APRIL 9, 1990
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 ` p.m. by Mayor pro
tem, .Betty: Sindt. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was
Roll call was taken. Present:. Councilmembers Ruhmann,
Sindt, Mulvihill and. Harvey. Absent: Mayor Zaun.
Also present: B. Erickson,. City Administrator; R. Knutson,
City Attorney; J. Robinette, Community Development Director;
D. Feller, Finance :Director;. C. Friedges, City Clerk.
Marvin Pulju, .Dakota County Assessor, and Bill Peterson,
Resident Manager for the Assessor's Office, ".provided. the
Council and citizens. present an overview of the valuation
procedures and process. They explained. that. market' values
for most residential properties .were. generated using a
,computerized appraisal system. This new computerized mass
appraisal .system (CAMA) was purchased by Dakota ' County in
early 1988, and the assessor's staff have been transferring.
the appraisal data/characteristics into the computer during
.the past year and a half. .Building characteristics of each
• house were entered into the computer system, i.e. size, year
.built, effective year built, exterior walls, number of
bedrooms and baths, type of heat, air .conditioning' and
several other characteristics.
Mr. Peterson pointed out that over. 10,000 sales.. were analyzed
to determine what properties are selling for. For. the 1990
assessment, the law requires sales taking place between
October ' 1, 1988 and September 30, 1989 only,. be considered
and used as the basis for the 1990 assessment.. He further
stated that the assessed value arrived at by the County
assessors must, by law, be somewhere between 90 % and 100 0 of
market value. The County's ultimate goal is to achieve
market value.
Mr. Peterson...explained that .changes in market value .fore the
1990 assessment, taxes payable in 1991,. varied from- large
increases on some properties. to reductions in value on <other
properties. By using. the CAMA system to generate values, a
greater degree of equalization of like. properties has
resulted. Adjustments have been made to recognize market:
differences between communities. by using a neighborhood
APRIL 9, 1990
Mr. Pulju .explained that due to the large number of values
being changed. as a result of using the new CAMA system, the
Assessor's Office conducted informal, open book, meetings
over a 10 day period in March. All property owners were
invited to attend one of those meetings to discuss their new
valuation with appraisal staff. Approximately 159 Lakeville
residents attended .these meetings. The assessor's. staff has
reviewed most of those properties, and will have all reviews
completed within the next 20 days.
Mr. Pulju went on -to state that the responsibility of the
local Board of Review is to determine whether the taxable
property in the city has been. properly valued by the
assessor. The Board of .Review may reduce` assessments upon
petition of the tax payer, but the total reductions must not
reduce the aggregate assessment made by the County Assessor
by more than one percent. The Board of Review must complete
its work and adjourn within 20 days from the time of
Mr, Erickson asked Mr. Pulju if his staff conducted a
comparative analysis of sales in the Clay's Acres area
against the recommended market .values, as several residents
had contacted him with .concerns that their values may ..have
been. established in excess of actual market value. Mr: Pulju
stated his staff will be making a field' i.nspecti.on of that
area within the next 20 days, and .will report back to the
Council with verification of sales data compared to the LAMA
established values. Mr. Peterson added that based on his
analysis, the deviation appears to have been caused by errors
in conversion from the old manual system to .the .computer
system. He also pointed out that mathematical .errors may
have been made on the previous manual system, and increases
at this time would be justified. A tax payer does,.. however,
have the option to apply for an abatement, which could go
back a maximumof three years.
Mr. Peterson also explained the appeal process, whereby _the
property owner receives notification of value and is then
invited to the open book meetings to discuss and. review
values with the assessor. If property owners shoo a to
appeal their assessment, .they may present their appeal in
person, or in writing, to the local Board of Review. If,
after the assessor's staff has mete with the property owners
on an individual basis, they still wish to appeal their
assessment,. the appeal would be forwarded to the County Board
of Review and then, if necessary, on to the Minnesota Supreme
APRIL 9, 1990
Councilmember Harvey. reminded those present that if they are
not able to come to an equitable. agreement .with the
assessor's staff,.. their. appeal should come back to the local
Board of Review before going to the County .Board..
The 'Assessors entertained general questions from the
A citizen asked if the. County has a pre printed list. that
talks about quality of homes. Assessor explained that. they
consider the quality of a home based on seven quality grades,
and take into account construction, materials and
Maynard .Johnson asked if the assessor's .staff will review
commercial/industrial property this evening, and. Mr. Peterson
stated that all property types are being considered at this
Mr. Jim Wolter stated that he has obtained specific market
information from his neighborhood that would indicate his
assessed value is in excess- of the actual market value. Mr.
Peterson stated that his office welcomes any additional
market information that a property owner cane provide.
Councilmember Harvey also pointed out that- market information
in the form of an appraisal or a real estate estimate is most
helpful to the Board of Review in reviewing appeals.
Mr. Erickson pointed out that the City's prediction last fall.
than Lakeville home owners would see a reduction in their
1990 property taxes was accurate, assuming the home valuation
remained the same. He stated that on a home valued at
$100,000 n 1989, for example, taxes payable 1990 in School
.District 192. would decrease 20.7%; taxes on a $100,000 .home
in School District 194 would decrease 17.9%; and taxes on
$100,000 home in School District 196 would decrease 22.2%.
Sandy Goetz stated .that while most residents in attendance
.realize that. is true,. they are concerned with the increase in
their valuations.
90.94 .Motion was made by Harvey, ..seconded by Ruhmann to receive
letters from .property .owners appealing their assessed market
values for 1990, payable 1991, and refer them to the County
Assessor's Office, (letters on file in the City Clerk's
office) .
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Sindt,
Mulvihill, Harvey.
APRIL 9, 1990
Mr. Erickson .outlined the actions taken by the Council at
their April 2nd meeting, at which time they received a
proposal from MJC Development to option approximately.. 80
acres of City owned property at the intersection of -County
Road 70 and I-35. The .Council instructed the City Attorney
to return to this meeting with a document which would
represent the discussions that took place,. inclusive of
conditions that the council agreed upon, in concept. He
explained that in addition to the conditions discussed by the
Council, the following items were incorporated into the
document,. based on review of the files and discussions. with
MJC Development:. 1) developer .will be responsible for
removing existing buildings from the site at developer's
expense; 2) developer will be responsible for the farm lease
the City has with Mr. William Feldman; 3) developer. will be
..responsible for resolving a pre-existing boundary line
problem with one of the fence lines which has existed for 20
years along 1,000 to 2,000 feet of the north line; 4) City
has provided the developer with a specific legal description
for the area the City wants. to reserve for future Fire
Station No. 4.
• Councilmember Harvey voiced his concern that based on, the
legal description as presented,. the future fire station
parcel seems. small for the intended use of the property. The
staff pointed out that although it appears small, the parcel
has approximately 363 feet of depth and 400 feet of length,
plus an additional 150 feet to the east from the water tower
site. This would result in a site equivalent in size to thee.
Fire Station No. 1 site.
Councilmember Harvey pointed out a 20 foot discrepancy in the
.legal. description in Exhibit A of the option and real estate
purchase agreements,. and suggested that this item be tabled
to allow that legal. description to be corrected. He further
suggested that the option be tabled to allow other potential
buyers to bid on the property.
90.95 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill. to table
consideration of an option with MJC Development for 80 .acres
of city owned property near County Road 70 and. I-35 for 90
.days to allow for public bids, to investigate the value of
the property and to receive additional information from the
Mr. Ben Meledandri, MJC Development, stated that he was
willing to discuss the price/value of the land with the City,
and urged the Council to consider using this land to
stimulate economic development in the city. He .stated that
the Council agreed, on an individual basis, that this
proposal was worthy of consideration.
APRIL 9, 1990
Councilmember Mulvihill pointed out that her discussions with
Mr. Meledandri prior to April 2nd did not include the price
of the land. She stated that she felt uncomfortable with the
$7,500 figure,. as with the secrecy surrounding the developer
of the amphitheater. She also felt the City is possibly
being used as leverage to lower the land price in another
community for a similar project.
Mr. Meledandri explained that it is not unusual for a
business to withhold identification, for competitive reasons,
until the option is secured. He assured the council, to the
best of his knowledge, that the developer is genuinely
interested in this site.
Councilmember Harvey presented figures showing the parcel
value at $1.1 million, pointing out that accepting $7,500 per
acre would mean a $500,000 loss. Mr. Meledandri stated that
appreciation in value occurs on the basis of inflation and
increased development in surrounding land, pointing out that
there has been no significant development in the area for the
past five years.
Mr. Steve Hanson, representing Citizens Against the Proposed
• Amphitheater, stated that he is content with the property in
its current state.
Councilmember Ruhmann stated there is a moral aspect to the
issue, in that the Council agreed to grant an option on April
Councilmember Sindt suggested Mr. Meledandri request the
Council table this item until the next regular meeting to
allow the mayor to vote on the issue. Meledandri made that
Mr. Larry Castriotta told the Council that, in his opinion,
any legitimate developer would have known that the parcel was
on the market.
90.95 Roll call was taken on Councilmember Harvey's motion. Ayes,
Mulvihill, Harvey.
Nays, Sindt, Ruhmann. Motion failed.
Mr. Erickson recommended the issue be tabled for a 30 day
period to allow adequate time to accept any other proposals.
He also stated that the phone calls he had received were not
from citizens who were concerned about the price of the land,
APRIL 9, 1990
but rather. from. people .interested in the ultimate use of the
property and whether it will return to the community the
greatest potential for tax revenues, jobs and general
economic development. He stated he feels the developer has.
the ability to negotiate the price. He further stated that
if the Council has concerns regarding. the proposal, .their
.feelings should be expressed, as the developer has the right
to know if the Council is willing to give. further
consideration to the proposed project.
90.96 Motion was made by Ruhmann, seconded by Mulvihill to table
this issue until .the April 16th regular Council meeting to
allow, the mayor to vote on the matter..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Ruhmann, 5indt.
90,97 Motion .was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to reconvene
as the Board of Review at ..7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 25,
Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes,. Harvey, Ruhmann,
Sndt, Mulvihill.
Jim Robinette presented a grading and tree removal permit for
Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition and explained -that the
foresters .had indicated, at the time of preliminary plat
approval, that it is important to remove trees before
approximately the 15th of April to .prevent the spread of
diseases which .occur more readily when trees are actively
growing. He stated the staff recommends the developer
complete erosion control and tree removal prior to April
15th; however, a five ..day. extension of that deadline would be
acceptable if the council so chooses.
.Mary McCawley of Hedlund Engineering stated that the
contractor is prepared. to begin clearing trees, and: they
expect the work. can be completed in a day and a half, weather.:
Ms. Karen Carron, 1755.. Kodiak Avenue, spoke on behalf of the
Concerned Citizens' Group and requested some clarifications
to the erosion .control plan. She stated the cti2ens are
asking the developer: to provide heavy siltation fence for
erosion control, provide double heavy duty silt fence and. hay
bales around ponding ;areas, and protect .catch basins .with hay
APRIL 9, 1990
Mr. Robinette stated there.. were two additional areas drawn on
the final Grading and Erosion Control Plan, dated 3/30/90.
An on-site inspection will be required with the Engineering
staff and the .Dakota County .Soil and Water Conservation
Mr. Erickson read. a portion of the grading and tree removal
permit .which estates, "If the developer does not comply with
.the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary
instructions. received from the City or the Dakota County Soil
and Water Conservation District, the City may -take such
action as it deems appropriate to control erosion
" He
assured the residents that. the forester, Mr. Kunde, has an
obligation to see that this plan is enacted and followed, and
will monitor the; .work closely.
Ms. Carron also requested the .developer/contractor. be
required to provide a suitable container. (dumpster) during.
home construction to contain building refuse; and Mr.
Robinette stated that. fenced areas.. for containing
construction debris are currently required by the City
Building Department.
Ms. Carron also. asked the Council to consider in future
. developments. that the number of trees replaced .should be
based on a percentage of trees. situated on the lot prior to
grading.. and clearing of the building pad.
Mr. Larry .Bakken, Kodiak Circle, asked if permission had been
given to the developer to move dirt prior to this date. The
developer, Mr. .Simonson, explained that he removed the' dirt
from. around the trees adjacent to Lake Villa Golf Estates 5th
Addition and, with the City. .Engineer's permission, placed it
in the City right of way.
Mr. Bakken also .questioned. whether .the mass grading permit is
being approved at an appropriate time, prior to final plat
approval. Councilmembers and staff explained that it is
proper procedure, and feel comfortable that the developer
understands the concern of the community at large with regard.
to the environment.
90.98 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Ruhmann to approve
a grading and. tree removal permit for Lake Villa Golf Estates
6th Addition, with the tree removal being completed prior to
April. 20, 1990,. and erosion control and grading -work
completed by June 1, 1990, subject to payment by the
developer of outstanding bills in the amount of $919.46.
Roll call was taken on the .motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Sindt,
Mulvihill, Harvey.
APRIL 9, 1990
90.99 Motion was made by ,Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to interview
advisory committee applicants on Monday, April 23rd,
beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Roll. call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill,
.Harvey, Ruhmann.
90.100 Motion was .made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to direct
City staff to review .and draft an ordinance on the regulation.
of ultralights using City property. as an airport..
Roll call was taken on the .motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Ruhmann, Sindt.
.90.101 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to adjourn
the meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Sindt, Mulvihill.
Time:. 10:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City lerk
Du ne Zaun, M