OCTOBER 2, 1989
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge
of allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Nelson, Enright, Sindt,
Harvey and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: B. Erickson, City Administrator; R. Knutson, City
Attorney; K. Nelson, City Engineer; J. Robinette, Community Development
Director; D. Morey, Assistant Community Development Director; J.
Hennen, Recycling & Zoning Violations Coordinator; L. Gustafson,
Assessment Clerk; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
Staff Announcements:
Attorney: Roger Knutson requested the council consider the release of
lot 5, block 2 from the Cherrywood Heights development contract.
Council recommended this item being considered under other business.
The city attorney also suggested the council may want to go into
executive session following the regular meeting to discuss two pending
Engineer: none.
Administrator: Bob Erickson asked the council to consider, under .other
business, approval of a revised Joint Powers Agreement Establishing the
I-35W Council.
Citizen Comments:
John Williams, 172nd Street resident, asked about the status of the
assessments on project 88-1. Bob Erickson explained that the property
owners were asked to submit written appeals to the city attorney by
Wednesday,. September 27th. Mr. Knutson is prepared to meet individu-
ally with the residents this evening in an attempt to resolve these
appeals. After the October 11th deadline, property owners will have to
reach settlement through the district court.
Mr. Erickson went on to explain that Friedges Landscaping was at the
172nd. Street site on Saturday, September 30th, along with an inspector
from Donohue & Associates, and repaired sodded areas. The city public
works department has some minor restoration work, which will be
completed this week.
October 2, 1989
Proclamation by the Mayor.
Mayor Zaun explained a national drug prevention effort known as the Red
Ribbon Campaign, which will be celebrated in every community in America
during "Red Ribbon Week", October 22-29, 1989. He then read a resolu-
tion supporting "Red Ribbon Week" in the City of Lakeville and encour-
aging all citizens to pledge to the Red Ribbon Campaign. Councilmem-
bers made statements in support of this proclamation.
89.374 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution No.
89-142 proclaiming the week of October 22-29, 1989, as "Red Ribbon
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Enright, Sindt, Harvey,
Additions/Deletions to Consent Agenda..
Bob Brantley asked for clarification of item 7g, an ordinance concern-
ing City Council meetings. Mayor Zaun read and explained the proposed
ordinance to Mr. Brantley.
The council removed items 7a, 7m and 7n from the consent agenda for
further discussion. Items 10, 11, 12, 15 and 17 were added to the
consent agenda.
89.375 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the modified
consent agenda as follows:
a. (Removed from consent agenda)
b. Approve minutes of the September 11, 1989, council meeting.
c. Approve claims for payment.
d. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Planning Commission, September 21, 1989
Parks & Recreation Committee, September 20, 1989
e. Approve change order #3; 172nd Street rehabilitation project 88-1,
for the 165th Street trailway.
f. Approve final payment and acceptance of improvements; 172nd Street
rehabilitation project 88-1.
g. Adopt Ordinance No. 390 amending Title 1, Chapter 5, of the
Lakeville City Code concerning City Council meetings.
h. Adopt Resolution No. 89-138 appointing election judges for November
7th general election.
i. Approve change order ~~3 for Foxborough and North Park buildings.
• •
October 2, 1989
j. Receive check ($1,844.25) and approve release of all claims from
Donohue and Associates in regard to the Kenrick Avenue sidewalk
project 84-19B.
k. Multi purpose trailway construction and Rolling Oaks Park; approve
final payment and acceptance of improvements.
1. Foxborough Park sanitary sewer and water; approve final payment and
acceptance of improvements.
m. (Removed from consent agenda)
n. (Removed from consent agenda)
10. Adopt Resolution No. 89-139 for Dakota County H.R.A. street
vacation; 208th Street West.
11. Adopt Zoning Ordinance No. 391; minimum lot area in R-6 zoning
12. Adopt Zoning Ordinance No. 392; location of air conditioning units.
15. Approve solid waste abatement work plan and budget for 1990.
17. Adopt Ordinance No. 393 regulating dance halls and cabarets.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Sindt, Harvey,
Nelson, Zaun.
Item 7a.
Councilmember Harvey asked that a correction be made to Page 9 of the
September 5th council meeting minutes to clarify that the Eureka Town
Board meeting he had attended was about a year ago, rather than
recently. Harvey stated he is opposed to this item being taken off the
table and approved at the September 18th meeting. Mayor Zaun suggested
Harvey be given the opportunity to make his statement of objection
under Other Business following the meeting.
89.376 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the minutes of
the September 5, 1989, council meeting as amended on Page 9.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun,
Items 7m-n.
Councilmembers and staff discussed the proposed purchase of a 1989 Ford
Bronco from the South Metro Drug Task Force and the trade-in of the
Bronco for a 1989 Suburban for the Engineering Department survey crew.
October 2, 1989
Councilmember Harvey expressed his concern that the total price paid
not exceed $15,000, as purchases above that amount must be put out for
competitive bids. He also questioned whether this type of arrangement
is legal.
Bob Erickson explained that the staff had reviewed prices from Hennepin
County Joint Purchasing, whose prices were higher than the quote
received from Todd Chevrolet; and staff felt this vehicle can be
purchased at a lower price now than in the spring. He stated he was
not comfortable with the $22,000 figure that this vehicle is budgeted
for in 1990. He further explained that Lakeville has the first chance
to purchase the confiscated vehicle from the drug task force, and feels
this action is a creative, cost effective and legal way to pursue
acquisition and trade in of these vehicles.
Roger Knutson added that the city can look at this total transaction as
two separate contracts or a two step transaction; and the City would
not be violating the state statute of bidding procedures.
Councilmember Nelson asked about the equipment list on the Suburban,
and stated that this plush vehicle may not serve as a sufficient work
Keith Nelson explained that while some features in the Suburban would
not specifically be ordered, it does have the features the Engineering
Department requires. The vehicle was made available because of a
cancelled order by a private party, and the cost is significantly lower
than a 1990 model.
Councilmember Harvey asked if the engineering survey crew could operate
out of a regular pickup truck with a camper cab. The staff explained
that approximately $20,000 in survey equipment would be housed in this
vehicle, and felt that a camper cab would not provide sufficient space
or security for this equipment.
Item 7m.
89.377 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to authorize the purchase
of a 1989 Ford Bronco confiscated by the South Metro Drug Task Force
for $14,726.00.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun,
Enright, Sindt.
Item 7n.
89.378 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to authorize the purchase
of a 1989 Suburban truck from Todd Chevrolet, with the trade in of the
Ford Bronco and $2,443.00 cash, ($17,443.02 total price), and approve
the transfer of $5,619 from the 1990 General Fund Engineering Depart-
ment Capitol Outlay Budget to provide for this expense.
October 2, 1989
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Enright, Sindt,
Item 8.
Daryl Morey stated he would be available to answer any questions
related to the special home occupation permit for Charlene Abraham. The
applicant was also present.
Councilmember Sindt questioned the requirement that no person other
than those who customarily reside on the premises shall be employed in
the hone occupation. Ms. Abraham replied that she has no intention of
hiring another salon operator. Mr. Morey explained that this wording
was taken directly out of the zoning ordinance for home occupations.
Councilmember Harvey suggested this wording in the. zoning ordinance be
clarified, as it could be misinterpreted to suggest a boarder could be
employed in the business.
Councilmember Nelson asked if the applicant intents to sell retail
products, and Mr. Morey stated she does not.
The council also raised a concern over the stipulation that only one
customer be serviced at any one time. The council and applicant
concurred that three customers could be serviced at any one time,
provided the parking demand does not exceed the on site driveway
89.379 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Enright to receive the Planning
Commission's findings of fact and approve the special home occupation
permit for Charlene Abraham to operate a beauty salon in her basement
at 6700 169th Street W., with the 15 stipulations as listed in the
planning report dated September 15, 1989, (attached to these minutes)
and to amend stipulation ~1~12 to read, "no more than three customers be
serviced at any one point in time".
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Enright, Sindt, Harvey,
89.380 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to direct staff to review
Section 10.4, 2(a) and 3(a) of the zoning ordinance in an effort to
clarify the wording.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Sindt, Harvey,
Nelson, Zaun.
Item 9.
Daryl Morey was available to answer questions concerning the variance
request of Farmers Union Coop Oil Assn. to install a canopy over their
existing gasoline pumps located in the front yard of their property
October 2, 1989
adjacent to 202nd Street. The proposed canopy would be located 10 feet
from the 202nd Street right of way, rather than 30 feet as required by
the zoning ordinance. The applicant was also present.
Councilmember Nelson asked the applicant if he had any concerns or
questions with the 11 stipulations as listed in the planning report of
September 15th, and the applicant stated he did not.
Councilmember Sindt commented that this variance is not being requested
due to a self-created hardship, but is the result of right-of-way
acquisition for the County Road 64 (202nd Street) realignment.
89.381 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to receive the Planning
Commission's findings of fact and approve a variance to the front yard
building setback requirement for construction of a gasoline pump island
canopy, subject to 11 stipulations listed in the planning report dated
September 15, 1989, (attached to these minutes).
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun,
Item 13.
Keith Nelson presented preliminary Layout ~~2 for Trunk Highway 50
reconstruction from 192nd Street to Dodd Boulevard. The reconstruction
would remove the two sharp curves in that area of T.H. 50 and widen
them out to accommodate a 50 m.p.h. speed limit design. Keith ex-
plained that MnDOT presented, and staff reviewed, Layout ~~1 last
December. The staff had requested several changes in the layout,
including the extension of an urban street section to 1200 feet
northwest of Dodd Boulevard to match the newer pavement. Staff also
requested installation of an eight foot bituminous trailway.
Keith Nelson gave an overview of the project costs, stating that the
City's share of the $1,600,000 project would be approximately $311,000
to cover the cost of the additional curb and gutter requested, storm
sewer and bituminous trails. MnDOT would secure all right-of-way. The
project is scheduled for construction in the summer of 1992.
Councilmembers were concerned about traffic problems at the entrance to
Antlers Park on Indra Way, and suggested construction of passing lanes
for westbound traffic on T.H. 50 at Indra Way. They were also con-
cerned about traffic at the high school entrance and requested only
right in and right out turns be constructed.
Bob Erickson suggested the city schedule a meeting with MnDOT and
School District 194 officials to fine tune the ingress and egress at
.the high school. He further suggested the council authorize the city
engineer to submit a letter to MnDOT, along with the resolution
approving Layout ~~2, outlining the City's safety concerns at the Indra
Way and Lakeville High School entrance areas of the project.
• ! !
October 2, 1989
Mayor Zaun suggested the staff review the property involved in regard
to future assessments on this project.
89.382 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to adopt Resolution No.
89-140 approving Layout No. 2 for the improvement of Trunk Highway 50
from 1500 feet northwest of 192nd Street to 1200 feet northwest of Dodd
Boulevard, and authorize staff to forward the resolution to MnDOT along
with a cover letter outlining the Council's recommendations to include
a left turn lane at Indra Way and reconstruct the present High School
entrance to right-in/right-out turn lanes only. (Cover letter is
attached to these minutes).
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun,
Enright, Sindt.
Item 14.
89.383 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Sindt to adopt Resolution No.
89-141 vacating Hirschy Lane as legally described in the attached
resolution, with the stipulation that Mr. Brian Knoch combine the two
lots he owns into one parcel of record.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Enright, Sindt,
Item 16.
89.384 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Enright to receive a letter from
Norris Niccum requesting a deferment on his assessment for the property
he owns near Ipava Avenue and 165th Street, and direct the staff to
review the assessments and report back to the council. Council sug-
gested Dennis Feller be the third party mediator and request copies of
the following documents from Mr. Niccum: 1) Proof of attempts to sell
the property; 2) financial statements; 3) 10-40 form.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Enright, Sindt, Harvey,
Item 18.
89.385 P4otion was made by Sindt, seconded by Enright to appoint Bob Erickson
as the delegate and Betty Sindt as the alternate to serve on the
Executive Committee of the I-35W Council.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Sindt, Harvey,
Nelson, Zaun.
October 2, 1989
Other Business.
A. Revised Joint Powers Agreement Establishing the I-35W Council.
Bob Erickson asked the council to consider approving a revised joint
powers agreement for the I-35W Council. He explained that commission-
ers from Hennepin County were at the September 20th I-35W Council
meeting and expressed a desire to join the committee.
The following revisions were made to the joint powers agreement:
1) Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority was added as a member.
2) State Representatives and Senators whose districts include a Member
Governmental Unit were added as ex-officio members.
3) Secretary/Treasurer may designate a person to assist in duties.
4) Paragraph 12, Subd. 2 was corrected by changing December 31, 1990
to December 31, 1995.
5) Paragraph 8, Subd. 15 was changed to designate the method of
entering contracts pursuant to the request of the Minneapolis City
89.386 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to approve the Revised
Joint Powers Agreement Establishing the I-35W Council with the five
revisions as listed above.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun,
B. Release of lot 5, block 2, Cherrywood_Heights.
Roger Knutson asked the council to consider approving the release of
lot 5, block 2 in Cherrywood Heights from the development contract. He
explained that the document would release the lot from any financial
obligations of the development contract, and is necessary to complete
the closing on this lot.
89.387 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Nelson to approve the release
of lot 5, block 2, Cherrywood Heights from the development contract
dated July 1, 1985.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson, Zaun,
Enright, Sindt.
Councilmember Nelson asked if this type of action could be done
administratively, and Roger Knutson stated council action is prefer-
able. Councilmembers suggested Roger draft a policy that would give
the City Administrator the authority to release lots from their
development contracts, and bring it back to the Council for their
October 2, 1989
C. Statement by Councilmember Harvey - Agreement with MAC for water-
main extension to Airlake Airport located in Eureka Township.
Councilmember Harvey made a statement regarding his disappointment to
this item being removed from the table and acted on by the Council in
his absence at the September 18th meeting. He went on to state that
the extension of water to Airlake Airport will, in some time, incur
maintenance costs by the City of Lakeville, and there will be no
revenue to offset those costs. The citizens will receive nothing but
anguish as a result of this. Harvey stated that MAC found itself in
restraint by not being able to supply water to this "hobby" airport,
and will now be free to continue operating a low quality hanger, of a
quality the city would not allow. He stated he sees no reason why this
agreement should have been approved, and does see reasons why it should
not have been approved.
89.388 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Enright to adjourn the council
meeting and convene in executive session to discuss pending lawsuits.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Du ne Zaun, M o