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MAY 7, 1990
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Zaun at 7:05 p.m.
The pledge of allegiance to the. flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Sindt,
Mulvihill and Mayor Zaun. Absent: Councilmembers Ruhmann
and Harvey.
Also present: B. Erickson, City Administrator; D. Feller,
Finance Director; K. Nelson, City Engineer; R. Knutson, City
Attorney; D. Gudmundson, Chief of Police; J. Robinette,
Community Development Director; B. Christensen, Fire Chief;
S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; R. Wawrzon, Research
Analyst; B. Kempa, Accountant; E. Fondell, Senior Citizens
Coordinator; D. Morey, .Assistant Community Development
Director; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
Attorney: None.
Engineer: None.
Administrator: Bob Erickson requested the council remove
. Item 70, receive sealed bids and approve sale of City
vehicles, from the Consent Agenda for further discussion.
Fire Chief: Barry Christensen provided an overview of the
first quarter report of the Lakeville Fire Department.
Mr. Steve Hansen, 18030 Kenwood Trail, gave a brief update on
the actions that are currently being taken by the citizens
against the proposed amphitheater project.
Councilmember Sindt suggested the .City staff explain the
proposed. time table that would be followed for this project.
Mr. Erickson explained that the. project will undergo, at the
very minimum, a six month review process, which would include
a public informational meeting after the City receives an
application from the developer. The various advisory groups
would also review the proposal, and the City would retain
sound and traffic experts, at the developer's expense, to
analyze the proposed. project.
t ' ~
MAY 7, 1990
Mr. Fred Christiansen, Finance .Director for Maple Grove: and
representative of the Government Finance Officers
Association, presented to the Lakeville Finance Department a
Certificate of .Achievement for Excellence in Financial
Reporting for its comprehensive annual financial report for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 1988. He explained that
this certificate of achievement is presented to government
units whose comprehensive annual financial reports achieve
the highest standards in government accounting and financial
reporting. Dennis Feller and Brian Kempa accepted the award
on behalf of the Finance Department.
Mayor Zaun presented a plaque to Larry Oreschnick for his
distinguished service on the Cable TV Board. Mr. Oreschnick
is the last charter member to depart from the Board.
Don Gudmundson and Steve Michaud requested the City Council
.consider proclaiming May 7 through 11 as Drug Awareness Week
in .Lakeville to help promote new State legislation fighting
drugs through education and enforcement in schools and
90.131 Councilmember Sindt read Resolution No. 90-48 supporting the
State of Minnesota "Drug-Free School and Park Zones Act" and
proclaiming May 7 through 11, 1990, as .Drug Awareness Week
within the City of .Lakeville. Sindt moved its adoption,
Mulvihill seconded.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
Steve Michaud introduced the following individuals who
extended their support. and appreciation to the City for its
cooperative efforts to control the use of drugs in the
community: Barb Olson, School District 194 Chemical
Awareness Coordinator; Paul Baarson, Parkview Elementary
School Principal; and Bernie Ryan, All Saints School Board
Vice Chair.
Don Gudmundson introduced Ms. Melissa Majerus, who has been
hired to fill the new position of Animal Control Officer.
Chris Oace, Cable Coordinator, introduced Mr. James
Schindler, who has been hired to fill the new position of
Assistant Producer.
MAY 7, 1990
Councilmembers removed items 7a, minutes of April 9th special
council meeting, and. 70, vehicle bids, from the consent
agenda for further discussion.
90.132 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
the consent agenda and items as follows:
a. (Removed from consent agenda).
b. Approve minutes of the April 16, 1990 Regular Council
c. Approve minutes of the April 25, 1990, Special Council
d. Approve claims for payment.
e. Receive minutes of advisory committee meetings:
Cable TV Board, April 10
Parks & Recreation Committee, April 18
Planning Commission, April 19
• Natural Resources Committee, April 17
Economic Development Commission, April 24
f. Approve an _Engineering -Agreement for Consulting .Services
with Strgar-Roscoe-Fausch, Inc.
g. Approve Resolution No. 90-49 authorizing staff to install
drug free zone signs at various .park locations.
h. Approve request of American Heart Association to use
Aronson Park for a softball tournament on June. 23 and 24,
i. Approve agreement with Braun Engineering, Inc. to
complete soil borings at Casperson Park.
j. Approve agreement with Institute for Minnesota
Archaeology to complete archaeological survey at
Casperson Park.'
k. Approve Resolution No. 90-50 authorizing preparation of a
feasibility report. for Improvement Project 90-2,
sealcoating portions of Districts 2, 4, 5 and b.
1. Authorize GTTI, Geographical Technology Transfer
• Incorporated, to prepare a geographic information system
feasibility report.
MAY 7, 1990
m. Authorize American Associated Appraisal to appraise City
buildings, contents and property for insurance purposes..
n. Authorize DCA Stanton to prepare a salary survey for
exempt employee positions.
o. (Removed from consent agenda) .
p. Receive sealed .bids and approve sale of South Metro Drug
Task Force seized vehicles.
q. Adopt Ordinance No. 410 amending Title 3, Chapter 6, of
the Lakeville City Code concerning cigarette licenses.
r. Approve cigarette ]icenses for Budget mart, 20180 Dodd
Boulevard, and Berries Market Deli, 17665 Kenwood Trail.
s. Approve off-sale nonintoxicating malt liquor License for
Berries Market Deli, 17665 Kenwood Trail.
t. Approve change orders No. 45 and 54 for city hall.
u. Set dedication of City Hall for July 8,1990, from 3:30 to
5:30 p.m.
v. Approve Resolution No. 90-51 appointing Dennis Feller as
Director and Bob .Erickson as Alternate Director to the
LOGIS Board of Directors.
w. Approve membership in the Metro East Partnership and dues
of $700.
x. Approve an antenna site use agreement with Cybertel
Paging, Inc.
y. Approve request from Minnesota Pole Benders Fishing Club
to use Casperson Boat Launch and Park to conduct their
annual Pan-O-Frog fishing tournament on July 7, 1990.
z. Approve request from Bill Gallagher of DJ's Tug-of-War
Team to conduct a 1990 World Championship qualifying
tug-of-war tournament at Foxborough Park on July 7, 1990,
as part of the 1990 Pan-O-frog celebration.
aa. Approve agreement with R-W/Midwest Vending, Inc. to
install, operate and maintain vending machines in parks
and public buildings.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
. Zaun.
MAY 7, 1990
90.133 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
the minutes of the April 9, 1990, Special Council Meeting as
corrected in Motion 90.95 to read, "Roll call was taken on
Councilmember Harvey's motion".
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Zaun,
Mr. Erickson introduced Ron Wawrzon, who coordinated the
April 29th City auction. The auction, he stated, netted the
City over $20,000 on the sale of surplus equipment. Mr.
Wawrzon explained that two Chevy Luv Trucks have been taken
off the list of vehicles being sold by sealed bids because of
a misunderstanding that the vehicles were to be sold for
parts only. He explained that the bidders for Vehicles No. 9
and 10 have withdrawn. their bids, and staff recommends the
sale of these vehicles to Viking Auto Salvage for a total of
90.134 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
Resolution No. 90-56 awarding the sale of Vehicles No. 1
through 8, and 11 to the highest bidders; and awarding the
sale of Vehicles No. 9 and 10 to Viking Auto Salvage for
$275, subject to receipt of written confirmation that the
vehicles will be used for parts only.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing for proposed sanitary
sewer, watermain, storm sewer, trail and street improvements
to Griffon and Grove Trails, Highview Heights, Chapel Hills
and Foxborough 2nd Addition, Improvement Project 89-13. The
City Clerk. attested to proper publication and mailing of
legal notices.
Keith Nelson provided the background on the proposed
improvements. He explained that as a follow-up to Dakota
County's plans to reconstruct County Road 46 (160th Street
West) in 1991, City staff contacted the developers of
Highview Heights and Chapel Hills regarding the .extension of
Griffon Trail into. these subdivisions. Griffon .Trail would
• provide direct access to Cedar Avenue. In addition, sanitary
MAY 7, 1990
.sewer and storm sewer need to be extended along Griffon Trail
through Chapel Hills to serve future portions of the Highview
Heights development.. Letters in support of the improvement.
project were received from Heritage Development and Meritor
Development Corp., who represent the only property proposed
to be assessed.
Mr. Nelson explained that Griffon Trail is designated as a
major collector roadway in the City's Transportation Plan and
is also designated as a Municipal State Aid (MSA). roadway.
Grove Trail is designated as a minor collector and is not
part of the City's MSA system. Both are designated for
multi-purpose trailways as shown in the City's Trail System
Mr. Nelson went on to explain .the scope of the project,
stating that an eight inch sanitary sewer is proposed to be
extended along Griffon Trail and Grove Trail from existing
.facilities located in Foxborough 2nd Addition. These costs
are proposed to be assessed to the corresponding
developments. An eight inch and twelve inch watermain is
proposed to be extended along Griffon .and Grove Trails, with
costs proposed to be assessed to the corresponding
development. Oversizing of trunk watermain from eight inches
to twelve inches will be financed from the City's trunk sewer
and water fund. The existing trunk .storm sewer in Foxborough
2nd Addition will be extended along Griffon Trail to serve
future portions of Highview Heights 4th and .5th Additions and
Chapel Hi]1s. Griffon Trail will be constructed to MSA
standards, consisting of a 44 foot wide roadway with
surmountable curb and gutter and a nine ton pavement design.
Grove Trail will be constructed to a 44 foot width and
surmountable curb and gutter to match the existing street in
Chapel Hills Addition. A five foot sidewalk is proposed to
be constructed along the east side of Grove Trail, the south
side of Griffon Trail and the north side of Griffon Trail
southeasterly of Grove Trail. An eight foot bituminous trail.
is proposed along the west side of Grove Trail, to match the
in-place trail in Chapel Hills Addition, and along the north
side of Griffon Trail west of Grove Trail.
Mr. Nelson explained that the Comprehensive Trails Plan
designates eight foot trails on both sides of all major
collector roadways and five foot sidewalks on both sides of
all minor collector roadways. The Parks & Recreation
Advisory Committee held several informational meetings with
the affected residents in Foxborough 2nd Addition, who were
generally opposed to eight foot bituminous trails and project
assessments. The residents were, however, receptive to five
foot sidewalks if there were no assessments, subject to
MAY 7, 1990
several conditions. The Parks & Recreation Committee
subsequently amended the Comprehensive Trails Plan in this
area to allow for sidewalk only.
Mr. Nelson presented an estimated project cost summary, with
$530,700 being the total project cost. He explained that all
associated costs for sanitary sewer, watermain, sidewalk and
Grove Trail street construction are proposed to be assessed
to the corresponding Highview Heights and Chapel Hills
developments. Municipal State Aid funds are proposed to be
.used to finance part of Griffon trail and sidewalk
construction and, in accordance with the City's MSA
assessment policy, Highview Heights and Chapel Hills are
proposed to be assessed a residential street equivalent for
Griffon Trail. For the existing development in Foxborough
2nd Addition, state aid funds are proposed to finance
sidewalk with no direct assessment to the property owners.
In areas. where eight foot trails are constructed in lieu of
five foot sidewalks, the Lakeville Parks and Recreation
Department will finance 3/8 of the cost.
Mr. Nelson stated that Meritor Development Corporation has
requested the improvement of Grinnell Avenue and a portion of
Gull Path be included in this project. An additional $75,000
. would be assessed to Meritor for those additional
Mayor Zaun opened the hearing to questions and comments from
the audience.
Mr. Warren Kochis, 16404 Griffon Trail, asked if trees could
be placed in the boulevard rather than the residents' yards.
He also asked who wauld reimburse the property owners for sod
that is removed and replaced with sidewalk, and requested a
detailed drawing that would identify how and where
construction will take place.
Mr. Nelson stated that plans and specifications would show
the project construction in detail, and indicated .that a
project coordinator wi.71 be in contact with some of the
property owners prior to construction. He also stated that
as a part of the construction contract, landscaping presently
i.n place will be maintained or restored to its original
condition; however, there would be no formal reimbursement
for the loss of existing sod.
Mr. Erickson reminded the Council and citizens present that
the City staff has responded to many concerns raised by the
area .residents in regard to sidewalk construction. The
purpose of trees being planted was to screen the sidewalk
~ ,
MAY 7, 1990
from the houses. Those trees were intended to be .ornamental
in type. He urged the Council not to determine the specific
location of the trees at this time, but rather let the
majority of the neighborhood make that determination,
possibly by a mailed survey.
Councilmember Sindt asked about the status of 165th Street,
and Mr. Nelson indicated that the developer is responsible
for repairing that street.
90.135 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to close the
public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
90.136 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to approve
Resolution No. 90-52 ordering public improvement and
preparation. of plans and specifications for improvement
project 89-13, Griffon and Grove Trails in Highview Heights,
Chapel Hills and Foxborough 2nd Additions.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Zaun,
The City Council proceeded to consider other. items on the
agenda that do not require a four-fifths vote of the Council,
as Councilmember Ruhmann is expected to arrive later.
Don Gudmundson introduced Mr. John Eccleston, representing a
new restaurant preparing to open at Southfork Mall called
Juke Box Cafe. He explained that Mr. Eccleston has applied
for retail on-sale nonintoxicating malt liquor, wine and
cabaret licenses. A mechanical amusement. device license for
the establishment has been applied for by Theisen Vending
Company. Chief Gudmundson informed the Council that
Investigator Delmonico recommends approval of the Licenses.
Mr. Eccleston explained to the Council his intent to develop
a family oriented restaurant with an adjacent amusement
center that would be separated .from the restaurant complex.
He stated the restaurant will provide the highest quality in
food and service, featuring pizza developed through authentic
recipes from Italy. He explained that dances would. occur on
Wednesday (during the summer), Friday and Saturday evenings
from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. Music would primarily be
provided by records and tapes coordinated.. by a disc jockey,
with occasional live bands. The establishment would hire
uniformed off duty police officers to provide security during
MAY 7, 1990
Councilmember Mulvihill asked about the dance area capacity,
and Mr. Eccleston indicated the dance floor has a capacity of
150 persons. Mr. Erickson suggested the fire marshal
determine the occupancy of the building.
Councilmember Sindt voiced concern .over minors being allowed
in an establishment where alcohol is served, and Mr.
Eccleston indicated that. alcohol sales would discontinue
during. the dance hours.
After some discussion, Mr. Erickson suggested Mr. .Eccleston
meet with the Chief of Police, City Attorney and himself to
come up with a detailed plan to control and monitor the
operation of the restaurant and accessory amusement area.
90.137 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to issue an
on-sale nonintoxicating malt liquor, wine and cabaret license
to John M. Eccleston, dba Juke Box Cafe, subject to terms and
conditions to be drafted by staff for subsequent City .Council
review and approval.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
90.138 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to issue a
mechanical amusement device license to Theisen Vending
Company for 30 amusement devices at Juke Box Cafe.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Aye, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Senior Coordinator, Eileen Fondell, outlined the progress
that has taken place on the proposed senior transit program.
The City of Lakeville, Regional Transit Board (RTB} and
Dakota Area Resources and Transportation for Seniors, Ina
(DARTS) would collectively purchase, operate and manage a 16
passenger handicapped .accessible DARTS bus. She explained
that the RTB will be responsible for 65~ of the initial
purchase, with DARTS, Lakeville Senior Citizens Club .and the
Lakeville Lions Club being responsible for 35% of the
purchase price. The RTB would be responsible for 100% funds
to operate and manage the bus for the first 18 months. After
the first 18 months, the RTB will fund 65% of the bus
operation and management, with the remaining 35% being funded
by DARTS and the City of Lakeville. Lakeville's portion of
the 35% would be covered by providing a storage facility and
performing preventive maintenance on the vehicle,. Ms.
Fondell introduced Mr. Mark Hoisser, DARTS Transportation
Director, who indicated the bus is expected to be operational
by the first part of July.
MAY 7, 1990
Councilmember Sindt questioned Section 4 of the agreement
between the City and DARTS as it pertains to tax on fuel.
Mr. Erickson suggested the agreement be amended in Section 4
to read, "The City will bill DARTS for the cost of fuel,
including .tax, if applicable, and DARTS shall pay all
bills.. "
90.139 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to authorize
the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an agreement with DARTS for
the purpose of providing senior transportation, as amended in
Section 4.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Zaun,
Jim Robinette .presented the final plat of Shady Oak Shores
3rd Addition, located west of Cedar Avenue and south of 170th
Street. He stated that this plat is consistent with .the
previously approved preliminary plat of Shady Oak Shores 3rd
Addition, and staff recommends approval.
. 90.140 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to approve
Resolution No. 90-54 approving the final plate of Shady Oak
Shores 3rd Addition.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
. ITEM 12
Ji.m Robinette presented the request of Bridlewilde Joint
Venture for a grading permit for Shady Oak Shores Phase 3A.
He reported that security in the amount of $6,000 for erosion
control has been provided by the developer, Mr. Al Herrmann.
Staff recommends approval.
90.141 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to issue a
grading permit to Bridlewilde Joint Venture for Shady Oak
Shores Phase 3A.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Councilmember Sindt asked the .staff to determine the
appropriate building size that would be required. for a retail
. fire service. Mr. Erickson indicated that analysis of the B
& S Tire operation is currently underway, and the staff will
continue to work with the developer on this issue.
MAY 7, 1990
90.142 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to table
consideration of a conditional use permit for B & S Tire to
operate a retail fire service store at 21178 Kenrick Avenue .
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Zaun,
Mr. Erickson read a proposed resolution which would create
the Department of Environmental Resources and Public Works
and the Department of Community and Economic Development and
presented organizational charts for each of the departments.
Councilmember Ruhmann arrived at the meeting, 9:00 p.m.
Mr. Erickson went on to explain that the Personnel Committee
has reviewed and endorsed the reorganization plan,
recognizing the rapid growth of the community. He stated
that Jim Robinette has been asked to head the department of
Environmental Resources and Public Works, and he has accepted
that challenge. He further stated that the resolution, if
approved, directs the City Administrator to finalize a
• contract with Sathe & Associates, Inc. to conduct an
executive search for the position of Community and Economic
Development Director. He estimated that search would take
approximately three months.
90.143 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
Resolution No. 90-55 creating the Department of Environmental
Resources and Public Works and the Department of Community
and Economic Development.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
Mulvihill, Ruhmann.
Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing for proposed sanitary
sewer, watermain, storm sewer and street improvements on
205th Street and Hollins Avenue, Improvement Project 90-1.
The City Clerk attested to proper publication and mailing of
legal notices.
Keith Nelson presented the proposed project, which consists
of extending sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and
bituminous streets along 205th Street between Holyoke and
Hollins avenues and Hollins Avenue between 205th and 206th
• streets. He explained that a request had been made to extend
the project east on 205th Street to the Lakeville Grove.
Cemetery. That request, however, has been withdrawn, since
the cemetery owners have determined that they are not
financially able to support the costs.
MAY 7, 1990
Mr. Nelson explained that the feasibility study for this
project was ordered in response to a petition received from
several residents requesting blacktopping of abutting
streets. Prior to completion of the study, City staff ..held a
neighborhood informational meeting with affected property
owners, at which time the proposed project and approximate
costs were presented.
Mr. Nelson went on to explain. that since sanitary sewer
services are substandard in length and size based on current
standards, it is proposed to construct a new eight inch
sanitary sewer along Hollins Avenue from 205th Street to the
south. New services would be installed from this main to the
property line for each residence, which would be available
for connection if problems arise with the existing service.
The staff is recommending that this portion of improvement
costs be financed from the City's Trunk Utility Fund;
although assessments are proposed against property lying. east
of Hollins Avenue since this property is undeveloped and not
presently served by City sewer.
The existing four inch watermain located. along 205th Street
between Holyoke and Holt avenues is old and inadequate in
• size for fire demand, while no watermain exists at 205th
Street and Hollins to provide fire protection. The existing
watermain would be replaced with a six inch watermain along
205th Street between Holyoke and Hollins avenues and along
Hollins between 205th and 206th streets. A fire hydrant
would be .installed at 205th and Hollins. This portion of
costs would also be financed from the City's Trunk Utility
Fund, with the exception of the undeveloped property lying
east of Hollins Avenue.
The present 33 inch storm sewer in Hollins Avenue between
205th and 206th streets is also substandard and inadequate in
size. This pipe is proposed to be replaced with a larger 48
inch pipe, with a 15 inch pipe proposed to be constructed
along 205th Street from Hollins to Holt avenues to provide
drainage from areas south of the project. These costs. would
be financed by a combination of City funds and area
assessments for trunk drainage improvements to adjacent
property owners. Catch basins will be installed off trunk
facilities located along 205th Street and Hollins Avenue.
The area east of Hollins Avenue presently exists in the
floodplain and cannot be developed until the existing ditch
is reconstructed. Staff is proposing that the ditch be
improved and easements acquired. It is proposed to realign
• the ditch south of 205th Street to follow the existing
sanitary sewer alignment and acquire easements, which would
allow more area to be developed in the future once a
floodplain amendment is approved. The majority of these
costs would be funded by the City's Trunk Utility Fund.
MAY 7, 1990
Mr. Nelson further explained that at the neighborhood
meeting, staff recommended a minimum 24 foot wide bituminous
street with restricted parking be constructed with concrete
curb and gutter and a minimum 30 foot right-of-way. However,
some property owners objected to the 24 foot wide street, as
it required removal of several trees and shrubs. The staff,
therefore, recommends an 18 foot width, providing 205th
Street is posted as one-way easterly between Holyoke and
Hollins avenues. This reduced width saves several trees and
shrubs and was preferred by adjacent residents. A :standard
32 foot street is proposed to be constructed along Hollins
Avenue north of 206th Street.
Mr. Nelson then provided a breakdown of project costs, with
$279,385 being the total cost of all improvements and
$128,960 assessed to the benefitting property. He explained
that the project could be substantially completed by this
fall; however, right-of-way acquisition could cause some
Dennis Feller explained the City's assessment policy and
indicated that this project would be assessed over a 20 year
period at an .interest rate of nine percent. He reminded
• those present that senior citizen deferments are available to
.property owners who are over the age of 65 or suffering a
hardship due to a physical handicap.
.Mayor Zaun opened the hearing to questions and comments from
the audience..
Mrs. Ruth Sprouse, 8663 205th Street, stated she supports the
one way street and requested the City consider saving as many
trees as possible in the drainage area behind her property.
Mr. Steve Bergstaller, representing Sharon Schaum's property
at 8630 205th Street, stated he also supports the one way
street. He asked how accurate the City feels its cost.
estimates are for this project, and Mr. Nelson indicated that
if the bids were to come in more than 10% over the estimates,
the project could be reconsidered by the Council at another
public hearing. Mr. Bergstaller asked if the property owners
could be provided guarantees that they will not be assessed
in future years for portions of the project that are not
proposed to be assessed at this time. The staff explained..
that a future City Council cannot go beyond what is being
presented at this public hearing.
Mr. Erickson reminded those present that some financial
• assistance may be available .for the storm sewer improvements,
utilizing the excess increment from two tax increment
financing districts. These proceeds will be utilized for the
MAY 7, 1990
downtown storm sewer project, and Improvement Project 90-1
.would receive its proportionate share. He further stated..
that the public hearing is based on estimated project costs,
and final costs will be presented to the property owners at a
subsequent special assessment hearing..
Mr. Leo Cameron, 20520 Holyoke Avenue, opposed the one way
street, as he was concerned with snow plowing on a one way
street. He also stated he prefers to see a barrier type curb
and gutter installed, rather than the proposed surmountable
Mr. Erickson explained that the staff is being responsive to
the majority of the property owners involved by attempting to
save the existing trees. He also explained that
.consideration can be given as to how a one way. street is
plowed so that the snow is not always pushed to one side.
Mr. Nelson explained that a surmountable curb and gutter is
being .proposed because it is less costly. He also explained
that when the property east of Hollins is .developed, a
barrier type curb would have to be removed for curb cuts,
whereas surmountable curb would not have to be removed.
90.144 .Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to receive a
• letter from Richard E. Cross dated May 3, 1990, and a letter
from St. John's Lutheran Church dated May 4, 1990, in
reference to the Lakeville Grove Cemetery. (Letters on file
in the City Clerk's office.)
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Ruhmann, Zaun.
90.145 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to close the
public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Ruhmann,
Zaun, Sindt.
90.146 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
.Resolution No. 90-53 ordering public improvement and
preparation of plans and specifications for Improvement
Project 90-1, 205th Street West and Hollins Avenue.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Sindt, Mulvihill.
Daryl Morey presented the application of Duane Voas for a
• conditional use permit to remove an existing detached one car
garage. and replace it with a new two car garage attached to
MAY 7, 1990
the existing single family dwelling at 20865 Holiday Avenue.
He explained that the lot and existing garage do not meet
zoning ordinance requirements for the R-2 zoning
classification of the property; however, the house and garage
were constructed prior to establishment of the current
ordinance requirements. The proposed .garage would be located
8.5 feet from the side property line. While this does not
meet the 10 foot setback requirement, it improves upon the
existing 4.7 foot setback, therefore reducing
non-conformity. The Planning Commission and staff recommend
90.147 Motion was made by Sndt, seconded by Mulvihill to receive
the Planning Commission's findings of fact and grant a
conditional use permit to Duane Voas to allow construction of
a garage on a non-conforming single family residential lot
located at 20865 Holiday Avenue.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
Mulvihill, Ruhmann.
Daryl Morey. presented the application of Dean Ekegren for a
conditional use permit to remove an existing detached one car
garage and replace it with a new detached three car garage at
9982 199th Street. The lot and existing garage do not meet
zoning ordinance requirements for the R-2 zoning
classification of the property, and falls within the
Shoreland Overlay District for Lake Marion. He went on to
explain that although the 50 foot wide lot i.s non-conforming,
the house and garage .were constructed before the existing
ordinance requirements were established. The proposed garage
would be set back 10 feet from both side property lines, thus
reducing the non-conformity on the east side property line.
The Planning Commission and staff recommend approval.
90.148 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to receive
the Planning Commission's findings of fact and grant a
conditional use permit to Dean Ekegren to allow construction
of a garage on a non-conforming single family residential lot
located at 9982 199th Street.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Ruhmann, Zaun.
Daryl Morey presented an amendment to Section 11.3 of the
zoning ordinance regulating building height. He explained
that the proposed amendment would increase. the maximum
building height allowed for principal structures in the lower
MAY 7, 1990
density single family residential districts from two and one
half stories (25 feet) to three stories (35 feet). The
amendment would bring ordinance requirements into line with
today's trend toward taller single family residential
dwellings. The Planning Commission and staff recommend
Councilmember Ruhmann questioned whether this height
amendment would have a negative impact on a neighborhood if
the height of an existing structure is increased to 35 feet.
Mr. Morey stated that the height expansion would have to meet
building code requirements.
90.149 Motion was made by Ruhmann, seconded by Mulvihill to adopt
Ordinance No. 411 amending Section 11.3 of the zoning
ordinance pertaining to building height requirements.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Ruhmann,
Zaun, Sindt.
Councilmembers asked staff to contact Dakota County in
reference to marking the curves on Dodd Boulevard near Cedar
90.150 Motion was made by Ruhmann, seconded by Mulvihill to adjourn
the council meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Sindt, Mulvihill.
Time: 10:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Char ne Friedges, City erk
D ane Zaun, M