HomeMy WebLinkAbout0001 of Lake Shore Drive. (5) A triangular tract of ground lying
(2) That part of Lot Six, Lakeview. 'south of T:H. No. 50, west of S.A.R.
LLr~Aa Gardena, presently being used as a Pwblic No. 23, and northeasterly of the Right-
G L Dump. of-Wray of the Minneapolis, Northfield &
Section Twelve Sauthenn ;Railway..
AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND LANE- (1) That part of the NWl/4 of the NEi/4 Section No. 30
VILLE ORDINANCE NO. 1, SAID OR- lying east of the east Right-of-Way line (1) Lots 5 through 10 inclusive, Black
DINANCE TO BE ENTITLED "AN OR-- of T.H. No. 65 and north of a line papal- 28, Lenihan's Lots.
DINANCE REGULATING HEALTH, lel wibh the north line of said NWl/4 and (2) That part of the SEi/4 of the NE'i/4
NUISANCES AND PROVIDING FOR distant 660 feet south thereof. lying. and extending south of S.A.R. No.
ZONING (2) A tract of land lying south of 6A approximately 200 feet and east of the
the north line of said Section, west of west line approximately 150 feet.
TITLE TO SAID -0RDINANCE, AS T.H. No. 65 and east of S.A:R. No. 17. .Section No. 32
HEREBY AMENDED, SHALL BE AS (3) That Bart of the El/2 of the NE'i/4 (1) A tract of ground in the SWi/4 of
FOLLOWS: extending north of Hibbard Highway, Ar- the NEl/4 extending 180 feet. north on the
Bonne Farms approximately 700 feet .and east line of said SSW i/4 from the eaet-
"AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE east of T.H. 65 approximately 300 feet. west section center .line, and west iap-
LOCATION, SIZE, USE AND AR- (4) That part of Section 12 lying south- proximately 330" feet on said center line.
RANGEMENT OF BUILDINGS ON LOTS easterly of T.H. 6b, easterly o£ the Right- (2) A strip a£ land in the NEi/4 extend-
(OR TRACTS OF LANll) IN THE TOWN of-Way of the Minneapolis Northfield and ing west from the east section line ap-
OF LAKEVILLE, AND 'FOdt THE PUR- Southern Railway and north. of a line proximately 650 feet and south from the
POSE. OF PROMOTING HEALTH;. SAFE- parallel to and distant 900 feet south nanth Section line (State Highway No:
TY, ORDER, CONVENIENCE, PROS- of bhe east-west middle section line. b0) to a depth of approximately 3u0 feet.
PERITY AND GENERAL" WELFARE OF (5) That part of rohe west 1/s of said Section -33
THE SAID TOWNSHIP, AND FOR THE Section lying south of .the Town Road (1) A strip of land in the N'wi/4 a£ bhe
AFORESAID PURPOSES TO DIVIDE in the Ni/2 of the West extending NWi/4 extending east from the west Sec-
THE TOWNSHIP INTO - DISTRICTS° 8'30 feet westerly and parallel with tion line along the North Section line
the west line of the Right-of-Way of the
` The Town Board of the Town of `Lake- Mpls., Northfield and Southern Railway, (S.T.H. No. 50) .approximately 650 feet
vi11e, Minnesota, does hereby ordain: and extending along the northwesterly sand south from said. North Section line
Right-af-Way line of Highwiay 65 a dis- ~ a depth of approximately 330 feet.
SECTION L (2) That part of the NEi/4 of the NWi/4
Pending the adoption of a Comprehen- Lance of 1,6b0 feet southerly and north- - lying east of the North-South center line,
give Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to Chap- westerly parallel with said Right-oE-Way south of the North Section line and
line a depth of 600 feat, said .tract
ter 462,Sessian leaves Minnesota 1953 and being the Casey Mobil Homes Park. Nontheasterlyaf the Right-of-Way of bhe
Section 412.221, Subdivisions 22.23 and Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pa-
29 of Minnesota Statute Annotated, far Section Twenty-Five cifie Railway.
the purpose of regulating the location, (1) That part of the NEB of the NWi/4 Section S6
-size, use and height of buildings, arrange- lying east of T.H.. Ob. (1) The Nl/y of bhe NEtj4 of Sec. 36
went of buildings ion late and the density -114-20 except the west 300 feet thereof.
of papulatian in the Town of Lakeville, Section Twenty-Six
and to provide separate districts far the (1) A tract of ground in the NEl/4 of SECTION III.
purpose of carrying out the afor~sid the SWi/4 extending south of the Right- When an application is received by the
reguLa~tions, no person,. persons, firm or of-Wray line of 'the Ghicago, Milwaukee Town Clerk fcr a permit to construct,
corporation shall construct, move or ex- St. Paul and Pacific Railway approxi- erect, alter, remove and/or extend the
tend bhe outside dimensions of any build- mately 200 feet and lying east of the outside dimensions of any existing."'build-
ing or buildings except agricultural build- Town Road. ing, bhe use of such structure to be other
inga upon any land in the Town of Lake- (2) A tract of ground in the SWi/4 of than for sgricultura~l or residential pur-
vine without first having received abuild- the SWl/4 facing west an the west Sec- poses, said. application is to be referred
ing permit from the. Town Clerk. tion line, lying .approximately 600 feet to the Planning Cammissian of the Town
north of the east-west center line and of 'Lakeville which shall set a date for
SECTION II. having a road frontage of approximately public hearing and to make recammenda-
A. Pending the adoption o£ bhe afore- 12b feet with a depth of 150 .feet. Lions to the Town .Board as to the grant-
said Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, no ing or denying' of such application. 'No-
penmit shall be issued far. the. eanstruotion, Township: 114 North Range 20. tics of such hearing shall be _pcsted
moving ar extension of the outside di- 3ectian 21 and pwblished in accordance with the
mensions of any building on any Land (1)'A tract in the S>?i/4 of the SE1/4 ex- statute controlling Taw~n Meetings; is
within the limits of the Town of 'Lake- tending west of S.A.R. Na. 4 approximate- addition, applicants .shall be required to
vine for other than residential purposes, 1y 400 feet .and north of S.A.R. No. 13 maid a copy o£. the notice of. hearing at
schools and other public buildings, ;ex- approximately b04 feet. least five days in advance of the hearing
cept as hereinafter provided .for. Section 23 date to all adjacent property owners andj
B. DISTRICTS (1) A tract in the SE'1/4 of the NW1/4 or occupants and proof of such miailing
Pending the adoption of bhe aforesaid lying approximately 12b feet west of shall be made by affidavit. All .costs of
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Lake- publication, posting, mailing and the
vine Township shall •be divided into ~Lwo the North-South center line, with a hearing, or hearings, shall be paid by the
(2) Districts as follows: (1) Agricultural- frontage at S.A.R. No: 13 of approxi- applicant. Approval ofthe recommendation
" Residential land (2) Commercial-Industrial mately 2b0 feet lland extending north of of the Planning Camanisson for the grant-
All .areas in said Township shall be class- S.A.R. No. 13 approximately 600 feet. ing of any such application, or applica-
fied as in the Agricultural-Residential Section 2S flops, must have the majority consent of
District except the areas lying and/or the Members: of .the Town Board.
situated within the following boundaz- (1) That part of the Shy o£ the SW~ SEGTION IV.
ies, which areas shall be eL~ified as dying south of bhe right-of-way of .the
in the Commercial- Industrial District, to- Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Any person ar persons, firm,. or corpar-
wit: Railway and north of S.T.H. No. 50. atian violating the provisions of this. Or-
Township. 114"North, Range 21 West. (2) That part of the SE'1/4 of the SWi/4 ~ureca by neglecting, ar refusing to se-
Section One lying west of the north-south center line, Permit, or who proceeds upon: the
south. of a line parallel to and distant refusal o£ a permit by the Tawn Board,
(1) That part of the NWl/4 0£ the 150 feat north of the .south line of said shall be guilty rof a misdemeanor, and
NWt/4 lying west. of S.A.R. No. 17 and section and easterly of the right-of-way upon conviatian thereof shall be punished
8aubh of Orchard Drive. line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul by a fine not to exceed $100.00 or by
(2) A tract of .Sand lying' on the north- and Pacific Railway. Also that part of the impriaonmenb far not to exoeefl three
westerly corner of the intersection of months. Each day such violation continues
S.A.R. No. 17 and. north of Orchard ~~4 of NWi/4 of Section 33 lying narbh- shall eonabitute a separate violation,-there-
Lake Road, having is frontage of approx- easterly of said rightrof-way of the 4;hi- of and shall be punished as such.
imately 600 feet an S.A.R. No. 17 and a sago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific
frontage of approximately 400 feet on Or- Railway, south of the north line of said SECTION V.
charni Lake Road, eantaining apZvroximate. seatian and west of the earth-south cep- Every provision of this Qrdinanee shall
ly 3.95 acres. ter line thereof. be seplarate from every cther paint or
3 A tract of Land in SWl/4 of the Section 29 provision thereof, and if one provision is
O held invalid by the Gaurt, such invalidity
SWl/4 lying. north of Orchard Lake Road (1) That part of the SEi/4 of the SEi/4 shall pat affect any other part or pro-
and extending north to include the first lying east of the Original Town of vision hereof.
island in Lake Kingsley. Lakeville, south of Sorensen's Addition and SECTION VI.
(4) A bract. of land lying on the south- narbh of S.T.H. No. 50. This Ordinance shall take effect and
easterly carver of the intersection of
S.A.R. No. 17 and Orchard Lake Road, (2) A strip of land in the SE1/4 of the force from and after its passage and pub-
having a frontage on S.A.R. No. 17 NWl/4 extending west from S.A.R. `L3 lication, land shall remain in force until
of approximately ninety feet with a approximately 1;000 feet and having a the comprehensive Ordinance contemplated
depth of approximately..190 feet. depth. of approximately .350 feet south of hereunder ~becames effective, or for. two
(5) That 'Part of :the SWi/4 0£ the NEY/4 T.H. No.. 60. ~ years after the effective date hereof,
described as follows: A tractrof land 350 (3) A tract in the 5'Wi/4 of the NWi/4 whichever Carnes first.
feet square lying west of the west Right- approximately 400 feet square lying south Passed by the Town Board of Lakeville,
of-Way line of T.H. No. 65 and lying of S.A.R. No. 1 and west of S.A.R. No. Township, Minnesota, this 4th day of
south of a line drawn parallel to and 23. April, .1960.. ~
550 feet south of the north line of said (4) A tract of ground in the NWY/4
SWi/4. of the NWT lying northeasterly of T.K. GEORGE SULLIVAN
No. 50, west of S.A.R. No. 1 and south Chairman
Section Two of a line parallel to and approximately Attest:
(1) Those parts of the Sea Girt Addi- 160 feet north of the south i/4 section. D. H. Teske,
Lion lying on bhe north and south sides line. Town Clerk