HomeMy WebLinkAbout0005 LAKEVILLE TOWNSHIP ORDINANCE submitted for informal and confidential the electric company, one to the gas NO. 5 discussion between the owner and the company, and one to the Minnesota "AN ORDINANCE FOR THE ESTAB- Planning Commission. Submission of a State Department of Health. LISHMENT OF PROCEDURES. RULES sketch plan shall not constitute formal D -Final Plat -The final plat shall AND REGULATIONS FOR THE FILING filing of a plan with the Planning Com- in all respects conform to the Preliminary OF PLATS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT mission. As far as may be practical on Plan, shall have incorporated alt changes OF MOBILE HOME PARKS (TRAILER the basis of a sketch plan, the Planning or modifications. required by the Town PARKSI WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE Commission. will informally advise the Boa-rd, and shall be accompanied by plans TOWNSHIP OF LAKEVILLE, DAKOTA owner as promptly as possible of the ex- and specifications of all proposed public COUNTY, MINNESOTA" tent to which the proposed plan conforms buuldings as required by the Minnesota For the purposes of safeguarding the to the design standards of this Ordi- State Board of Health regulation govern- best interests of the Public, promoting Hance and will discuss possible plan modi- ing Mobile Home Parks. Evidence of the health, safety, order, convenience and fications necessary to secure conformance. approval by the State Board of Health general welfare by regulating the use of B - Public Hearing - If after sub- to said final plan shall be submitted at land for such purposes, the location and mission of sketch plans to the Planning the time of the filing thereof. size of lots therein, and in order that Commission and its consideration of same, 1. Submission such Mobile Home Parke shall contribute the owner decides to proceed with a formal (s) Time Limit - A final plat shall toward an attractive, orderly, stable and application for permission to establish such be submitted for the approval of the wholesome community environment, ads- Mobile Home Park, such application is to Planning Commission and the Town quate services for sanitary purposes, wa- be submitted to the Town Clerk, and when Board within 180 days after the date of ter and safe streets, the Town Board of so received by the Town Clerk, said appli- a~PProbal of the preliminary plan by the Lakeville Township, Dakota County, Min- cation is to be referred to the Planning Town Board: otherwise, the preliminary nesota, does hereby ordain: Commission of the Totivn of Lakeville plan and final plat will be considered which shall set a date for public hearing. void unless an extension of time is re- SECTION I -DEFINITIONS .Notice of such hearing shall be posted quested in writing by the owner anti For the purposes of these regulations, and published in accordance with statute for good cause granted by the Town which shall be known as, and array be controlling town meetings : in addition, Board. cited as "Lakeville Township Mobile Home applicants shall be required to mail a copy (b) Filing - 8 copies of bhe final Park Regulations" certain words used of the notice of hearing at least five days plat shall be filed with the Secretary herein are defined as follows: in advance of the hearing date to all ad- of the Planning Commission. The final Building Line is a line on a plat indi- jacent property owners and/•ar occupants, plat must be officially filed at least eating the limit beyond which a Mobile and proof of such mailing shall be made fourteen (14) .days prior to the Plan- Home or structure array not extend. by affidavits. All costs of publication, ning Commission meeting at which the Engineer is the person or firm desig- Hosting, mailing and the. hearing. or plat is to be considered in order to prc- nated by the Town Board as the Town- hearings, shall be paid by the applicant. vide time for studying of the plan by ship Engineer, Consulting Engineer, or C-Preliminary Plan - If the proposed the Planning Commission .and the Town- however designated. Mohile Home Park is given preliminary ship Engineer. Lot is a parcel or portion of land in approval at the Public Hearing, as in 2. Action by Planning Commission the Mobile Home Park plat, separated Paragraph B provided, by the Planning fa). Examination of the Plat - The from other parcels or portions by descrip- Commission, the owner shall submit a pre- Planning Commission shall consider a lion as on a subdivision or record of sut•- liminary plan for the approval of the final plat, together with the report of vey map, for the purpose of sale or lease Planning Commission and the Lakeville the Township Engineer, at the first meet- or separate use thereof. Town Board in the following manner; ing after the plat has been filed unless the Mobile Home Park (Trailer Home Park) 1. Submission Plat-was filed less than fourteen (14) shall mean any site, lot, field or tract of (a) Filing - 8 copies of the prelim- days prior to the meeting, in which land upon which two. or snore occupied inary plat, topographical survey and case the plat shall be considered at the trailers are harbored, either free of charge next succeeding meeting of the Com- or for the revenue purposes, and shall other supplemental material., as sped- mission. .include any building, structure, Rent, ve- fled .herein, shall be filed with the Sec- (b) Recommendation - The Planning hide or enclosure used or intended for retary of the Planning Commission with Commission shall make. a recommenda- use as part of the equipment of such written application for conditional ap- lion concerning the final plat not later Mobile Home Park. proval. In addition thereto, a sepia print than at its regular meeting after the Mobile Home (Trailer Coach) shall mean of the preliminary plat shall be fur- meeting at which the final plat is initia- any vehicle used or so constructed as to Wished, said print to be fcr purposes of ally considered, and not later than ~£orty- permit its being used as a conveyance overlay on the topographical survey to five (45) days after such initial consid- upon the public streets or highways, and assist the Planning Commission and the eration, and shall promptly transmit shall include self-propelled or non self- Engineer in the study of the proposed such recommendation to the Town Board propelled vehicles as designed, construct Plat. The required filing fee shall be together with one copy of the plat and ed, reconstructed or added to by means paid, and any necessary application for the report of the Consultant Engineer. of an enclosed addition or room in such variances from the provisions of this and If the Planning Commission , has not manner as will. permit .the occupancy related ordinances shall be filed in the anade a recommendation within the thereof as a dwelling or sleeping. place -Proper office before the preliminary plan said time, the -Secretary of the Com- for one or more, persons, having no four- will be considered officially filed. The mission shall thereupon promptly forward dation other than wheels, -jacks or skirt- Preliminary plat must be filed at least to the Town Board a memorandum so ings ken days pnor to the regular Manning stating,. together with a copy of the - Minimum Design. Standards are the Commission Meeting at which the plat plat and the reports concerning it. guides, principles and specifications for the is going to. be considered in order to pro- 3. Action ~by. Town Board preparation of the Mobile Home Park vide time for the .study of the plat by Upon receiving a recommendation and/ plans indicating, among other things, .the the Planning Commission and. Engineer. or report from the Planning Commis- minimum and maximum dimensions of the (b) Filing Fee - A cash fee of $25.00 sion, as provided in Paragraph 2, Sub- various elements set forth in the prelim- plus one dollar ($1.00) for each lot up paragraph (b) above, the Town Board inary plan. to a maximum amount of $150.00 shall shall by resolution either grant or Owner is any individual, firm, associa- be paid to the Township Treasurer. This deny such application, and it may attach lion, 'syndicate, cu-partnership, corpora- fee will be used for the expenses of the to .the grant of the application such Yion, trust or any other legal entity hav- Township in connection with approval or conditions and guarantees as it .deems ing sufficient proprietary interest in the disapproval of the Preliminary plan and necessary to' carry out the Purposes of ]aim acught to be established as a Mobile any final plat which may thereafter be this ordinance. Home Park to commence and maintain submitted for that tract. 4. Recording of Plat by Owner pi•.,ceedings to establish the same under 2. Action by Planning Commission Staff (a) Time Limit - If the final. plat t'ai; Ordinance (a) Report to the Engineer - As soon is approved by the Town Board, the own- Planning Commission is the Lakeville as possible after the filing of the pre- er shall file it with the Town Clerk T.6wnship Planning Commission. luminary plan, the Secretary of the within sixty ' (60) days after the date of - Plat is the map, drawing or chart on Planning Commission shall forward one execution by the Clerk of .certificate which the owner's plan for a Mobile copy of the plan to the Township En- of approval; otherwise, the approval of Home Park is presented, and which he gineer with a request that he examine the final plat shall be considered .void. submits for approval. it and forward his written report con- 5. Necessary Data Far Preliminary Plan (a) Preliminary Plat is the preliminary cerning the engineering of the Plan to the The Prelumunary Plan shall be clearly map, drawing or chart indicating the. Secretary of the Planning Commission and legibly drawn. The size of the map proposed layout of the Mobile Home Park Prior to the date for :the hearing before shall not be less than 20 inches by 30 to be submitted to the Planning Com- the Planning Commission on the pre- inches. All maps shall be drawn at a scale mission and/or Town. 'Board for their liminary plan. of 1 inch equals. 100 feet, except as re- consideration. 3. Action by Planning Commission quired above, or unless otherwise required (b) Final Plat is the final map, draw- (a) Examination of Plan - The by the Town Board. The preliminary ing or chart on which. the owners plan Planning Commission shall consider the plan shall contain the following informa- for the Mobile .Home Park is presented preliminary plan together with the Re- lion: to the Planning Commission and/or the Port of the Township Engineer at the (a) Identification and Description Town Board for approval, and which,- if first regular-meeting. after ,the plan has (1) Proposed name. of said Mobile:Home approved, will be filed with the -0lerk been filed unless the plan was filed less Park. of the Town Board. than ten (10) days prior to the ~meetimg, (2) Lceation by section, town, range Roads and/or Streets means a way for in which case the plan shall be con- or by other legal description. vehicular traffic, whether designated as a sidered at the next succeeding regular (3) Names and addresses of the own- street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, meeting of the Commission. er, surveyor and designer of the plan. road, avenue, boulevard, lane, place,. or (b) Recommendation - Following a (4) Graphic Scale. however otherwise designated. .review of a preliminary plat and other (5) North-Point. material submitted in conformity there- (6) Date of preparation. SECTION II -PROCEDURE of to these regulations, if said prelim- (b) Existing Condutions The erection. or establishment of a Mo- inary plat shall be found to be in sub- (1) Boundary line. of proposed sub- bile Home Park within the limits of the stantial conformity, to the tentative plat, division, clearly indicated. Township of Lakeville, Dakota County, as modified, and within sixty (60) days (2) Existing zoning classification, if Minnesota,is hereby prohibuted except un after the first hearing nn the. prelim- any. those areas zoned for .Commercial pun- inary plat. the Planning Commission shall ~3) '1'otai approximate acreage. poses, and then only upon strict tom- act thereon. If approved, the Planning (4) Lceation, widths and names of all pliance with the following: Commission shall express its approval existing. or previously platted streets or A- Sketch Plan -Owners are invited as conditional approval: and. estate the other. public ways, showing type, width to prepare, for review with the Plan- conditions: of such approval, if any, and condition of improvements, if any, ning Commission, sketch plans which, in or if disapproved, shall express its disa- railroad and utility right-of-way, parka. order to be most useful, should contain PProval and its reasons therefor. Condi- end other public open spaces. perrsia- the following information : tract bounder- tional approval of a preliminary plat nen~t buildings and structures, easements north point, streets on and adjacent shall in no way constitute approval of the and section and corporate line within tG-the tract, significant topographical and final plat. the tract and to adistance of one (c) NotHficatuon of Utilities The hundred (100) feet beyond the tract. physical features, proposed general street Secretary 6f the Planning Commission Such data as grades, invert elevations layout, and proposed general lot layout. shall refer :,nc. copy of the preliminary and bcationa of catch basins, manholes Such sketch plans will be considered as plat to the telephone company, one to and ~hydranta, if any, shall also be shown. street shall intersect any other street following a finding that all of the {5) 13onndary lines of adjoining un- at less thou sixty degrees. following conditions exist: subdivided or subdivided land, within B-Sewer and Water -Sewer and wa- 1. There are special circumstances or one hnndred (100) fe[:6, identifying by ter facilities are to be provided in full conditions affecting said property such name and ownership. accordance with the requirements of the ttia't the strict application of the pro- (5) Topographic data, including con- Minnesota State Department of Health visions of this ordinance would deprive tours at vertical intervals of not more under its regulations numbered 3701 the applicant of the reasonable use of his than two (2) feet, except that contour through 3718 (and M.S.A. ^327.20, subdi- land. lines shall be no amore than one .hundred vision 2) which regulations, by refer- 2. The variance is necessary for the (100) feet apart. Water courses, marshes, once, are made a part of this ordinance Preservation and enjoyment of a sub- wooded areas; rock outcrops, power. C-Easements - Where a plat is tray- atantial property right of the petitioner. transmission poles and lines and other ersed by a water course, drainage way, 3. The granting of the variance will significant features shall also be show6. channel, or stream, there shall be pro- not 'be detrimental to the public welfare (7) All elevations, topography and ver- vided a storm water easement or drain- or injurious to other property. in the tical control data shall be tied to sea age right-of-way conforming substantially territory in which said .property is sit- level datum, ]959 General Adjustments. with the lines of such water course, and uated. In making this finding, the Town (c) Design Features such further width or construction, or Board shall consider the nature of .the (1) Layout of proposed streets, s1)o~ both, as will be adequate for the pur- proposed use of land and the existing ing right-of-way widths and proposed pose. names of streets. The name of any street D-Lots - Minimum lot size shall be use of land in the vicinity, the number heretofore used in the Township or its not less than 2,400 square feet with of persons to reside or work in .the Pro- environs shall not be used, unless the a minimum width of not less than 35 Posed plat and the probable effect of the proposed street is an extension of an feet for insidelots, with corner lots to proposed plat upon traffic conditions already named street, in which event have a minimum width of 50 feet to pro- within the vicinity; in granting avariance the name shall be used. Street names vide for better visibility and appropriate as herein provided, the Town Board shall shall be subject to approval ~of the Plan- setback from and orientation to both Prescribe only conditions that it deems de- ning Commission streets. suable or necessary to the public interest. (2) Typical cross-section of proposed B - Applicants Required - Appliea- improvements upon streets, together with SECTION IV -Required Conditions tion for any variance shall be made in an indication of the proposed storm wa- A - Plat Responsibility writing Eby the owner at the time when ter runoff. 1. No final plat shall be approved by the the preliminary plat is filed for the con- (3) Center line profile of proposed Town Board unless or until the owner sideration of the Planning Commission and streets and alleys, if any. shad have caused all of ~tbe following im- the Town Board, stating fully and clearly (4) Location, size and gradient of pro- all facts relied upon by the petitioner, posed sewer lines and .water mains, if provements to be constructed and shall be supplemented with maps, any. - (a) Ail streets shall be graded and sur- .plans or otheradditionaldata which may (5) L&YOllt, numbers and dimensions. faced in accordance with the following: aid the Planning CommissionandtheTown of lots. The surface shall be 2" Road-Mix Bi- Board in the analysis of the .proposed (d) Other information tuminous Surface (specification 2321) or project. The plans for such development 1-~.>" Plant-mix Bituminous Surface (1) Provisions for water supply. ~ shall include covenants, restrictions, or (2) Provisions for sewage disposal, (specification 2331) with a width of not such other legal provisions necessary to drainage and flood control. less than 30 feet including curb. guarantee the full achievement of the 6. Qualifications Governing Approval `of The base shall be composed of sand .plan. and gravel sub-base {specification 2201) SECTION VII -Buffer Zone and Preliminary Plan and gravel base (specification 2202). Landscaping (a) The Town Board may require such The base shall ,have sufficient depth changes or revisions as it deems metes- to support the design load applicable .It shall be further provided that as a nary for the health, safety, general welfare to the streets j under construction. The condition for the receiving of a permit and convenience of the Township. gravel base (specification 2202) shall not to establish a Mobile Home Park lhat (b) The approval of a preliminary plan be less than 3" thick under any circum- the l,wners and Operators shall provide by the Town Board is tentative only, s so-called "Buffer Zone" of not less. stances. involving merely the general accepts- than 25 feet in width which buffer zone bility of the layout sa submitted. The Curb shall be specified as Bituminous shall surround the perimeter of the Ma- (c) Subsequent approval will be re- curb (specification 2b35) modified by bile Home .Park and shall be landscaped quit'ed of the engineering proposals per- special •provision ; or concrete (specifies- with bhe planting of appropriate grass fairing to water supply, storm drain- tion 2531) or precast concrete (specifics- _ and/or sod and shrubbery which shall be age, sewerage. and sewage disposal, Bas tion 2632). maintained and kept.. by the Owners and electric service, 8rading, gradients {b) The boulevard area, if any, of all andJor Operators of the said Mobile Home and roadway .widths, the surfacing of streets so surfaced shall then be sodded. Park in a presentable appearance. It shall streets, and other required. improve- seeded, or otherwise protected from ero- be a further requirement that the Owners merits by the Township Engineer, and sion over the entire area outside the sur- andJor Operators of said Mobile Home other public officials having jurisdiction, face roadway, and extending from the Park shall plant a minimum of one prior to the approval of the final plat lot line ho the surface roadway. tree on each Mobile Home Lot. by the Town Board. 2. Performance Bond - In lieu of con- SECTION VIII (a) No plan will be-approved for a strutting and furnishing said improve- As a further requirement ..for. the es- M64ile Home Park which covers an area menu listed in Subparagraph one (1) tablishment of a Mobile Home Park, the subject to periodic flooding or which above prior to acceptance of the plat, the Owners and Operators of said Park contains extremely poor drainage facil- owner may enter into a contract in shall set aside a minimum of 10% of the ities and which Would make adequate writing .with the Township, requiring total area of the Mobile Home Park for drainage of the streets and lots impossi- the owner 4~o furnish and construct said the establishment of recreational faeil- ble, unless the owner agrees to snake improvements at his sole cost and in ae- ities. improvements which '-will, .in the opinion rordance with plans and specifications and SECTION IX - Street Lighting of the Township Engineer, make .the usual contract conditions all approved by It shall be further required as -a.-con- area completely safe for occupancy and the Town Board. The agreement shall re- dition for the receiving of a permit to provide adequate street .and lot drain- quire the owner to furnish a public con- establish a Mobile Home Park that the age. tractor's .performance bond in form re- Owners and Operators of said Park shall. 7. Necessary. Data for Final Plat quired by law and approved by the Town- provide for adequate street' lighting, the (a) General -The final plat shall be ship Attorney, in a penal amounk equal adequacy of which shall consist of light- .prepared by a registered land surveyor to the estimate of the total cost of the ing in conformity ~ with .acceptable Mu- and shall conform to all state.. and improvements to be furnished under the nicipal standards. The Owners .and/or de- county requirements. contracf. The time for completion of the. velopers of said Park shall file with the work shall be determined by the Town Planning Commission at the time of the SECTION III - GENERAL REGULA- Board upon recommendation of the Plan- filing of the Preliminary Plat, a plan TIONS AND THE MINIMUM DESIGN Wing Commission after consultation with showing the proposed lighting facilities, STANDARDS the owner and shall be reasonable in and if. 4.he same come within tbe stand- A -Streets relation to the work to be done, the sea- arils accepted by Municipalities,. shall be 1. The arrangement, character, extent, sons of 4he year, and proper corretation approved. width, grade and location of all streetr with construction activities in the .Park. shall be considered in. their relation to In no case,however, shall the period. SECTION I+; - Penalties existing and planned-streets, to topograph- of performance exceed two (2). Yeats. ~ Any person, or persons, .firm or corpor- ical conditions, to public convenience and ation violating the provisions of this safety, and in their appropriate relation SECTION V -BUILDING PERDIITS ordinance by neglecting or refusing to se- to the proposed uses of the land to be A - Separate permits shall be required cure. a permit, or who proceeds upon served by said .streets. for the construction of any improvement= the refusal of a permit by the Town Board, 2. Property lines at street .intersections or structures within the said. Park limida shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon shall be rounded with a radius of ten other than roads, utilities, etc., herein conviction thereof, shall be .punished by .feet, ar of a greater radius where the mentioned, such as offices, housing (oth- a fine of mat to exceed $100.00 orbY Commission may deem it necessary. The er than a Mobile Home), laundry or other imprisonanent for -not to exceed •ninety (90.) days for each offense. Each day. that the Commission may permit comparable cut- sanitary facility, recreational building(s), violation is permitted to exist shall ton- offs or chords in place of rounded eor- etc. Hers. B - Fees for such improvements or stitute a separate offense. 3. Minimum street right-of-way widths structure shall be based on the fee schedule shall be 30 feet. All streets shall be grad- as provided in Lakeville Township Ordi- SECTION Xi ed and surfaced with asphalt concrete mace No. 2, Section I, Paragraph D, which Every provision of this ordinance shall. in accordance with the requirements set by .reference is made a part of this ordi- be severable from every other .part or forth by the Town Board in its approval mace. provision thereof, and if one provision is of the plat. C - All permits issued shall be fa_ held invalid •by the Court, such invalidiRy 4. Dead-end streets, designed to be'so the duration of one year and shall ex- shall not affect any other part. or pro- . permanently, shall not be longer than Aire on its first anniversary, but may be vision thereof. 500 feet and shall be provided at the closed renewed at the discretion of the Town end wibh a turnaround having an out- Board upon application for such renewal SECTION RII side diameter of at least 109 feet, and a upon payment of fees in the :amount of This ordinance. shalt take effect and street property line .diameter of at least b0gq0 of the original fee. force from and after its passage. 12d feet. D -All required building permits shall passed by the. Tnwn Board of Lakeville 5- Street grades, wherever feasible shall be taken out by the permitee or author- Township, Minnesota, this 6th day of Feb- not be ,less than .6% nor shall exceed ized agent before any part of said con- ruary, 1961. 0:7% with due allowance for reasonable struction shall have been commenced.' In GEORGE SULLIVAN vertical curves. Variations from these the event construction shall bavs+ been Chairman Tews Rt,aril grades may, however, be penmrtted 'hy commenced before said permit h+~8 been ATTEST: the Commission where deemed .feasible to issued. then, in that event, Rhe Fees shag D. H. TESKE adjustment to topographical conditions.. be d~@u~led. Town Clerk 6: Acute angles between streets at their SECTION VI -Variances intersections are to be avoided. and 'no A -Generally -The Town Board may grant a variance from bhese regulations