NOVEMBER 19, 1990
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun.
The pledge. of allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ruhmann,
Sundt, Mulvihill, Harvey and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City'
Administrator; K. Nelson, City Engineer; D. Feller, Finance
Director; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development
Director; D. Gudmundson, Chief of Police; S. Michaud, Parks &
Recreation Director; D. Licht, Planning Consultant; D. Morey,
Assistant Community & Economic Development Director; Jim
Robinette, Public Works Director; B. Christensen, Fire Chief,
D. Krings, Chief Building. Official; C. Friedges, City Clerk...
The minutes of the November 5, 1990, City Council meeting
.were approved .with two corrections on Page 6.
Attorney: None.
• Engineer: Keith Nelson recommended. the Council award the
contract for Improvement Project 90-1, (Consent Agenda Item
71) as staff has received the DNR permit for this project.
Administrator: Bab Erickson requested the Council consider
tabling Item No. 9 to .allow the staff to continue discussions
with the applicant for signage at the McStop Convenience
:.Chief of Police: Chief Gudmundson presented the October
Police .Department monthly report.
Parks & Recreation Director: .Steve Michaud presented the
October Parks & Recreation Department monthly report.
Fire Chief: Chief Christensen presented the. 3rd Quarter
Activity Report for the Fire Department. In response to
Councilmember Mulvihill's concern, the Chief indicated that
the Fire Marshal and/or Police Department would investigate
the continuation. of refuse fires at one specific location.
Steve .Michaud introduced Mr. Steve Payette from Alcorn
NOVEMBER 19, 1990.
Beverage, who presented a $250.00 donation to the City's
Parks & Recreation Department for softball programs.
Mr. Michaud recognized Cub Scout Den 2, Pack 230 from the
Valley Park area for their participation in the City's "Adopt
A Park Program". He presented the scouts and their. Den
Leaders with a Lakeville patch and expressed appreciation on
behalf of the City for cleaning Valley Lake Park.
Mr. Dick Townsend, 10246 Upper 205th Street, expressed his
concern that additional restrictions should be placed on
.hunting within City limits. The Council suggested this item
be discussed under New Business.
Mr. Ron Gerk, 9935. 175th Street, suggested the. City consider
making the lobby at City Hall available as a dropoff center
for Christmas letters, cards and gifts for distribution to
servicemen stationed in the Middle East. It was suggested
that the City coordinate this effort with local VFW and
Legion. groups.
Councilmembers removed from the consent agenda Item 7a,
claims for payment,. and Item 7n, the continued use of the
County compost site east of County Road 31 and south.. of 170th
Street. Councilmembers added to the consent agenda Item 9,
table consideration. of an amendment to the comprehensive sign
plan for the McStop Convenience Center, and Item 11, approve
vacation of Outing Avenue and a portion of Mount Curve
90.284 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
the modified consent.-agenda items as follows:
a. (Removed from Consent Agenda)..
b. Receive advisory committee meeting minutes:
Parks & Recreation Committee, November 7, 1990
Planning Commission, November 1, 1990
Economic Development Commission, October 23, 1990.
c.- Approve Resolution No. 90-136.calling a public hearing on
the certification of delinquent utility accounts.
d. ,Approve Resolution No. 90-137 modifying the. Employee
Handbook for .employee .vacation leave.
NOVEMBER 19, 1990
e. Authorize George-M. Hansen Company to perform the 1990
fire relief audit.
f. Final acceptance and approval of Timber Ridge for
utilities and streets.
g. Approve Resolution No. 90-138 receivingfeasibilty
report and calling a public hearing on Improvement
Project 90-5, sanitary sewer. and water extension along
Holyoke:Avenue between 210th Street and McGuire Jr. High.
h. Approve Resolution No. 90-139 receiving.. petition and
authorizing feasibility report for extension. of 175th
Street between Ipava and Highview, Improvement Project
i. Approve Agency .Agreement with MnDOT for reimbursement of
State Aid funds far computer purchase.
j. Approve construction agreement with Bill & Lisa Cahn for
Improvement Project 89-9, Judicial Road.
k. Approve Resolution No. 90-140 granting approval to the
Lakeville Lions Club for charitable gambling at Babe's
Sportsbar & Grill.
1. Approve Resolution. No. 90-141 awarding contract for
Improvement Project 90-1, 205th Street West and Hollins
m. Approve Resolution No. 90-142 in cooperation with State
of Minnesota for snow removal on Trunk Highway No. 50 in
downtown Lakeville.
n. (Removed from Consent Agenda).
o. Approve: agreement with R-W Vending, Inc.. for vending
machines at .City buildings.
p. Approve Resolution No. 90-143 granting approval. to All
Saints Catholic Church for charitable gambling.
q. Approve storm sewer special assessment .agreement .with
Richard J, and Mary Ann Clemmer.
9. Table consideration of an amendment to-the comprehensive
..sign plan for the McStop Convenience Center located at
County Road 70..and Kenrck Avenue.
NOVEMBER 19, 1990.
11. Approve Resolution No. 90-144 vacating Outing Avenue and
a portion of Mount Curve Boulevard located in Lyndale
.Lakes Club 2nd Addition.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann.
Councilmember Harvey had a concern with Check No. 57109 of
the Claims .far Payment, and Mr. Feller explained that .the
City is only paying interest on the amount being refunded to
Brackett's Crossing.. Councilmember Harveywithdrew his
90.285 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the
claims for payment as presented.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun.
Councilmember Sindt voiced her concern that the streets near
the compost site have. become littered with debris failing off
.vehicles that are traveling to the site. Mr. Robinette will
contact Dakota.: County to request ongoing policing and
cleaning of the ditch areas along Pilot Knob Road.
90.286 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve the
continued use of the County compost site east of County Road
31 and south of 170th Street until December 31, 1992, as
requested by Dakota County.
Roll call-was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt.
Mr. Licht presented the application of Paul Anderson for a
conditional use permit and a variance to allow the
installation of a pole mounted satellite dish in the rear
yard of his property .located in the Great Oak Shores
subdivision. He explained .that the 10 foot diameter dish
would be mounted on a 20 foot tall. pole anchored into the
...ground. and secured to the roof eave. The dish would rise
approximately 28 feet above the ground but. would not rise
above the top of the roof, thereby offectively screening it
from the street. He explained that conditional usepermit
• approval is necessary to allow the dish to exceed a height of
NOVEMBER 19, 1990
15 feet; and variance approval is necessary to allow the dish
to be set back less than 10 feet from the house. He further
explained .that based on City ordinances, which were modeled
after a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruling that
all antenna devices be regulated uniformly, Mr. Anderson
could place the dish on the roof 20 feet above the roof line
and not need a conditional use permit or a variance from the
City. Mr. Anderson chose the proposed location in an effort
to screen the dish from neighboring properties.
Mr. Licht indicated that a unique non-economic hardship was
.caused by the. existing oak tree in the rear yard and the
unusual topography, which resulted in the Planning Commission
and staff recommending approval of the variance and
conditional-use permit subject to the following
requirements: 1) The applicant furnish the City Building
Official with building plans displaying the means by which
the satellite dish is to be partially secured to the roof of
the site's principal building. The plans shall be subject to
review and comment by the City Building Official; 2) The.
proposed satellite dish is ground to protect it against
lightning strikes in conformance with the National Electrical
Code as adopted by the City of Lakeville; and 3) The color of
the proposed satellite dish be gray.
Councilmember Harvey asked what the covenants state in regard
to satellite dishes. Mr. Erickson explained that the
covenants indicate .written permission must be obtained from
the Association. The. Association, at this .time, :remains in
control of the developer (William R. Dolan) since less than
50~ of the lots in the subdivision have been built on; and
the applicant received a letter from Mr. Dolan that.. is
consistent with the covenants. Mr. Knutson explained that
.private covenants are not a matter of City ordinance, and the
City has no ability to enforce them.
Councilmembers discussed the fact that the applicant. has the
legal right to place the dish on the .roof of his house, 20
feet above the roof line, without a conditional use 'permit or
variance. This location would be far more obtrusive than the
proposed location, which would screen the dish-from
neighboring properties.
Mayor Zaun stated he felt the City's ordinance should be
reviewed, as he had some concern with conformity-being
aesthetically less desirable to adjacent property owners than
.Dale & Brenda Fitterer, 18694 Kanabec Court, expressed their
opposition to the. requested conditional use .permit and
variance because they felt the existence of a satellite dish
would impair property values. and future development of the
NOVEMBER 19, 1990
Discussion followed regarding the availability of cable
television in the area. Mr. Dolan has stipulated. in his
..letter to the applicant that the dish be removed. when cable
television is available to the area. Mr. Erickson explained
that Star Cablevision will not run cable to a subdivision
until at least 50~ of the homes are built, which is estimated
to take two to five years.
Mr. Jon Ahlberg, 18630 Kanabec Trail, also expressed
oppositionto the proposed conditional use permit and
variance, stating. he also felt property values would be
affected. He stated he felt the existence of an undue
.hardship has not been .justified. He also voiced his concern
that the satellite dish could increase the risk of a
lightning strike or damage to adjacent property.
Mr. Dick Peterson of Design Homes. stated he has options on
half of the lots in the subdivision and is not concerned that
the dish .will affect property values. Mr. Licht explained
that lighting and safety issues are addressed by building and
electrical codes; and based on information he received from
the County Auditor, property. values do not depreciate with
the existence of a satellitedish.
Councilmember Sindt asked if the applicant has fulfilled the
criteria to prove the existence of an undue. hardship. Mr.
Knutson explained that undue hardship is caused by existing
..topography and placement of the oak tree on the lot..
90.'287 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to receive the
Planning .Commission's findings of .fact and approve a
conditional use permit for Paul Anderson to construct a
satellite dish with a height in excess of 15 feet at 18698
.Kanabec Court, subject to three conditions as listed in the
conditional use permit.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Zaun,
Sindt, Mulvihill. Nay, Ruhmann.
90.288 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to receive
the Planning Commission's findings of fact and. approve a
building setback variance of less than 10 feet for a pole
mounted satellite dish at 18698 Kanabec Court.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
Mulvihill. Nays, Ruhmann, Harvey. The motion failed for
lack. of a four-fifths vote.
Councilmembers Harvey and Ruhmann stated they felt undue
hardship .was not justified.
NOVEMBER 19, 1990
Mr. Licht presented the City's application for a major
comprehensive plan amendment to alter the boundaries of
Lakeville's 2010 Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) to
bring 71 acres of land inside the MUSA boundary. He
explained that this amendment is necessary to accommodate
construction of the proposed Highview Elementary School at
the northwest corner of Highview Avenue and Dodd Boulevard. on
the Clinton and .Kathleen Zweber property. He explained that
the Metropolitan Council must approve a MUSA line change in
excess of 40 acres as a major comprehensive plan amendment.
Mr. Licht explained that the City is proposing a land trade
with the Metropolitan Council, whereby the .City would trade
approximately 49.5 acres in North Park and 41.9 acres,(Outlot
B) in Homestead Creek 3rd Addition for the 71 .acre Zweber
property Both parcels are currently inside the MUSA but will
note be developed .within the. service area and will .not need
sanitary sewer service.. The Metropolitan Council, at this
point, sees this as an acceptable trade; and the Planning
Commission recommends approval.
Mr. Licht also explained that in order to accommodate
construction of the Highview Elementary School, 175th Street
would need to be extended, along with sewer and water lines,
east to Highview Avenue. All property .owners involved have
petitioned for .the improvements, and the project is .being
coordinated between the City, School District 194, the
Zwebers and Good Value Homes.
Councilmember Harvey referenced a letter dated November 16,
1990, from Julian J. Zweber regarding the assessment appeal
for .Highview Avenue (Zweber vs. City of Lakeville). The
letter explains that by altering the MUSA boundary to include
the Zweber property, the Zwebers will be removing the basis
for an appeal to the paving assessments.. Councilmember
Harvey asked Mr. Zweber to clarify that since all of the
Zweber frontage on Highview Avenue is being brought into the
MUSA, the entire assessment appeal would be dropped. Mr.
Zweber agreed that while his letter refers to reserving the
right to continue .settlement negotiations regarding any
property left outside the MUSA, the word "property" should
say ~~frontage".
90.289 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to receive the
letter from Julian J. Zweber,. representing Clinton and
Kathleen Zweber, dated .November 16, 1990.
Roll call. was taken on the motion. Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey, Ruhmann.
NOVEMBER. 19, 1990
90.290 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve a
major comprehensive plan amendment to alter the boundaries of
Lakeville's 2010 Metropolitan Urban Service Area as outlined
in the Planning Consultant's report dated November 13, 1990.
.Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun.
Mr. Sobota presented the .proposal from Grist Mill Company to
vacate existing drainage and utility easements and a portion
of Hayes Avenue .and 213th Street to accommodate .their
proposed five phase expansion. He explained that Grist .Mill
currently has separate manufacturing and office buildings
covering four of the ten lots they own in Airlake Industrial
Park Second Addition. The expansion would include an
addition to the. existing manufacturing building and
eventually connecting it with the existing office building.
Mr. Sobota explained that the vacation of .existing drainage
and utility easements and aportion of Hayes Avenue. and 213th
Street would allow Grist Mill to build over the easements and
streets so they can have a unified site. configuration. A
cul-de-sac .would be constructed at the. end of Hayes-Avenue
after the street is vacated to accommodate car and truck'
Mr. Sobota went on to explain that Grist Mill has agreed to
dedicate an easement for drainage and utility purposes over
the streets to be vacated. Grist Mill will also dedicate an
easementfor the relocated drainage channel.,..asrequired by
the City Engineer. He also .stated that two property owners
affected by the street vacation, Airlake Management Corp. and
Scruples have given their consent to the vacation of these
two streets.
Councilmember Mulvihill suggested an additional requirement
relating to the City obtaining a permanent sewer easement
.over Outlot Abe added to the resolution for street vacation.
90.291 Motion was made by Harvey., seconded by Ruhmann to approve...
Resolution No. 90-145 vacating existing drainage and. utility
easements, .213th Street. and a portion of Hayes Avenue located
in Grist Mill Addition and Airlake.Industrial Park Second
Addition, with an additional stipulation that the City obtain
a permanent sewer easement over Outlot A.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt.
NOVEMBER 19, 1990
xEw avsaxTss
Chief Gudmundson addressed the issue raised by Mr. Townsend
under Citizens' Comments regarding hunting within the City
`limits. He explained that since 1984,. when the City's
hunting .ordinance was last reviewed, the City has grown
considerably and hunting related complaints have increased.
Discussion followed..
90.292 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to direct
staff to contact-the 1984 committee members who .reviewed the
City's hunting ordinance and report back to the Council with:
their input for considering .additional .ordinance amendments.
Roll call was taken on the .motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Zaun, Sindt; Mulvihill.
90.293 Motion taas made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to authorize
staff to contact the local American Legion and V.F.W. clubs
to-'coordinate a drop-off center for. Christmas letters, cards
and. gifts for distribution to servicemen stationed in the
Middle .East.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Sindt,;.Mulvihill, Harvey.
Next Regular Council Meeting, December 3, 1990..
Council Work Session, November 26, 1990
Mayor Zaun adjourned the. meeting at 9:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, Ci Clerk
Duane Zaun, M y r