MAY 4,1992
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Zaun at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ruhmann, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey and Mayor Zaun.
Also present:. R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development Director;
D. Feller, Finance Director; D. Gudmundson, Chief ,of Police; J. Robinette,
Environmental Resources/Public Works Director; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
- The minutes of the April 20, 1992, City Council meeting were approved as
• ADMINISTRATOR: Mr. Erickson requested the City Council consider, under New
Business (17a), a resolution approving the City of Lakeville's position on
the I-35W Draft Environmental Impact Statement (D.E.LS.).
A. Mayor Zaun introduced "Minnesota 2000", a community initiative to
encourage and help communities focus on education. Governor Carlson has
asked local communities throughout the state to support "Minnesota
2000". A video was presented, and Mayor Zaun read the proclamation.
The following individuals were present to accept the "Minnesota 2000"
proclamation, which emphasizes the City's support for the program.
Dakota County Commissioner Michael Turner, who hosted. a regional
gathering on the Minnesota 2000 project;
Superintendent Carl Wahlstrom, Independent School District 194; and
Jackie Magnuson, Independent School District 196 School Board Treasurer.
B. Chief Gudmundson introduced Sheryl Casey, a representative from the
Dakota County Chapter of MADD, who presented a plaque to Officer Dennis
King for. his achievements in DWI traffic enforcement in 1991. Officer
King arrested 51 defendants for Driving While Intoxicated.
C. Chief Gudmundson .introduced three new Lakeville Police Reserve
Officers. They are Patricia Niedzieski, Scott Wiest and David Barton.
MAY 4,1992
D. Mary Liz Holberg provided a status update on the Community Playground
project, stating recent fund-raisers have been. very successful. She
introduced a new fund-raising activity involving naming a "Mayor of .the
Playground". The candidate who raises the most money for the playground
shall earn the title of "Mayor of the Playground". She stated all
residents, regardless of age, are eligible and encouraged to
Councilmembers added to the consent agenda Item #10, resolution establishing
the Lakeville Senior Center as the new polling place for Precinct No. 1.
92.101 Motian was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Approve claims for payment.
b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Environmental Affairs Committee, April 21st
• Cable TV Board, Apri121st
Parks & Recreation Committee, Apri115th
Strategic Growth Management Task Force, Apri114th
c. Approve a temporary non-intoxicating malt liquor license for Ronald
Keeton for an event at Aronson Park on May 16 and 17, .1992.
d. Resolution No. 92-73 in support of the proposed water quality
improvement project on Crystal Lake, sponsored by the Blackdog Watershed
Management Organization
e. Resolution No. 92-74 amending Resolution No. 90-44 designating exempt
and non-exempt employees in accordance with the fair labor standards act
f. Receive the ALF Ambulance annual financial report for the year ended
December 31, 1991.
10. Resolution No. 92-76 designating the Lakeville Senior Center as the new
polling place for Precinct No. 1(currently McGuire Jr. High School).
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey, Ruhmann.
MAY 4,1992
Mr. Paul Kempf, Phase One Development, Inc., requested Council approval of
the final plat of Marion Village (formerly Marion Village by the Lake), which
was originally approved by the City Council on May 1,1989.
Mr. Sobota provided an overview of the plat, which is .located near the
southwest corner of Lake Marion off County Road 64. The final plat of Marion
Village consists of 40 single family lots and is identical to the previously
approved Marion Village by the Lake. The property was rezoned from R-7 to
R-2 by the City Council on May 1, 1989.. The previous developer, Stewart
Properties, has .sold Phase I of the proposed Marion Village to Phase One
Development, Inc. The remaining Outlots E and F will continue to be owned by
Stewart Properties. Mr. Sobota outlined conditions for final plat approval
as listed in the September 29,198$, planner's report as follows:
1. The property of the single family residence immediately east of Outlots
B and C is brought into the subdivision in a conforming fashion.
2. Review and recommendations by the City Engineer concerning grading,
drainage, erosion control and utilities, which is addressed m the
development contract.
• 3. Rezoning of the property to R-2, which was accomplished on May 1, .1989.
4. The Comprehensive Plan is amended to include the plat into the Year 200(1
MUSA, which is included in the resolution approving the final plat.
5. Satisfaction of the park and trail dedication requirements, which are
addressed in the development contract.
6. Vacation of existing streets in the final plat area, which was approved
by the City Council on July 5,1989.
7. Possible future trail in Outlot A, which has been accommodated with the
design of Outlot A.
Mr. Sobota stated the developers have been very cooperative with the City,
and staff. recommends approval of the final plat. The developer has agreed
with the City on the purchase price for Outlot A for storm water/nutrient
retention. The developer has signed a warranty deed for Outlot A and Outlot
D, which is intended for future trail access. The City has received a quit
claim deed for the narrow strip of riparian rights land located northeast of
the proposed Block 4, which will prevent possible title conflicts between the
developer and future lat owners.
Councilmember Ruhmann asked if a tree preservation plan had been prepared for
Outlot G. Mr. Sobota explained that a grading permit for Phase I was granted
by the City Council in October of 1988, and Phase I has been graded. No tree
preservation plan has been prepared for the project due to the previous
MAY 4,1992
Councilmember Ruhmann asked about possible fill requirements on Outlot A.
Mr. Sobota explained that no additional fill or grading is required, as the
area around the pond is primarily a wildlife area.
Councilmember Ruhmann asked about future plans for the property immediately
east of Outlots B and C. Mr. Sobota explained that negotiations are underway
for the acquisition of that property, which includes an old structure
currently occupied. Mr. Erickson stated the property is a higher zoning
classification (R-5), and staff is strongly encouraging the parties
interested in purchasing the property to pursue it as a single .family
Councilmember Harvey stated the City needs to closely monitor Outlot G to
avoid any attempt to build in areas requiring significant amounts of fill
92.102 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No.
92-75 approving the final plat of Marion Village, and authorize the Mayor and
City Clerk to sign the development agreements with Stewart Properties and
Phase I Development, Inc.
Roll call was taken on the ..motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey,
• ITEM 9
City Attorney Roger Knutson presented a proposed ordinance which would allow
persons to obtain more than one liquor license in the City. He explained
that the City's ordinance currently prohibits a person from having more than
one on-sale intoxicating liquor .license. This provision was mandated by
State Statute until the year 1985, when the authority to allow for multiple
licenses was given to the local governing body. He explained that a current
licensee has expressed an interest in obtaining a second liquor license, and
staff feels the request is reasonable. As stated in the ordinance, Mr.
Knutson recommended that no person shall have an interest in more than two
on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses in the City.
92.103 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to adopt Ordinance No. 463
amending Title 3 of the City Code concerning intoxicating liquor licensing.
Roll call. was taken on the motion Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann,
TI'EM 11
Police Chief Gudmundson introduced Ms. Temann Matejcek, Chemical Health
Promotion Specialist with the Dakota Alliance for Prevention (DAP). She
provided an overview of the program and explained .that the DAP will be a
policy-making group of 25 Dakota County citizens who are interested in
• substance abuse prevention. The .program will be funded by a five-year grant
from the Office for Substance Abuse Prevention. She pointed out that Dakota
County is one of six recipients of this grant in the State.
r' t .
MAY 4,1992
• PAGE 5
Ms. Matejcek asked the Council to consider nominating a citizen from the. City
of Lakeville to serve on the policy board. She requested that the nomination
be made by May 28th. Councilmember Harvey suggested the City receive
applications and make the appointment at the May 18th Council meeting.
92.104 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to receive the informational
materials from the Dakota Alliance for Prevention and solicit nominations.
from Lakeville citizens interested in serving on the board.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Mr. Erickson presented a resolution which would approve the City of
Lakeville's position on the I-35W Draft Environmental Impact Statement
(D.E.LS.} for reconstruction of Interstate 35W from CSAH 42 in Dakota County
to I-94 in Minneapolis. He explained that the final hearing on the D.E.I.
will be held on May 14th, and staff would like to present Lakeville's
position via this resolution.
Councilmember Sindt recommended a change in Design Element #3 of the
resolution to read, ".,.County Road 46 interchange is a critical element in
the transportation system of Dakota County...".
92.105 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve Resolution No. 92-77
approving the Ci of Lakeville's position on the I-35W Draft Environmental
Impact Statement ~D.E.LS,) with the recommended change in Design Element #3.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt,
ANNOUNCEMENTS Next Regular Council Meeting, May 18, 1992
Joint City Council/Economic Development Commission Work Session, May 5,1992
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 8:3$ p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
G~~~~,~~, Z~
Charlene Fried es, Ci Clem
g tY
Dane Zaun, Ma or