HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-14-92 CITY OF LAKEVILLE • SPECIAL COUNCIL METING AGENDA SEPTEMBER 14,1992 8:00 P,M. L Call to order and roll call. 2. Continued public hearing on the modification to Airlake Redevelopment Project No. 1 and establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 13 (Imperial Plastics Expansion). a. .Attest to legal notice. b. Presentation of the proposed project. c. Questions and comments. d. Motion to close the public hearing. e. Resolution establishing Tax Increment Financing District No. 13. 3. Imperial Plastics Expansion and Renovation Project. a. Consider resolution approving preliminary and final plat of Imperial First Addition, subject to the conveyance of the City property. b. Approve site plan and parking deferment for Imperial First Addition. c. Approve Contract for Private Redevelopment with Imperial Plastics, Inc. and John and Janet Gambell. 4. Budget Presentation: A. General Fund 1. Revenues a. Licenses and permits b. Intergovernmental c. Charges for services d. Miscellaneous 2. Expenditures a. Personnel b. Commodities and Contractual c. Capital Outlay d. General Government e. Public Safety Public Works g. Parks and Recreation 3. Fund Balance 9/11/92 ~s.' . CITY COUNCIL AGENDA SEPTEMBER 14,1992 PAGE 2 i B. Special Revenue 1. Cable TV 2. Environmental Recycling 3. Drug Enforcement 4. Employee Benefits C. Capital Projects Funds 1. Certificates of Indebtedness 2. Trails 3. Building Fund D. Enterprise Funds 1. Liquor 2. Utility E. Taxes F. City Administrator's overview and summation. 5. Resolution approving the proposed budget.. 6. Resolution approving. the preliminary 1993 payable tax levy. 7. Resolution setting the budget public hearing for December 15,1992. 8. Resolution approving plans and specifications and setting bid date for miscellaneous storm sewer and drain the installations, Improvement Project 92-16. 9. Review appeals to the special assessments on Improvement Project 89-9, West Orchard. LakeJJudicial Road -Roger Knutson, City Attorney. 10. Unfinished business. 11. New business. 12. Adjourn.