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FEBRUARY 20, 1990
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Zaun at 7:05 p.m.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ruhmann,
Mulvihill, Sindt, Harvey and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: B. Erickson, City Administrator; K. Nelson,
City Engineer; E. Knetsch, City Attorney; D. Feller, Finance
Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; D.
Gudmundson, Chief of Police; D. Barth, Fire Department; B.
Hoffbeck, Streets Superintendent; R. Wawrzon, Police Dept.; A.
Brixius, Planning Consultant; D. Morey, Asst. Community
Development Director; C. Fredges, City Clerk.
ENGINEER: Keith Nelson requested the Council consider two
.resolutions. designating municipal state aid streets; County
Road 46 from MSA 101 (Ipava Avenue) to County State Aid.
Highway 5 (Kenwood Trail) and 175th Street West from MSA 107
(Highview Avenue) to County State Aid Highway 9 (Dodd
Boulevard). He explained that MnjDOT officials have informed
him that they have given preliminary approval to these MSA'
designations, with final approval subject to receipt of
certified copies of resolutions approved by the City Council
prior to March 1st. The Council added these resolutions to
Other Business, Items 13b and 13c.
ADMINISTRATOR: Bob Erickson asked the Council to .consider
approval of a resolution urging the Congress of the United
States to revise the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984
which restricts local government's ability to regulate the
cable television industry. The Council added the resolution.
to Other Business, Item 13a.
The city administrator then xeviewed the .changes that were
made from the previous draft resolution relating to the DEIS
for the proposed sand and gravel mining operations in .Apple
Valley. He explained that the five changes resulted from
input received at the February 13th neighborhood meeting. The
staff handed out an updated version .this evening which
reflects the deletion of the original paragraph 5a, "Any
changes to :County .roads or bridges as a result of the gravel
mining operations should be made at the expense of the
landowner or gravel operator (not the City of Lakeville)."
FEBRUARY 20, 1990
Mr. Erickson also explained that a correction was made in the
resolution for agenda. item #9 concerning the DEAW for -the Ames
New Market Mining Site. Paragraph 2C has been amended to
read, "The EAW does not commit to any extraction limits that
would better quantify -the traffic counts and hauling.
qualities". The revised resolution was handed out to the City
CHIEF OF POLICE: Don Gudmundson presented the January monthly
report of the Police Department. Councilmember Mulvihill
pointed out the .increase in .domestics over the last month and
asked if the City is doing all it can to control domestics.
The chief explained that the City has been working closely
with the B. Robert Lewis House in this effort.
Chief Gudmundson then presented the 1989 Annual. Report of the
Police Department and thanked the Council and staff for their
support and direction .during the past year. The Chief gave a
brief overview of the report, which was done in a new format
from those of previous years. Councilmembers congratulated
the Chief for the positive changes that have occurred in the
department during the past year. Mayor Zaun suggested
consideration be given to making this report available. to .the
public, and the Chief indicated that copies could be placed in
• various places throughout the City such as beauty/barber
shops. It was also suggested that copies of police department
reports, as well as other city reports, should be sent to the
area high schools.
90.40 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to receive the
1989 Police Department Annual Report.
Roll call was taken. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun, Mulvihill, Sindt,
Steve Michaud presented the January monthly report of the
Parks & Recreation Department, stating that the major issue
during the month involved Lake Marion, i.e. aeration system
and brochure/garbage bag distribution to all fish house
owners. He further commented that maintaining ice for skating
rinks has been a struggle during the month of January due to
the unseasonably warm weather.
Councilmember Sindt recommended a letter of appreciation be
sent to the Lakeville Pole Benders for their cooperation and
assistance in handing out brochures to the fish house owners.
FEBRUARY 20, 1990
Ms. Lisa Polley, 6819 Upper 162nd Street, reminded those
present of a public informational meeting regarding
establishment of a co-composting facility at 7:00 p.m. on
Wednesday, February 21st, in Farmington.
Dennis Feller introduced Sue Sayler, the new city hall
The Council removed item 7g, resolution designating city hall
as a no smoking area; item 7i, policy for duplicating and
viewing video tapes of public meetings; item 7j, final
acceptance of streets and utilities in Lynwood .North 4th
Addition; item 7k, final acceptance of utilities for Second
Season Golf;. and item 7n, naming of Aronson Park shelter. The
Council then added item 11, authorize chief of police and city
administrator to promote a uniform sergeant effective 3/5/90;
item 12, authorize staff to submit an application for. certain
.highly erodible land located within Ritter Farm Park to Dakota
County Soil and Water Conservation District Conservation
Reserve Program; item 13b, resolution designating County Road
46 from MSA 101 to County State Aid Highway 5 a municipal
state aid street; and item 13c, resolution .designating 175th.
Street West from MSA 107 to County State Aid Highway 9 a
municipal state aid street.
90.41 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to .approve the
amended consent agenda and items as follows:
a. Approve minutes of the February 5, 1990 council meeting.
b. Approve claims for payment.
c. Receive minutes of advisory committee meetings:
Planning Commission, February 1st
Parks & Recreation Committee, February 7th
Natural Resources Committee, February 6th
d. Approve 1990 pay schedule for the Fire Department.
e. Approve appointment of Fire Department Assistant Chief.
f. Approve appointment of Fire Department District Chief.
• g. (Removed from consent agenda)
FEBRUARY 20, 1990
h. Approve special assessment agreement with Brackett's
Crossing, Inc..
i. (Removed from consent agenda)
j. (Removed from consent agenda)
k. (Removed from consent agenda)
1. Friedges Landscaping; final acceptance of sanitary sewer
m. Approve renewal of the erosion and sediment control
services contract with Dakota County Soil and Water
Conservation District..
n. (Removed from consent agenda)
o. Approve specifications for new vehicles and equipment and
set a bid date for March 9, 1990, at 10:00 a.m.
p. Approve specifications for a heavy rescue vehicle for the
Fire Department and set a bid date for March 16, 1990, at
10:00 a.m.
q. Approve non-intoxicating malt liquor license for Little
Joe's Pizza, 11276-210th Street (McStop Retail Center).
r. Approve license for mechanical. amusement devices at Little
Joe's Pizza, 11276-210th Street (McStop Retail Center).
s. Approve license for mechanical amusement .devices at Tubb's
Laundry, 11276-210th Street (McStop Retail Center) .
t. Appoint Mayor Zaun to the I-35W Council Board of
Commissioners to replace Councilmember Sindt.
u. Approve agreement continuance with Goodwill/Easter Seal
for recycling drop-off center.
v. Set Council Work Session for February 26, .1990, at 7:00
p.m., City Hall Conference Room; to discuss feasibility
reports for Argonne Farms Project 89-8 and Lee Lake Outlet
Project 89-11.
11. Authorize the Chief of Police and City Administrator to
promote a uniform sergeant effective March 5, 1990.
FEBRUARY 20, 1990
12. Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP); authorize staff to
submit an application for certain highly erodible land
located within Ritter Farm Park.
13b. Approve Resolution No. 90-18 designating County Road 46
from MSA 101 (Ipava Avenue) to County State Aid Highway 5
(Kenwood Trail) .
13c. Approve Resolution No. 90-19 designating 175th Street .West
from MSA 107 (Highview Avenue) to County State Aid Highway
9 (Dodd Boulevard).
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Mulvihill,
Sindt, Harvey, Ruhmann.
Item #7g.
.Bob Erickson explained that he had requested the City Attorney
draft this resolution referencing State Health Department
Clean Indoor Air rules and commented that such a policy is in
the best interest of the health of citizens and employees
using City Hall.
• Councilmember Ruhmann asked how .this proposed resolution is
being accepted by City Hall personnel. Mr. Erickson stated
that the fewer than 10~ who do smoke have accepted it and have
shown respect for other employees by smoking outside the
Councilmember Ruhmann asked if the possibility of prohibiting
smoking in all City buildings could be considered, and the
staff indicated that it would be difficult for the police
department to adhere to such a policy.
90.42 Motion was made by Ruhmann, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
Resolution No. 90-14 designating the. entire Lakeville City
Hall as a no smoking area.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Sindt,
Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun.
The staff suggested Item #7i, policy for duplicating and
viewing video tapes of public meetings, be discussed after.
Media Consultant Chris Oace arrives to answer questions. The
Council proceeded to the next item.
FEBRUARY 20, 1990
Item #7j.
Councilmember Harvey asked if the recent sidewalk issue
involves the streets in the Lynwood North 4th Addition, and
staff indicated it does not.
90.43 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to approve the
final acceptance of streets and utilities in Lynwood North 4th
Roll call was .taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey,
Ruhmann, Zaun, Mulvihill.
Items #7k.
Councilmember Sindt asked about the.. status of the Second
Season Golf building, and staff indicated that an application
has been received from Second Season Golf .for a wine license.
Bob Erickson stated the license application will not appear on
a council agenda. until the dome is reinstalled and the
business is operational.
90.44 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve final...
acceptance of utilities for Second Season Golf.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Zaun, Mulvihill, Sindt.
Itea 7n.
Steve Michaud provided the background on the shelter that was
built at Aronson Park in 1977 by the Lakeville Jaycees.
Although the City acknowledged the Jaycees' efforts with
plaques, there has always been a feeling that the Lakeville
Jaycees wished to have the shelter named after their chapter.
The Parks and Recreation Committee recommends, and staff
concurs, that the shelter be officially named "Lakeville
Jaycees Tournament Center.
The staff and council discussed the possibility of replacing
the word "Tournament" with the word "Community" to avoid.
singling out the intended use of the facility for tournaments.
90.45 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to officially
name the shelter at Aronson Park the "Lakeville. Jaycee
Community Center".
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun,
.Mulvihill, Sindt, Harvey.
FEBRUARY 20, 1990
Item #8.
Mayor Zaun provided a chronological overview of the Draft
Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed sand. and
gravel mining .operations in the City of Apple Valley. He also
read a letter he received from Robin Selvig, 16236 Fantasia
Avenue, expressing appreciation to the City Council and staff
for their. efforts in challenging the DEIS.
The mayor went on to say that the proposed project is located..
within the Vermillion River Watershed area; and the Watershed
Commission requested James M. Montgomery, Consulting
Engineers, to analyze the DEIS. This analysis raises some
serious questions regarding the impact of the gravel mining
operation on the ground water.
The mayor asked the city administrator to provide an update on
.any additional information received and to review the changes
in the resolution concerning the. Draft Environmental Impact
Statement/Consolidated End Use. Concept for. the proposed sand
and gravel mining operations in Apple Valley. Bob Erickson
stated that additional correspondence/information was provided
to the Council to show how other agencies are responding to
• the DEIS and referenced the following documents:
1) Letter from City Attorney to Office of Pipeline Safety.
2) Adopted resolution from Board of County Commissioners.
3) Letters to Representative Tompkins and Senator Pariseau
regarding ground water concerns.
4) Letter from City of Rosemount outlining their concerns
with the DEIS.
The city administrator proceeded. to explain the five changes
that had been made in the resolution following the February
.13th meeting with the Valley Park Homeowners Association.. He
then offered one additional change, deletion of the original
paragraph 5a from the resolution, per the request of the
Valley Park Homeowners Association and City Council members.
Councilmembers concurred with the recommended changes in the
resolution. Councilmember Mulvihill suggested a change in
wording in Paragraph 10, Page 6, of the resolution to read,
"The .assumption of the expansion...
Mayor Zaun indicated that this resolution wi11 be forwarded to
the City of Apple Valley prior to the February 22nd .deadline
for public comment.
90.46 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
Resolution No. 90-15 concerning the Draft Environmental Impact
Statement/Consolidated End Use Concept for the proposed sand
and gravel mining operations in Apple Valley.
FEBRUARY 20, 1990
Mayor Zaun asked for any discussion on the resolution before
the question is called.
Ms. Lisa Polley, 6819 Upper 162nd Street, voiced her concern
that. the resolution lacks emphasis on health and property
value issues. She suggested additions to the DEIS resolution
which would give added emphasis to impact on property values,
tax revenues and personal health. Ms. Polley's
recommendations dated February 20, 1990, were handed out and
are on file in the office of the City Clerk.
Bob Erickson explained that the City chose not to respond in
those. areas far very specific reasons. The staff felt. that
the Valley Park residents' petition dealt with .the health
concerns and served a different purpose than the City s
resolution. It was felt that the City's resolution and the
residents' petition would augment one another.
Councilmember Harvey stated that dealing with property values
is .difficult, as property appraisal is not an exact science.
He explained that the City wants the resolution to be viewed
as a factual document.
City Attorney Roger Knutson arrived at the meeting; 8:43 p.m.
He added that property value issues are very difficult and
costly issues to prove.
Bob Erickson explained that for the most part, the changes
that Ms. Polley is suggesting are included in the revised
Councilmember Harvey called the question.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Mulvihill,
Sindt, Harvey, Ruhmann.
The staff indicated that the City feels it appropriate. that
the Environmental Quality Board (EQB), not the City of Apple
Valley, determine the adequacy of the final Environmental
Impact Statement since the project affects both Lakeville and
Apple Valley and Apple Valley is listed as .one of the project
90.47 Motion .was made by Harvey, seconded. by Sindt to authorize the..
Mayor to send a letter to the Minnesota Environmental. Quality
Board requesting the Board to determine the adequacy of the
final EI5 for the proposed sand and gravel mining operation in
Apple Valley, and to forward a copy of the letter to the City
of Apple Valley.
FEBRUARY 20, 1990
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Sindt,
Harvey, Ruhmann, Zaun.
Itea #9.
Mayor Zaun introduced the resolution .concerning the Draft
Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the Ames New Market
Mining Site in New Market Township.
Alan Brixius showed site location maps, pointing out the close
proximity of the proposed gravel mining operation to Lakeville
(approximately three-quarter mile). He explained that the
City's concerns include the inconsistency in the Scott County
Comprehensive Plan, which calls for low density, .single .family
residential development on the site; traffic concerns on Dodd
Boulevard (Co. Rd. 9), which is currently a seven ton road
that would. be closed to gravel truck traffic during the spring
weight restriction months; and traffic congestion and movement
problems at the I-35/County Road 70 interchange, including the
narrow two lane bridge.
Mr. .Martin Thomas, Supervisor for New Market Township, stated
that the Township denied a conditional use permit for the
project approximately one year ago. The area residents then
• petitioned to have an Environmental Assessment Worksheet
done. He pointed out that .the intersection of Pillsbury
Avenue and County Road 29 is already dangerous, with children
boarding school busses on County Road 29. He further pointed
out that 64 residential homes within one-quarter. mile of the
site would be affected by increased traffic, dust and noise.
He stated that a wetland area is located. to the south of the
project site, and although the Dept. of Natural Resources. .and
Army Corps of Engineers have indicated the site would not be
affected, the township officials feel the water levels in that
area are already low due to recent drought conditions.
Mr. Thomas thanked the City for .its support, explaining Scott
.County's decision would probably weigh heavily on public
opinion, since the relatively positive EAW would be difficult
to fight.
90.48 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve
Resolution No. 90-16 concerning the Draft Environmental
Assessment Worksheet for the Ames New Market Mina.ng Site in
New Market Township, Scott County,. Minnesota.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey,
Ruhmann, Zaun, Mulvihill.
FEBRUARY 20, 1990
Item #10.
Daryl. Morey presented a proposed ordinance that would amend
Section 11.11.2 of the Zoning Ordinance concerning subdivision
of two family or quadraminium lots. Mr. Morey explained that
there are instances where duplexes have been built uncentered
on 15,000. square foot lots. Under the City's current
ordinance, these lots could not be subdivided because one lot
would have an area less than the required 7,500 .square feet.
The proposed .amendment would allow a 10~ reduction in either
.lot area or lot width for duplex subdivisions. This would
allow staff some flexibility to accommodate duplexes not
centered on lots. It would also continue to allow the
majority of duplex subdivision .requests to be handled
.administratively, without variances.
Councilmember Mulvihill asked how many requests for this type
of administrative subdivisions the staff. receives, and Daryl
stated approximately .two to four per year.
Councilmember Sindt asked what the impact would be on new
construction, and Mr, Morey explained that .this ordinance
amendment would only apply to lots with existing duplex
• structures. New construction would have to comply with
current zoning district standards.
Councilmembers suggested a change in wording to clarify that
this does not apply to new homes being constructed; and Roger.
Knutson suggested the wording, "has previously been
constructed", be replaced with the wording, "is legally
90.49 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Ruhmann to adopt
Ordinance No. 403 amending the Zoning Ordinance No. 167, by
amending Section 11.11.2, Subdivision of Two Family ested
Quadraminium Lots, to .include the City Attorney's sugg
wording change.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Ruhmann,
Zaun, Mulvihill, Si.ndt.
Item #7i.
Councilmember Ruhmann asked for some clarification in wording
in the proposed policy for duplicating and viewing video .tapes
of public meetings, and Chris Oace provided clarification.
Chris informed the Council .that the Cable (TV) Board. made some
changes to the policy at their February 13th meeting. Mayor
Zaun suggested this item be tabled to allow those changes to
be incorporated into the document.
FEBRUARY 20, 1990
90.50 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to table approval
of a policy for duplicating and viewing video tapes of public
meetings until a final, complete document can be forwarded to
the Council.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ruhmann, Zaun,
Mulvihill, Sindt, Harvey.
Item #13a.
Greg Stattman, Cable Board Chairman, appeared before the City
Council and explained that the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) is conducting an official inquiry on the
impact of the 1984 Cable Communications Act on local
franchising authority. He went on to explain that the 1984
Act restricts local government's ability to regulate the cable
television industry directly and, as a result, municipalities
such as Lakeville have been subjected to substantial rate
increases, service reductions and programming changes that do
not reflect the consumers' needs or the original intentions of
their franchise agreements. The Cable Board is requesting the
Council's support to restore the local regulatory authority
over cable systems, to eliminate the barriers to competition,
and to rectify other aspects of the 1984 Act that work to
• disfavor cable consumers.
Bob Erickson indicated that the resolution will be given added
consideration since Lakeville is now a member of the National
League of Cities.
Councilmember Sindt suggested a copy of the .resolution be
forwarded to Ann Higgins at the League of Minnesota Cities.
90.51 Motion was made by Ruhmann, seconded by Sindt to approve
Resolution No. 90-17 urging the Congress of the United States
to revise the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, and
expressing general concern about the need for greater local
government regulatory authority.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Mulvihill,
Sindt, Harvey, Ruhmann.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
j~' ~t~l.~--
Charlene Friedges, City lerk Dane -Zaun, Ma o