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JANUARY 21,1992
7:00 P.M,
The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by staff and appointed commissions, committees and boards.
Decisions are based on this information, as well as City policy, practices, input from constituents and a councilmember's personal
judgment. If you have comments, questions or information regarding an item not on the agenda, please step forward to be recognized by the
.Mayor during the "Citizens' Comments" item on the agenda. Please state your name and address for the record. All comments are
appreciated. A copy of all printed materials relating to the agenda item is available for public inspection at the City Clerk's desk.
1. Call to order and flag pledge.
2. Roll call.
3. Approve minutes of the January 6th City Council meeting.
4. Staff announcements:
a. Attorney
b. Engineer
c. Administrator
d. Chief of Police -Monthly Report
e. Parks & Recreation Director -Monthly Report
5. Presentations/Introductions.
a. Presentation of a service award to Bob Christiansen.
b. Presentation of a service award to Ben Meledandri.
c. Presentation of a service award to Wilbert Baldus, former Senior Citizens
6. Citizens' Comments.
7. Consent Agenda.
All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be acted on by one motion in the order listed
below. There may be an explanation, but no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from
the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
a. Approve claims for payment.
b. Approve December Investment Report.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Cable TV Board, December 10,1991
Planning Commission, January 2,1992
Environmental Affairs Committee, January 7, 1992
d. Approve amendments to the police reserve by-laws.
JANUARY 21,1992
e. .Approve amended contract with Thomas M. Gossler for installation of an
Emergency Alert System at the Police Department.
£ Resolution calling a public hearing on the proposed Modification No. 3 of the
Southfork I Housing Development Project Plan, Interest Rate Reduction Program
and Housing Tax Increment District No. 8.
g. Final acceptance of sanitary sewer, watermain and channel construction only,
Lakevillage Apartments.
h. Approval of final credits to storm sewer area charges for Lakevillage
i. Resolution calling a special assessment hearing on Improvement Project 90-1,
205th Street and Hollins Avenue street construction.
j. Approve City Hall HVAC preventive maintenance contract with E.A.H. Schmidt
and Associates.
k. Approve tree removal license for Randy Collins, dba Collins Tree.
1. Set a special Council meeting for 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 25th, to
• .consider SPEC recommendations.
m. Approve Agreements with Dakota County for traffic signals along Cedar Avenue
at 162nd Street, :170th Street and Dodd Boulevard.
n. .Approve addendum to development contract for Rolling Oaks South Plats 7 and
o. Approve resolution requesting Dakota County to change two street names in
Country Pond South 2nd Addition.
p. Approve resolution appointing. members to the Employee Position Evaluation
q. Extend period. of time from 90 to 120 days to hold the two low bids on
Improvement Project 91-10, Fairfield Business Campus site grading, and reject
all other bids.
8. Consider request of Brown & Cris, Inc. for a parking deferment and amendment to
an existing conditional use permit to allow the construction of a storage
building at 19740 Kenrick Avenue.
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JANUARY 21,1992
9. Consider request of Mankato Rehabilitation Center, Inc. for a conditional use
permit to allow an adult education facility at 17993 Kenwood Trail.
10. Consider Crystal Lake Golf Estates.
a. Approve preliminary plat.
b. Resolution approving final plat and development agreement.
11. Receive petition from residents in northern Lakeville regarding their mailing
12. Consider membership in the Municipal Legislative Commission.
13. Resolution authorizing John Kirby of Dorsey & Whitney to prepare a Memorandum of
Understanding between LCC, LHA, ISD 194 and the City of Lakeville concerning a
joint powers arrangement to finance, construct and operate an ice arena.
14. Appointment of the Acting Mayor for 1992.
15. Appointment of a member to the Environmental Affairs Committee.
16. Appointment of a member to the Cable TV Board.
. 17. Unfinished business. (For Council discussion off.)
18. New business. (For Council discussion only.)
19. Announcements:
Next regular Council meeting, February 3rd
Special Council meeting and Work Session, January 25th, 9:00 a.m.
20. Adjourn.