AUGUST' 6, 1990
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ruhmann,
Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City
Administrator; K. Nelson, City Engineer; D. Feller, Finance
Director; D. Morey, Assistant. Community .Development Director;
D. Krings, Chief Building Official; J. Robinette, Community
Development Director; D. Licht, Planning Consultant; J.
Norton, Engineering Consultant; Sergeant Schwartz, Police
Department; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The .minutes of the July 16, 1990, City Council meeting .were
approved as printed.
Attorney: None.
. Engineer: Keith Nelson .stated that additional information
has been provided to the Council this evening concerning
Agenda Item 15, which includes a list of the quotes received
and a letter of recommendation from OSM on emergency. painting
of the Dakota Heights water reservoir. Mr. Nelson also
handed out copies of a sidewalk petition from Griffon Trail
property owners requesting a four foot, rather than a five
foot, sidewalk be installed along the boulevards as a part of
Improvement Project 89-13. Mr. Nelson .indicated that the
Council may want to receive the petition and discuss this
item under "New Business".
Administrator: Bob Erickson provided a status update on the
time line for the selection of a Community/Economic
Development Director, and stated that the applicants are
covered by data privacy until such time as the finalists are
chosen by the Council.
Dave Krings introduced Mr. Paul Baumgartner, newly hired.
part-time building inspector.
Nancy Kill. introduced Ms. Janell Sabin, newly. hired part-time
motor vehicle clerk.
AUGUST 6, 1990
Bob Erickson and Dennis Feller presented a certificate of
appreciation to .Nancy Kill for representing the City in
coordinating Pan-O-Frog events for the past two years.
Mr. Warren Kochis, 1b404 Griffon Trail, asked the Council to
consider reducing the width of sidewalks on Griffon .Trail
.from five to four feet, and stated that 22 of the 24 affected
property owners have signed the petition. Mayor Zaun thanked
Mr. Kochis for his comments and stated this issue will be
considered by the Council under "New Business".
Councilmembers added. the .following regular agenda .items to
the Consent Agenda: Items 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 17.
90.209. Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the
modified consent agenda and items as follows:
a. Approve claims for payment.
b. Receive minutes of advisory committee meetings:
Planning Commission, July 19, 1990
Parks & Recreation Committee, July 18, 1990
Natural Resources Committee, July 17 and 24, 1990
Cable TV Board, July 17, 1990
c. Approve change order No. 57 for City Hall.
d. Approve resolution No. 90-81 appointing election judges
for September 11, 1990, .State Primary Election.
e. Approve Resolution No. 90-82 calling a special
assessment hearing for 185th Street, Improvement .Project
f. Approve change order No. 1 for Improvement Project
89-13, Griffon/Grove Trail.
g. Authorize 165th- Street .trail correction work and add to
Project 90-4, Trail Improvements.
h. Approve change. order No. 1 and grant extension of time
for Kingsley Cove, Improvement Project 89-7.
AUGUST 6, 1990
i. Ado t Ordinance No. 421 amendin Title 9 Cha ter 1 of
p g P
the City Code adopting the 1990 Minnesota. State Building.
j. Approve Resolution No. 90-83 approving plans and
specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids on
Judicial Road, Improvement Project. 89-9.
k. Approve .amendment to the Solid Waste Budget as per John
Hennen's memo dated August 1, 1990.
1. Approve Settlement Agreement with Larry & Juane Bakken
for the Brackett's Townhomes Project 86-6.
m. Approve Lakeville City Hall Facility Use Policy and
n. Approve renewal of the building maintenance contract
with Osland Building Maintenance in the amount of $1,620
per month. from September 1, 1990 to February 28, .1991.
8. Approve specifications for a Fire Department triple
combination pumper and authorize advertisement for bids
to be opened at 3:00 p.m. on August 31, 1990.
10. Approve Resolution No. 90-87 granting extension of
Conditional Use Permits #89-07 and #89-15 issued to
Trinity Evangelical Free Church to allow a building
expansion at 16165 Kenwood Trail.
11. Approve Resolution No. 90-85 vacating a portion of
existing drainage and utility easements located along
Lot 1, Block 3, and Lot 1, Block 4, Chapel Hills, upon
the request of Meritor Development Corporation.
12. Approve a conditional. use permit to allow construction
of a single family residential dwelling on a
non-conforming:. lot at 10647 202nd Street West, upon the
request of Kenneth and Roseann Johnson.
13. Approve a conditional use permit to allow construction
of a second garage on a single family residential lot at
9880 199th Street West, upon the .request of David and
Deborah Frost.
14. Table continued consideration of a conditional use
permit for B & S Tire to operate a retail fire service
store until the September. 4, 1990, Council meeting.
AUGUST 6, 1990
17. Accept the resignation of Kevin Leslie from the Economic..
Development Commission and authorize staff to forward a
service award (plaque) to Mr. Leslie.
Roll call. was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Si.ndt,
Mulvihill, Harvey,. Ruhmann.
Daryl Morey presented the request of Flagstaff Development,
Inca for the final plat of Country Pond South, .consisting of
45 single family residential lots located west of Flagstaff
Avenue and south of Dodd Boulevard. Mr. Morey indicated that
staff finds the final plat to be consistent with the
preliminary plat approved by the City Council on June 18,
1990, "with nine conditions as listed in Northwest Associated
Consultant's report dated July 12, 1990.. Condition No. 3,
however, should be amended to read, "Five foot wide concrete
sidewalks are provided on both sides of the subdivision's.
bisecting. minor collector street and along the east side of
Foliage Avenue from the existing concrete sidewalk located in
the Dodd .Park subdivision to 173rd .Street", Mr. Morey
explained that the developer agreed to provide the Foliage
Avenue sidewalk extension as part of the approved preliminary
Mr. Morey explained. that ~ in addition to the developer
providing the aforementioned sidewalk and multi-purpose
tralways along the east ..side of Flagstaff Avenue, the Parks
and Recreation Committee has recommended the developer pay a
cash contribution of $24,750 to satisfy the .City's park
dedication requirements. He stated the developer will pay
the park dedication fees prior to staff issuing the final
Councilmember Harvey referenced the July 13th letter from the
.Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District in regard to
a berm being placed across Foliage Avenue . to control run-off
at the north end of the plat. He suggested that temporary
traffic control devices also be placed at that location to
prevent heavy construction trucks from. traveling on the
existing .neighborhood streets. It was decided that the berm
and road barricades could be removed after 50% of the
occupancy permits have-been issued on-the entire. Country Pond
South subdivision.
90.210 Motion was made by Si.ndt, seconded by Harvey to approve
Resolution No. 90-84 approving the final plat of Country Pond
South, with. the stipulation that a gravel berm. be placed on
Foliage Avenue at the north end of the plat, with barricades
AUGUST 6, 1990
• that. meet sign code standards, until 50% of the occupancy
permits have been issued. on the entire subdivision.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun.
Keith Nelson explained that the Dakota Heights water tower
was constructed :fifteen years ago, and has never been drained
fore - pai.nti.ng and maintenance. This could not be accomplished.
due to .the lack of alternative water supplies during the past
seven years. He went on to explain that OSM has studied the
feasibility of converting the east side of Lake Marion to the
high pressure system, enabling the McStop water tower to feed
the Dakota Heights area. With the new pumphouse and well in
operation, this project would be feasible without having to
construct a new elevated storage tank for backup. Upon
completion of the installation of pressure reducer valves in
the Lake Marion/Meadows area, many gate valves in that area
could be opened. This would improve circulation and fire
Mr. Nelson further explained that with the plentiful amount
• of rainfall received this year and a decrease in water
demands, staff believes this to be an opportune time to take
the water reservoir out of service for maintenance and
painting. He explained that if we experience another drought
next year, it would be difficult to .take this tank .out of
service due.. to higher water usage and less pumping reserve
for fire demand. The work to be accomplished includes
cleaning the. tank after it has been drained, x-raying the
welds and touching. up where necessary, sandblasting. the
exterior and painting it with a new protective coating. The
estimated completion .time for the work is one to two .months.
The City received three. quotes for the work,. with the low
quote from Odland Protective Coatings, $137,253. That amount
falls within the range of OSM's estimate.
Mr. Erickson asked the Council to receive the quotes and
consider setting a special meeting to evaluate a financial.
-analysis of the Utility Fund's cash .balances and an in-depth.
review of the ...proposed capital outlay needs for .the next
three years. He reiterated that timing is important,
considering this project. meets the statutory requirements for
declaring an emergency.
Mr. Ron Gerk asked if the water pressure from McStop would be
adequate to serve the Dakota Heights area, where .water
.pressure has been an ongoing problem. Mr. Nelson explained
AUGUST 6, 1990
'unction with the McSto water
that by using two wells in conk P
tower, pressure .would be adequate. He also explained that
the. homes Mr. Gerk refers to are extremely high in elevation,
and nothing can be done to improve the pressure in that area.
Councilmembers Ruhmann and Mulvihill asked about any possible
environmental hazards that could be caused by lead contact
from sandblasting the tank. Mr. Jim Norton of OSM explained
mat the tank contains no lead base and is not hazardous to
the environment. He also explained. that Odland has done
extensive work in the area, and he received very favorable
references on that company from other cities.
90.211 (Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to receive.
lids for painting of the Dakota Heights water reservoir,
fable award of a contract, authorize the finance director and
pity engineer to review the bids and prepare a financial
analysis of the. proposed capital outlay needs for the next
~hree years and report back to the City Council at a future
special Council meeting.
doll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey,.
~2uhmann, Zaun, Sindt.
~TEM 16
r. Erickson presented a resolution which would call a public
~earing, at the. request of the Lakeville Housing. and
edevelopment Authority, on the proposed modification of the
-35 Redevelopment Project No. 1 and establishment of Tax
increment Financing District No. 12 within the redevelopment
~roject, and the proposed approval and adoption. of a modified
redevelopment .plan and tax increment financing. plan .relating
jthereto. He explained that the H.R.A. met on July 31st to
onsider recent legislative changes to the Tax Increment
~inancing laws. The most significant change is that .future
'pommercial tax increment projects will cost cities a loss in
local government aid (LGA) or homestead and agricultural
~~Credit aid (HACA).
~An application has been brought forward by William Cooley,
!Lakeville Land Ltd., for an economic development district at
(the northwest quadrant of I-35 and County Road 70. He
'explained that. Mr, Cooley has an opportunity to take
advantage of an exception in the law which was granted to the
~~,City of Lakeville for the I-35 Redevelopment District. This
',exception would allow the use of tax increment financing for
(commercial development. in that area, if it is pursued prior
~,to September 30, 1990. Mr. Erickson explained. that approval
!lof the resolution calling a public.. hearing simply allows the
AUGUST 6, 1990
his district and does not bind the
exception to be used in t ,
H.R.A. or City Council to approve a specific project..
Mr. Erickson stated that the developer, Lakeville .Land Ltd.,.
has made an application for tax increment financing to create
a housing district on a portion of his property, and
explained that no changes have been made to the TIF laws with
regard to housing districts. He asked the Council to
consider placing the economic development district over the
entire portion of Mr. Cooley's property, including the R-6
zoned (housing) property, to provide the developer and City
more flexibility should a major commercial development
proposal be brought forward that would require the use of the
entire portion. of land. He explained .that the developer
could always change the R-6 portion back to a housing.
district, but would not be able to take advantage of the
exception to the TIF laws after September 30th, The
developer and City's tax increment consultant have agreed
with this concept.
Councilmember Harvey .pointed out that District 12 is not
defined. in the proposed. resolution, ...and it was .clarified. that
District 12 is defined as .the Lakeville Commerce Center
90.212 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve
Resolution No. 90-86 calling a public hearing on the .proposed
modification of I-35 .Redevelopment Project No. 1 and
.establishment of a Tax Increment District No. 12, defined as
the Lakeviille Commerce Center property, within the
redevelopment project and the proposed approval and adoption
of a modified redevelopment plan and tax increment financing
plan relating .thereto.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill.
Councilmember Sindt provided a status update on naming of the
Downtown Plaza. She indicated that all comments have been
positive in naming the plaza,. "Pioneer Plaza", with the
fountain to be named, "The Bud White Memorial Fountain", in
honor of the late Flavi_an "Bud" White. A plaque has been
designed and will be officially presented at the .Downtown
Business Association's Heritage Festival on September 15th.
AUGU5T 6, 1990
90.213 Motion was made b Harvey,: seconded by Ruhmann to receive the
sidewalk petition from property owners along Griffon Trail
requesting a four foot wide, rather than a five foot wide,
sidewalk be installed along that street as a .part of
Improvement Project 89-13.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey.
Keith Nelson explained that the City has the flexibility to
make this change, however, contractors are prepared to begin
construction this week.
Mayor Zaun asked staff to comment on the advantages versus
disadvantages of converting the sidewalk from a five to four
foot width. Mr. Erickson stated that the staff has been
trying to accommodate the residents as much as possible.
Staff feels the only disadvantage of installing four .foot
sidewalks would be the transition from wider sidewalks in
both directions.
90.214 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to proceed
with the recommendation of the residents and authorize the
installation of four foot wide sidewalks along Griffon Trail,
Improvement Project 89-13.
Mr. Gerry Grenz, Parks & Recreation Committee member,. voiced
his opinion on behalf of the Committee that four foot wide
sidewalks are. not adequate for two way traffic.. He asked the
Council to table this matter and refer it to the .Parks &
Recreation Committee for further review. It was, however,
the general consensus to allow the residents' position to
prevail, considering the timing and the neighborhood's
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann.
Councilmember Harvey pointed out that a parking problem
exists on Juno Trail near Antlers Park, and asked the City
Attorney to review the situation and report back to the
Council with an opinion on the enforceability of current
Next Regular Council Meeting, August 20, 1990.
Mayor Zaun adjourned to an executive session to discuss
pending litigation and collective bargaining, 8:38 p.m.
AUGUST 6, 1990
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City Jerk
Duane Zaun, Ma o