HomeMy WebLinkAbout0011 LEGAL NOTICE b. Preliminary Plan. Before subdividing or by other legal description.
nay land within the town the •ubdivlder c. Names and address of the owner,
ORDINANCE NO. 11 shall fits the following document !n the rubdlvider, surveyor and daslgner of the
SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE office of the Towa Clerk at least 10 plan.
AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE days prior to the regular PLaaiag Com- d. Graphic scale.
SUBDIVIDING OF LAND TN THE I mission meeting. e. North point.
TORN OF LAKEVILLE, COUNTY OF 1. Sire ooDle of the Drellminary plan, to- t. Data of preparation.
DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. gether with the other information re- g• Certlflcadoa by surveyor certlty-
THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF paired In Section ing to accuracy of survty.-
TIiE TOWN OF LAKEVILLE ORDAINS: Y. A filing fee of ;26.00 for the Dre- 2• Existing Ccnditlous.
liminary pLa. a. Boundary line of DroDOSed subdivb-
SECTION 1. PURP088 ~ Upon receipt of ffie six copie of the ion, clearly indicated.
Thb nrdlnaace b enacted !or the par- Dnliminary yLn together with the neces- b. Exbtlag Boning elaedficstion, if
pose of safeguarding the best laterals easy tiling fee the Town Clerk shall re- any
of the pnbllc, the home owner, the subdi- fer the preliminary DLn to the Town c- Total approxlmab acreage.
eider, and the tavastor; eacouragin~ well Planning Commission for Its recommends- d. Loestion, widths and names of all
planned enbdivbioas by the eetablia went lion. existing ar preivoualy platted streets
of adequate standards for deign and con- The Town Planning Commission shall or other public way showing type, width,
rtruction; and in order that new subdi- within forty (LO) days after the subdi- and oleo condition of lmyrovemenb, if
visions will be Integrated is the general eider hoe submitted the preliminary plan I any, railroad and utility rights-of-way,
DLm for the town, thereby contributing together with all other necessary lnfor- Darks and other public space, Derma-
toward •a attnetlve, orderly, stable and nation required by the planning commie- Went buildings and atructurm, easement
wholesome community environment with stun, make a report to the Town Board and section and corporate line within
adequate municipal services sad safe 9a accordance with the Planning Com- the tract and to a distance of one
•trwb. mission Ordinance. hundred feet beyond the tract. Such data
G Plat. After receiving the Planning as grader, invert elevations and loca-
SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. Commbafon report on the preliminary taom of catch baring, manholm cad
6ubdivsion is the divbion of a lot, tact DLa of the rubdfvbion, the subdivider hydrant, u any, shall also be known.
or parcel oY land more than 6 acres in (may file with the Towa Clerk a plat e. Boundary liner of adjoining unsub-
area into three or more lots, pLb, rifer prepared in accordance with all or any divided or subdivided lead within one
or other divbloas of land, one or more reuonable Dart of such plan upon pay- hundred feet, identltying by name and
of which are less than two and one half ~ moat of a ;30 filing fee. Upon the filing owaenhip.
acre in area for the purpose, whether of said plat, the Town Board shall give f. Topographical data, including coa-
immediate or lutnre, of sale or building notice according to law and hold a Dub- loan at vehicle intervab of not more
development. It L also the division of a IIc hearing thereon, within twenty (20) than two Yeet, except that contour line
bt, tract or parcel of land 6 acres or days after the hearing, the Board of stall be no more thaa one hundred
Isar fa area lato two or more lob, Su~~asrvbon shall tentatively aDprova or feet apart. Water coarsen, marshes,
tracts or parcels of land. It L abo the reject aid plat by reroluUon recorded wooded areas, rack outcrops, power
division of a lot, tract or parcel at land in the minute and shall notify the tranamfsafon polm and linen and other
into two or more Iota, plats, titer m• subdivider of its action setting forth significant featurm shall also be shown.
other divisions of Lad if such subdivbian objecUoas to the plat, H any. g. All elevations, topography and ver-
Drovide, or there b shown oa a plat. After receiving tentative aDDrova! of the flea! control data shall be tied to sea
thereof a now draet or highway. It also pDat, the subdivider may file with the level datum, 1628 General Adjustments.
lneludn reubdivbloa of land and when Town Clerk six eopte sad a reproduc- h• Reference to recorded subdivision
spproprLte to the context relate to the able copy of the DLt or any reasonable plat's or adjoining platted land by rec-
proceea of subdividing or to the Lnd or ~ ord, name, data sad number.
territory subdivided. Dart thereof which shall incorporate all g, Dmign Features.
changes or modifications required by the a. primary control
The term street includm all public Town Board. Provided, however, that if Doiab, with dm-
thoroughfarm, whether deignated as a criptions and "lien" tq each "control
the subdivider dam not file raid copim
street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, 04 the plat within six months following ~ pmnb to which rll dimensions, any:Ies,
road, avenue, boulevard, lane, place or tentative approval 04 the plat, the Town wrings, end similar data on the plan '
however otherwise dmignated. Board may require additional review af, shall be referred.
s. Arterial street and highways are hearings, on, changes in, or modifies- b. Tract boundary !tram, right-of-way
those which are used primarily for fast or lions of the Dlat prior to the filing of line of streets, easements and other ~
heavy traffic of four Lan or more acid copim. Said plat, or Lb, so filed rights-oY-way, and property line of
with limited access, shall hereinafter be retarrsd to u "Final raidentiml lob sad other sites ; with
b. Major street b a fast 6uvy traffic PLt." accurate dimensloaa, bearings or do-
street of eonaidenble continuity sad used flectioa anglm, and radii, arcs, wad
primarily v a traffic artery for inter- 1 Upon the filing of a final plat the central angle of all curve,
communlntions senora L Towa Board shall within ten days approve c: Name and right-of-way width of
rge era. or reject the final plat by resolution re- ach street or other right-of-way.
c. Collector or f er streets are those corded in the minutes sad shall notify d. Looatian, dtmenelons sad purpose
which carry traffic from minor atraab to the subdivider In writing of their sc- oY any easement.
the major system of arterial straeb or Lion netting forth objectioar to the plat, e. An identification system for all
highways, including the principal eat-ana ff any. Provided, however, that iP the lots sad blocks.
street of a rmidential development sad subdivider consent, the Town Board shall f. Site data including number of rm-
etseet for circulation oY traffic wittaia have 80 days within which to act. IdentLl lots, typical lot size, sad acres
ouch development. u s final plat b approved by the in park, otc.
d. Minor street aro those which are Town Board, the subdivider shall file it g. Slier, If any, to be reserved for
wad Arlmarlly for access to the abutting with the County Itegieter of Deeds or p®rks or other public use.
prO~~E6• Regbtnr of Title within sixty days af- h. Sites, if nay, for multifamily
e. Cul-de-eu b a minor rtreet with only ~ fez the date of execution by the Clerk dwellings, shopping centers, ehurrhe,
one outlet of certificate of approval ; otherwise, the industry or other nonpublic uam ex-
f. Access street or service roads are approval of the final plat shall be con- elusive of single-family dwellings.
minor stseeb which an parallel to and sidered void. i. Minimum building setback line oa
adjacent to arterial street and highways; Upon ¦igning of the final Dlat by the all lots sad other rites with the
and shall provide access to abutting prop- Town Board the subdivider shall pay, width of lot shown at eel back line.
ertie and protection from through tnf- in addition to the fee 6ereiabefore pro- j. Location and decriDtion of mon-
fie. vided, the rum oY ;2.60 per lot contained umeab.
g. Alleys are minor ways which are is the plat. d. Supplementary Data to be Supplied "
used primarily Yor vehicular service ae- The subdivider shall pay all reasonable with Preliminary Plaa.
cars to the back ar side of properU® scab facurred by the Town for review a. Namur or recoed owners of ad-
otherwise abutting an a street. sad Enspection, including preparation end joining unplatted Lnd.
Scalding Tine b a line oa a plat iadicat. review of pLae, DLt sad specifications b. Protective covenants in form Yor
tag the IimiL beyond which buildings or by the Towa Engineer, Town Attorney, recording, If any.
structure may aoi be erected. and other costa of a similar nature upon c. Other information ouch u certffi-
xceipt oY a statement therefore from calm, affidavit, endonemenb, photo-
SECTION i. PROCEDURE. the Town Clerk. Thb payment shall be graphs or data rs may be required by
a. Sketch plan. Subdividers may prepare is addition to the subdivbion fee Kerr the Town Board andJor Planning Com-
for review with the Tawn PLnning Com- inabove provided for. miseioa in the enforcement of there
mission a subdivbloa sketch plan. reguLtions.
Such sketch pLn wi?1 be considered SECTION i. PLATS AND DATA. d. Craas seetlons and profile of
to wbniltted for informal discussion be- a. Sketch PLnr. Sketch DLns should stmt showing grader approved by the
tween the subdivider and the Town PLn- contain, L • minimum, the following in- Town Engineer. The profiles shall be
nine Commbsion and no fee shall be rr tormaUon: drawn to Town standard wale
paired of the subdivider for the sub- Tract boundaries. sad elevation and shall be based on
mission oY the sketch pLna. Submiwioa of North point. a datum plane approved by the Town
a subdivision aketeb plan shall not con- Streets on and adjacent to the tract. Engineer.
stltute formal filing of a plan with the Significant topognDhieal and physical ~ e. Preliminary plans or prog»m for
Towa Board. As Yar as may be practical featurm. water supply, sewage dbpoaal, drain-
on the bash of the sketch plan the Proposed general street Lyout. age and flood control.
Town Planning Commiasioa will infor- Proposed general road layout. f. Soil borings, if required by the
molly advise the subdivider as yyromptly 6. Preliminary PLn. A preliminary plan Town Engineer.
ra possible of the extent to which thr should contain the folbwing Information: g. Evidence that ground water control
proposed subdivision conforms to thr 1. Identifieaeton sad Description. b at least 10 feet below the level
deign standards of fhb ordinasu and r. Proposed name of rnbdivbion, wh[cb of finished gradm or plan for solving
W the ofltsr ordinaaees at the town nano stall not duplicate ar be similar ~ ground water problem.
and will discuss possible modificaNoor to the name of any other DLt. + h. The ,size (in square feet) tad dl-
necessary W secure approval of the Dlan. b. Location by section, town, Wage, mensiona of all lob.
~ •
f. Street names. typroDrlau share of the coat of an srter- meat.
j. Certification by registered land sur- cal street u determined by the 't'own Dead-end tilers shall be avoid.A
veyor to the effect that the ylrt rep- Board. where possible, but if unavoidable, shall
rmenb a survey made by Lim and that b. Where a subdivision border on or be provided with adequsu turn-around
monumenb and markers shown there- contains a railroad tight-vf-way or limit- facilitieu at the dead-end u determined
on exist u located and that all di- ed acceu highway rightrof-way, the Town by the Town Board.
menaional and geodetic details are tor- Board may require a street appruxi- c. Did.watks shall be provided in Ute
rect. mauls parallel w and on each side od subdivision on both sides of all "wllec-
k. Notarized certification by Owner such right-of-way, at a distance suit- wrs," "major" and "arterial" atreeb
and by any mortgage holder of record, able for the ayDropriate use ut the tn- sad In such other area u are nacd-
of the adoytlon of the plat and the urvening land, u for yank yut•yosa In rae•y to aJtlQUauly yrovide fur the safety
dedication of suaeb and other public residential dLtrlcu. Duct dlstancn shall red welfare of Dedastrlatu.
areas. also be determined with due regard for d. Euemenb.
I. Letter from County Engineer, with the requl:•emenb of approach gtsdes and 1. Euemenu across lots or untezed on
recommendations, it any, on the yrs. future grade seDaratlons• rear or side lot lines shall be yrovided
llminary ylan. e. Reserve strips conttrrlling access w fot• utllit{ea where necessary and shall
Final PLt. etreeb shall be prohibited except where be at least twelve (12) feet wide.
The final plat shall be on shseb 20 their wntrol is definiuly placed in the Town 2. Wbet•e a rubdfvisiion is traversed by
Inches wide by 30 inches long and shall under wnditions ayyroved by the Towu • water course, drainage way, channel,
be at a scale ut one hundred (100) feet ltd' or sn•cam, there shall be provided a
equals one (1) inch and in all other to- 7. Dtreet jogs with eenurlina oflseb swan water essement or drainage dgbG
apecb shall comply with Minnesota Stat- of leas than one hundred and twenty-five ut-way conforming subebntially with the
utea SS 606.08. Where necessary slat or (126) feet shall be avoided. lines of such waur sours, and such
final slat may ba oa several aheeb ac- 8. A tangent at least one hundred (100) further width or construcelun, or both, u
eompanied by an Index sheet showing the feet long shall be lntruduced betwten will be adequate for the yurpose.
entire aubdivtsion. For large subdiviaiona revere curves on arterial and collecwr Parsllel streets or parkways may be
the final slat may be submitted for rtt~b° required in connection therewith.
•DDroval Drogreesivelp is coatiguow sec- When connecting street lines of the e. Blocks,
tiotu satisfactory to the Towa Board. TLe same rtreet deflect from each othm rt 1. The length, widths and aha a of
plat and final plat shall cnntaia the 1Ay one yoiat by more than un (lu) blocks shall be determined with due se-
lnformaUon required oa the preliminary degrees, they shall be connected by a curve Bard to:
ylan except that the following informs- R't~ a radian adequate w insure a eight e. Provisions of adequate building
tloa required on the Draliminary plan need db4ace of nut leas than 1b0 fret for sites suitable to the needs of the type
nut be shows on the final plrt: m(na• and collector streeu, and uC such of use contemplated.
1. ExLtiag sorting elaseif[catioas, if greaua radii u the Town Board shall dr- b. Zoning requirements u w lot eIzes
any. termiae for special calm. and dimeneione.
L. Total apDroxlmate acreage. 30. Streeu shall bs laid out so u w c. Needs for convenient acceu, cirtro-
3. ToDOgnphical data, including eon- launect u nearly u possible at right lotion control and safety of street tnf-
toun at vertical inurvale of not more angles and no street shall intersect any fie.
than two feet, except that contour lines other street at leas than sixty (60) de- d. Limitations and opyortualttes of
shall be no mote than one hundred feet greys. topography.
apart. Waur coated, marshes, wooded 11. Sight easements with tangent die- 2. Block lengths shell not exceed one
area, rock outcrops, ppower tranemiuiun farces o% fifteen (16) feet shall be yro- thousand eight hundred (1800) feet, na•
poles and lines sad othu sigalflcant fen- vided at street lntenectlons or the Town be less than four Lundred (400) feel
Lures. Board may permit property lines at street 3. Pedest:•iana crosswaika, not less than
All elevations, topography end vet- iatenections to be rounded with a tad- un (10) feet wide, shall be required where
tical control data tied to sea level datum, iua deemed necessary. deemed essential w yrovide efrculstloa,
1928 General Adjuatmeab. 12. Street right-of-way widtLe shall be or access to schools, ptsygrounds, shopping
b. Site data including number of tea- u shown in the Master Plan, and where 'tenure, transportation, sad other eom-
idental lots, typical lot size, and acres not shown therein shall not be less than munity facilities.
in park, etc. as follows: f.Lota.
6. Sites, if any for multifamily dwell- Street Type Right-ot-way feet 1. The lot size, width, deyth, base and
lags, ehoyDing tenon, churches, industry Arterial __________________________100 (orientation, and the minimum building
or other nonyublic uses, exclusive of sin- Collecwr 80 set back knee shall be ayyropriate Pot•
gle-family dwellings. 60 the location of the subdivision and for
TLe supylemenury data required In Marginal access _ 30 the type of development and haw conum-
addition w the preliminary ylan shall 13. Half etreeb shall be prohibiud, ex- plated.
be supplied with the slat and final Copt where essential to the reasonable 2. Minimum lot dimenisons shall be as
plat and in addition the following data development of the subdivisivn in conform- follows:
shall be supplied with the final plat: its with the other requirement of these a. Residential lots where served by
1. Certificatiuna showing that all tax- regulations; and where the Town $oard yublic or community sewer and waur
m dos on the property to be subdivided ands it wit[ be practicable to requtre shall nvt be less than 8b feet wide and
have been paid in full, the dedication of the other halt when the building net back line nor less than
2. An attorney's opinion of title show- the adjoining yroDerty is subdivided. 21,000 square feet in area, and cm•ner
ing title or control of the DroDerty w be Wherever • half street is adjacent to a lots shall not be leas than 100 feet wide
subdivided in the ayplieant. tract w be subdivided, the ocher halt of at the building net back line nor less
3. A yhoto negative of final Dlat at the eueet stall be platted within such than 12,600 square feet in area.
one inch equals twv hundred feet and tract. b. Residential lob served by pnbllc
s/x prints thereof. 1{. Cut-da-Sac deadend streets, designed or community waur but not served by
to be so permanently shall not be longer public m' community sewer aha? not
SECTION b. DESIGN STANDARDS. than Five hundred (b00) feet and shall be less titan 90 feet wide aor less than
a. 8uaab. be provided at the closed end with a 13,600 square feet is area and corner
1. The arrangement, characur, exunt, turn.around having an outside roadway lots shall not be less than 100 feet
width, grade, and location of all sueeu diameter of at leaf one hundred (100) wide nor less Lhan 13,600 square feet
shall rnnform to the Muter Plan and feet, and a ®treet proyerty line diameur in area.
shall be considered in their relation to of at leant one Lundred twenty (1LO) e. Residential Iota where not served
existing and ylanned street, to topognph- f~^ by public or community sewer and waur
ical conditions, to public convenience and 16. No street names shall t,e axed shall not be !ms than 100 feet wide
safety, and in their apyropriate relation which will duylicau or be confused with nor leas than 16,000 square feet in area;
to the DroDOSed uses of tLe land to be the aamee of existing streets. Street or in apyropriate area the subdivider '
served by eucL attests. name shall be subject w the approval may slat lots 160 or molt feet wide
2. Where eucL U not shown in the Mu- of the Town Board. with 20,000 oz more square feet is area
ur Plan, the arrangement of aueeb in 16. Street grades, wherever feasible, with corner lots being 180 or more feet
the subdivision shall either. shall not exceed the following, with due wide and 23,000 or more square feet
a. Provide for the continuatiua or allowance for reasonable vertical cut•vea: in area, with the right to divide said
apDropriau Drojeetion of existing grin- Street Type Percent Grade lots into lots of not leas than 80 Yeet
eipal attest in surrounding areas; or Percent wide nor less than 10,000 rquare feet
b. Conform w a plan for the neigh- Arterial ____________________________6 in area and corner lots or not less
boyhood approved or adopted by the Collector ___________________________7 than 80 feet wide nor leas than 11,600
Town Board w meet a partieulsr nit- Minor ______________________________8 square feet in area when yublic or
uation where wpognyhinl or other Marglael Access __~______________10 community sewer and waur become
conditions make continuance or conform- 17. No street grade shall be leas than available.
arse w existing streets impractical. 0.6 percent. d. Depth and width of properties re-
3. Minor sUeeb shall be so laid out b. Alleys. served for. commercial and 4nduetrial
that their use by through traffic will 1. Alleys shall be provided in tom- yurpoees stall be adequau to provide
be discouraged. mereial and industrial districts, except that for the off-street rervice and yarking
Where a subdivision abuts or eon- the Towo Bwrd may waive this re- facilities as contemplated.
twins as existing or yropoaed arterial quirement where other definite and aa- 3. Corner lots for residential use shall
street, the Town Board may repairs mar- eared provision ie made for service ac- have extra wfdf.h to permit approw•iau
ginal access street, evens iroatage with Doer, such u ott•eteeet ]vading, orlon t- building setbscke from and orientation w
screen planting contained !n a non-ac- ing, and parking consiaunt wiW and botL stmt.
teas reservation along the rear yroperty adequate for tLe uses yroposed. TLe subdividing of the land shall be
line, deep lots with rear service alleys, 2. TLe width of nay alley shall be such u to provide eacL lot with eatis-
or eucL other treatment u may be ream- twenty (20) feet. factory acceu w an existing yublic
ury fur adepuau Drotectioa of raider- 6. Alley inursections and aLarp changes sueet.
tial property and to afford seyaratiaa of to alignment shall be avoided, but where ii. Double irnntage, and reverse tront•
through and local tratfie. TLe subdlvid- aeaeeaary, cornea shall be cut off suf- age Iota, should be avoided except where
er shaB only be required to p.y for hialficiently to permit safe vehicular move- essential to provide separation of reai-
- °
dential development from traffic aa•ter• 2. MonnmenU. MonumenU shall be Dlac- legal provisions as will secure conform-
iee or to overcome specific disadvan- ed at ell block corners, angle, points, icy to and achievement of the ylan.
taitan of topography and arientatian. A puinU of curves in ah'aeW, and at inter- c. (7ondilluna. In RrantlnR variances and
planting screen easement of at leant ten mediate points ere shall be required by moditicatiuna, the Town Board may re-
(10) feet, and across which there shall the Town Engineer. 7°he mounmeaU shall quire such conditona, as will In its judg-
be no right of access shall be provided be of such material, size, and length meat, secure substantially the objective
along the line of IoU abutting such a teat- as may be approved by the Town Engl- of the standards or requiremenU so var-
fic safety or other distadvantage use. acct. led or modified.
6. Side lot lines shall be substantially D. Utility ImprovemenU. 6ECTION 8. BUILDING PER'l1YT.
at tight angles or radical street Linea. 1. Sewer 9yatems No building permit shall be issued
g. Ballding Location. a. Where available, municipal sewer for construction oz improvement on any
1. No building shall be located on any facilities shall be provided for the scab- land required to be subdivided by this or-
lot nearer to front lot line or newer divlelon,
to the side street line tban the minimum b. Whore practicable, if municipal dinaace until all requlremenU of this or-
bullding setback lino shown on the t•e- sewer facilities are not availabte a dinaace have been fully complied with.
corded p1rt. In any event no bulldin¢ community secant system shall be pro- SECTION 9. DIVISION AND
shall be located on any lot nearer Uaen vided. CONSOLYDATION OF INDIVIDUAL
80 feet to the front tot line, or neater e. Where municipal and/or common- LOTS OF RECOBD.
than 80 feet 4.o any aide street line. 1ty sewer facilities are not available, PIaU authorised.
Sl. No building shall be located nearer individual sewage systems shall be Dro- a. For purposes of conveying or as-
than 10 feet to an interior lot line, except vided. raring building permiU, Section 1 thru
that a 6 tt. side yard shall be pea-- 2. Water Systems fi shat] not apply to the division of one
miffed for a garage or other permitted e. Where available, municipal water or more ]oU platted into IoU and blocks
accessory building located 60 feel oz more facilitio shall be provided for the sub- and designated in a subdivision plat on
from the minimum buildin retbaek 1rne. division. file and of record in the office of the
No dwelling shall be locate on any Inter- b. Where practicable, if municipal we- Register of Deeds or Registrar of TI-
ior lot nearer than 40 feet to the rear ter facilities are not available, a com- ties of Dakota County, into one or more
lot lines. muaity water system shall be provided. separately described tracU, nor shall
S. For the puayoae of this ordinance c. When municipal and/or community said ordinance aDDIY to the consolida-
eavd sad steps shall not be considered err water fac113tiee are not Available, in- Lion of two or more each platted IoU
a part of a building, provided, however, div?dual water eysteaau shall be Drovid- err parts thereof inw one or more
that this shall net be construed to ed. tracU, upon compliance with the follow-
permit any portion of a building, on a c. Street TmprovemenU. The Subdivider ing conditions.
lot to encroach upon another lot. shall provide for the subdivision atreetn, 1. The owner or owners of ouch platted
h. Public sites and span spews. alitys and sidewalks u required by 8sc- lot or IoU to be so divided, shall file
1. As s condition precedent to ap- lion 1. Design Standards, in the office of the Town Clerk a proposed
proval of a plat of land to be developed d. Drainage Facilities. Storm sewers, sut•`'ey plat or registered land survey of
for residential uses the Town Board may open drainage or other facilities and ease- the lot or IoU to be divided or con-
require that a portion of each land oP menU shall be installed ere will ads- solidated. Such Dlat or survey shall
sufficient size and charactss beset aside yuately provide for the drainage of scan-- show the dimensions oP said loU ere
and dedicated to the public for public free waters, mrasured upon the recorded Dlat, and ¦leo
wee as parks sad playgrounds. E. $efore s final yl~t is approved by the proposed division thereof. A written
2. It shall be Dresamed a auffiMent the Town Board, the subdivider shall description of the aeDarately described
amount of land Yor parks and playgrounds submit an agreement and peaformance tract or tracU which will result from
for the residence and/or future rerfdeau bond or cash escrow agrcement in such the proposed subdivision or consolidation
of the subdivision if the subdivider dedi- reaaonable~ amount ere determined by the shall be filed wi46 such Dlat or survey
catce at least four percent of the land Board of Supervisors to assure the follow- and
in the subdlv[afon Pnr each dwelling unit ing t P. The separately described tract of l.rnd
per acre proposed for the subdivision. a. That the subdivider shall pay for to be conveyed or designated for building
8. The Town Board upon conaidera- the cost of all imDrovemenU required permit purposes by reason of such divie-
tioa of the particular type of development in the aubdiviaion and the subdivisions ion or consolidation ere described npoa
proposed in the aubdiviaion may require share of costa of trunk facilities to be ®aid prapoaed plat or registered land aur-
larger or lmrer amounU of land to be extended to the subdivision, except such vey, shall not be lase than the minimum
dedicated than provided for in section caaU u the Town shall agree to asaeea dimensions required to secure the mini-
2 if it determines that the residenU and/ against benefited property. mum lot area specified in the Building
or future residenU in the area proposed b. Guaranteed completion of the re- and Zoning Ordinance oY the town of
to be platted would requite greater or paired improvemen4 within two yearn Lakeville or Section 6 of this Ordinance.
leaser amounU of land for Darks and after commencement of any conetruc- S. As a result of each division or con-
playgrouads. lion in the subdivision os aueh portion selidation as herein authorized, no re-
4. In lieu of the dedication of said thereof less than the entire aubdiviaion maining Dart of an original subdivision
lead, a subdivider may, with the consent to be developed at say one time as ap- lot shall become a separately described
of the Town Board, make • cash pay- proved by the Board of Supervisors, lot upon said proposed plat or registered
meat to the Town in the amount of .the provided; however, that the Town Board land survey, with • sise lean than the
~ vrlue of the land to be dedicatsKl par- for good caws may extend the period minimum dimensions required to secure
suant to paragraphs 1, 2 sad 8. of Lime in which the improvements the minimum lot area specified {n the
b. Where a propwed park, playground mwt Ds installed. Building and Zoning Ordinance of the
or other recreational area, proposed school c. The Town may elect to install any Town oY Lakeville or Section b of the
sits or other public ground that has o4 the required imDrovementa under the Ordinance.
bran indicated in the official map and/or terms oY a cash escrow agaeement. b•ADPlieation for the Issuance of Band-
master plan is located in whole or in d. The performance bond or cash ee- ing PermiU. Upon the aDDlicatfon of as
Dart within a proposed subdivision such crow agreement herein required shall owner or owners who shall have com-
paoposed public site shall be designated as be equal iq one and one-quarter times plied with Paragraph A of Section 9 oP
such end should be dedicated to the Town, the Town Engineer a estimated cost of thin ordinance, the Town Clerk, subject
School District or other proper govern- the required improvements. only to other aDDlicable ordinances of the
menU] unit. If the subdivider chooses no4 e. Tf the required improvements ere Town of Lakeville, is hereby authorized
to dedicate an area in excess of the land not completed within said two year to issue the building permit requested for
required under Sections 1, 2 or 8 tot period or such I+eriod approved by the on any separately described tract deaig-
such proposed public site, the Town Board Town Board as herein above provided, noted and net forW upon such proposed
shall not be required to act to approve an amounU held under the escrow Dlat or survey.
or disapprove the plat of the subdivision agreement or performance bond shall SECTION 10. VALIDITY.
for • period of ninety (90) days after the be turned over and delivered to the if any section, subsection, sentence, claws
subdivider meets all other provisions of Town and applied to the cost of the or phrase of this ordinance is for any rea-
the subdivision ordinance in order to per- required improvements. Any balance af- gon held to be invalid, such decision shall
mil the Town Board, School Board or ter such imProvementa have been made, not affect the validity of the remaining
other appropriate governmental wait to shall be returned to the subdivider. portions of the Ordinance.
consider the proposed plat and to take SECTION 7. VARIANCES. SECTION 11. VIOLATIONS.
the necessary steps to acquire, through ~ gardahiD. Where the Towa Board Any person who shall violate nay pro-
purchase or eondemnatioa all or part of visions of this ordinance shall be deemed
the public adte proposed under the official finds that extraordinary bardehlpa may
may or master plan. rnult from strict compliance with these guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be
i. Natural Featnra. In iba subdividing regulations, it may vary the regula- punished by a fine of not to exceed One
of any lrnd, dun rrgrrd shall be shown boas su that subatnntial justice may be Hundred DnUan (Ii100) or imprisonment
for all natural terrain features, such done and the public inter®t secured : pro- !n the County jail for not more than
as trees growth, water courses, historic ended that aueh variation will not have ninety (90j days ,or both, for each of-
sDOta or similar conditions, which if pre- the effect of nullifying the intent and fense. Etch day of violation shall be con-
served will add attractiveness and eta- Purpose of the. Neater Plan or these aidered a separate offense.
bil3ty to the Dropoeed development. regulations. SECTION lY. EFFECTIVE DATE.
b. Large seals development. The stern- Thta ordinance shall became affective
SECTION B. REQVIRED lords tad requiremenU of these regula- from and after the date of iU laublica-
IMPROVEMENTS. Lions may be modified by the Towa Board lion according to law.
1. The following tegvired imDrovemenb In the cave of a plan and program for Adopted this 3rd day of September,
shall be 1asLlled in accordance with the ~ a Dees town, a complete community, or 1963.
engineering standards and specificatiow a neighborhood unit, which in the judg- BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
whicA have been or may in the futuae went of the Town Board will provide TOWN OF LAKEVILLE
be adoDtad by the Towa Board sad filed adequate Dubllc spaces and improvemenU By: RO$ERT JENSEN
with the Town Clerk. When standards for the circulation, recreation light, air, Chairman.
and specifications have not been adopted and service needs o4 the tract when ATTEST:
the improvemenU shall be made to ere- fully developed and populated, and which D. Ii. TESKE
cazdaace with good engineering practices.. will also Provide such coveaanU or other Clerk.