DECEMBER 17, 1990
The:. meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was .given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ruhmann,
Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: B. Erickson, City Administrator; R. Knutson,
City Attorney; K. Nelson, City Engineer; D. Feller, Finance
Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; J.
Robinette, Public Works Director; A. Brixius, .Planning
Consultant; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development
Director; D. Morey, Asst. Community & Economic Development
Director; J. Hennen, Planning Assistant; Sergeant Bellows,.
Police Dept.; B. Christensen, Fire Chief; D. Barth, Asst.
Fire Chief; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the .December 3, 1990, City Council meeting
were approved as printed.
Attorney; .Roger Knutson asked the Council to consider
removgng Item 7v from the Consent Agenda to .discuss renewal
of the non-intoxicating malt liquor license for Little Joe's
Pizza. Mr. Knutson also asked the Council to consider, .under.
New Business, a letter of credit and claims agreement for the
Grist Mill expansion project; and a .resolution ordering the
repair or removal of a hazardous building on 210th Street.
.Engineer None.
Administrator: Mr. Erickson handed out a revised list of
.delinquent utility accounts, Item No. 9. Mr. Erickson asked
the. Council to consider discussing, under New. Business, the
preliminary search areas for a new major airport. He also
stated the staff has information for the Council members
regarding.. their request to publicize Council meeting agendas,
and asked that the matter be discussed under Unfinished
.Chief of Police: In Chief Gudmundson's absence, Sergeant
Bellows presented the November Police Department monthly
Parks & Recreation Director: Mr. Michaud presented the
November Parks & Recreation Department monthly .report.
DECEMBER 17, 1990
Mayon Zaun introduced Mr. Ken Thury, .Social Studies Teacher
at Lakeville Senior High School, who introduced three
students from his Community Involvement Class. The students
presented illustrations from a booklet they prepared showing
Lakeville ordinances in satire.
Chief Christensen and Assistant Chief Barth presented a
trophy to Fire Prevention Poster Contest Winner, Anne
Saienga, a student at Lake Marion Elementary School. Mrs.
Aldt was presented the teachers traveling trophy.
Jim Robinette introduced the new Street Department employee,
Mr. Daniel McCarthy.
Mr. Joel Frank stated he wished to make a statement regarding
the. issue of his home on 210th Street. Mayor Zaun stated he
would be given an opportunity to make a brief statement when
the matter is discussed under New Business.
• Councilmembers removed Item 7v, renewal of non-intoxicating
malt liquor licenses; and added Item 14, :adoption of an
ordinance concerning street lights, to the .consent agenda.
9D.308 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the
consent agenda items as amended:
a. Approve claims for payment.
b. Receive advisory committee meeting minutes:
Planning Commission, December 6, 1990
Parks & Recreation Committee, December 5, 1990
Natural Resources .Committee,. December 4, 1990
Economic Development Commission, November 27, 1990
c. Approve Resolution No. 90-165 setting dates for regular
Council meetings in 1991.
d. Approve .Resolution No. 90-266 authorizing debt redemption
of outstanding General Obligation Bonds.
e. Approve Resolution No. 90-167 establishing storm sewer
charges for 1991.
DECEMBER 17, 1990
f. Approve Resolution No. 90-168 establishing State Aid
street assessment rates for 1991.
g. Approve Resolution No. 90-169 establishing water unit,
sanitary sewer unit and sanitary sewer area charges for
h. Approve Resolution No. 90-170 approving .plans and
specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for
sanitary sewer televising and rehabilitation, Project
i. Approve Resolution No. 90-171 approving plans and
specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids ..for
Valley Park reservoir painting, Project 90-7.
j. Approve Resolution No. 90-172 approving plans and
specifications and. authorizing advertisement for bids for
Well and Pump No. 2 rehabilitation, Project 90-8.
k. Approval of credits and storm sewer area assessments for
Cherry Ridge .First Addition.
to Approval. of credits and storm sewer area assessments for
. Meadow Brook First Addition.
m. .Approval of credits and storm sewer area assessments for
Country Pond South.
n. Approval. of .credits and storm sewer area assessments for
Kenwood .Oaks.
o. Approval of storm sewer credits for Southfork Village 3rd
p. Final acceptance of utility improvements .only for Cedar
Glen 2nd Addition.
q. Final acceptance of street improvements only for Trotters
Ridge 1st Addition, Phases I and II, .and Trotters Ridge
2nd Addition.
r. Approve fee title acquisition of Outlot A, Royal Woods
Addition, and ponding easement acquisition. for .part of
Outlot A, Lake Marion Estates.
s. Final acceptance of street and utility improvements for
Rolling 'Oaks South, Plats 7 and 8.
DECEMBER 17, 1990
t. Final acceptance of street and utility improvements for
Cherrywood Heights 3rd Addition.
u. Receive preliminary report from OSM for additional water.
storage and backup for Dakota Heights Water Reservoir,
Project 90-3.
v. Removed from Consent. Agenda.
w. Approve renewal of dance/cabaret licenses for 1991 .per
memo from City Clerk dated December 11, 1990.
x. Approve renewal of cigarette licenses for .1991 per memo
from City Clerk dated December 13, 1990.
y. Approve renewal of mechanical amusement device .licenses
for 1991 per memo from City Clerk dated December 13,
z. Approve renewal of garbage, .rubbish and recyclable
material collector licenses for 1991 per memo from
Planning Assistant dated December 12, 1990.
aa. Approve renewal of billboard and bench sign licenses for
1991. per memo from Planning Assistant dated December 12,
bb. Approve renewal of taxi cab license (Tiger Taxi) for
cc. Approve amendment to the Blackdog Water Management
Organization Joint Powers Agreement
dd. Approve grant applications for the purchase of cardboard
balers per memo from Planning Assistant dated December
13, 1990.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann.
Mr. Knutson explained that Little Joe's Pizza leases space in
the McStop Convenience Center, which. is owned by .Interstate
Retail ,Partnership of Lakeville. City ordinance states.. that
no liquor .license shall be granted or renewed for operation
on any premises on which real estate taxes are due,
delinquent or unpaid. It was explained that Mr. Joe Balut,
owner of Little Joe's Pizza, pays his share of the property
taxes through his monthly rent; however, taxes on the
property are delinquent for the entire year.
DECEMBER 17, 1990
Mr. Randy Sparling, attorney for Little Joe's, explained that
approximately $46,000 in taxes and penalties are currently
.outstanding on the property. He asked the Council to
consider granting a six .month extension on the. malt liquor
license for Little Joe's to allow this bill to be paid.
Councilmember Sindt suggested,' and. Mr. .Knutson agreed, that
the City Code could be amended for leased property to prevent
this type of situation in the future. Councilmember Harvey
suggested the tenant make his monthly rent payments to the
County ..Auditor, to be credited to the unpaid taxes. Mr.
Knutson stated he would find out if the Auditor is willing to
allow these taxes to be paid in monthly installments.
Mr. Erickson suggested the City Attorney contact :the property
owners to get a better understanding as to how they plan to
remedy the situation, and. suggested the matter be revisited
in 60 days.
90.309 Motion .was. .made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to extend the
current on-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor license for
Little Joe's Pizza until February 4, 1991.
• Roll .:call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun.
90.310 Motion.. was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
non.-intoxicating malt liquor license renewals for 1991 to
.Berries .Market & Deli, Mega Stop, Second Season Golf, Brook's
Superette, Enggren's Enterprises, Pizza Hut, SuperAmerica
(175th & T.H. 50) and SuperAmerica (161st & Cedar).
Roll .call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihillr Harvey,
Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt.
Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on the proposed' sanitary
sewer and watermain extensions along Holyoke Avenue .from
210th Street to McGuire Jr. High School, Project 90-5 (8:00
p.m.). The City Clerk attested that legal notices were duly
published and mailed.
Keith Nelson explained that .the feasibility report was
ordered in response to a letter from Andy and Chris Radford,.
residents of 21060 Holyoke Avenue, which described
substandard septic systems serving their home and the home
located at 21080 Holyoke Avenue. He explained that the
septic tank overflow in the driveway at 21080 Holyoke
presents a potential health hazard.
DECEMBER 17, 1990
Mr. Nelson explained that due to the existing drainage way
and elevation of the culverts across Holyoke Avenue, the
existing sanitary sewer located at the intersection of
Holyoke Avenue and 210th Street cannot be extended south to
serve the problem homes. Therefore, sanitary sewer service.
must be extended from trunk sewer facilities located east of
McGuire Jr. High. The City's Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer
Plan indicates the need for a trunk sanitary sewer facility
in this area. The drainage basin that the trunk sewer would
ultimately serve includes the .southwest area of the City, a
total of 1,665 acres. However, only approximately 250 acres
is within the Year 2010 Metropolitan Urban Service. Area
Mr. Nelson stated that Engineering proposes the construction
of a 21 inch trunk sanitary sewer facility be built to the
west side of Holyoke Avenue. Staff feels the proposed 21
inch trunk main is of adequate size based on a 50 year design.
.life, which will accommodate all ..flows generated until the
.drainage district is 75 percent developed. He explained that
Engineering anticipates development will occur in :portions of
this drainage district if the MUSA boundaries.. are expanded in
2010, and the existing 18 inch pipe, which the 21 inch pipe
would connect into, is anticipated to be sufficient for
another 25 to 35 years. Ultimately, this 18 inch pipe would
be replaced with a 21 or 24 inch pipe.
Mr. Nelson went on to explain that no watermain currently
.exists along Holyoke Avenue; however a 12 inch and a .six inch
.main .exist.. at the intersection of Holyoke Avenue and 210th
Street.. In addition, an existing six inch watermaan serves
McGuire Jr. High School and is privately owned by Independent
School District No. 194. The Schmitty & Sons .bus .garage is
.served by water connections ..off .the .school. district's water
lane. The .school district entered into an agreement with
Schmitty's to provide temporary water connections until City
water becomes available.
In order to serve .the homes in the project area, a 12 inch
trunk watermain is proposed to be extended. from the
intersection of Holyoke Avenue and 210th Street, south along
Holyoke .Avenue. At the south end of the 12 inch watermain, a
six. inch extension is proposed to go easterly to connect with
the school's watermaan. This connection, Mr. Nelson
explained, would. improve circulation, as well as increase
flow capacity for fire .demands at the hydrants located near
the school. Minnesota law requires that if a .sewage
collection system expansion will ultimately carry 500,000
gallons per day or more, an Environmental Assessment
DECEMBER 17, 1990
Worksheet (EAW) must be prepared prior to Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency permit approval.
Mr. Nelson explained that construction of the trunk sanitary
sewer is proposed to be financed from the City's Trunk
Utility .Fund. Fifty percent of the cost for. the lateral
extension. along .Holyoke Avenue is proposed to be assessed to
the adjacent property owners on the east side of Holyoke.
Since the land west of Holyoke is indicated as wetland on the
National Wetlands Inventory map, its development potential is
unknown. No assessments are proposed for the Schmitty & Sons
property west of Holyoke at this time, however, they
inclicated plans to develop that. property.. It is recommended
that this portion of the cost be financed from the City's
Trunk Utility Fund and that future access charges be imposed
if and .when development occurs.
Assessments to property owners for the proposed watermain
will be based on the cost of installing a typical eight inch
..lateral watermain across their assessable front footage. The
difference in cost of oversizing for a 12 .inch watermain will
be financed through the City's Trunk Utility Fund.
Schmitty's bus garage will be assessed since they have a
temporary agreement for water off a private line owned by the
school district. .Assessments are not proposed to .their
property west of Holyoke due to its unknown development
Mr. Nelson provided an estimated cost summary and a proposed
project schedule as shown in the feasibility report for
..Project 90-5, dated November, 1990. (Report on file in the
City Clerk's office.) The approximate .project cost is
$179,600,. with $19,800 to be assessed to the benefitting
property owners, for an approximate total assessment of
$46.84 per front foot.
Mayor Zaun opened the hearing to questions and comments.
Mr. Steve Hansen, 18030 Kenwood Trail, asked why the property
owner does. not install a new septic system, which would save
the City the cost of a public improvement project. He also
suggested. the City consider. inspecting all private .septic
systems in Lakeville for similar potential health hazards.
Mr. Nelson explained that the property owner petitioned the
City for this improvement, as little can be done by the
property owner due to the high ground water and soil
..conditions in the area.. He further explained that the City's
Comprehensive .Sanitary Sewer .Plan recommends the .installation
of trunk sanitary sewer in this area, .and the proposed
DECEMBER 17, 1990
project builds the City's infrastructure for future.
extensions to serve new .development west of Holyoke Avenue
within the sewer service area. Mr. Erickson explained that
...the City's Public Works Department will, in 1991, conduct an
audit of all private septic systems and determine
availability to sanitary sewer, especially around the lakes.
He pointed out that current City policy states that if a
septic system is adequately serving the needs of the
residents, mandatory hook-up to the City system is not
90.311 Motion was made by Ruhmann, seconded by Sindt to close the
public hearing. 8:15 p.m.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt.
.90.312 Mota.on was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve
Resolution No. 90-173 ordering public improvement and
preparation of .plans and specifications for proposed sanitary
sewer and water extension along Holyoke Avenue between 210th
Street and McGuire Junior High, and authorize preparation of
an Environmental Assessment Worksheet, -Improvement Project
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill.
Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on the certification of
delinquent utility accounts (8:17 p.m.) . The City .Clerk
attested .that legal notices were duly published and mailed..
Dennis Fel],.er explained that delinquent utility bills are
certified semi-annually in an effort to minimize City...losses
due to bankruptcy. He explained that every effort is made to
notify property owners and give them ample opportunity to pay
the account prior to certification.
Mr. Feller explained that the list of delinquent customers
contains 111 accounts with $22,959.30 being. assessed. This
amount includes a $25 administration fee and 12% interest on
each .account. The total amount. of delinquencies represents
approximately two. percent of the total amount billed during
the last six months.
90.313 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to close the
public hearing (8:20 p.m.)
DECEMBER 17, 1990
Roll call. was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey.
90.314 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
Resolution No. 90-174 certifying unpaid water, sewer. and
street lighting charges to the County Auditor to be collected
with other taxes on said property.
Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann.
Daryl Morey presented the request of Paul Baker to vacate an
.existing drainage (ditch). easement that traverses property he
owns in downtown Lakeville (Lot 6, Block 1, Lakeville
Village) . Mr. Baker is requesting the easement vacation in
order to clear. the title to his property so it can be sold.
Mr. Morey explained that the drainage easement was recorded
in 1910 and covers a vaguely defined strip of land through
Block 1 for the purpose of establishing a ditch to carry
storm water. He explained that the City Engineer. and City
Attorney have reviewed the. request and recommend approval of
vacating the entire drainage easement across Block 1. The
Planning Commission held a public hearing on the matter and
unanimously recommended approval of vacating the entire
drainage easement across Block 1.
Mr. Baker questioned the need to pay the $300 application .fee
for vacating an easement that is no longer being used.
Councilmember Ruhmann stated he felt if other.. property owners
benefitted from. the easement vacation, they should be
.required to pay a portion of the fees .along with Mr. Baker.
Councilmember Sindt voiced her concern over vacating an
easement .where a drainage problem. currently .exists. Mr.
Nelson explained that storm sewer has been installed on the
property, which picks up street drainage along Upper 209th
Street.. However ponding does occur on the Baker property,
since his rear yard is below the. street grade, and staff will
look into constructing a beehive catch basin during
construction of the storm sewer project. It was also
explained..that this easement will not affect the final design
of the downtown storm sewer project.
Mr. Erickson explained that staff suggested Mr. Baker
contact the adjacent property owners and ask them to
participate in paying the application fee. He further
explained that this easement vacation was. not necessitated by
DECEMBER 17, 1990
the City, and the easement would not be vacated at this time
if the property owner. had not come forward with an
Councilmember Harvey also voiced concern over vacation of the
entire drainage easement across Block 1 prior to construction
of the downtown storm sewer project.
90.315 .Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to .approve
Resolution No. 90-175 vacating a drainage easement in
Lakeville Village, with the proviso that the legal
description of the easement show Lot 6, .Block 1 only.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun.
Alan Brixius presented the conditional use permit request of
J. L. Shiely Company to allow the expansion. of their existing
.gravel mine located at the northwest corner of I-35 and
County Road 64. He explained that the project consists of a
..staged mining and reclamation plan extending in a westward
direction from the existing mine, with the first reclamation
. along the eastern boundary.
Mr. Brixius explained that .City staff has been very cautious
in consideration of the conditional use permit to insure that
the operation is in compliance with the City's existing
gravel mining ordinance. The property is found to be outside.
of :the Year 2010 Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA}
boundaries. No utilities are intended for this area,. and the
property just west and north of the site is rural residential
and agricultural in nature.
Considerations. were taken into account with the site's
proximity. to Interstate 35. Concerns raised by staff, and
addressed by the applicant, included dust, noise, traffic and
visual impact to adjacent properties. Upon staff's request,
the applicant has proposed a buffer plan consisting.. of a 50
foot setback and a four foot high berm. Additional
landscaping was required, .consisting of 1,000 seedlings per
year being planted into the perimeter buffers.
Mr. Brixius explained that natural environment .concerns .were
raised by staff, and the applicant has addressed concerns
related to wells, storm water runoff and grades. Staff
recommended the minimum grades. be raised at least 10 feet,
and the applicant has provided a post .grading plan which
reflects that change. Another concern of staff was access by
DECEMBER 17, 1990
way of the Dunham farm. It was decided that the Dunham farm
would not be used as an access, and alternative street access
points havebeen located.
Mr. Brixius explained that an agreement has been reached as
to how -the reclamation plan would be processed. The City is
requiring a $1,500/acre security be posted annually, with
renewal of the gravel permit, to insure that. reclamation is
accomplished on an orderly basis. The Planning Commission
recommended approval subject to the conditions outlined in
the planning report.
Mr. Bob Bieraugel, Environmental Affairs Manager .for Shiely,
stated he feels their proposed mining operation will adhere
to the City's new mining ordinance. He felt the $1,500/acre
security was reasonable and suggested they provide to the
City a current air photo, rather than obtain an annual
certificate of survey.
Councilmember Harvey asked about the concrete block recycling
that currently .takes place on the site. Mr. Bieraugel
explained that they are recycling come-back concrete from
cement .trucks, which is turned into a marketable .product.
• Councilmember Harvey voiced his concern .that the requirement
of planting 1,000 seedlings per year may be unreasonable and
suggested that figure could be determined during the City's
bi-annual inspection of the. landscaping.
90.316. Motion was ..made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to receive.
the Planning Commission's findings of fact and approve a
conditional .use permit for J. L. Shiely Company to allow the
expansion of an existing gravel mine on the west side of I-35
at County Road 64, with a provision in Item No. 6 of the
Canditional Use Permit that during the bi-annual land
inspection,.. the .number of seedlings in Item No. 7 may be
increased or decreased by 500 seedlings.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt.
Dennis Feller presented .the proposed adjustments to the 1990
General Fund Budget and .described the different types of
transactions which are used to adjust the budget. He
explained that overall, the 1990 budget shows a decrease in
the fund balance, due. primarily to the creation of Special
Revenue Funds, ie, Cable TU and Employee Benefits Funds.
DECEMBER 17, 1990
90.317 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve
Resolution No. 90-176 amending the 1990 General Fund Budget.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill.
.Mike. Sobota explained that the City of Lakeville is eligible
every other year for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
entitlement funds from Dakota County. The .amount available
in 1991 is $91,200. These funds may be used for activities
that benefit the low/moderate income, aid in prevention or
elimination of slums and blight or alleviate urgent community
development needs. The staff has .reviewed potential projects
that are eligible uses for the funds and recommends the funds
be used for demolition of the concrete grain silos in
downtown Lakeville. Mr. Sobota explained that the silos have
not been used for the past. few years, and no useful purpose
is likely for them. The staff has discussed this proposed
project with. the Dakota County HRA, and there is potential
for additional housing on the site (expansion of the Winsor
Plaza apartments).
Mr. Sobota explained. that the Council. is not being. asked to
enter .into a development -agreement for the project at this
time, but .merely to move ahead with submission of the
application. He further explained that staff has not
received a written estimate on the cost of demolishing the
silos and cannot determine at this time if the CDBG funds
will cover those costs.
Mr. Erickson pointed out that the downtown senior citizens
have expressed their support of the silo demolition.
90.318 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
Resolution No. 90-177 approving the application of the City
of Lakeville for fiscal year 1991 Dakota County Community
Development Block Grant funding.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey.
Sergeant :Bellows explained that. with the increased .problems
on frozen lakes with open bottle and driving under the
influence, an .ordinance has been drafted which would allow
police officers to enforce the open. bottle and D.W.I. laws on
• Lake Marion and other lakes in the City.
90.319 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to adopt
Ordinance No. 425 amending Title 6 of the Lakeville City .Code
concerning traffic regulations .(driving on the ice of any
lake, stream or river) .
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann.
Mr. Erickson explained that council salaries in .other
Metropolitan Area cities of over 20,000 population were
surveyed, and approximately one-third of these cities have
higher salaries for their mayor and council members. .than
Lakeville has for .1991. He explained that our mayor and
council members felt a $50 per month increase in 1992 and
1993. was appropriate in keeping the conservative .approach the
Council has taken over the years.
90.320 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to adopt
Ordinance No. .426 amencling Title 1, Chapter 5 of the City
Code. concerning the salaries of the Mayor and City Council
members for 1992 and 1993.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun.
Mr. Erickson stated that per the Council's. request, the
Lakeville Life & Times has offered to publish Council agendas
at no charge to the City. Consent. agenda items, which area.
mostly. .housekeeping in nature, will not be individually
listed. A notation will be made that information on these
items is available. by contacting city hall. Agendas will
also be posted in the downtown motor vehicle office.
Councilmember Sindt referenced a memo from Chief _ Gudmundson
which explained that the previous issue of .delinquent taxes
on the Brackett's Crossing property has been cleared up, and
taxes are expected to be paid in full prior to issuance of a
liquor license on or before December 31st.
A. Roger Knutson presented a Claims Agreement for the Grist
Mill's $90,000 letter of credit, which spells out under what
terms the letter of credit can be turned .back to them if not
drawn upon. Mr. Erickson pointed .out that the letter of
credit and Claims Agreement are consistent with the
.previously approved conditional use permit.
DECEMBER 17, 1990
90.321 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve a
Claims Agreement for the Grist Mill letter of credit.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt.
B. Mr. Knutson .presented a resolution which would authorize
the City Attorney to serve an Order to Repair or Remove a
Hazardous Building at 10049 - 210th Street West and proceed
with enforcement in accordance with Minnesota Statutes. The
property owner, Mr. Frank, was present and asked the Council
to consider extending the 20 day deadline for completion of
the work.. Mayor Zaun and the staff told Mr. Frank that the
.City has no choice but to proceed with the Order according to
state statute. Mr. Frank was also told that he could feel
free to contact the staff and Council members individually to
voice. his concerns on the matter.
90.322 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Ruhmann to approve
.Resolution No. 90-178 directing the City Attorney to serve
the Order to Repair or Remove a Hazardous Building at 10049 -
210th Street West.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill.
C. Mr. Erickson provided an update on the search areas
chosen by the Metropolitan Council for the possible
relocation of the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport. The Metro
Council has narrowed down the search sites to three areas: 1)
Dakota/Scott County; 2) Eureka & Castle Rock Townships
adjacent to Airlake Industrial Park; and 3) Isanti County.
Airport relocation at one of the first two areas would have a
significant impact on the City of Lakeville (approximately 25
years from now) . The Metropolitan Council, he pointed out,
intends to narrow down the search to a single area. by June of
1991. The alternative is to expand the existing airport in
ANNOiJNCEMENTS Next Regular Council Meeting, January
Mayor 'Zaun adjourned the meeting at 10:03 p.m.
Respectfully. submitted,
Charlene Friedges, Ci Clerk
Du ne Zaun, Ma o