HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18-92 .n CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCII. MEETING AGENDA MAY 18,1992 7:00 P.M. The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by staff and appointed commissions, committees and boards. Decisions are. based on this information, as well as City policy, practices, input from constituents and a councilmember's personal judgment. If you have comments, questions or information regarding an item not on the agenda, please step forward to be recognized by the Mayor during the "Citizens' Comments" item on the agenda. Please state your name and address for the record. All comments are appreciated. A copy of all printed materials relating to the agenda item is available for public inspection at the City Clerk's desk. 1. Call to order and flag pledge. 2. Roll. call. 3. Approve minutes of the Apri129th Special Council meeting and the May 4th Regular Council meeting. 4. Staff announcements: a. Attorney b. Engineer c. Administrator d. .Chief of Police -Monthly Report e. Parks & Recreation Director -Monthly Report 5. Presentations/Introductions: a. Proclamation and presentation of a plaque recognizing the Airport Narcotics Detail for educational visits to Lakeville .Schools. 6. Citizens' Comments. 7. Consent Agenda. All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be acted on by one motion in the order listed below. There may be an explanation, but no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed fmm the Consent Agenda and considered separately. a. Approve claims for payment. b. Receive April Investment Report.. c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings: Environmental Affairs Committee,.May 5th Parks & Recreation Committee, May 6th Planning Commission, May 7th 5/13/92 .r CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 18,1992 PAGE 2 d. Resolution approving a raffle, sponsored by the Leukemia Society of America, to be held at the Chart House on June 22, 1992. e. Approve contract with the State Department of Administration, Building Codes and Standards Division, for plan review and inspection of the Lakeville Senior High School addition and conversion project. -f. Approve agreement for computer consulting services with Basic Support Services. g. Resolution approving the 1993 ALF Ambulance budget. h. Approve special assessment agreement with Michael & Connie Tzenis, .11285 172nd Street W. i. Approve acquisition of the Charles and Diann Holen property and approve easement agreement with Steven and Beth Skaudis, Improvement Project 89-9. j. Approve assessment agreement with ITC Intercircuit for sewer and water connection charges. k. Approve contract with Afton Consulting. Engineers for plans and specifications for public works fuel tank replacement. L Approval of an outdoor public dance license for the Lakeville Legion,. to be held at the V.F.W. Club, 8790 Upper 208th Street, on July 11, 1992. m. Grant extension of liquor license for the Lakeville V.F.W. Club to include the sale of beer in the parking lot on July 11,1992. n. Approve agreement with Johnsons and Hogans and award contract to Brown & Cris, Inc. for construction of storm sewer between Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Foxborough 2nd Addition, Improvement Project 92-11. 8. Receive petition from residents along 172nd Street and Harrington Way for a stop sign. 9. Receive petition and order preparation of a feasibility report for sanitary sewer extension along 195th Street east of Holyoke Avenue, Improvement Project 92-10. 10. Independent School District 194 -Lakeville High School Project: a. Resolution vacating a portion of 201st Way, a portion of Isis Path and an adjacent alleyway. b. Resolution approving preliminary and final plat for Lakeville High School Addition. c. Approval of final revised site plan. i CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 18,1992 PAGE 3 11. Consider vacation of a drainage and utility easement for Great Oak Shores Joint Venture, 18702/18706 Kanabec Court. 12. Resolutions petitioning the Dakota County Board of Commissioners/Minnesota Department of Transportation to make safety and other improvements to certain County roads/State highways within the City of Lakeville. 13. Appointment to the Dakota Alliance forPrevention. 14. Unfinished business (for Council discussion only). 15. New business (for Council discussion only).. 16. Announcements: Next Regular Council Meeting, June 1, 1992. 17. Adjourn.