HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-02-90 CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 1990 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Zaun at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ruhmann, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey and Mayor Zaun. Also present: B. Erickson, City Administrator; R. Knutson, City Attorney; K. Nelson, City Engineer; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; D. Gudmundson, Chief of Police; D. Morey, Assistant Community Development Director; K. Raun, ALF Ambulance Director; C. Friedges, City Clerk. MINUTES The minutes of the June 18, 1990, City Council meeting were approved as printed. STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS Attorney: Roger Knutson asked. the Council to consider adoption of an interim ordinance temporarily prohibiting issuance of land use approvals far waste disposal facilities, • and a resolution directing the City's consulting .planner to prepare a study of appropriate zoning controls for waste disposal facilities. The Council added this item to the .agenda under Item 14, New Business. Engineer: None. Administrator: None. PRESENTATIONS/INTRODIICTIONS Elizabeth Halbach, Executive Director for the Chamber of Commerce, introduced the 1990 Pan-O-Frog Chair, Joan Sjoquist, who expressed appreciation on behalf of Pan-O-Frog for the City's contributions to .this annual community celebration. Ms. Halbach also introduced Miss Lakeville 1990, Christine Brown. Mayor Zaun,. accompanied by Chief of Police Don Gudmundson and ALF Ambulance Director Kevin Raun, presented commendations to three. adults for. their life saving actions in a near drowning incident that occurred on June 10, 1990, at the Queen .Anne Mobile Home Park. A Somerset, England, .man was spotted lying at the bottom of the swimming pool by five. year old Rebecca Alston. She notified Nancy Cate, Roderick Cate and Beverly Rolfes who pulled the man out of the pool and began CPR. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 1990 PAGE 2 Certificates were presented to the three. adults, and Miss Alston received a t-shirt. Mayor Zaun presented service awards to David DeBuhr and David Frost,. former Natural Resources Committee members. Councilmember Pat Harvey expressed gratitude and recognition to the Lakeville Lions Club for their continued generosity to the City of Lakeville, i.e., funding assistance for the Senior DARTS bus. Mr. Harvey, on behalf of the Lions Club, presented the mayor and council members with a Lakeville Lions lapel pin. CITIZEN COMMENTS • Joyce Hansen, 18030 Kenwood Trail, stated she heard a rumor that the Citizens ..Comments portion of the. agenda is going to be moved to the end of the meeting, and the Council stated that rumor is false. Councilmembers explained that the purpose of Citizens Comments is to give the residents an opportunity to inform the Council of an .issue that they are not currently aware of, and further explained that an issue which requires discussion or a lengthy presentation should be • placed on the agenda prior to the meeting as a regular item. Larry Lulf, Parks & Recreation Advisory .Committee member, and Olympic Torch Run participant, expressed his appreciation to the Lakeville. Parks & Recreation, Police and .Public Works Departments and the many local volunteers who helped make the Olympic Torch Run a successful event for Lakeville. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Sindt asked that Item 7a, approval of the claims for payment, be removed from the consent agenda. 90.190 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the modified consent agenda and items as follows: a. (Removed from Consent Agenda.) b. Receive minutes of June 21st Planning Commission,. June 19th Natural .Resources Committee, June .20th Parks & Recreation Committee and June 12th Cable TV Board meetings.. c. Final acceptance of utilities in .Lynwood North 5th Addition. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 1990 PAGE 3 d. Receive bids on Improvement Project 89-13, Griffon and Grove Trails, and approve Resolution No. 90-73 awarding a contract to F.F. Jedlicki, Inc. e. Approve Settlement Agreement with David C. Carroll, Orchard Meadows, (185th Street easement condemnation), Improvement Project 87-14. f. Approve a temporary non-intoxicating malt liquor license for All Saints Catholic Church. g. Approve Change .Orders No. 33 (revised) .and 56 for City Hall. h. Authorize temporary "No Parking" on the south side of Upper 167th: Street from. Cedar Avenue west to .the Upper 167th Street cul-de-sac on July 7th from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. i. Adopt Ordinance No. 419 amending :Title 7 of the Lakeville City Code concerning public ways and property (golfing in City parks.) Ro]1 call .was .taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, • Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann. 90.191 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve the claims for payment, with the exception of Check No. 102473, and direct staff to provide further clarification- on the reimbursement to Douglas Nelson (EMS Conference) in the amount of $236.94. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun. ITEM 8 Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on .the proposed assessment of delinquent water and sewer charges. The City Clerk attested to proper publication of the legal notice. Dennis Feller, Finance Director, explained that the total uncollected amount of delinquent water, sewer and/or street lighting. charges will be certified to the County Auditor .for collection with other taxes. The purpose of this certification is to protect the City's assets, i.e., .accounts receivables. The amount .shall bear interest at the rate of 12~ per annum plus a $25 service charge. from the date the assessment is adopted. Mr. Feller explained that .the City has encouraged customers with delinquent accounts to .make CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 1990 PAGE 4 • payments prior to certification by sending monthly utility bills and personal letters. As a result of these efforts, only 82 out of the original 250 delinquent accounts will be certified. 90.192 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt. 90.193 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No. 90-74 certifying unpaid water, sewer and street lighting charges to the County Auditor to be collected with other taxes on said property, with a correction on Page 2, Paragraph #2 to read, "...interest at .the rate of twelve percent (12$) per annum...". Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill. ITEM 9 Daryl Morey presented the request to vacate Hilltop Lane, located east of Judicial Road and north of 175th Street,. which is being processed in conjunction with the building setback variance for Kenneth Jensen (agenda item #10). Mr. Morey explained that the Jensen house, located west of Orchard Lake and south of Hilltop Lane, was recently damaged by fire.. The present 680 square foot house is set back 39.5 feet from the ordinary .high water mark (OHWM) of Orchard Lake and 23.1 feet from Hilltop Lane. A 75 foot building setback from the OHWM of Orchard Lake and a 30 foot building setback from Hilltop Lane is required by ordinance in the Shoreland Overlay District. Mr. Morey went on to explain that the Jensens would Like to reconstruct a larger house over the original .house foundation.. The reconstructed house ..would be 1,560 square. .feet in size and would. maintain the same 39.5 foot setback from the OHWM of Orchard Lake; however, the .building setback from Hilltop Lane would be only 7.77 feet. The City .staff suggested that Hilltop Lane be vacated to eliminate the need for a building setback variance from Hilltop Lane. Mr. Morey explained that Hilltop Lane was platted as a 30 foot wide street right-of-way within the Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition in 1926, but in reality exists as a narrow, gravel,. shared driveway which provides access to only two • properties on the north side. When Hilltop Lane is vacated, CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 1990 PAGE 5 • the property will revert to private ownership with half of Hilltop Lane going to the property owners to the north, (Charles & Patricia Nurnberg and. Richard & Joanne Milan), and half going to the property owner to the south (Kenneth & Arlene Jensen). These three abutting Hilltop Lane property owners would have to enter into a driveway access easement agreement to ensure continued use of the driveway by the three property owners. Mr. Morey .stated that the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the street vacation request following a public hearing. The staff also recommends approval of the street vacation, subject to the City maintaining a public utility .and .drainage easement over the property and subject to the execution of a driveway access easement agreement between the three abutting property owners. Councilmember Harvey asked if the easement agreement is worded in such a manner to prevent the creation of a land locked parcel; and Mr. Knutson stated that the agreement, which will be recorded with the property,. fully addresses that issue. 90.194 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve • Resolution No. 90-75 vacating Hilltop Lane, located in the Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition, subject to the execution. of an easement agreement, that is acceptable to the City Attorney, by the Jensens, Milans and Nurnbergs. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey. ITEM. 10 Daryl Morey presented the request of Kenneth Jensen for a building setback variance from the ordinary high water mark (OH W M) of Orchard Lake. He explained that Mr. Jensen's original request for a setback variance from Hilltop Lane is no longer necessary with the vacation of that street, since the proposed location of the reconstructed house .would. meet the building setback requirement from the new non-street right-of-way property line. Mr. Morey stated that he Natural Resources Committee recommended. approval of the Shoreland Impact Plan submitted in conjunction with the variance request. The Planning Commission and staff recommend approval subject to the five stipulations listed in the draft variance permit. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 1990 PAGE 6 • Mr. Bob Peterson spoke on behalf. of the applicant, and. indicated that the existing foundation would be utilized for the reconstruction of the house. The interior of the house had been demolished almost entirely by fire. Mr. Jensen explained that. fire insurance will only cover rehabilitation of a structure back to its original condition; and if a property owner .wishes to make changes to the structure in an effort to bring it up to .current energy and building code standards, (from a non-conforming status to conforming), the property owner must add personal, out of pocket, funds to achieve that goal. Mr. Erickson stated that the.. staff is working with the State Insurance Commissioner to gain a better understanding of these rules, and to assure .that the fire insurance companies are not working .against property owners and the community in regard to rehabilitation of fire damaged homes. 90.195 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Ruhmann to receive the Planning Commission's findings of fact and approve a building setback variance from the Ordinary High Water Mark of Orchard Lake to allow the construction of a new single family residential dwelling to be located at 17444 Judicial Road. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann. ITEM 11 Daryl Morey presented the request of .Ann. Proudfoot for a conditional use permit to operate a dance .studio in the Southfork III shopping center. The studio would consist of two classrooms for the purpose of teaching jazz, tap and ballet classes to children four years of age through adult. Classes will be limited to 12 participants per classroom, and the hours of operation will be from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Ms. Proudfoot. currently operates a dance studio on Cedar Avenue, which is inadequate in size, and. wishes to .relocate her business to Southfork. Mr. Morey stated that the zoning ordinance allows this type of use by conditional use permit in the B-4 zoning district. Mr. Morey indicated. that the consulting planner :has reviewed. the site plan and found it to be in conformance with all. ordinance requirements. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this request and unanimously recommended approval, subject to three stipulations as outlined in the draft conditional use permit. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING. JULY 2, 1990 PAGE 7 90.196 Motion was made b Harve seconded b Mulvihill to Y Y? Y grant a conditional use permit to Ann Proudfoot for a dance studio to be located in the Southfork III shopping center, and receive the Planning Commission's findings of fact with a correction on Page 2, Paragraph b). to read, "The height of the proposed use is compatible with present and future land :uses of the area." Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun. ITEM 12 Bob Erickson explained that the Council agreed to issue an on-sale noni.ntoxicatng malt .liquor, wine and cabaret license to John M. Eccleston, DBA Juke Box Cafe, at their May 7th meeting, subject to the owner and staff working out the terms and conditions involving .the operation of the restaurant and dance area. As a result of several meetings between the owner, Police Department, Fire Marshal, Building Official, and City Attorney, 10 provisions were derived and agreed upon by all parties. (List of provisions, dated 7/2/90, is on file in the City Clerk's office.) Mr. Erickson stated that the applicant has eliminated the use of the north bay (Southfork shopping center) due to current parking deficiencies. Additional parking can be achieved by a total restriping of the parking lot. Councilmembers discussed provision No. 8, which .states.. that if there is live music. or a disc jockey playing recorded music, dancing is prohibited unless at least twa (2) uniformed off-duty police officers are present. It was the consensus. of the Council that this provision would not cause.. enforcement difficulties, since the management assumes the responsibility for seeing that dances do not take place unless the off-duty police officers are present. It is in the management's best interest to follow all stipulations as outlined, .since licenses are renewed by the Council each year. 90.197 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to .issue on-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor, wine, cabaret, and mechanical amusement device licenses for the new Juke Box Cafe in Southfork Mall, subject to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy and the 10 stipulations dated 7/2/90. Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey,. Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 1990 PAGE 8 UNFIl~TISHED BIISINESS Mr. Erickson provided a status update on the: proposed performing arts/athletic facility, stating that the City has not been in contact with, or received an application from, Pace Entertainment, nor has MJC received any information .from Pace in .regard to an application for an amphitheater in Lakeville. Mr. Erickson indicated that the Lakeville Police Department continues to investigate other Pace amphitheater facilities each week through a confidential process. The reports to date have indicated that no major traffic, noise or drug abuse problems have been caused as a result of these entertainment facilities. One community indicated that tail gating has become a major problem associated with the facility, and law enforcement officials are working to correct that situation. Ms. Verlie .Hardie, 20958 Holt Avenue, asked if the City is only investigating Pace facilities, and suggested they consider looking into other amphitheater facilities. Mr. Erickson explained that only Pace is being investigated at this time, and the City will .look into other operations when and if an application .for an amphitheater is submitted. i Ms. .Joyce Hansen, 18030 Kenwood Trail, asked the Council to consider contacting residents who live in a community .that has an amphitheater to review the facility from a resident's point of view. Ms. Hansen .stated that she heard a rumor that the City has been in contact with Pace, and Mr. Erickson indicated that the rumor was. false, and stated that since MJC Development has the. land option, (which will expire on April 16, 1991), all discussions with Pace should be directed through MJC. Mr. Erickson provided a status update on .the traffic concerns and signalization request at 175th Street and Trunk Highway 50. He stated that. .City staff members recently met with MnDOT officials at that intersection and, as a result, MnDOT has agreed to the following: 1) MnDOT will proceed with a speed survey on T.H. 50; 2) MnDOT wily evaluate the intersection at Kenrck Avenue and T.H. 50; and 3j MnDOT will proceed with taking new traffic counts to see if warrants can be met. at the intersection of 175th Street and T.H. 50. He stated that. the City expects- to receive a letter from MnDOT confirming this within the next 10 days. Mr. Erickson pointed out that several residents contacted the MnDOT district office following the June 18th Council discussion on this .issue, which will ultimately help speed up the process for .obtaining additional signalization in this area. Mr. Ron Gerk, 175th Street resident, thanked the CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 1990 PAGE 9 Council and staff for their continued support on this .issue and asked the City to consider high volume police patrol of this area in the interim. NEW BIISINESS City Attorney Roger Knutson introduced a proposed interiun ordinance temporarily prohibiting the issuance of land use approvals for waste disposal facilities, stating that there exists a growing concern about these types of facilities, specifically a medical waste disposal facility proposed for Airlake Industrial Park. The proposed facility, presented by Browning-Ferris Industries Medical Waste Systems of Minnesota, Inc. (BFI) would include a .14,000. square foot building to be constructed on a five acre site. Mr. Knutson went on to explain that the intent of this ordinance is to allow the City time to complete an in-depth study of appropriate land use controls .for .the regulation of waste disposal facilities, as Lakeville's current zoning ordinance does not fully address this issue. Mr. Knutson also. presented a resolution directing the City's consulting planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, to prepare a study on the issue and make recommendations on appropriate official controls. He stated that these documents do nat. reflect the City's position on the issue, but rather allows time to determine whether or not .existing controls in the zoning ordinance are adequate. 90.198 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No. 90-76 directing the City's consulting planner to prepare a study of appropriate zoning controls for waste disposal facilities, removing the November 15, 1990, completion date from the resolution. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill. 90.199 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to adopt Ordinance No. 420, an interim ordinance temporarily prohibiting issuance of land use approvals for waste disposal facilities, with .Section 4 to read, "...in effect until the date of the adoption of the official controls contemplated hereunder or July 1, .1991, whichever .occurs first." Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 1990 PAGE 10 Councilmember Ruhmann requested the Council's permission to host a Sister Cities meeting at City Hall. After brief discussion, the. Council gave their support and encouragement. for the event. ANNOUNCEMENTS Next Regular Council Meeting: July 16, 1990. Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 9x35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Charlene Friedges, City Cle Du ne Zaun, Ma i •