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AN ORDINANCE RELATED TO AND RBGULATING THE USE OF WATER AND Every person applying for water and serer service, every
' SEWER IN THE TOWN OP IACEVILLE AND ESTABLISHING RULES AND BEG- owner of property for which any such application is pde,evety
UTATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF 'I10! WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS person accepting water or sewer service and every owner et
+ OP SAID 'DOWN, property where aueh service is accepted subsequent is the pst-
The Town Board of the Town of Lakeville, County of Dakota, sage of this ordinance shall be deemed upon making aueh appli-
" State of Minnesota, ordains as follows: cation or accepting aueh aerviee to consent to all sule0, rsg-
S ulations, and rates as established bq this Ordinance and as
SECTION 1 - ESTABLISHMENT OF DEPARTMENT may hereafter be set forth end adopted by the Beard by resol-
There is hereby eatab.lished The Lakeville Township Utilities ution or ordinance,
Department, The dater and sewer systems as they are now const-
ituted or shall be hereafter enlarged or extenAed shall be op- SECTION 7 - METER READING
crated and maintained under the previsions of the ordinance (a) The Hoard may provide a system of water meter reading by
subject to the authority of the Board of Supervisors at any post card, meter man, or any other method deemed suitable to
time to amend, alter, change and repeal the same, the purpose by the Board,The Hoard may also establish billing
SECTION - HOARD OF SUPERVISORS areas or districts and provide for the reading of meters and
The Board shall have charge and management of the water anA billing charges by calendar quarters, or monthly quarters st
sewer systems, subject to such delegation of their authority such periodic intervals as the Board shall determine suitable
and necessary from time to time,
to other township employees ss the Hoard shall provide, (b) The Board reserves the right to discontinue aerviee to
any customer of the water o; sewer sgatems without notice when
SECTION 3 - UTILITIES SUPERVISO(t necessary for repairs, additional eonneetions er reconnectie»
The Board shall,from time to time appoint a person to serve or for non - payment of chirgea or bills of disregard of any
as Utilities Supervisor to enforce all regulations pertaining rules or regulations in connection with .the use or operation
to seder and aster service in the Township in accordance with of said systems,Whenever any aerviee has been discontinued for
this ordinance, non-payment of charges or bills or for disregard of any rules
or regulations orfor any other purpose it shall not be resuwed
SECTION 4 -APPLICATION, PERMITS AND FEES except upon payment of the charges or bills accrued together
No person, firm or corporation shall make any tgpe of coon- with interest thereon in the amount oP 6X per annum, ez camp..
eetion to, repair of, os alteration in the water system, ran- liance xith the rules and regulations previously violated and
itarq system, or storm sewer system except after making an payment to the Town of a reatosation fee of the sum of 310,00.
application en a form provided bq the Township and receiving a (c) In the event a water or sewer bill, xhether incurred
permit issued by the Township. The application shall include prior or subsequent to the passage of thin osdinanae,is unpaid
the legal description of the property to be served, the uses at the end of the calendar gwzter or the billing period after
for shish the connection is requested, and the size of the which the billing is sent out, the bill shall be esnsideted
service line to be used, delinquent and the aerviee maq be discontinued as prevideA in
The Utilities Supervisor shall examine all appl3catiana be- (b) above and the Tartu Board maq cause the charges noted in
fore a permit is issued; and after .the construction, enlarge- such billing to become a lien against the property served by
ment,alteration, or repair is complete the Utilities Super- certifying to the County Auditor the amount of acid delinquent
visor shall be notified, It shall be unlawful to cover any bill in accordance with the statutes of the State of Minnesota,
connecting line until an inapeetion has been made and aueh
connection snA the work incident thereto has been approved bq SECTION 8 - BILLING REGULATION
the Utilities Supervisor as a proper and suitable connection, The Town Hoard shall have the authority to preaeeibe by ses~
No permit shall be issued and no connection shall be maAe olution the rates to be charged for w ter and sewer service is
ieith respect to any sanitary sewer, roster system, or storm the customer from time to time and maq prescribe the date of
sewer system serving the property of any person or occupants billing, a discount for payment within a prescribed peri.sd and
of the land•,parcel or premises affected that have not paid or /or penalty for failure to pay within aueh period and aueh fut-
. provided for the payment of their full and proportionate share they rules and regulations relative to the use and operation
of the cost of said utilities, or the current installment of of such system ss it may diem neceaesrq from time to tint.
any special assessment thereon.
All connection chats and charges,permit fees and user charges, SECTION 9 PAULTY METERS
together with the method of payment therefore, shall be eatab- If a meter fails to register or accurately measure the water
lished by the Board from time to time, within the discretion the charge for water consumed shall be paid for at the estsbl-
of said Board,but based on reasonable accounting principles, ished rate based upon past average tiillinga as deterwined by
Before any water conveyed through the municipal water system the Otilities Supervisor,
shall he used or utilized on the premises of any person, firm
or corporation, there shall be installed a water meter that SECTION 10 - LEAK IN SERVICE LINE
will accurately measure the aster consumed. en said premises, A»Y ormer, occupant or user of ¦ premiaea who shall dissever
All meters for residential housing and such other connect- a leak in a service line to the premiaea shall notifq the Sup-
ions as may permit the use of the same kind of aster meter ervisor within twenty four hours,Any water xasted due to fail-
Rhall be a type approved hq the Township as set forth above nze of aueh person to comply with this regulation shall be es-
at such time as the eater connection charge is paid, In tha Limated by the Utilities Supervisor and be charged for against
event special meters are required for commercial or industrial him at the established rate,
cnnneetions,then the applicant shall furnish a meter of a tape,
approved by the Township for such eonnection,snd an allowance SECTION 11 -CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS
shall be made toavards the cost of such meter in an amouAt There shall be installed in every connection to the Town
equal to the cost of residential meters;provided however that water system one stop end waste valve which shall be installed
after installation of as id meters ownership thereof shall rest ¦t a point between the curb stop and the meter ao that the
in the Township, water maq be turned off and the meter and house plumbing a»t-
No connection of water or sewer services shall be made to irely drained,There shall be installed another atop and waste
any house or other building unless the plumbing therein has cock std check valve in the pipe on the hpuse side of the meter,
peen installed pursuant to the Lakeville Township Plumbing There shall be installed a meter yoke of the type depraved bq
i'ade,provided that this shall apply only to construction which the Township for convenient i»stsltatio~ or removal of ttrc
hasnot been completed prior to this ordinance, meter,A31 service pipes connected to the Town system shall be
TYPE K copper, a minimum 3/4 inch inside diameter er its app.
~F.CTION S - PRIVATE WATER SYSTEM AND PRIVATE SEWER SYSTEM royal equal and shall be said a! a. depth not less than six fee;
1~ILAWFUL IN LAKEVILLE TOWNSHIP below the established grade, or as low as the street mains,
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to Hverq connection to the Sanitarq Sewer System shall be maAe
in~rall a private community water system or commttnitq sewer in seeerdance with the State Plumbing Code.
«•~rem in the Township except in cases where the public water
nr !ewef systems are not acceaibie to the premises where such S$CI'IINI 12 - WATER METER REGULATIONS
private systems are requested,To determine whether or not such (a) All ¦pplicationa for installation,awintenanee and repair
public water and/or sewer systems are available for connection of water meters shall be made to the Utilities Supe:•iaor,whe
~•ich person or corporation desiring to install a private eomm- skull proceed to comply with such application within a reassn-
uni:~• water or seder sgstem must First make application for able time thereafter,
~~nnection to r pub~ie system, Upon derermination of the Tam (b) No person, firm, or corporation other than the Tswn of
Board that it is not feasible to connect the appiicant'a prow- Ukeviile or its designee, shall awintain os repair any water
ices to the public water or sewer system then the applicant meter used within the Town limits,Every water meter earneetad
shall be granted a permit to install a private community water to the water system shall be sealed by or under the dirtetisn
and/or sewer sgstew, adT-tba Utilities Supetviaor,and no other person, firm es ear..
All prspertiea using either a water or sewer sgstem U the potation shall break or sewove such aea1L psoyiSed, hewevet,
Township shall connect to the water and sewer sysLe~ of the that a plumber lietneed to do business i» the State of Mi»n-
Tswnship within two years after the time that said syatewa,wer esota way break such seal to remove such meter fes necessary
either of thew are available to the property, eepaiaa, In s11 cases where s seal is broken or • caster ie
removed by a licensed plumber, such plumber shall notify the m mths after transfer of title oz possession and upon templi-
Utilities Supervisor of the fact within twenty-four(24) hours epee with the requirements set forth above for refund of such
after the seal is broken or the meter is removed,whenever any deposits,
seal attached to a water mater 5y or under the direction of
t~- raili*ies Supervisor is found broken the broken condition SECTION 18 - SIORM WATER NCT 1`ERaITTED IN SANITARY SEWER SYSTPM
of such seal shall be prima facie evidence that such •ea1 xas It slu21 be unlawful too any owner, occupant or user of anq
broken contrary to the terms and provisions of and in violet- Premises to direct into or allow anq storm xatez,aurfaee water,
ion of this ordinance, water from air conditioning sgstems,oil or other material here-
(e) All water meters connected to the water system stu 11 be after by the Town excluded to drain into the sanitary sewer
accessible to the Utilities Supervisor or designee •t any rea- system.
sonable hour of any business dsy,and the refusal of admiasiam
by any owner or occupant of any premises wherein a water peter SECTION 19 - HXGVATION AND REPAIR WORK
is installed after such owner or occupant has been notified (a) All installation wort or repairs of connections to the
that admission is desired for the purpose of inapaeting • waterand sewer systems, including grades, bends and ba~k-
water meter installed in said premises shall constitute a fi211ng shall be performed under the direction A supervision
violation of this ordinance,, of the Utilities Supervisor,No work shall be covered or back-
(d) Said meters shall be repaired from time to time as is filled until directed by acid supervisor, All work and exeav-
necessary to insure accurate measuring of the flow of water, ations shall be protected bq barricades and warning aarkere,
except that whenever a meter has been damaged due to negiig- and lights reasonable and suitable to the purpose, The Town
cote on the part of persons other than the employees of the shall be held harmless of any claim oz loss that might arise
Township the owner occupant or user of the premises or such for damage, loss or injury caused by or arising by reason of
other persons desiring the use of the water shall reimburse such wo_k being performed; and the appiieant causing such
the Township for the expense of repairing any such meter, work to be done shall give undertaking to the Town with
Upon failure to reimburse the Town within a reasonable time respect hereto..
and upon demand therefor, the water services and supply to Cb) No digging in a permanent type street shall be permitteA
said premises may be shut off or diaeontinued as determined except by special permission from the Town, and upon posting
to be in the best interest of the Town. of such security as may be required for the replacement of acid
It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper xith, alter, SECTION 20 - TESTING OP METERS
by-pass,or in anq manner whatsoever interfere with the proper Whenever a water user questions the accuracy of the meter,
use and functioning of anq water meter within the Toren, and desires that his meter be tested, he shall pay a fee of
$3.00 if the meter teats accurate within the range of minus 3°ti
SECTION 14 - LIABILITY FOR REPAIRS to plus i'io.If it is not accurate within this rsnge,no charge
After the initial connection has been made to the curb atop will be made for testing and en adjustment on the water bill
or the sewer lead the applicant, owner, occupant or user of will be made for the period of time that the meter is assumed
the premises shall be liable for all repairs required to any to be inaccurate,not to exceed two (2) billing periods,
water line or any sanitarq or storm sewer lines necessary for
connection of the premises to the street main, including any SECTION 21 - USE OF FIRE HYDRANTS
repairs necessary to the curb stop box and any necessary It shill be unlawful for any unauthorized person to open,
street repairs, It shall be the responsibility of the applic- tamper with or otherwise use any fire hydrant valve or other
ant, owner, occupant or user to maintain the atop box at such appurtenances to the water system, sanitary sewer or storm
height as will insure that it remains above the finished grade sewer system,
of the property,
SECTION 15 - INSTALIATION OF CONNECTIONS The Board may impose emergencq regulations pertaining to the
Ail connections to the xater agatem, sanitarq sexer agstem eonaervation of water by resolution of the Board and by giving
or storm sewer system shallbe performed by a plumber licensed notice by pubs?cation or by posting in the Town Hall and at
to do plumbing bq the State of Minnesota;exeept that nothing such public places as the Hoard may direct,
in this ordinance shall be construed to prohibit an individual
owner from obtaining a permit and installing such connection SECTION 23 - RIGHT TO ENTER LAND
by his own labor, provided however, that said conatruetion is The Town of Lakeville by any authorized employee or agent
Conducted under the regulations of this ordinance and require- shall have the right to enter and be admitted to any lands anA
ments of the Town Engineer and Utilities Supervisor, Property in the Town for the purpose of inspection of materials
plumbing work and fixtures of all kinds used by or in eonneet-
SECTION 16 - TOWN NOT LIABLE ion with the water and sewer systems,
The Town shall not be held liable at anq time for any def-
iciency or failure in the supply of xater to any customer SECTION 24 - PRIVATE WATER NOT PERMITTED IN TOWNSHIP SYSTEMS
xhether the same be occasioned by shutting off tfie xster for -Whenever any premises ate connected to the Toxnship xster
repairs or connections or for any cause whatever, system,there shall be maintained a complete physical aeperation
between the Township water supply system and any private rater
SECTION 17 -METER DEPOSITS supply system so that it is impossible to intentionally or un-
When connection is requested and a meter is delivered to the intentionally allox anq water produced by a private system to
applicant, the appiieant shall be required to paq a 550,00 be introduced in the supply line. of the Tovmship system,
deposit~Where water service to an existing meter is requested,
the applicant shall be required to make a $15,00 deposit, SECTION 25 - SEPARABILITY OF SECTIONS
$15,00 of the xater meter deposit required by this ordinance If any portion of this ordinance shall be held invalid, the
shall be returned to the person making such deposit or his invalidity of such portion she 11 not effect the validity of the
other provisions of this ordinance which shall continue in full
assignee only after compliance with the following conditions; force and effect,
(1) Written request directed to the Utilities Supervisor
that the service be disconnected, SECTION 26 - PENALTY PROVISIONS
(2) Inspection of the meter by the Utilities Supervisor Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this
after the service has been disconnected to determine ordinance shalt be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conoict-
that such meter is undamaged and is proper xorking ion thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed ninety
(3) Payment of all delinquent or unpaid xater or power (90) days.
charges accumulated to the date of the termination SECTION 27 - BPPHCTIVE DATE
of such service, Thia Ordinance shall be in foil force and effect from and
Whenever any consumer shall become delinquent in payment of after its seas a and
any sewer or water charges, the Township may Aeduct from said p B publication according to law.
deposit the amount of the unpaid bill and may discontinue se- passed by Town Hoard this 17th day of Januarq, 1966.
rules to the consumer until the depleted deposit shall be in-
creased to the amount required under this ordinance, in the ~~Y LAU
event that any service connected prior to the passage of this
ordinance for which no deposit was required is disconnected ATTHST Chairman, Town Hoard
for nonpayment of sewer or water charges, such service shall RUSSELL STREEFIAND
not be reconnected until all delinquent charges have been paid Town Clerk
and the deposit required by this ordinance shall have been
when the consumer making the deposit required under this
ordinance shall transfer title to the property iF the owner
thereof, or possession, of the lessee thereof, the new owner
or lessee shall become entitled to a refunA of the Aeposit if
the former consumer Fails to apply for such refunA within six