church Addition, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the
development contract.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Zaun.
.93.188 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Harvey to approve Resolution No.
93-130 approving plans and specifications and setting a bid date for trunk
watermain, sanitary sewer and bituminous paving improvements. to Orchard
Trail/188th Street, Improvement Project 92-19.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Zaun, Sindt.
.JUNE 21, 1993
• PAGE 7
Mr. Paul Kempf, representing Phase Two Development, Inc. requested Council
approval of the final plat of Marion Village: Second Addition, which consists
of 85 single family residential lots on the north side of 205th .Street
(County Road 64), east of Kenrick Avenue .and west of the first phase of
Marion Village...
Mr. Sobota provided an overview of the proposed plat, which represents the
development of phases two and three of the Marian Village by-the-Lake
preliminary plat approved in 1988. The adjacent property owners to the
north, Jack and Vivian Pavlike, are requesting .the vacation of a .portion of
the 202nd Street right-of-wad, located outside the final plat just. east of
Outlot C. The vacated portion of 202nd Street and the triangular shaped
parcel located immediately to the south shall be combined with the existing
Pavlike property into one unified lot, The portion of the 202nd Street
right-af-way proposed to be vacated is not needed, given the right-of-way
dedication .and street construction for 202nd Street proposed with the Marion
Village Second Addition plat.
Mr. Sobota went on to explain that the developer is required to purchase the.
41.25 foot strip of land located immediately west of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1,
and replat .Lots 2 and 3 to include this strip of land consistent with the
• approved preliminary plat.. No building permits will be .issued for Lots 2 and
3 until the property is replatted, and the developer will past a $2,500
security to insure the replatting of the property.
Mr. Sobota explained that the Parks & Recreation Committee recommended a cash
contribution to satisfy the park and trail .dedication requirements.. He
explained that .the Forks & Recreation Committee and staff looked at the
proposed location for the trail and, considering .the large number of oak
trees. that would need to be removed, recommended a cash contribution .for
future construction of the trail when a plan is approved by the Committee.
The City staff and .advisory committees recommend approval of the vacation of
a portion of the. 202nd. Street .right-of--way and the. final plat of Marion
Village Second Addition.
Councilmember Sindt asked. if Kensington Blvd. is the only .street .access. to
County Road 64 serving this development. Mr. Sobota stated .that in addition
to the "County Road 64 access, the residents .can utilize the .existing .202nd
:Street and .Juno Trail -to the east. In the future, as the area to the west
develops, 203rd Street will be extended to create a third access.
Councilmember Harvey stated he felt Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, should have been
handled as an outlot, rather than platting them and then -having them
replatted after the developer purchases the 41 foot strip. He felt that the
lots are likely to be purchased prior to the .replatting, with the
understanding that homes can be built on them. Mr. Sobota stated he felt
that with the developer posting a cash security to insure re-platting, and
the way the development contract is worded,. staff feels they have the same
control aver the future of the two lots that they would have over an outlot.
~ ~ 1
JUNE 21,1993
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Mr. Erickson suggested the $2,500 security required by the developer to
insure repTatting of this property could be raised to $5,000, with a proviso
that $2,500 be released as soon as the purchase is consummated,. and the
remaining $2,500. be released after the property is replotted. He :explained
that if the purchase is not consummated, the property could be condemned and
platted by the City at no cost to the taxpayers.
Councilmember Harvey .asked if the future trail location will be delineated so
that homeowners. are made aware of it.
Mr. Michaud stated. the development contract states that a trail will be
constructed in Outlot C, and .the developer will post signs on the property
delineating the proposed trail,
Mr. Erickson .suggested that a stipulation be included in the development.
contract whereby the builder and home buyer would sign a certificate prior to
the issuance of a building. permit that they acknowledge the location of the
future trail.
93.189 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No.
93-131 vacating a portion of the 202nd Street right-of-way platted in
5ullivan's First Addition to Marion Heights.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill.
93.190 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No.
93-132 approving the final plat of Marion Village Second Addition, and
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the development contract, with the
inclusion of Paragraph 25M requiring property owners to sign a certificate,
prior to the issuance of a building permit, that they are aware of the future
trail location.
Roll .call was .taken on the motion.. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, .:Mulvihill. Nays,.
Harvey.. Councilmember Harvey did not like the manner in which the 41 foot
exception and Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, were. being handled.
Mr. Erickson recommended the Council set a work session for the purpose of
reviewing preliminary plans for the police station expansion/remodeling
93.191 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to set a Council works session
for Tuesday, July 13th, at 7:00 p.m. at the Police Station.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,. Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Zaun.
s ~
JUNE 21, 1993
Mr. Erickson provided a ,status .update on the localized flooding .problems
within the City and expressed appreciation to City employees for their
efforts and neighboring communities for their assistance.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Next regular Council meeting, Tuesday, July: 6,1993.
.Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Frie ges, Cit lerk
D ane Zaun, May. r