HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-07-92 CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DECEMBER 7, 1992 7:00 P.M. The City Council is provided background. information. for agenda items in advance by staff and appointed commissions, committees and boards. Decisions are based on this information, as well as City policies, input from constituents and a councilmember's personal judgment. If you have comments, questions or information regarding an item not on the agenda, please step forward to be recognized by the Mayor during the "Citizens' Comments" item on the agenda. Please state your name and address for the record. All comments are appreciated. A copy of all printed materials relating to the agenda item is available for pubflc inspection at the City Clerk's desk. L Call to order and flag pledge. Flag pledge lead by Webelos Pack III, Den 2 2. Roll call. 3. Approve minutes of the November 16, 1992, City Council meeting. 4. Staff announcements. a. Attorney b. Engineer c. Administrator 5. Presentations/Introductions. • a. Proclamation declaring December 13-19 as Free Enterprise Week. 6. Citizens' Comments. 7. Consent Agenda. All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be acted on by one motion in the order listed below. There may be an explanation, but no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. a. Receive claims for payment. b. Receive November Investment Report. c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings: Parks & Recreation Committee, November 24th Environmental Affairs Committee, Novemberl7th Cable TV Board, November 11th Economic Development Commission, December 1st d. Resolution setting dates of regular Councilmeetings in 1993. e. Resolution approving mileage reimbursement. f. Resolution approving policy on Found Property. 12/3/42 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA DECEMBER 7, 1992 • PAGE 2 g. Receive staff reports and recommendation to hold a neighborhood meeting concerning petition from residents to accept a gravel driveway located west of I-35 and south of 205th Street as a City street. h. Receive letter of resignation from Todd Mestad, Environmental Affairs Committee member. i. Receive letter of resignation from Randy Berg, Economic Development .Commission member. j. Resolution authorizing the sale of City assets on behalf of the South Metro Drug Task Force. k. Approve contract with John DuBois for upgrading the City's Radio Controlled Outdoor Warning Siren Network. 1. Authorize audit of the Municipal Liquor Stores. m. Approve escrow agreement for clean-up of property at 16795 Judicial Road. n. Approve change order with Zahl Equipment Company for relocation of vehicle fueling facility at public works, Improvement Project 92-12. • o. .Approve Wetland Replacement Agreement with Randy and Colleen Ratzlaff, Dean and Elizabeth Kozulla and Frank Walsh. p. Approve resolution establishing storm sewer area charges for 1993. q. Approve resolution setting state aid street assessment rates for 1993. r. Final acceptance of street and utility improvements, Cherry Ridge Second. s. Final acceptance of utility improvements only, Country Pond South 2nd Addition t. Final acceptance of street and utility improvements, Homestead Creek 3rd Addition. u. Final. acceptance of street and utility improvements, Homestead Creek 4th Addition. 8. Public hearing to consider renewal applications for on-sale and Sunday liquor licenses. a. Attest to legal notice. b. Questions or comments. c. Motion to close the public hearing. d. Approval of the renewal licenses y CITY COUNCIL AGENDA DECEMBER 7,1992 PAGE 3 9. Designation of auditors for 1992 City of Lakeville financial statements. 10. Designation. of auditors for 1992 Fire Relief Association. 11. Receive letter from Mn/DOT regarding request for traffic signals at Trunk Highway 50 and Ipava Avenue. 12. Authorize Northwest Associated Consultants to prepare report and recommendations for growth control measures. 13. Unfinished business (for Council discussion only). 14. New business (for Council discussion only). 15. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, December 21, 1992 Special Council meeting, December 15, 1992 16. Adjourn. •