DECEMBER 28, 1989
The special meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by Mayor
Zaun. Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Harvey,
Sindt and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R. Erickson, City Administrator; D. Gudmundson,
Chief of Police; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
Councilmembers reviewed the December 26th report from the Police.
Department concerning the renewal application of Super 8 Motel
for an on-sale and Sunday liquor license. Mr. Gudmundson and
Mr. Erickson explained that the reason this application was not
submitted in a timely manner was because of a change in
management at the Motel late in the year.
89.436 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the
renewal application for on-sale and Sunday liquor. licenses for
Super 8 Motel.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Harvey, Sindt.
Other Business.
Mr. Erickson informed the council that consideration of
appointments to Council Committees could be placed on a future
work session agenda if the Council so chooses.
The Council briefly discussed the draft ordinance prepared by
the City Attorney's office concerning requirements for City
approvals. This item will also be placed on an upcoming work
session agenda.
89.487 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to adjourn the
special council meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Sindt, Zaun.
Time: 7:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges City Clerk
Duane Zaun, yor