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MARCH 7,.1988
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayer Zaun.
The pledge of allegiance to .the flag was given.
Roll call was taken.. Present; Counclmembers Nelson, Zaun,
Sindt and Harvey. Absent: Enright.
Also Present: Roger-Knutson, City Attorney; Darrell Schneider,
Consulting City Engineer; Bruce Robertson, Administrative Assis-
tant; Richard Radermacher, Chief of Police; Jim Robinette,
Community Development Director; and Patrick McGarvey, City
Staff Announcements. The City Administrator stated that
under Other Business the Council should authorize payment to
EBA for ALF Ambulance Workman's. Compensation Insurance.
Also,"item 27C, Authorization of feasibility report for site
grading, utilities and streets for Phase -0ne of the Lakeville
Business Park near County Road 7D and X35, should be consd-
ered by the Council under Other Business.
Citizen Comments:
Mary McDonald, of 6818 162nd Street West in Lakeville, apoke
to the Council as a representativeof a halley Park Homeown-
ers Association who were concerned over an R-7 townhouse
development proposed for their neighborhood. Reading from a
formal l0 page summary of concerns that. were developed by the
homeowners association and distributed to the Council, staff
and press; she made a lengthy presentation to the Council on
the proposed project. She "stated the Planning Gemmisson's
Public Hearing on this project was poorly run with many citi-
zens unable to hear or participate in the meeting because of
lack of space. She went on-to state that many residents in
the Valley Park area were not properly notified about the
public hearing. She also felt that crime in the Valley Park
neighborhood was already very high and any additional high
density development would not be wise at this time due to
police manpower restraints, Other Valley Park residents also
spoke out regarding the proposed development and stated they
felt the public hearing should be started over so everyone
who wishes to speak on the proposed development would be
given a chanced
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MARCH 7, 1988
Councilmember Sindt suggested a formal sign up sheet should
be utilized at the next Planning Commission meeting in which
the development will be discussed and that .comments from
citizens should have a time limit so everyone could have a
chance to speak.
Discussion of the issue was closed with a statement by
Community Development Director Jim Robinette that a special
meeting of the Planning Commission would be held on Thursday,
March 10th at the Lakeville High School and the public
hearing on the proposed Lakeville Manor: Development would
be started from the beginning at that meeting.
Councilmember Sindt asked that items 21a, b, d and item 19 be
added to the Consent Agenda. Also that !hems 4a, d, and f be
removed from the Consent Agenda. Finally that the minutes of
the March 2nd Park and Recreation Committee be added to 4c of
the Consent Agenda,
Counailmember Harvey asked that agenda items 8, 11, 12, and
14 be added to the Consent Agenda.
88.69 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve the
Consent. Agenda as amended. (Council Agenda attached hereto
is incorporated by reference and-specifically made a part hereof,]
Roll ca71 was taken on the motion, Ayes, Nelson, Zaun,
Sindt, Harvey.
Councilmember Sindt asked that the Minutes of the February
16, 19$8 Council meeting be changed so at the bottom of the
second paragraph of 'page 5, it wou d state "`The Personnel
Director is responsible to make sure the Qolicy on Recruit-
ment and Hiring is followed and will have a vote on an inter
view panel at the discretion of the Department Head..'"
Councilmember Nelson asked t6Tat the 5th paragraph of pale two of
the Minutes of the February 16, 1988 Council Meeting be changed
to state, "Additional discussion fo llowed and involved the advan-~
tapes of the City possibly acquiring two or three parcels owned
by Mr. Wicklund, Mr. Tingelhoff, Mr. Jackson and Mrs, Nesbitt.'"
88.70 Motion was. made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey, to amend Motions
88.50 and 88.62 in the February 16, 1988 Council Minutes,
Ro11 call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey,
•. , • -
MARCH 7, 1988
88.7.1 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey, to approve the
Minutes of the February 16, 1988 City Council Minutes as
Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey,
Nelson, Zaun.
gg,72 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve the
reappointment of William Macklin to the Economic Development
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson,
Zaun, Sindt.
gg,73 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey, to approve
settlement with B.F. Feltes as trustee of Santeen Products
Con~any Employees Pension Plan for Parcel 14 on Project 87-4.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun,
Sindt, Harvey.
88.74 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt, to table approv-
al of the preliminary plat of Cherry Highlands and send the
.proposal back to the City's CAnsultant Planner and Planning
C.arrnY-ission for further review regaling sewer availability.
;' Roll. call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt,
Harvey, Nelson.
88.75 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt, to table a
resolution approving thefinal plat of Lake Villa Golf Es-
fates Second .Addition, and a minor C'~prehensive Plan amend-
ment to include the plat. in the 1990 Urban
Serviee Area,
until a letter of credit is submitted.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey,
Nelson, Zaun.
88.76 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson, to adopt Reno-
lotion 88-17 & 88-18 approving the final plat of Lynwood
North Third and..Lymaood North Fourth Addition developed by
Arson Construction.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey,. Nelson,
Zaun, Sindt.
. .~ ~ ~ •
MARCfi 7, 1988
88.77 Motion was made by Harvey, .seconded by Sindt to receive Feasi-
bility Report for the improvement of Highview Avenue fram
Ibdd Road to 160th Street and discuss the report at the next
Council work session.
Roll call was .taken on the motion.. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Har-
vey, Nelson.
88.78 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt, to approve
plans and specifications for off-sale liquor store number
three and set the bid opening for March 24, 1988 at City
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey,
Nelson, Zaun.
88.79. Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolu-
tion 88- 20, the 5 year MSA System Plan.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Nelson,
Zaun, Sindt.
88.80 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve and
authorize a letter to the Dakota County Highway Department
regan-iing City financing limits on County Road 46.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson Zaun, Sindt,
Harvey. _
88..81 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt, to table approx-
. al of the Five Year Capital In~rovement Plan for streets
until the March 21st Council meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Har-
vey, Nelson.
88.82 lotion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt, to receive and
a~rove the Updated Transportation.Plan and send it on to the
Metropolitan Council.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey,
Nelson, Zaun.
At this time, Mr. John Eriggren, owner of the building that
houses the current City Hall, made a presentation to the
Ccxuicil regatcing a proposed expansion of City offices into...
part of the old Coast to Coast store. He stated :that City
Hall has been an excellent addition to the Danmtown Business
District and is an excellent tenant. He, along with a repre-
sentative of J and J Holding, made a proposal. to the City for
• • ~
MARCH 7, 1988
the space in the old Coast to Coast store that. offered 1,800
square feet of additional space at the cost of only 720
square feet for the first six months. He stated that at the
end of six months the City could choose to lease and pay for
the entire 1,800 square feet, or decide to rent a 720 square
foot parcel. Zhe cost to the City would be $5.46 per square
Councilmember Sindt thanked Mr. Enggren for his generous
offer but stated she felt the City should not tie up such a
large area for as few as 3-4 people.
Councilmember Nelson suggested an option to save the. city
from not having to lease any additional space was not hiring
a City Engineer until anew City Hall is built.
Council'[nember Harvey stated he would prefer to see carrnnercial
businesses in the old Coast to Coast store and he is con-
cerned if we did lease the space for 6-12 months it might be
difficult for J and J Holding to fill the space after the
City leaves..
Discussion on the issue was concluded with a consensus by the.
Council that the City should not rent any additional space
and move quickly toward building a new City Hall.
88.83 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson, to table ap-
proval of a, upplementalagreement with Fullerton Ixm~bex
Company on the ocmrpletion of Fire Station Number 3 until
.staff has a chance to meet with Fullerton representatives.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson Zaun, Sindt,
88.84 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson, to develop a
doclmient illustrating the location of the. proposed Centel
switching station in relation to the Fire Station Nimiber
ZYiree building and develop a purchase agreement that would
contain a stipulation that if and when the telephone company
no longer needs the facility the land .would revert back to
the Cityfor a one dollar ($1) fee.
Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Har-
vey, Nelson..
88.85 Motion-was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to table approv-
al of an agreemment with Professor Peter Ring for a study of
the future Police Deparhnent organization and programs until
the 1989 Fiscal: Year. Budget development period and solicit
proposals frcan other interested parties.
• • •
MARCH 7, 1988
At this time, Robert Pulsrher of Springsted Inc. appeared.
before the Council to discuss the various financing options
that the City has for constructing a new City Hall, or other
public buildings. He told the Council the most inexpensive
way to currently finance City facilities was the use of gener-
al obligation bonds, which were naa at around 6.9 percent.
Though a lease purchase system of financing city facilities
was gaining in popularity and the bond cost would be only
about one half percent higher than general obligation bonds.
No referendlun before the voters would be necessary in a lease
pt;irhase of a City facility. He went on to state that the
money spent on the lease cysts must fit within the City's
levy limits, while a general obligation bond's payments and
interest can be paid from a special levy.
Mr. Pinscher closed his discussion by stating that a lease
purchase agreement to build a new City Hail could speed up
construction and completion of such a structure because the
City .could pick the contractor they .want to build the project
without going through a system of competitive bidding.
Significant discussion follaaed and involved the feasibility
of transferring the o~mership of the land of the proposed. new
City Hall to a private concern during a lease period, the
time involved to put together a lease purchase package and
the actual total costs of a new City Hall in c~nparison to
our current facilities.
88.86 Nation was made by Harvey, seconded by Nelson to authorize
staff to work with Bob Pinscher, Financial and Tuschie N~ont-
gomery, Architects to obtain a more cxmrplete floor plan,
architectural rendering and financial estimates of a proposed
new City Hall for Council Review.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,: Harvey, Nelson,
Zaun, Sindt.
88.87 Nation was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to direr,-t staff
to take the City owned property near Cotu~ty Road 70 and I35
off the market and authorize Donohue and Associates to imple-
merrt afeasibility report for site grading utilities and
streets for phase one of a proposed Lakeville Business Parka
~,"_ .~
A ~ +
Mai 7,1988
Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Nelson, Zaun, Sindt,
gg.88 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt, to direct staff
to look into future locations for a c~npost site within Lake-
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey,
At this time, Councilmember Nelson left to go to work.
gg,89 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to receive letter
from the Basset Park Neighborhood Group and refer it on to the
Park and Recreation Committee.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Zaun.
88.90 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve Fire.
Department officers pay schedule.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Zaun, Sindt.
88.91 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to set a City
Council work session for March 15th at 7:00 PM at City Hall and
a Special Council Meeting for March 28th also at 7:00 PM
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Harvey.
gg,92 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt, to adjourn the
Council Meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Harvey, Zaun.
Time .10:10 PM
City Clerk
Rv ~~
~ ~ •
MARCH 7 , 1988
7:00 P.M.
Call to order.
Flag pledge.
1. Roll call.
2. Staff announcements.
A. Attorney
B. Engineer
C. Administrator
3. Citizen comments.
4. Consent agenda.
a. Approval of the minutes of the February 16, 1988, council meeting.
b. Approval of the claims for payment.
c. Receive the minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Planning Commission, February 18, 1988
Park & Recreation Committee, February 17, 1988, March 2, 1988.
Natural Resources Committee, February 16, 1988
d. .Appointments to the Economic Development Commission.
e. Approve easement agreement with Keith and Diane Harstad for Parcel
15 on Project 86-15.
f. Approve settlement with B.F. Feltes as Trustee. of SanTeen Products
Company Employees Pension Plan for Parcel 14 on Project 87-4.
g. Approve temporary construction easement with Lance Johnson on Parcel
4 for Project 87-25.
h. Approval of assessment abatements for the San Di Prop. Inc. parce l
~~22-03200-010-31 and Steven Snedecker Parcel ~~22-53701-060-01.
i. Authorize an Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the proposed
Highview Heights .plat to be located on the Keller farm east of
Highview Avenue and south of 160th Street.
j. Resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing bids
to be taken on Project 87-25, 175th Street east of Ipava.
• • •
MARCH 7, 1988
k. Receive E.A.W. and authorize distribution according to State rules
for proposed Marion Village plat north of County Road ~~64 and south
of Lake Marion east of Kaparia Avenue.
1. Receive feasibility report for MPTW on both sides of 165th .Street
from Kenrick Avenue to Jaguar Avenue and call a public hearing for
the April 4, 1988, council meeting.
m. Adopt resolution approving rules for the use of city parks and fees.
n. Adopt resolution authorizing condemnation of the 721 square foot
parcel owned by Dr. and Mrs. Smith at the northwest corner of
Holyoke and 208th Street.
5. Approval of the preliminary plat of Cherry Highlands proposed by Argus
Development to be located east of Cherrywood Heights and south of
6. Resolution approving the final plat of Lake Villa Golf Estates Second
Addition, and a minor comprehensive plan amendment to include the plat
in the 1990 urban service area, and approval of the developer agree-
7. Resolution approving the final plat of Lynwood Third and Fourth Addition
developed by Arcon Construction and a minor comprehensive plan amendment
to include the area in the 1990 Urban Service Area, and approval of the
developer agreement.
8. Approve plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids to
be opened on March 31, 1988, on improvement projects 87-23 and 87-24,
Rolling Oaks Park Grading and MPTW Construction.
9. .Receive feasibility report for'the improvement of Highview Avenue from
Dodd Road to 160th Street (County Road 46).
10. Approve plans and specifications for off-sale liquor store number three
and set the bid opening for March 24, 1988, at city hall.
11. Receive report and proposal from Decision Resources Ltd. for a community
a. Approval of the agreement for the survey.
12. Approval of a street concept plan for the area between I-35 and Highway
50 north and south of 185th Street.
13. Approval of the updated Transportation Plan and the five year capital
improvement plan for streets.
14. Approval to retain a consultant for a City Council goal setting meeting.
• • •
MARCH 7, 1988
15. Temporary city hall space review and action.
16. Approval of supplemental agreement with Fullerton Lumber Company on he
.completion of fire station number three.
17. Action on a proposal from Centel Telephone Company. to purchase part of
the City property next to fire station three to construct a telephone
utility building on.
18. Approval of an agreement with Professor Peter Ring for a study of the
future police department organization and programs.
20. Presentation by Robert Pulscher of Springsted, Inc. on financing options
for a new city hall.
21. Any other business..
a. Authorize Donohue to prepare a study on up stream storm drainage
needs for Marion Village on the Lake.
b. Approval of refurbishment specifications for 1972 General Saf.e-
ty/Ford Pumper for the Fire Department.
c. Authorize feasibility report for site grading, utilities and street
for phase one of the Lakeville Business Park near County Road. 70 and
d. Approve payment of $9,797.00 to EBA for ALF workers compensation.
22. Adjourn.