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OCTOBER 1, 1990
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem, Betty
Sindt. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ruhmann,
Sindt, Mulvihill and Harvey. Absent: Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City
Administrator; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; D.
Gudmundson, Chief of Police; K. Nelson, City Engineer; J.
Hennen, Planning Assistant; D. Morey, Assistant Community
Development Director; R. Wawrzon, Research Analyst; L.
Gustafson, Assessment Clerk; D. Feller, Finance Director; C.
Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the September 4, 1990, .Regular Council Meeting
and the September 20, 1990, Emergency Council Meeting were
approved as printed. The minutes of the September 17, 1990,
Regular Council Meeting were approved with corrections on
Pages 5, 9 and 10, as recommended by the City Administrator.
• Attorney: Roger Knutson requested the Council consider,
under New Business, a Settlement Agreement for special
assessments on Improvement Project 88-1, 172nd Street.
Engineer: None.
Administrator: Bob Erickson asked the Council to consider,
under New Business, a resolution .authorizing the sale of four
City vehicles at the State of Minnesota Auction.
Mayor Pro Tem Sindt presented a service award on behalf of
the City Council and citizens of Lakeville to former Police
Reserve Chief Bob Cloutier.
Councilmember Harvey presented a proclamation for Red Ribbon
Week, October 22-28, 1990, to Dakota County Attorney, James
Backstrom. Mr. Backstrom thanked the Council members for
supporting the Red Ribbon Campaign, and commended the
Lakeville Police Department for their active involvement in
the South Metro Drug Task Force.
OCTOBER 1, 1990
90.259 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to .approve
Resolution No. 90-116 Proclaiming Red Ribbon Week, October
22-28, 1990.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey, Ruhmann.
Recognizing the unification of East and West Germany, which
will officially take place on October 3rd, Councilmember
Ruhmann presented a proclamation naming October .6th as
German-American Day.
90.260 Motion was made by Ruhmann, seconded by Harvey to approve.
Resolution No. 90-117 proclaiming German-American Day,
.October 6, 1990.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Ruhmann, Sindt.
Keith Nelson introduced Steve Greengard, the new Engineering
Technician IL
• Mr. Joel Frank, 210th Street West, requested permission to
keep more than three adult dogs at his ..home. without obtaining
a kennel license from the City. Mr. Frank was asked to
submit a written statement to the City staff, .and staff will
provide a complete report on this matter to the Council prior
to their October 15th meeting.
Councilmembers removed item 7m, resolution in support of
Small Business Development Loan Bonds for Arden International
Kitchens. Councilmembers added to the Consent. Agenda .Item
11, Findings of Fact and Decision regarding the Jeffrey and
Dorothy Barr variance; Item 12, Resolution adopting
assessments for Improvement Project 88-19; Item 13,
Resolution adopting assessments for Improvement Project 90-2;
and Item 15b, Resolution authorizing the sale of four City
vehicles at the Minnesota State Auction.
90.261 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
the modified consent agenda items as follows:
a. Approve claims for. payment.
b. Receive advisory committee meeting minutes:
• Planning Commission, September 20, 1990
OCTOBER 1, 1990
Natural Resources Committee, September 18, 1990
Parks & Recreation Committee, September 19, 1990
Cable TV Board, September 11, 1990.
c. Accept the resignation. of Richard L. Rose from the
Natural Resources Committee.
d. Approve Resolution No. 90-118 appointing election judges
for the November 6, 1990, State General Election.
e. Approve Settlement Agreement with M.G. Astelford and
William G. Jackson for Improvement Project 86-3
assessment appeal.
f. Approve Resolution No. 90-119 accepting the mobile home
park grant project.
g. Approve an amendment to the Cherry Ridge development
contract extending the completion date for installation
of public improvements to September 30, 1991.
h. Approve an antenna lease agreement with U.S. West Paging.
i. Approve a minor comprehensive plan amendment to bring the
area west of Orchard Lake, south of 168th .Street and
north of 175th Street into the Year 2000 Urban Service
j. Approve submittal of the preliminary 1991 Solid Waste
Abatement Budget to Dakota County.
k. Approve a permanent easement for public drainage, utility
and access purposes with Kenneth and Arlene May Jensen,
Charles Kenneth and Patricia Mary Nurnberg, and Richard
William and Joanne Kathleen Milan.
1. Approve public trail easements for Improvement Project
90-4 .with Daniel L. and Sheila A. Coss, and Paul E. and
Kathleen S. Balus.
m. (Removed from Consent Agenda).
11. Adopt Findings of Fact and Decision regarding the
application of Jeffrey and Dorothy Barr for a building
setback variance.
12. Approve Resolution No. 90-124 adopting assessment for
Improvement Project 88-19, Flagstaff Avenue street
improvements, Parcel 22-00200-011-52.
OCTOBER 1, 1990
13. Approve Resolution No. 90-125 adopting assessment for
Improvement Project 90-2, seal coating portions of
Districts 2, 4, 5 and 6, Parcels 22-02b00-015-25 and
15b. Approve Resolution No. 90-126 authorizing .the sale of
four City vehicles at the State of Minnesota Auction..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Sindt, Mulvihill.
Mr. Jim Stang, Director of Operations from Arden
International Kitchens, requested the Council's support for
Small Business Development Loan Bonds through the Minnesota
Agricultural and Economic Development Board to help .finance
the expansion of their existing plant in Airlake Industrial
Park. He explained that an additional 25,000 square feet
would increase their current $22 million plant capacity to
approximately $30 to $35 million and would add approximately
124 new employees, for a total staff of 304 employees. With
the City's endorsement of the resolution granting preliminary
approval to the project, the company plans to begin
construction in March of 1991 and anticipates an August,
1991, completion date.
Mr. Patrick Pelstring, of .Business Development .Services, Inc.
explained that one of the financing options available. to
Arden International Kitchens is the.. potential utilization of
the State of Minnesota Sma11 Business Development Loan
Program. He explained that at the present time, it is
uncertain as to whether the State will have a sufficient
allocation available, or whether federal legislative
authority will be extended to provided ample time to close
this. project. The importance of the City's endorsement at
this time, however, is to meet the federal .requirement in
terms of providing preliminary approval of the project to
authorize the tax exempt status of the bonds, (from federal
and state income tax) .
In answer to Councilmember Harvey's concern, Mr. Pelstring
stated that approval of this resolution poses no direct
- financial obligation to the project by the City, but .allows
the costs incurred from this day forward to be included in
the bond issue. He added that the .City may be asked at a
later date to be the lead financing agent on this.. project,
which would require subsequent final approvals by the City.
OCTOBER 1, 1990
Mr. Pelstring pointed out that there are similarities between
this and a typical industrial revenue bond issue, in that
they both use a major bond underwriter. Unlike a typical
industrial revenue bond issue, the issuing agency would be
the State, as opposed to the Gity. He further pointed out
that one advantage to this program is .that the State supports
the bond issue with additional reserve funding, resulting in
a substantial interest savings for the applicant.
Mr. Pelstring stated that unlike industrial revenue bands,
the deposit is transmitted directly from the applicant,
(Arden International Kitchens), to the State and is not
processed through the City. Mr. Erickson requested the.
applicant provide the City with a copy of that transmittal
Councilmember Mulvihill voiced her concern that the company's
development/expansion plans are not concrete at this time,
since they are still negotiating the purchase of their
present facility. Mr. Stang explained that the company will
attempt to secure a second site in the Airlake Industrial
.Park if they are unsuccessful in purchasing the facility .they.
currently lease.
In answer to Councilmember Ruhmann's question, Mr. Pelstring
explained that the resolution before the Council .speaks
specifically about locating the project in the .City of
Lakeville, and the bonds cannot be used to finance this
project in another .community.
Mr. Erickson explained that based on the information
available to the City by Arden International Kitchens, the
City finds and determines,. in approving the resolution, that:
1) financing of the project by the issuance of tax-exempt
bonds is necessary to permit the applicant to expand or
remain in Minnesota and the applicant has demonstrated .that
it cannot obtain suitable financing from other sources;. 2)
the project will create or retain significant numbers of jobs
in the City and will. add to the tax base of the State, City
and other taxing jurisdictions; 3) the applicant has
significant potential for growth in jobs or economic
activities in Minnesota during the ensuing five-year period;
and 4) .the applicant will maintain. a significant level of
productivity in Minnesota during the -ensuing five-year
period. These factors, he explained, are not typically found
in industrial revenue bond resolutions and represent
.additional economic development statements .that allow the
applicant to receive more favorable financing.
OCTOBER 1, 1990
90.262 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
Resolution No. 90-120 giving preliminary approval to a
project with Arden International Kitchens, Inc., a Minnesota
Corporation, and others; giving preliminary approval, with
conditions, for the issuance by the Minnesota Agricultural
and Economic Board, or the City of Lakeville, of revenue
bonds to finance the project and providing for other matters
related thereto.
Roll call .was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Sindt,
Mulvihill, Harvey.
ITEMS 8-9-10
Mr. Robert Pulscher, Springsted, Inc., recommended the City
Council authorize the sale of three General Obligation,
(G O.) Bonds for 1990.. The $2,900,000 G.O. Bonds, Series A,
will be used to finance six improvement. projects currently
underway within the City. Approximately $2,063,000 will be
assessed against the benefited property. The City will
utilize the Utility Trunk Fund, Trunk Storm Sewer Fund and
the Trails Fund to pay. the remainder of the debt service on
five of those projects. The City will levy a tax to cover
50% of the costs of sealcoating, that tax to be paid over a
two-year term.
The $695,000 G.O. Bonds, Series B, will re-finance three
existing improvement bond issues which are callable as of
February 1, 1991, and .which have interest rates on the
outstanding maturities ranging from 8% to 9.2%. Because -the
current market rates are lower .than the interest rates which
were. in effect -when these bonds were issued in 1980 and 1983,
the. City can expect to have interest savings with a net
present value of $63,539.
The $535,000 G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series C, will re-finance
the 1983 Municipal Building Bonds originally issued for
construction of the Police Station, which bonds .are
outstanding at interest rates from 8.4% to 9%. Once again,
because interest rates are lower now than they were in 1983,
the City can expect to have interest savings with a net
present value of $35,146.
Mr. Pulscher recommended the three. improvement .bond issues,
Series A, Series B, and :Series C be sold as separate issues
as opposed to combining them. He explained that the reason
for this is that if market conditions .change prior. to the.
actual bond sale (November 5, 1990), the .City would be in a
position. to reject or cancel the refunding issues,. but could
still award the Series A issue to meet its construction
OCTOBER 1, 1990
costs.. The refunding could wait if conditions deteriorated.
An overall. interest rate of 7.027% is anticipated for the
bond sale.
Councilmember Harvey pointed out that the Series B and Series
C refunding bonds will save the tax payers. approximately
90.263 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to approve
Resolution No. 90-121 authorizing the issuance of $2,900,000
General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 1990A.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey, Ruhmann.
90.264 Motion was .made by Mulvihill, seconded by Harvey to approve
Resolution No. 90--122 authorizing the issuance of $695,000
General Obligation Improvement Refunding Bonds, Series 1990B.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,: Mulvihill, Harvey,
Ruhmann, Sindt.
90.265 Motion was made by Ruhmann, seconded by .Mulvihill to approve
Resolution No. 90-123 .authorizing the issuance of $535,000
• General Obligation Municipal Building Refunding Bonds, Series.
Rolf call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Sindt, Mulvihill.
Mr. Erickson responded to a comment made by Mr. Louie Helkenn
at the September 17th Council meeting in regard to the
downtown crosswalk situation. He explained .that the Minn.
Department of Transportation asked for the .mid-block crossing
to be removed when the traffic signal was installed at 207th
Street. The 208th Street crosswalk is in place and has been
appropriately signed.
Roger Knutson explained that settlements have been reached
between the City and all. property owners involved in the
172nd Street re-assessment, and recommended the City Council
approve the resolution authorizing execution of a Settlement
Agreement and adopting the re-assessment for Improvement
Project 88-1.
OCTOBER 1, 1990
90.266 Motion was made by Ruhmann, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
Resolution No. 90-127 authorizing execution of a Settlement
Agreement and adopting the re-assessment for Improvement
Project 88-1, 172nd Street Rehabilitation.
Rol]. call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Sindt,
Mulvihill, Harvey.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Next Regular Council Meeting, October ',15,
Mayor Pro Tem Sindt adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
~~~1~ _
Charlene Friedges, City k
Be y Si t, Mayor Pro Tem