HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-26-93 CITY OF LAKEVILLE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING i A?PRIL 26, 1993 The meeting was called to order by Acting. Mayor Sindt at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ruhmann, Sindt and Harvey. Absent: Councilmember Mulvihill and Mayor Zaun. Also present: J. Walston, Assistant City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; D. Feller, Finance Director, D. Morey, Assistant Community Development Director; C. Friedges, City Clerk. MINUTES The minutes of the April 6, 1993, special Council meeting were approved as presented. BOARD OF REVIEW Mr. Marvin Pulju, Dakota County Assessor, stated that several properties were reviewed by his staff since the April 6th Board of Review meeting for evaluation and classification purposes. He requested Council consideration of the recommended value changes for 1993. Mr. Bill Peterson, Assessing Services Manager, provided a sales analysis on the Colleene Ortner property, 20665 Holt Avenue. He stated that based on • comparable building sales, it was their opinion that the estimated market value of Mrs. Ortner s .property should remain at $66,400. Mr. Peterson then provided a report on properties in which no changes were made or pending for the following property owners who attended the April 6th local board of review meeting: Dean & Amy French, Susan Pritchard, Gregory Bast and Ray Forliti. He also provided a report on Lakeville mobile home value changes for the following property owners: Steven Buchannan, Robert Drewry, Bernice Karas and Michael McGough. The assessor's office also recommended no changes be made to the Uniprop Manufactured Housing Corp. (Ardmor Village). Mr. Peterson stated their recommendation for no changes on the William Cooley (Lakeville Commerce Center) property remains as stated in the letter to Mr. Cooley dated March 31, 1993. Mr. Peterson recommended, consistent with. Mr. Feller's recommendation, that the Wendell Christensen property in Argonne Farms, 17723 Junelle Path, remain at the assessor's 1993 market value of $288,800.. Mr. Christensen stated that he was informed by the assessor's office that if the assessed market value of Lot 31, (where his house is located), were to be lowered, the property would have to be split. Lot 32, where his landscape business is located, would then have to be taxed at a commercial rate rather than the current residential rate. He stated he chose, therefore, to accept the assessor's market value of $288,800. CITY OF LAKEVILLE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 26,1993 PAGE 2 Mr. Peterson stated Mr. Belzer has decided not to pursue an appeal of the estimated market value placed on his property located near the corner of Cedar Avenue and Trunk Highway 50; and the assessor's office recommends no change in the 1993 estimated market value of $283,200. Mr. Erickson stated he felt the land values placed on Mr. Belzer's property do not reflect the current market conditions in Airlake Industrial Park, and he also felt the square footage on the blacktop as provided by the .assessor's .office was. over-stated. He stated he felt Mr. Belzer would not agree with the land .values or square footage amount. Mr. Erickson felt that $.50 per square foot would have provided a more accurate calculation, which reflects. the current foreclosure situation in Airlake Industrial Park. Mr. Erickson pointed out that the property does not have storm sewer, and a .pipeline. is in place along the eastern boundary of the .parcel, which also causes the value to depreciate. He recommended the Council receive the report from the assessor's office regarding Jeff Belzer Chevrolet and Dodge as information only and not accept the calculations given. Councilmember Harvey asked how the .60 to .75 square footage rate was arrived at. Mr. Scott Nelson, commercial appraiser, explained that a schedule was established for property in Airlake Industrial Park based on prior sales of developable property within the park. He stated that his staff .feels the valuation of the Belzer property,. on a square foot basis, is consistent with . other property in Airlake Industrial Park. Councilmember Ruhmann stated he would be hesitant to make an adjustment to Mr. Belzer's property valuation, based on the fact that Mr. Belzer had not pursued an appeal. Mr. Walston explained that the property owner has the option to file a petition with. the State tax court until May 15, 1994. He stated that without the property owner present to represent his case, he felt the Council is at a loss to try and determine how the valuation should be adjusted. Councilmember Harvey stated he felt the commercial property appraisals that are performed by the assessor's office are not done m a fair and just .manner.. Mr. Pulju stated that the Council can. raise or lower the Belzer property valuations as it sees fit; however, their recommendation stands as presented. He stated the blacktop square footage figures in their report were given to them by Mr. Belzer himself, and stated he feels his staff members do conduct their business in a fair and just manner. 93.113 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to receive the reports from the County Assessor's Office entitled, "Properties In .Which No Changes Made Or Pending", "Lakeville Mobile Home Value Changes" and "Umprop Manufactured Housing Comm.", and accept the assessor's recommendations. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Sindt, Harvey. • CITY OF LAKEVILLE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 26,1993 • PAGE 3 93.114 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to accept the Assessor's market value of $288,800 on the Wendell Christensen property located at 17723 Junelle Path. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Ruhmann. Mrs. Ortner arrived at the meeting and stated she would be willing to provide an appraisal on her property. She provided a statement from a Real Estate Agent which indicated that her house could sustain a $65,302 mortgage. Mr. Erickson stated that the document provided by Mrs. Ortner supports the market value calculated by the Assessor's office is accurate. 93.115 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to accept the Assessor's market value of $66,400 on the Colleene Ortner property located at 20665 Holt Avenue. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann, Sindt. 93.116 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to adjust the total value of Mr. Belzer's property ~PID No. 22-03300-025-03) to $266,000, based on a .SO cents per square foot ca culation far the land value. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Sindt, Harvey. • 93.117 Motion was made by Ruhmann, seconded by Harvey to receive the Assessor's report entitled, "Value Changes Fram 1993 Board Of Review (Update 4/22J93}", subject to the assessor's review of the Dean and Amy French property, Parcel Na. 22-030-00345-00. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Ruhmann. Acting Mayor Sindt closed the local Board of Review. ITEM 4 Mr. Morey presented the proposed preliminary and final plat of Marion Fines Second Addition, located south of Trunk Highway 50 and north of Lake Marion. He explained that the preliminary plat consists of 45 single family residential Lots; Phase I is the proposed final plat of Marion Pines Second Addition and consists of 19 lots. Phase II will include the remaining 26 lots. Mr. Morey stated the preliminary and final plat of Marion Pines Second Addition involves the construction of a sedimentation basin on Block M, Lenihan's Lots, 197th Street from Iteri Place to approximately 200 feet east of Marion Pines Second Addition plat boundary and the realignment of Jaguar Avenue east of its present location. The new alignment of Jaguar Avenue will be completed before the old alignment is vacated and removed, in order to avoid any traffic disruptions. An eight foot multi-purpose trailway will be constructed on the west side of the realigned Jaguar Path and will connect to . the trail Located along T.H. 50. CITY OF LAKEVILLE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 26,1993 • PAGE 4 Mr. Morey pointed out that the developer has agreed to allow the T.H. 50 detour on Iteri Place. The developer has also signed a temporary .easement agreement which allows the T.H. 50 detour through Marion Hills Second Addition across the trail by the high school. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final plat subject to 10 stipulations. Councilmember Ruhmann voiced his concern, consistent .with that of the Environmental Affairs Committee, regarding the impact on the nearby wetland, with a portion of it being turned into a ponding area. He stated he felt that a reduction in the number of lots near the wetland from three to two. would reduce the impact on the wetland. Mr. Morey explained that because the preliminary plat was approved in 1988, the guidelines. that were in place at that time are being followed. He stated that ~ the plat were being brought forward today, the current policies would be enforced, and the number of lots would be reduced. Mr. Erickson pointed out that the. purpose of the pond is to insure a high degree of protection to the remaining wetland area; and steps have been taken by the developer to minimize the impact on the wetland as much as possible. • 93.118 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to approve Resolution No. 93-65 approving the preliminary and final plat of Marion Pines Second Addition. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Ruhmann. ITEM 5 Mr. Erickson requested council consideration of an on-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor license for the Lakeville Lions Club. He stated the Lions are requesting a license to sell 3.2 beer at Aronson Park during several softball tournaments and also at the Lakeville VFW and downtown Lakeville during Pan-O-Prog events. 93.119 Motion was made by Ruhmann, seconded by Harvey to approve an on-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor license for the Lakeville Lions Club to sell 3.2 beer at Aronson Park on the following dates: May 1-2, May 22-23, July 10-11, July 31-August 1 and August 6-8, and at the Lakeville VFW on July 8th and downtown Lakeville on July 9th. Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann, Sindt. ITEM. 6 Mr, Erickson requested Council consideration of a resolution establishing an . interim policy on non-point source pollution control, as recommended by the Metropolitan Council. He explained that the purpose of the interim strategy CITY OF LAKEVILLE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 26,1993 • PAGES is to improve the quality of storm water runoff into surface waters. He pointed out .that many of the actions required to implement the interim strategy are currently practiced by the City of Lakeville. 93.120 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to approve Resolution No. 93-66 establishing an interim policy on non-point source pollution control. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Sindt, Harvey. NEW BUSINESS 93.121 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to set a Council work session for Tuesday, May 11th, at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Ruhmann. There being no further business, Acting Mayor Sindt adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, • Charlene Friedges, C' Clerk B tty Si t, Acting Mayor •