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JUNE 1,1992
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Zaun at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Rolf call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ruhmann, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey and Mayor Zaun.
Also present:. R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development Director;
D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; D.
Gudmundson, Chief of Police; D. Morey, Assistant Community & Economic
Development Director; D. Krings, Chief Building Official; C. Friedges, City
The minutes of the May 14th Special Council meeting and the May 1$th Regular
Council meeting were approved as presented.
Mayor Zaun read a proclamation proclaiming Sunday, June 14, 1992, as National
Flag Day in Lakeville.
92.120 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the proclamation for
National Flag Day.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Mayor Zaun introduced Ms. Bonnie Featherstone, Metropolitan Council District
14 Representative, who presented a certificate of recognition to
Councihnember Sindt for nine years of service on the Metropolitan Council's
Waste Management Advisory Committee.
92.121 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:.
a. Approve claims for payment.
JUNE 1,1992
• PAGE 2
b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Planning Commission, May 21st
Parks & Recreation Committee, May 20th
Environmental Affairs Committee, May 19th
Cable TV Board, May 19th
c. Approve Resolution No. 92-86 authorizing the issuance and sale of
$2,190,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 1992A.
d. Approve Resolution No. 92-87 authorizing the sale of a confiscated
e. Resolution No. 92-88 approving donation of a desk chair and portable dog
kennel to the Minnesota Valley Humane Society.
f. Approve Resolution No. 92-89 authorizing staff to submit annual grant
applications to the Minnesota DNR for snowmobile and cross country ski
g. Approve a temporary on-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor license for
Midwest Sport Events, Inc.. for a softball tournament at Aronson Park on
August 15 and 16.
• h. Approve Hardware Maintenance Agreement with Business Records Corporation
for the Optech III-P vote tabulators.
i. Receive bids and approve Resolution No. 92-90 awarding contract for
Improvement Project 91-2, Ipava Avenue street extension.
j. Receive bids and appprove Resolution No. 92-91 awarding.. contract. for
Improvement Project 92-1, 175th Street resurfacing and repair.
k. Approve a model home center permit for Crystal Lake Golf Estates.
1. Approve Resolutions No. 92-92, 93 and 94 accepting donations from Cross
Nurseries, Alcorn Beverage and Enggren's Super Valu to the Parks &
Recreation Department and Resolution No. 92-95 accepting a donation from
Grist Mill to the Fire Department.
m. Grant extension of liquor and cabaret licenses. for Babe's Sportsbar &
Grill to allow the sale of beer in the parking lot during Pan-O-frog and
for an outdoor dance on July 11th from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
n. Approve Resolution No. 92-96 calling a public hearing on the proposed
modification of Airlake Redevelopment Project No. 1 and establishment of
Tax Increment Financing District No. 13, (Imperial Plastics expansion).
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey,
• Ruhmann.
JUNE 1,1992
1Vlayor Zaun. explained that approximately one year ago, the City Council passed
an interim ordinance temporarily prohibiting approval of new residential
plats and expansion or development of mobile (manufactured) home parks. This
moratorium. allowed the city a "time-out" to study the. effects of growth and
implement appropriate controls. The .Strategic Growth Management Task Force
was formed by the Council to develop recommendations for appropriate growth
management controls. Mayor Zaun then introduced members of the Task Force,
over half of wham were in attendance.
.Task Force member Bob Vogel presented the report and recommendations from the
Strategic Growth Management Task Force entitled, Growth Management Strategies
for the City of Lakeville. As stated in the report, Mr. Vogel explained that
the general charge of the task force :was to make short or intermediate. term
recommendations or suggestions on strategies relating to how the rate,
location and kind of residential and commercial/industrial growth can
generate fiscal stability, preserve or enhance the quality of life and
quality of services, while minimizing the impact on City systems and
Mr. Vogel provided a background on the process followed by the task force,
including the gathering of information and topics of discussion. To fulfill
• its charge, Mr. Vogel stated, the task force is making the following
recommendations to the City Council:
A. Resolve the anticipated sewer constraint: The current rate of new
housing construction leads the task force to conclude that the City will
run out of sewer capacity before the end of the decade unless there is
action to either secure additional capacity or constrain access. The
task force views this as a high priority issue and made several
B. Set a hi her riori for attractin new business and industrial
development: The tas .force believes there are many ways for the City
to be a partner with the business community and made several
C. Expand the role of the City in business develo merit: The task force
recommended improving efforts to help businesses and industries in areas
of expansion and retention.
D. Guide the amount, type, location and quality of residential
development: The task force made several recommendations on guiding
residential development, including the promotion of lower density in
residential districts in .order to increase open space and protect
environmentally sensitive areas.
JUNE 1,1992
• E. Protect environmental quality while accommodating_growth: Protecting
and preserving the environment is a strong concern of the community, and
the task force recommended several additions to current environmental
protection measures.
F. Maintain the Ci 's management capacity. to deliver services:. In light
of the fact .that the task force recognizes Lakeville to be one of the
lowest per-capita expenditure cities, several .recommendations were made
to enhance overall efficiency of City government.
Mayor Zaun introduced Ms. Barbara Lukermann, Task Force Facilitator.
Certificates of appreciation were presented by Karl Drotning to Ms. Lukermann
and Research Coordinator Jerry Schwinghammer on behalf of the task force
Councilmember Harvey stated the report was refreshing, and the task force
"vision" mirrors the Council's vision for the future. He stated he felt the
conununity owes the task force a sincere thank you for its work.
Councihnember Mulvihill stated in reading the report, she noticed. various
issues .the Council has reflected upon. This. report ties several major policy
issues together to form a solid direction. for the City. She also stated she
felt the .diverse population of the City was well represented by the members
of the task force.
• Councilmember Sindt expressed her appreciation to the task force members, Ms.
Lukermann and Mr. Schwinghammer for their contributions in preparing this
Councilmember Ruhmann felt the document represents a "big package in a small
box" that is user friendly and can be helpful to all. citizens of the
community. The "vision" is great and could .foster the feeling of, "a place
where people would give their eye teeth to live".
Mayor Zaun felt the report provides a much needed focus on managing growth
and development in the community.
Mr. Erickson stated the report will receive wide distribution throughout the
community, including presentations to City staff, advisory committees and
service organizations. He suggested the Council set a work session prior to
expiration of the moratorium to discuss the recommendations made by the task.
Mayor Zaun .called a short recess at 7:50 p.m.
The Council. meeting reconvened at 8:00 p.m.
92.122 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to receive the .report .and
recommendations from the Strategic Growth Management Task Force entitled,
Growth Management Strategies for the City of Lakeville, dated May, 1992.
JUNE 1,.1992
• PAGE 5
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, .Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun.
Mulvihill was not present for the roll call vote and returned to her seat
immediately thereafter.
Mr. Peter Larson asked the council to consider approval of a conditional use
permit for the construction of an addition to his existing single family home
on the west side of Orchard Lake, which would include the rebuilding of a
retaining wall and reducing the size and reconstructing anon-conforming
Mr. Morey provided an overview of the conditional use permit request. He
explained that the existing house is non-conforming with regard to its
setback from Orchard Lake. The close proximity of the house to Orchard Lake:
is due to the fact that when the house was constructed many years ago,
Judicial Road was located much closer to Orchard. Lake than it is today. The
proposed house addition would be constructed on the side of the house
farthest away from the shoreline of Orchard Lake and would be set back
approximately 40 feet from the ordinary high water level. The proposed house
addition will not increase the non-conformity that exists, and the
replacement deck would be set back eight feet further from the lake than the
• existing deck. Mr. Morey stated. the shoreland impact plan will be utilized
to preserve the large oak tree located on the south side of the house.
Mr. Morey stated the request has been reviewed by the Environmental Affairs
Committee and Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District. The Planning
Commission held a public hearing and recommends approval. Staff recommends
the elimination of Condition #3 as recommended by the Planning Commission
and modification of Condition #4 as follows, "The proposed house addition and
deck shall be constructed in accordance with the Certificate of Survey
revised May 23, 1992."
Councilmember Sindt asked about setting some conditions for replacement of
the retaining wall. Mr. Morey stated the Planning Commission recommended the
retaining .wall be constructed under review and approval of the Department of
Natural Resources.
Councilmember Mulvihill asked what was meant by a Planning Commission member
who referred to "condemning property on the lake for the next 50 years". Mr.
Erickson explained that Commissioner Smith was opposed to the .proposed
improvements because he felt they would extend the life of the non-conforming
house by 50 years.
Councilmember Harvey stated he felt, in short of moving all the houses back
from the lake, it would take some extraordinary events to correct the
non-conforming setbacks between the houses and Orchard Lake.
JUNE 1,1992
92.123 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Ruhmann to receive the Planning
Commission's findings of fact and approve the conditional use permit as
amended for Peter J. Iarson to allow the expansion of an existing
non-conforming single family dwelling at 17284. Judicial Road.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun,
In order to accommodate the residents present, Mayor Zaun took up
consideration of Item No. 12 at this time.
Mr. Sobota presented. the request of the Minnesota Department of Human
Services for the vacation of drainage and utilittyy easements. on Lots 9 and 10,
Block 2, Rolling Oaks South Plat 4. The Hurnan Services Department is
requesting the vacation as part of an .administrative subdivisionicombination
of the two lots to allow the construction of a six bed group home.
Mr. Sobota explained that City staff discussed with. the Department of Human
Services staff alternate locations for the group home where activities and
services would be more accessible to group home residents. Meetings were
held between the State and the Rolling Oaks neighborhood, and a major concern
• voiced by the residents was the size of the proposed group. home in relation
to other homes in the area. The State then agreed to reduce the size of the
home and reposition it on the lot.
Mr. Sobota stated the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the matter
and adopted. a findings of fact and recommendation drafted by the City
Attorney. The recommendation of the Planning Commission is for demal of the
easement vacation.
Mayor Zaun asked if a representative of the Minnesota Department of Hurnan
Services was present, and no one responded
Councilmember Harvey stated he felt the proposed home is out of character
with the neighborhood and commended staff's efforts to persuade the State to
consider alternate locations that would better serve the residents of the
group home.
Councilmember Mulvihill asked about the legal ramifications of denyin~ the
request. Mr. Knutson stated Minnesota Statutes provide that a city 'may"
vacate an easement if "it appears in the interest of the public to do so".
The Planning Commission's findings of fact state that the applicant has not
presented satisfactory proof that rt is in the best interest of the public to
vacate the easements.
Councilmernber Sindt questioned the purpose of the easement. Mr. Erickson
• explained that the easement was designed to provide side yard drainage
between the two lots.
JUNE 1,1992
Councilmember Ruhmann asked about alternate locations for this group home.
Mr. Erickson stated he felt the best location for the facility would be in an
area just south of the Lake Marion Elementary Sehool.
Mr. Richard West, 17039 Jonquil Avenue, voiced his opposition to the proposal
submitted by the State, :which he :indicated is inconsistent with what the area
residents were initially told by the Department of Human Services.
Mayor Zaun indicated that today's philosophy supports locating .these. types of
homes in neighborhood areas; however, consideration should be given to what
would happen when and if the philosophy changes and the facility is
abandoned. Therefore, he stated he did not feel the easement vacation is in
the community's best interest..
Mr. Paul Zieler, 17061 Jonquil Avenue, stated he felt the State may be
planning to build a smaller home on one of the lots if the vacation is not
approved, and he asked what chance the residents had in fighting that.. Mr.
Erickson stated the City Attorney would be contacted if a building permit
application is made, and he would represent the interests of the neighborhood
to the extent possible.
Mr. Knutson offered additional language in the proposed resolution to read,
• "The findings of fact of the Planning Commission are adopted by reference".
92.124 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Ruhmann to approve Resolution No.
92-99 adopting the Planning Commission's findings of fact and recommendation
denying the vacation of drainage and utility easements on Lots 9 and 10,
Rolling Oaks .South Plat 4, with the additional language. as recommended by the
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt,
Mr. Duane Dietrich, representing Rolling Oaks, Inc., requested Council
consideration of the .preliminary and final plat of Rolling Knolls, consisting
of 33 single family residential lots zoned R-2. Mr. Dietrich explained that
this development phase .eliminates nine lots from the approved preliminary
plat so that all lots meet R-2 requirements for lot area and lot width.
Mr. Sobota provided a brief overview of the plat, which ensures the
completion of 167th Street as a minor collector. The plat has been reviewed
by the Environmental Affairs and Parks & Recreation Committees, Planning
Commission and Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District, and all
recommend approval. The development contract has been signed, and security
has been submitted. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final
There were no questions or comments.
JUNE 1,1992
92.125 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No.
92-97 approving the preliminary and final plat and development agreement for
Rolling Knolls.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann,. Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Mr. Morey .presented the final plat of Shady Oak Shores 5th Addition, which
consists of 21 single family .residential lots zoned R-2. He explained that
the development of Shady Oak Shores 5th Addition will include .the
construction of segments of Upper 171st Street and 172nd. Street that will
connect existing stub streets in Cherry Highlands Second to the west and
Shady Oak Shores 3rd Addition to the east. The plat has been reviewed by the
Planrnng Commission Environmental Affairs and Parks & Recreation Committees
and the Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District, and all recommend
approval. The development contract has been signed, and a letter of credit
for security has been submitted. Staff recommends approval of the final
Councilmember Ruhmann referenced the negative vote by Planning Commission
member Smith relating to the number of trees that will be lost with this
development. Mr. Morey explained that the loss of trees is the result of
fitting this addition of Shady Oak Shores into the surrounding development.
As pointed out at a neighborhood meeting, most of the trees are box elders,
and affected property owners expressed limited concern over the potential.
loss of trees. Mr. Morey further explained that many of the trees .located in
the northern portion of the plat will be saved.
92.126 Motion was made by Ruhmann,. seconded by Sindt to approve Resolution No. 92-98
approving the final plat and development agreement for Shady Oak Shores 5th
Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Mr. Michaud provided an overview of the Antlers Park lagoon improvement
project. He explained that .the concept. design plan pt~epared by TKDA was
presented to the neighborhood surrounding. the Antlers Park lagoon, and all
citizens present seemed satisfied with the project. The concept plan was
also presented to the Lake Marion Homeowners Association, who offered the
following comments:
1) Landscape plantings; plantings will be fewer and smaller in size so as
not to affect their view of the lake.
2) Grates; child proof grates will. be installed..
JUNE 1,1992
3) Limitations of aquatic vegetation; the entire perimeter of the lagoon
will be planted with this type of vegetation.
4) Channel dredging; the City will apply for DNR .permits to dredge. the
channel on an ongoing basis.
Mr. Rich Gray of TKDA presented the concept plan and highlighted three major
1 Safety
2 Water quality
3 Aesthetics
Councilmember Harvey asked about funding this improvement project, and Mr.
Michaud stated the project will be funded through the storm sewer and park
dedication funds.
92.127 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to appprove the concept plan
.for the Antlers Park lagoon. improvements and authorize TI~DA to prepare plans
and specifications.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Mr. Erickson requested Council consideration of 5.3 additional full-time.
equivalent staff positions effective. June 1st through September 1st of this
year. The positions being recommended are as follows:
1) Increase the hours of the Community Service Officer position from 28 to
40 hours.
2 Two additional police officers to be hired in September.
3~ An additional planner for the Commumty/Economic Development
Department. It was recommended that in the context of full-time
equivalency, the City would be better served to hire two qualified
college graduate students for the position.
4) A buildmg inspector to replace Mr. Langord, who is retiring this month.
S) A personnel coordinator.
Mr. Erickson explained that the .recommendation for additional staffing was
presented to the .Personnel Committee in April At that meeting, rt was
recommended that the staff present a scenario which would portray the City's
ability to fund these positions.
He explained that a significant. unanticipated increase in revenue for 1992
has allowed the additional 5.3 positions, plus additional police positions in
1993 and 1994, without a corresponding. increase in the City s share of
property taxes. .Revenue increases resulted from a significant increase in
buildmg permits, intergovernmental revenue, charges for building permit plan
review and interest on investments. In addition, the Legislature removed the
levy limit, left local government aid in tact and the various departments
have managed to under-spend their budgeted expenditures.
JUNE 1,1992
Councilmembers were pleased with the two and one-half. year budget outline,
and supported the City Administrator's recommendations for additional
staffing, recognizing that Lakeville will continue to be one of the lowest
per capita expenditure cities in the State.
92.128 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve Resolution No. 92-100
amending the 1992 General Fund Budget.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Applicants for the Dakota Alliance for Prevention were interviewed by the
City Council at their May 27th work session..
92.129 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to nominate Jenny Heise far
membership on the Dakota Alliance for Prevention.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt,
92.130 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Harvey to change the wording. on the
nomination form to read, Other excellent candidates who are interested in
serving as additional members on a committee or participating in special
events or programs. include:' ; and insert the names of Dick Townsend and Kevin
Roll .call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
NEW BUSINESS The City Council indicated they had received calls during the
past weekend regarding boat launch problems and enforcement at Casperson
Park. The Parks & Recreation Director and Chief of Police provided some
background on the situation and indicated they would examine enforcement
policies and report back to the City Council.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Next Regular Council Meeting, June 15,1992.
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlen Fredges, City erk
Du~ ne Zaun, Ma o