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DECEMBER 16, 1991
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge. of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ruhmann, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey
and Mayor Zaun.
Also present:. B. Erickson, City Administrator; R. Knutson, .City Attorney; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; D. Feller, Finance Director; M. Sobota, Community &
Economic Development Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; D.
Gudmundson, Chief of Police; J. Robinette, Environmental Resources/Public Works
Director; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
Councilmember Mulvihill asked that the last paragraph on Page 3 of the December
2nd Council meeting minutes be deleted. The minutes were approved as corrected:
Attorney: None.
Engineer: None.
Administrator: Mr. Erickson asked the Council to consider, under Unfinished
Business, the bids received for the City's 1984 Bobcat, snow blower and broom.
He asked the Council to receive, under New Business, the resignation of Ben
Meledandri from the Economic Development Commission.
Councilmember Ruhmann stated he will be taking students on a field trip to
Novosibirsk, Russia, and had requested a proclamation by the City declaring
Novosibirsk Friendship and Cooperation Days in Lakeville.
91.248 Motion was made by Ruhmann, seconded by Mulvihill to adopt the proclamation
declaring December 23, 1991 to January 3, 1992, as Novosibirsk Friendship and
Cooperation Days in Lakeville.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing to consider renewal applications for on-sale
and Sunday liquor licenses; 7:15 p.m. The City Clerk attested that the legal
notice was duly published on November 25, 1991.
DECEMBER 16,1991
Police Chief Gudmundson presented. applications from six liquor establishments for
renewal of their on-sale and Sunday liquor license. They are:
Ole Piper Inn, 16604 Cedar Avenue
Lakeville VFW, 8790 Upper 208th Street (Club Liquor)
The Chart House, 11287 Klamath Trail
Babe's Sportsbar & Grill, 20685 Holyoke Avenue
Lakeville Family Bowl, 20944 Holyoke Avenue
Brackett's Crossing Country Club, 17976 Judicial Road (Club Liquor)
ChiefGudmundson explained that the Police Department completed background checks
on the license holders. The Chart House has applied for a change in ownership to
Frank Schoeben and Richard Ames. Background checks have been completed on the
new owners, and staff recommends approval of the license.
Chief Gudmundson stated that according to the Dakota County Tax Assessor's
Office, property taxes are delinquent on the club house area of Brackett's
Crossing. Mr. Meledandri has indicated in the renewal application that the taxes
will be paid in full by December 31, 1991, and staff recommends approval of the
license subject to ordinance requirements being met.
Chief Gudmundson also presented the renewal applications for eight
• non-intoxicating malt liquor licenses, and all were found to be in compliance
with City ordinances.. Staff recommends renewal of the non-intoxicating malt
liquor licenses under Consent Agenda Item 10d. Second Season Golf Center has
not, to date, applied for the renewal of their on-sale non-intoxicating malt
liquor license.
There was no public comment on the license renewals..
91.249 Motion was made by Ruhmann, seconded by Harvey to close the public hearing; 7:20
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun,. Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey,
91.250 Motion was. made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to renew the on-sale and Sunday
liquor licenses for the following establishments: Ole Piper Inn, Lakeville VFW,
Babe's Sportsbar & Grill and Lakeville Family Bowl.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann,
91.251 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve the change in ownership
of Four-Eleven, Inc., dba The Chart House, and renew the on-sale and. Sunday
liquor license for 1992.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun,
DECEMBER 16,1991
91.252 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Harvey to renew the on-sale and Sunday
liquor license for Brackett's Crossing Country Club, subject to City ordinance
requirements being met.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt,
Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on the proposed 1992 Budget; 7:24 p.m. The
City Clerk attested that the legal notice was duly published on December 9,1991.
Mr. Feller provided an overview of the proposed 1992 budget as follows:
Taxes and State Aids:
The State .legislature controls property taxes by establishing levy limits and
then. allocates local government aids (LGA) and homestead and agncultural credit
aids (RAGA) to minimize the amount of net tax impact on property owners. In 1991
and prior years, the City was able to increase its levy limit base for
population, inflation and certain special levies. However, the 1991 Omnibus Tax
Bill allows no increases for population or inflation. The 1992. tax levy for the
City is recommended to be $5,157,917, which is $4,710 less than the proposed levy
adopted in August. The reduction is the result of low interest rates on
certificates of indebtedness sold in November. The tax levy represents a 3.6%
increase over 1991, which translates into a property tax decrease for most
homesteaded property because of Lakeville's increased tax base.
Revenue Sources
Licenses and permits; 450 single family residential home permits .are anticipated
in 1992;
Charges for services; no significant increase in fees over 1991;
Donations are anticipated from ISD 194 and ISD 196 to support the DARE program;
The Liquor Fund will contribute $103,965 to support police .department
Personnel: With severe revenue constraints in 1991, the 1992 budget does not
include any new permanent staff positions. Lakeville has historically had one of
the. lowest number of employees per capita in the State. The City .will have 3.2
employees .per thousand population in 1992. The part-time fire marshal position
will become full-time.. in April of 1992. .FICA expenditures for seasonal employees
will cost the City an additional $13,621 due to recent changes u~. IRS
DECEMBER 16, 1991
',I PAGE 4
Commodities and Contractual: The. City will show no significant increases in
.commodities or contractual items for 1992. By purchasing newer, more efficient
equipment, the City' has been able to maintain lower operating costs. Major
capital outlay items include a pickup truck for the Inspection Department, a copy
machine, tables anti chairs for city hall, a vertical file for city hall and
engineering computer-related. items.
General Governmertt: The 1992 budget provides for a legislative liaison
($15,000) to further, the City's efforts with levy limits and road .access/impact
fees. The budget includes $13,750 to purchase 50 additional voting booths.
Public Safety: .Fire', Department pension liabilities increased from $81,252 in
1991 to $140,447 in 1992. The City will provide $26,055 to ALF Ambulance in the
form of capital outlay contributions which can be financed from Certificates of
Public Works: Engineering projects for 1992 include field survey work and
preparation of a feasibility report for the downtown storm sewer protect and the
overlay and sealcoating of 175th Street.
Parks and Recreation: With the reopening of Orchard Lake Beach in 1992, the
cost of providing lpfeguard services will increase from $24,141 in 1991 to
$36,446 in 1992. The puppet wagon and safety camp were included in the budget
contingent upon community donations.
Fund Balance
Expenditures exceed revenue by the amount of $296,766; this will result in a fund
balance of $2,058,127 on December 31, 1992. The fund balance represents the
amount of funds required in order to operate the first six months of the year.
The City's most significant revenue sources, taxes and intergovernmental revenue,
do not provide appreciable revenue until the second half of the year. The ending
fund balance for 1992 is considered adequate, but not excessive.
Special Revenue Funds
Special revenue funds were established to account for revenue from a dedicated
source.. The special revenue funds are:
Cable TV Fund
Drug Enforcement Fund
Employee Benefit Fund
Environmental/Recycling Fund
Motor Vehicle Fund
Capital Projects Funds
Capital projects funds are used to account for financial resources to be .used for
the acquisition of capital facilities and equipment. Certificates of
indebtedness were sold to finance the acquisition of public safety, public works
DECEMBER 16,1991
and park maintenance equipment. The Building Fund is used to account for the
accumulation and disbursement of funds for the construction or improvement of
public buildings. The primary source of revenue is the Liquor Fund.
Enterprise Funds
Enterprise Funds are used to account for Liquor operations. Enterprise Funds are
also used to account for Water and Sewer operations of the City, which are
self-supporting from user charges.
Liquor Fund: The 1992 budget includes one new permanent full-time supervisor
position. This. fund transfers $103,965 per year to the General Fund to pay for
police officers. It also transfers $75,000 per year to the Building Fund.
In closing,. Mr. Feller acknowledged the efforts of department directors and their
staffs in the preparation of this budget. The Councilmembers and staff held a
brief discussion. There was no public comment.
91.253 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Ruhmann to close the public hearing;
8:05 p.m.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
91.254 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve Resolution No. 91-160
approving the 1991/payable 1992 tax levy.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey,.
The City Council added Agenda Items 18, labor contract with Law Enforcement Labor
Services; 19a, resolution awarding sale of the Bobcat and attachments; and 20a,
letter of resignation from Ben Meledandri, to the consent agenda.
91.255 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve the consent agenda
items as follows:
a. Approve claims for payment.
b. Approve November Investment Report.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Parks & Recreation Committee, December 4th
Environmental Affairs Cammittee, December 3rd
Economic Development Commission, November 26th
DECEMBER 16,1991
d. Renewal of on and off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor licenses for 1992 to
the following establishments: Brook's Superette, Little Joe's Pizza, Mega
Stop, Pizza Hut, SuperAmerica (160th & Cedar), SuperAmerica (Highway 50), Tom
Thumb Stores (3), and Berries arket Deli.
e. Renewal of cabaret licenses for 1992 to Brackett's Crossing, Lakeville VFW
Club, The Chart House and Lakeville Restaurant & Spirits.
f. Renewal of cigarette licenses for 1992 per City Clerk's memo dated December
10, 1991.
g. Renewal of mechanical amusement device licenses for 1992 per City Clerk's
memo dated. December 10,1991.
h. Renewal of garbage, rubbish and recyclable material collector licenses for
1992 per Planning Assistant/Zoning Enforcement Coordinator's memo .dated
December 6,1991.
i. :Resolution No. 91-161 setting dates for regular Council. meetings in 1992.
j. Resolution No. 91-162 approving the 1992 General Fund Budget.
k. Resolution No. 91-163 approving the 1992 Cable TV Fund Budget.
1. Resolution No. 91-164 approving the 1992 Environmental Recycling Fund Budget.
m. Resolution No. 91-165 approving the 1992 Drug Enforcement Fund Budget.
n. Resolution No. 91-166 approving the 1992 Employee. Benefit Fund Budget.
o. Resolution No. 91-167 approving the 1992 Motor Vehicle Fund Budget.
p. Resolution No. 91-16$ approving the 1992 Certificates of Indebtedness Budget.
q. Resolution No. 91-169 approving the 1992 Building Fund Budget.
r. Resolution No. 91-170 approving the 1992 Liquor Fund Budget.
s. Resolution Na. 91-171 approving the 1992 Fee Schedule.
t. Resolution No. 91-172 adopting the position classification and pay plan for
exempt and non-exempt positions and setting forth the policy for
administration of the pay plan.
u. Resolution No. 91-173 adopting the non-exempt off-sale liquor stores'
position salary structure.
v. Resolution No. 91-174 amending the 1991 General Fund Budget.
DECEMBER 16,1991
w. Resolution No. 91-175 establishing rates for water unit, sanitary sewer unit
and sanitary sewer area charges.
x. Resolution No. 91-176 setting state aid street assessment policy.
y. Resolution No. 91-177 establishing storm sewer charges.
z. Receive bids for curbside recycling. containers and approve Resolution No.
91-178 awarding contract.
aa. Approve Change Order No. 6 with Friedges Landscaping for the Casperson Park
development project.
bb. Approve Change Order No. 3 with Barbarossa and Sons for Judicial Road
Improvement Project 89-9.
cc. Reject bid submitted by Halstead's, Inc. for site grading on Fairfield
Business Campus, Improvement Project 91-10.
dd. Final acceptance of street improvements only, Cedar Glen 2nd Addition.
ee. Final acceptance of street and utility improvements, Trotter's Ridge Phase
ff. Approve Release and Resolution No. 91-179 authorizing assignment of
development contract for Highview Heights 4th Addition.
gg. Resolution No. 91-180 establishing rules and rental fees for use of city
parks and property.
18. Approve 1992 labor contract with Law Enforcement Labor Services, Local 129,
(Communications Technicians}.
19a. Accept bids received for the Bobcat and attachments, and approve Resolution
No. 91-185 awarding the sale..
20a. Receive letter of resignation from Ben Meledandri, Economic Development
Commission member.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Mr. Feller presented the 1992 Utility Fund Budget. He explained that there are
no anticipated changes in permanent full-time personnel; however, one new
permanent part-time position is included in the budget as meter reader beginning
• April 1, 1992. The water fund budget reflects a 9% increase in water rates.
Office supplies and postage reflect an increase,. since the City will be mailing
DECEMBER 16,1991
. PAGE 8
return envelopes with utility bills starting in 1992. Operating supplies will
also experience a significant increase primarily due to the hydrant maintenance
grogram. The Utility Fund will finance all major maintenance projects in 1992,
including the painting of the McStop Tower ($123,600) and Airlake .Water Tower
(345,550.) License and permit fees paid to the State. of Minnesota for pumping
water are anticspated to increase 40%. There is no proposed increase m sewer
user fees for 1992. The Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) is
proposing to increase its .rates by 8% for current use charges in 1992. The rate
increase, combined with a 4.8% increase in sewage flows, will result in a
$119,019 increase in the MWCC current service charges. The City's payments to
MWCC were low in 1990 and 1991 because of credits due to over billings in prior
years. Mr. Feller pointed out that the MWCC charges represent over 70% of the
Councilmember Sindt asked if the MWCC over charges are due to inflow and
infiltration (I & I). Mr. Feller explained that. the MWCC bills the City for what
they predict the sewer gallonage will be for the coming year. Inflow and
infiltration occurs during periods of heavy rainfall when water penetrates into
the sanitary sewer system. He explained that the City has taken steps to
minimize the I & I by grouting and repairing leaks in the system.
There was no public comment on the UtilityFund Budget..
91.256 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve Resolution No. 91-181
approving the 1992 Utility Fund Budget.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun,
91.257 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No. 91-182
setting the Utility Fund water and sewer rates.
Roll call was taken on the motion. .Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt,
Mr. Ralph Wagner of Probe Engineering asked the Council to consider the final
plat of Country Pond South Second Addition, which consists of 39 single family
residential lots on property located west of Flagstaff Avenue and south of Dodd
Boulevard. He stated the final plat reflects changes that were recommended by
the advisory committees.
Mr. Sobota explained that staff initially recommended approval of the final plat
with. 12 stipulations.. All but two stipulations are covered under the development
contract. One stipulation is included in the Council's resolution approvingg the
final plat, and the requirement that the multi-purpose trailway (MPTW) be
completed prior to final plat approval was ehmmated by the Planning
DECEMBER 16, 1991
Commission. The City Engineer has reviewed the final plat and recommends
approval. The Environmental Affairs Committee reviewed the grading and erosion
control plan with the Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District and
recommends approval.. The Parks & Recreation Committee has recommended a cash
contribution to the Park & Trail Fund.
Councilmember Harvey asked when the multi-purpose trailway will be completed.
Mr. Wagner explained that. the contractor was not able to complete the trailway
due to the early arrival of winter. Councilmember Harvey suggested amending the
development contract to include a stipulation that the multi-purpose trailway be
..completed by July 1, .1992.
91.258 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve Resolution No. 91-183
approving the final plat and development agreement for Country Pond South 2nd
Addition, with a stipulation that the multi-purpose trailway be completed by July
1, 1992.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt, .Mulvihill,
Mr. Erickson presented a Real Estate Purchase Agreement with Larry and Darlene
Wetterlund for the purchase of their property, which is surrounded by Casperson
Park. He explained that the Wetterlunds had applied for a conditional use permit
to construct a garage on the site. Due to the non-conformity of the property,
the Planning Commission recommended denial of the permit. The City obtained an
appraisal on the property, and Mrs. Wetterlund has decided to sell the property
to the City at the appraised value. She has also signed a waiver of relocation
Mr. Michaud explained that staff recommended the acquisition of this property for
Casperson Park as part of the 1986 park bond referendum; however, the acquisition
was not pursued due to limitation of funds. The Parks & Recreation Advisory
Committee recommends purchase of the property, which is included in the 1992 Park
Dedication Fund budget.
Councilmember Sindt asked about the well that is located on the prope Staff
explained that the City anticipates capping. the well pursuant to the~ounty's
rules and regulations.
91.259 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Ruhmann to authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to enter into a Real Estate Purchase Agreement with Larry. and Darlene
Wetterlund for the acquisition of their property at 19749 Juno Trail
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey,
DECEMBER 16,1991
Mr. Sobota presented a signed purchase agreement with Vista Telephone Company for
City .owned property on Gerdine Path and Dodd Boulevard. The sale of this
property would be contingent upon the City Council granting a conditional use
permit for the construction of a switching facility on the properttyy The project
includes Vista paying the cost of a park master plan for the Cedar Highlands
Park, whether or not the conditional use perinrt is approved. Vista has .also
agreed to provide parking that could be utilized for the park. as part of an
integrated site plan.
Mr. Michaud explained that the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee and staff
would like to re-design this property into a passive, greenway type of park with
a low maintenance praine grass type of vegetation. The existing retention pond
would be redesigned, and all major trees would be preserved. The park shelter
building would be built consistent with existing park facilities. He stated
Vista is offering $25,000 for the property, plus an amount not to exceed $5,000
for. preparation of the park master plan.
Councihnember Harvey felt that the neighborhood should be given an opportunity to
meet, and the Planning Commission should consider the conditional use permit
request prior to City Council approval of the purchase .agreement. He stated he
would prefer to grant concept plan approval at this time.
Mr. Knutson explained that Sections 5 and 6 of the purchase agreement state that
• the agreement shall be terminated if Vista is unable to obtain a .conditional use
permit for the operation of a telephone switching station on the property; and
Vista shall reimburse the City for the cast of preparing a park master plan
study, not to exceed $5,000.
Mr. Erickson stated the Council could table action on the purchase agreement and
authorize staff to present the park master plan as it now exists and the proposed
purchase agreement to the neighborhood. Staff would return to the Council for
approval of the purchase agreement after neighborhood meetings have been held.
In answer to Councilmember Mulvihill's question, Mr. Erickson explained that the
$4,500 from Vista could be used to fine-tune the master plan after. the purchase
agreement has been approved.
91.260 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to table the purchase agreement
with Vista Telephone Company for property located on Gerdine Path and Dodd
Boulevard and authorize staff to present -the proposed Vista Telephone switching
facility and park master plan at a neighborhood meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann,
91.261 Motion. was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to re-appoint the following
advisory committee members:
DECEMBER 16,1991
Planning Commission (three year terms) -Christine Steigerwalt .and Mary Liz
Parks & Recreation Committee (three year terms) -Gerald Grenz and Jeffrey Larson
Environmental Affairs Committee (two year terms) -Robert Nicholson, Todd Mestad
and. Tim Lundahl
Cable TV Board (two year terms) -Richard Schwartz, Robin Selvg, Greg
Maliszewski and Robert Crumpton, Jr.
Economic Development Commission (three year terms) -Gary Tushie, Robert Brantly
and Dale Detjen
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, .Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Mr. Erickson presented a resolution urggi~ng the 1992 State Legislature to repeal
the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 207A, which provides for a Presidential
Primary Election to be held on the first Tuesday in April of each year in which a
President and Vice President of the Unites States are to be elected. He
explained that the cost of holding the presidential primary must be borne by
.local taxpayers, and the results of the presidential primary are not binding for
delegate participation at the national convention of political parties appearing
on the presidential primary ballot.
Councilmember Sindt expressed her opposition to this type of an .election,
particularly if cities are forced to bear the costs. She stated, "This is a
"beauty :contest" between the two major political parties, but they don't want to
pay for it. Also, voters would have to indicate their political party in order
to receive a ballot."
91.262 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Ruhmann to approve Resolution No. 91-1$4
urging the 1992 State Legislature to repeal the provisions of Minnesota Statutes,
Chapter 207A, which provides for a presidential pnmary election.
Rall call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt,
UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mr. Erickson provided a status update on the Ardmor storm
shelter construction.
City offices closed on December 24th and 25th and January 1st
Next regular Council meeting, January 6,1992
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
.DECEMBER 16,1991
~ ~
Charlene Friedges, City rk
D ne Zaun, May r