. AUGUST 26, 1991
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Sindt,
Mulvihill, Harvey and Mayor Zaun. Absent: Councilmember
Also present: J. Walston, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City
Administrator; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development
Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; J. Oliver, Assistant
City Engineer; D. Morey, Assistant Community & Economic
Development Director; D. Gudmundson, Chief of Police; C.
Friedges, City Clerk.
91.178 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded. by Sindt to approve the
consent agenda items as follows:
a. Approve storm sewer special assessment agreement with
Vernon W. and Tonete E. Jensen for property located at
7660 - 202nd Street W.
b. Adopt Ordinance No. 447 amending Section 10-4-8(J) of the.
City Code concerning park and trail land donations.
• c. Approve Resolution No. 91-113 setting uniform attendance
requirements for advisory boards, commissions and
d. Approve the purchase of a 42-foot bucket truck in the
amount of $14,975 from ABM Equipment to be financed from
certificates of indebtedness.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
Mulvihill, Harvey.
Councilmember Ruhmann arrived, 7:03 p.m.
Mr. Morey presented the final plat of Cherry Ridge Second,
consisting of 23 single. family residential lots on property
.zoned R-2. The plat, which is the second and final phase of
the Cherry Ridge Estates preliminary. plat, is located east of
Highview Avenue and south of 172nd Street. The developer has
submitted a grading/tree preservation plan for Lots 11, 12
and 13, Block 2. The staff has compared this- plan with the
plan approved for Cherry Ridge First. Fewer trees will be
removed to accommodate house construction on Lots 11 and 13
than _was shown on the approved grading plan. A .few more.
AUGUST 26, 1991
trees will be removed on Lot 12 than was shown on the
original grading plan. to accommodate a storm sewer catch
basin and emergency overflow Swale that will be constructed
between Lots 12 and 13. Mr. Morey explained that a path of
trees no greater than ten feet in width will be removed to
accommodate this catch basin/Swale.
The .developer has paid the park and trail. dedication,
engineering and administration, traffic control signage and
street lighting fees. In addition to the $226,300.30 letter
of credit, the developer has placed a $3,000 security for
tree preservation on Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 2, and $5,000
for removal of the dirt stockpile in Blocks 1 and 2, Cherry
Ridge. The final plat was reviewed by the Planning
Commission, Environmental Affairs and Parks & Recreation
Committees and the Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation
District. Staff recommends approval
In answer to Councilmember Sindt's question, Mr. Erickson
stated the developer is proposing to build spec homes on the
custom. graded lots (11, 12 and 13, Block 2), with
pre-approved housing pads, to avoid reoccurrence of the
situation that exists on the custom graded lots in the first
Councilmember Harvey asked about the drainage Swale. Mr.
Oliver explained that a catch basin will be constructed in
the. rear yards for moderate run-off, and an emergency
overflow swale will flow toward the street in case the storm
sewer freezes or plugs.
91.1?9 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Ruhmann to adopt
Resolution No. 91-114 approving the final plat and
development agreement for Cherry Ridge Second.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sndt, Mulvihill,
Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun.
Mr. Feller presented the preliminary 1992 budget and tax levy
for the City of Lakeville. He explained that the City .must
certify the proposed budget and tax levy to the County
Auditor on or before .September 3, 1991. The City Council
must also certify the dates it intends to select for public
hearings, which must be held before adoption of .the final
budget and .tax levy. The City's hearing dates cannot
conflict with the hearings being held by the county and/or
school districts. Mr. Feller explained that the final
certified tax levy cannot exceed the preliminary tax levy.
AUGUST 26, 1991
Mr. Feller explained that the State has historically
controlled .property taxes by establishing levy limits. The
State .then allocates local government aids (LGA) and
homestead and agricultural credit aids (HACA) to minimize the
amount of the net tax impact on property owners. In prior
years, the City has been able to increase its levy limit base
for population, inflation and certain special levies.
However, the 1991 legislature adopted the Omnibus .Tax Bill,
which allowed for no increase for population or inflation.
Special levies for. fire relief pensions were. rolled into the
base, which means that the increase in pension fund
liabilities has to be paid out. of the existing tax base. The
proposed tax levy for 1992 is $5,162,627, a 3.6% increase
over 1991. This will translate into a property tax decrease
for residential homesteaded property owners in Lakeville.
Mr. Feller highlighted the General. Fund revenue and
expenditures as follows.
Yntergovernment Revenue
• The City receives state aids and grants for .general fund
operating purposes, i.e. police and fire pensions, police
officer training, recreation trail maintenance and street
maintenance. The City received a mobile home.. park grant in
1991 as a .pro-active approach to providing crime prevention
and recreation activities in those housing areas. It is
anticipated that Lakeville will .receive a continuation of
this grant in 1992.
Charges for Services
Charges. for services for general government are projected to
be $401,901 in 1992. The City is proposing to- .collect a
lockout fee from a private contractor who would be dispatched
by the Police Department when a resident calls for
assistance. Charges for public .works services are
anticipated to be $437,328. Street light fees are proposed
to be increased from the current rate of $3.73 to $3.95 per
residential unit to offset a recently approved electric
utility rate increase. Revenue from recreation programs. will
increase .from $67,966 in 1991 to $71,760 in 1992.
Interest on investments will decrease by approximately
$16,000, due to the declining interest rates and general
economic condition. Donations totaling $28,000 are expected
AUGUST 26, 1991
from Inde endent School Districts 194 and 196 to hel su rt
the Drug Awareness .Resistance Education (DARE) Program. The
1991 legislature authorized the .school districts to levy a $1
per capita tax for police education programs. The school
districts in turn can transfer this money to cities for the
DARE programs.
Interfund Transfers
The Liquor Fund will contribute $103,965 in 1992 to support
police department operations. Transfers from the Utility
Fund are intended for the purpose of reimbursing the General
Fund for administrative support, office space, police
department monitoring of the lift station alarms and staff
The proposed 1992 budget does not include new permanent staff
positions. Lakeville has historically had one of the lowest
number. of employees per capita in the State. The City will
have 3.5 employees per thousand population in 1992. Because
of new IRS regulations, .the cost of FICA for seasonal
employees will cost the City an additional $13,62.1 in 1992.
Capital Outlay
The repayment of debts on certificates of indebtedness is
provided by a special ad valorem property tax levy.
Certificates of indebtedness allow for repayment over a three
to five year period at low interest rates, which minimizes
the impact to the taxpayer. Equipment needs for the police,
fire, ambulance, streets and parks departments are eligible.
General. fund capital outlay .items are generally. those items
that are not eligible to be purchased with certificates of
indebtedness. Major purchases in 1992 include a pickup truck
for the Inspections Department, a copy machine and
engineering computer equipment.
Commodities and Contractual
The City will show no significant increases in commodities or
contractual items for 1992. For the past two years, the City
has endorsed the concept of privatization,. whereby certain
services such as custodial, .,street sweeping and lawn care
maintenance. are contracted out.
AUGUST 26, 1991
General Government
The City Council budget for 1992 includes $15,000 far a
.legislative liaison. These funds are intended to further the
City's efforts with the State legislature, i.e. levy limits
and road access impact fees. Funding is also provided
($5,200) for an update to the Resident Guidebook. As a
result of increased population and legislative. redistricting,
the City Clerk budget includes $13,750 for 50 additional
voting booths and a vote tabulator. Elections funding for
1992 takes into consideration the Presidential Primary, State
Primary, and State General Elections.
Public Safety
There is no additional staffing .proposed for 1992. The Park
Ranger program is proposed to be transferred from the Parks
Department to the .Police Department in 1992. Volunteer fire
pension liabilities increased from $81,252 in 1991 to
$140,447 in 1992. As a result, the City will incur an
additional $59,195 in expenses with no offsetting revenue
source. The Fire. Department part-time Rescue Captain
position was eliminated and is proposed to be xeplaced with.
• three Lieutenant positions at no increase in cost. The
HAZMAT fund was eliminated in anticipation of possible State
Public Works
Engineering projects for 1992 include preparation of a
feasibility report for the downtown storm sewer project,
completion of the 175th Street project and extension of
utilities along Dodd Boulevard to the new high school.
Contractual street sweeping will be expanded to include all
streets north of 185th Street. The 1992 sealcoating will be
financed through the issuance of a general obligation
improvement bond.
Parks and Recreation
In 1991, the City operated beaches at Lake Marion and Valley
Lake Park. However, with the completion of the Judicial Road
project .and the reopening of Orchard Lake Beach in 1992, the
cost of providing lifeguard services will increase. from
$24,141 to $36,446. The Puppet Wagon is included in the 1992
budget contingent upon the receipt of a mobile home .park
grant and community donations.
AUGUST 26, 1991
The fund balance of $2,105,700 represents the amount of money
required to operate the City during the first six months of
the year. The City's most significant revenue sources, taxes
and intergovernment revenue, do not .provide appreciable
revenue until the second half of the year. The year end fund
balance .for 1992. is adequate, but not excessive. The City's
ability to adopt a budget for 1992 whereby expenditures
exceed revenue is the result of a fund balance carry-over
from prior years. This carry-over was built up over a period
of .time as a result of building permit revenue and under
expenditure of department budgets.
The Community Development/Cable TV Fund is used to account
for the franchise fees from cable TV operations. This fund
is self-supporting.
The Drug. Enforcement Fund is used to account for all revenue
derived from the sale of assets which are confiscated as a
result of drug arrests.
The Employee Benefit Fund was created to account for the
accrued liability of employee benefits which are attributable
to severance pay.
The Environmental/Recycling Fund is used to account for all
grants and tax revenue which are related to the
implementation of recycling activities. There will be a
significant decrease in overall grants .available from Dakota
County for this fund in 1992.
In closing, Mr. Feller stated that current State legislation
proposes the removal of levy limits fore taxes payable in
1993; however, the City must be prepared to accept the
reality that the legislature will conta.nue some form of levy
limitations. Therefore, City staff has abandoned the
preparation of a two-year budget until after the 1992
legislature adjourns. Once the results of the 1992
legisiata.ve .session are known, the City can continue to
develop along-range financial plan.
Mr. Erickson explained that the City staff is becoming more
creative in helping balance the budget. However, the City
clearly needs a legislative liaison who can keep .the City
Council apprised of what. the legislature is doing with .levy
limits and to pursue legislative establishment of road impact
_ AUGUST 26, 1991
Mr. Erickson stated the City is proposing a cost of living
increase in the three percent range for employees. With the
City's rapid growth, .additional police officers, as well. as
other. positions, are needed. If the legislature lifts levy
limits in the next legislative session, the City Council
could add additional personnel at that time.
Councilmember Harvey explained that citizens should be aware
that although the City's portion of property taxes may
decrease in 1992 compared to 1991, the County and/or School
District's portion may likely increase.
Mr. Feller explained that the Dakota County Auditor is
proposing to send out parcel specific notices to all
residents in November, prior to the truth-i.n-taxation
hearings being held by the School Districts, County and
City.. These parcel specific notices would show residents
exactly what their 1992 property taxes will be based on the
current market .value established for their property as part
of the 1991 Board of Review process. These notices would
also .show residents exactly what portion of their .property
taxes would qo to the various taxing jurisdictions, i.e.,
City, County and School Districts.
• Councilmembers spoke in favor of the two-year budget process
and. agreed that the 1992-93 budget process should begin as
soon as the next legislative session adjourns.
91.180 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill. to adopt
Resolution No. 91-115 approving the preliminary 1992 Tax
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt.
91.181 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Ruhmann to adopt
Resolution No. 91-116 approving the preliminary 1992 General
Fund Budget.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill.
Councilmembers discussed the merits of conducting the City's
public hearing after the County and School Districts have
completed their hearings.
AUGUST 26, 1991
91.182 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to adopt
Resolution No. 91-117 setting the public budget hearing for
December 16, 1991, with the continuation hearing, if
necessary, on December 17, 1991.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey.
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 8.25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, C Clerk
• Dua a Zaun, May...