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SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ruhmann,
Sindt, Mulvihill,. Harvey and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B, Erickson, City
Administrator; D, Feller, Finance Director; M. Sobota,-
Community & Economic Development Director; S. Michaud, Parks
& Recreation Director; D. Gudmundson, Chief of Police; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; L. Gustafson, Assessment Clerk; R.
Wawrzon, Research Analyst; D. Morey, Assistant Community &
Economic Development Director; D. Krings, Chief Building
Official; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The. minutes of the August 26th special Council meeting and
the September 3rd regular Council meeting were approved as
Attorney: None.
Engineer: Mr. Nelson asked the Council to consider under New
Business approval of the final grading plans for Fairfield
Business Campus (City Improvement Project 91-10) and
authorize bids to be opened on October 29, 1992.
Administrator: Mr. Erickson handed out. additional
information to the Council for agenda items 8 and 9.
Chief of Police: Chief Gudmundson presented the August
Police Department monthly report.
Parks & Recreation Director: Mr. Michaud presented the
August Parks & Recreation Department monthly report.
Recognition of the 16-year-old VFW .Post 210 baseball team
will take place later in the meeting when the team members
and coaches arrive.
Mr. Feller introduced Ms. Valerie Stevens, the new part-time
Motor Vehicle Clerk.
.SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
Mr. Michaud introduced Mr. Mick Higgins, the new Park
.Maintenance II/Forester employee. Mr. Michaud presented to
the City Council a plaque from the Minnesota Private Industry
Council in recognition of the City's commitment to the Dakota.
County Job Training Program.
Mayor. Zaun recognized Councilmember Sindt for her
extraordinary efforts as 1991 Chair of the League of
Minnesota Cities Conference Planning Committee.
Councilmembers added. Item 16 to the Consent Agenda,
appointment of Mira Holliday as Deputy City .Clerk of Records.
91.185 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the
consent agenda items as follows:
a. Approve claims for payment.
b. Approve August investment report.
• c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee
Planning Commission, Sept. 5th and Aug.. 29th
Cable TV Board, August 13th
Environmental Affairs Committee, September 3rd
Parks & Recreation Committee, September 4th
d. Approve Resolution No. 91-123 calling a public assessment
hearing for Improvement Project 89-13, utility, trail and
street improvements to Griffon and Grove Trails, Gull
Path and Grinnell Avenue.
e. Approve Resolution No. 91-124 calling a public assessment
hearing .for Improvement Project 90-5, utility
improvements to Holyoke Avenue from 210th Street to
McGuire Jr. High School.
f. Approve Resolution No. 91-125 calling public assessment
hearing for delinquent utility accounts.
g. Approve Resolution No. 91-126 approving extension of
mobile home park grant for 1992.
h. Authorize George M. Hansen Company to prepare the .1991
City audit.
SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
i. .Approve special assessment agreement with Norris J. and
Linda Niccum for Improvement Project 86-15.
j. Approve temporary easement.. with Lance J. Johnson for the
extension of 175th Street to serve the Highview
Elementary School, Improvement Project 90-9.
k. Approve special assessment agreement with Steven and
Linda O'Brien, Improvement Project 89-9.
1. Approve special assessment agreements with Lon Hitch and
Sue Feigal-Hitch and George and Sharon Talley,
Improvement Project 89-9.
m. Approve final acceptance. of utility improvements, Royal
Woods First Addition.
n. Approve Final Pay Estimate #6 and .final acceptance of
Improvement Project 90-6, sewer televising and
o. Approve Final-Pay Estimate #5 and .final acceptance of
Improvement Project 90-1, 205th Street and, Hollins Avenue
• p. Approve Final Pay Estimate #3 and final acceptance of
Improvement Project 90-3, Dakota Heights Reservoir.
q. Authorize Pavement. Evaluation Survey for selected streets
in accordance with Braun Intertech's proposal dated
September, 1991.
r. Grant extension of time. for completion' of Improvement
Project 89-9, Judicial .Road.
s. Approve Change Order No. 2 with Barbarossa and Sans,
Judicial Road Improvement Project 89-9.
t. Approve Resolution No. 91-127 authorizing financing of
Improvement Project 91-9.
16. Appointment of Mira Holliday as Deputy. City Clerk of
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,. Ruhmann, Zaun,
Sindt, Mulvihill, .Harvey.
SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
Mr. Kevin Sullivan, architect for Independent School District
194 (ISD 194), requested the Council consider approval of the
site plan, landscaping plan and lighting plan for the new
Lakeville Senior High School. He stated grading is
progressing on the site, and the School District expects to
begin construction in November.. He explained that the
football/athletic facilities are not a part of this site
development. Detailed plans for that phase will be submitted
in early spring.
Mr. Erickson outlined the September 9th planning report
prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants for the high
- The plat boundary issues are currently being resolved. by
the project engineer.
- No agreement has been reached at this time on the ice arena
- The utility easements which are designated around the
building are not necessary, since the water system will be
privately owned and operated. ISD 194 has agreed to
eliminate the easements.
- ISD 194 has agreed to dedicate a 55 foot right-of-way for
Dodd Boulevard.
- A significant amount of time and effort. has been spent on
preparation of an erosion control plan, and runoff is being
contained in the temporary pond.
- The erosion control plan will include a silt fence along
the proposed Dodd Boulevard right-turn lane west of Dodd.
- The stockpiles of topsoil materials must be eliminated
prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
- Site circulation/transportation issues will be coordinated
with the Dakota County Highway Department, including. turn
lanes andbypass lanes.
- ISD 194 will designate handicapped parking stalls, which
will be painted blue.
- ISD. 194 will .provide narrower motorcycle parking spaces as
a means of increasing the landscaping in the north student
.parking lot.
SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
- The City fire marshal has indicated that .the existing
12-foot wide walkway will be sufficient for emergency vehicle
access.. With the installation of a total sprinkler system,
one fire hydrant can be eliminated.
- The architect will investigate alternative means for
reducing the impact. of the ballfields on Dodd Boulevard.
This would include fencing and/or re-orientation of a
- All parking lot lights will be elevated on three to four
foot concrete pedestals.
- ISD 194 is considering flattening the sanitary sewer line
between Manholes 2 and. 5, possibly eliminating the need for
- Signage is consistent with the previously approved
conditional use permit.
Councilmember Harvey asked about additional lighting along.
the pedestrian trails. Mr. Sullivan stated the lighting plan
will be submitted with the full building package in about a
week. The building package/bid documents will be reviewed by
City staff before going out to bid.
Councilmember Sindt asked about the underground fuel storage
tank. Mr. Sullivan explained that fuel oil is used only when
the- gas is interrupted, and most school fuel oii tanks get
filled once a year.
.9.1.186 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
the site plan, landscaping plan, lighting plan and utility
plan. as part of the conditional use permit for the new
Lakeville Senior High School.
Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Zaun, Sndt,
Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann.
Mr. Knutson provided a background on the Ardmor Mobile Home.
Park storm shelter issue, which began in 1987 when the
legislature allowed the City to review a plan of evacuation
for the park. In 1988, the City Council directed a storm
shelter be constructed, because the plan of evacuation was.
found to be unsatisfactory. At this time, the Council is
being asked to consider whether. the proposed plans for a
storm shelter are acceptable.
SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
Mr. John. Bonner, legal counsel for Uniprop Partnership,.
stated Uniprop would like to begin construction of the
shelter this fall so that it can be functioning in time for
the 1992 storm season.
Mr. Brian Wass of Krech, O'Brien, Mueller and Wass, Inc.,
Architects/Engineers, presented the proposed shelter plans.
The shelter is designed for 700 occupants,. with 2,800 square
feet of protected area and a minimum ceiling height of seven
feet. The structure would be set into the existing hillside
next to the office building, with berming around the
remaining exposed walls. The roof is designed to withstand
uplift pressures and will be covered with concrete pavers.
The shelter would have venting to equalize atmospheric
pressure and emergency lighting in the interior.
Mr. Wass stated the preliminary. plans have been reviewed by
the City's Building Official, who has outlined several items
that must be addressed prior to issuance of a building
.permit. Mr. Wass addressed the issue of parking for
residents who are not within walking distance of the
shelter. He stated the existing parking lot .would be used;
and if additional parking space is required, residents would
be asked to park on the grass so that roadways remain clear
for emergency vehicle access.
Councilmember Mulvihill questioned the safety of a storm
shelter that is not completely underground. Mr. Wass assured
her that the plans are in compliance the Federal Emergency
Management Agency guidelines.
Councilmember Sindt asked about emergency access to the
building in the. absence of the park manager, who will have
the key. She .also asked about potential flooding from the
existing drainage way. Mr. Erickson .stated a lock box could
be .placed an the shelter to allow accessibility by the .Police
and Fire Departments. He also explained that the park
experienced flooding from the drainage way in 1981. Since
that time, the situation has been corrected, and the City
does not foresee a reoccurrence.
Councilmember Harvey asked. about the facility's capacity and
" what is required by State law. Mr. Knutson explained that
State law requires four square. feet per occupant. Mr.
Erickson stated the general rule is to .provide space for 80~
of total park .capacity. Uniprop based the size of this
shelter on 339 units, which the City feels is adequate..
Ms. Sue Jerome, park resident, asked about the potential for
. flooding. Mr. Erickson explained that the storm drainage
system has been designed to handle a 100-year storm, and
flooding isvery unlikely.
.SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
Mr. Bob Reiner, park resident, stated he anticipates a future
parking problem, but is willing to work with the management
to resolve it. He thanked the Council and staff for their
continued .support in bringing this storm shelter issue to
91.187 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
the storm shelter plans for Ardmor Manufactured Housing, Inc.
as presented, subject to compliance. with the recommendations.
listed in the Building Official's memo dated September 16,
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun.
Mayor Zaun recognized. the 16-year-old VFW Baseball Team,
District 2 champions .and winners of the State VFW Baseball
Tournament. Councilmember Mulvihill presented a proclamation
to the team.
Mr. George (Skip) Thaler expressed appreciation to the City
Council and staff for considering his request for a building
setback variance to allow the construction of a single family
residential dwelling at 11825 Knolls Path.
Mr. Morey presented the details of the variance request. He
explained that the Thalers wish to construct a new house 100
feet from Horseshoe, Lake on their property located in
northwest Lakeville. The property. is .heavily .wooded with
steep slopes. The Thalers have put- forth a great deal of
effort to determine the best location for their new home.
They have contacted the DNR in an effort to minimize the
impact of their development on Horseshoe Lake. They have
also solicited-the opinion of a forester and three building
contractors regarding. the best location for the house with
the least impact on existing terrain and vegetation. The
house could be built in another location. on the site without
a variance; however,. that would require a great deal of
modification to the vegetation and grading. The impact of
the house on Horseshoe Lake would bereduced.. by the thick
stand of trees located between the house site and the
Lakeshore and by the 55-65 foot elevation of the house site
above the lake.
SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
The variance request has been reviewed by the DNR, the Dakota
County Soil and Water Conservation District, the
Environmental Affairs Committee and the Planning Commission.
Mr. Morey explained that. the DNR was originally .opposed to
the 100-foot setback because the Thalers had revised their
variance .request by adding a deck onto the rear. of the
proposed house, which reduced the proposed setback. After
discussing the matter with the applicant and City
Administrator, Mr. Lynch of the DNR has indicated they would
not oppose the 100 foot setback.
Councilmember Harvey .stated he supports the proposed
variance, since building the house in another location on the
property would cause environmental damage.
91.188 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to .receive
the Planning Commission's findings of fact. and approve a
building setback variance for George and Jill Thaler to allow
construction of a single family residential dwelling at 11825
Knolls Path.
Rolf call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Ruhmann, Zaun,.Sindt.
Mr. Duane Dietrich of Rolling Oaks, Inc. asked the Council to
consider the final plat of Rolling Oaks :South Plat Five,.
consisting of 29 single family residential lots on property
located east of Kenrick Avenue and north of 170th Street.
This. is the sixth phase of development of the 10-phase Alpine
Village preliminary. plat approved in 1984. one phase was
sold and developed. as the Timber Ridge subdivision. He
explained that four lots were eliminated from the preliminary
plat in order to meet the R-2 zoning requirements.
Mr. Sobota stated neighborhood residents felt this plat. was.
inconsistent with adjacent homes. He pointed out, however,
that the Timber Ridge and Lynwood subdivisions also contain
R-2 size lots. Rolling Oaks South Plat Five consists of
10,270 to 23,100 square foot lots, which is consistent with
the adjoining subdivisions.
Mr. Morey presented the final plat in detail. He explained
that Rolling Oaks South Plats Five and Six were graded in
1988 under an approved grading permit. However, the
developer never completed development of these two phases
after the grading was done, and severe .erosion occurred on
the site. The City Engineer is recommending that individual
erosion control plans be required on nine of the 29 lots; and
SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
five of the. lots are to be custom graded as required in the
tree preservation plan. A security in the amount of $10,000
is required in the development. contract to' guarantee
compliance with erosion control measures.
Mr. Morey stated the developer has signed the development
agreement, paid the appropriate fees and has submitted a
letter of intent to issue the letter of credit. The Dakota
.County Soil and Water Conservation District, Environmental
Affairs Committee, Parks & Recreation Committee and Planning
Commission recommend approval of the final plat.
Councilmember Harvey stated he .does not support the
substandard sized lots, however, he does support the
increased lot size due to the reduced .number of lots.
91.189 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Ruhmann to approve
Resolution. No. 91-128 approving the final plat and
development agreement for Rolling Oaks South Plat Five..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill.
ITE[~I 12
Mr. Warren Isrealson of Progress Land Company asked the
Council to consider approval of the .final plat of Meadow
Brook 3rd Addition,. which consists. of 40 single family.
residential lots located on property south of 170th .Street.
and east of.Flagstaff. Avenue.
Mr. Sobota presented the final plat in detail. He explained
that the developer was required to submit typical house plans
for the lots which include the MWCC sanitary sewer easement.
Per the Planning Commission's recommendation, the development
contract requires that homes constructed on Lots 4 through
14, Block 2, be built with decks having a minimum size of 100
square feet. The Planning Commission also recommended a
landscaping barrier (including. five-foot spruce trees every
12 feet) along the western portion of the plat adjacent to
North Creek Mobile Home Park, and the developer has agreed to
an additional $5,000 security for the landscaping..
The developer has .signed the development agreement and
provided the necessary fees. A letter of intent for issuance
of a letter of credit has also been provided. The Dakota
County .Soil and Water Conservation District, .Environmental
Affairs Committee, Parks & Recreation Committee and Planning
Commission recommend. approval of the final plat.
SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
Councilmember Sindt asked what provisions will be made to
ensure that the homes in North Creek Mobile Home Park are not
flooded from the adjacent North Creek.
.The City Engineer and developer explained that the entire
channel was excavated in 1990 in conjunction with the flood
plain amendment for Meadow Brook. The channel was totally
reconstructed, with additional ponding, and the project was
approved by the DNR, Corps of Engineers and Federal Emergency
Councilmember Mulvihill questioned the reason for the.
requirement that decks be built. with the home. Staff
explained that the developer would position the decks on the
homes in a location that would not cause an encroachment into
the sanitary sewer easement. This would avoid future
problems for a homeowner that may not. be familiar with the.
91.190 Motion was made by .Ruhmann, seconded by Sindt to approve
Resolution No. 91-129 .approving the final plat and
development. agreement for Meadow Brook 3rd Addition.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Sindt, Mulvihill. Nay, Harvey. The reason for Councilmember
Harvey's nay vote was that a significant number of lots fail
to meet the R-2 zoning requirement.
Mr. Scott Johnson of Arcon Development, asked the Council to
consider approval of the final plat of Lynwood North 6th
Addition, which consists of 36 single family residential lots
on property located north of 170th Street .and west of Ipava
Mr. Morey presented the final. plat in detail. The
preliminary plat of Lynwood North was approved in 1987 and is
zoned R-2, Single Family Residential District. All lots meet
subdivision ordinance requirements. A tree preservation plan
has been submitted, and 25 of the 36 lots will be custom
graded. The City. Engineer is recommending that 17 lots have
individual erosion control plans due to steep. slopes.. The
development contract also recommends that the developer
convey to the City an easement for off-site ponding and
drainage for the Lynwood North subdivision, as recommended by
the City Engineer.
Mr. Morey stated the developer has signed the development
. contract, paid the appropriate fees and has submitted a
letter of intent for the letter of credit. The Dakota County
SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
Soil and Water Conservation District, Environmental .Affairs
Committee, Parks and Recreation Committee and Planning
Commission recommend approval of the final plat,
Mr. Nelson addressed the drainage issue. He explained that
in order to control the storm sewer runoff generated within
the Lynwood Additions and to provide storm water treatment,
storm sewer and off-site ponding is required. The developer
will be required to construct a pond on the Vivant-property
located north of the Lynwood additions. Storm sewer to the
proposed pond .will be constructed with the 6th Addition.
Easements covering the proposed storm sewer and pond have
been acquired by the developer.
Mr. Nelson also addressed the existing pond in the .landlocked
wetland located in the southeast portion of the proposed
plat, which is artificially high at this time. .Several large
diameter oak trees are submerged at their bases in this area.,
and many are dead or dying. In order to maintain a desired
water level. in the wetland, a permanent outlet will be
Councilmember Harvey asked about maintenance of these types
of large .storm sewer systems; and Mr. Nelson stated the.-36"
storm sewers typically require very little maintenance.
91.191 Motion was made by Mulvihill, -seconded by Harvey to approve
Resolution No. 91-130 approving the final .plat. and
development agreement for Lynwood North 6th Addition.
Rolf call was taken on :the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann.
Mr. Morey presented the request of Bridlewilde Joint. Venture..
for the final ..plat of Shady Oak Shores 4th Addition. The
plat consists of it single family residential lots on the
west side of Cedar Avenue south of 170th Street.. The
property is zoned R-2, single family residential district and
is the fourth phase of the Shady Oak Shores preliminary plat
approved in 1988.
Mr. Morey stated the developer has submitted a
.fencing/landscaping plan, which includes the continuation of
the wood fence along Cedar Avenue with a gate for each
property owner to access both sides of their fence. The.
landscaping plan includes the installation of seven flowering
crab trees along Cedar Avenue and three black hills spruce
• trees. along the outside of the wood fence.. to be installed
adjacent to-the commercial lots.
SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
The final plat was reviewed by the Dakota County Soil and
Water Conservation District,.Environmental Affairs Committee,
Parks & Recreation Committee and Planning Commission, and all
recommend approval. The developer has signed the development.
contract, paid the associated fees, and has submitted a
letter of credit.
The City Council, staff and developer held a discussion on
the proposed landscaping and fencing along Cedar Avenue for
this development.
91.192 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
Resolution No. 91-131 approving the final plat and
development agreement for Shady Oak Shores 4th Addition.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun.
ITE[rI 15
Police Chief Gudmundson presented the request of Babe's
Sportsbar & Grill to conduct an outdoor public dance on
Saturday, September 21st. He explained that the Jaycees'
. Heritage Festival. dance is scheduled for that evening, and
stated the Police Department cannot provide the necessary
security for two public dances on the same night. He
explained that Ms. Pat Sternberg, Manager at Babe's., has been
contacted and agreed to have the dance inside.
Chief .Gudmundson stated a laser karoake show will be held on
Friday evening, September 20th, with a pig roast sponsored by
the American Legion on Saturday evening. The events will be
operated under Babe's current liquor and dance licenses...
91.193 .Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to .receive the
request of Babe's Sportsbar & Grill to host an outdoor laser
karoake show on Friday, September 20th, and a pig roast on
Saturday, September 21st, and acknowledge .these as public
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill,. Harvey
Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt.
91.194 .Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to grant an
outdoor public dance permit to Babe's Sportsbar & Grill for
Saturday, September 21st.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Nays, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill. REQUEST DENIED.
SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
Councilmember Sindt asked staff to provide a status update on
the upgrading of Highway 50. Mr. Nelson stated construction
will take place in 1993 and is expected to be completed by
September 1st.
Mr. Sobota requested the Council consider approval of the
grading plan and authorize advertisement for bids for the
Fairfield Business Campus. grading. He explained that
Apothecary Products, Inc. has indicated a willingness to have
the City contract the grading work for the entire Fairfield
Business Campus site. Staff is recommending an October .29th
bid. opening, and results would be presented to the City
Council at their November 4th meeting. The preliminary and
final plat of Fairfield Business Campus is also scheduled to
go before the Council at that meeting.
91.195 Motion was .made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve
Resolution No. 91-132 approving the grading plans. and
specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for
Fairfield Business Campus, Improvement Project 91-10.
Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Sindt, Mulvihill,. Harvey.
Council Work Session, September 26th
Next Regular Council Meeting, October ?th
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 9:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, y Clerk
Du a Zaun, Ma o