,Tune 1, 1981
The .meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor. Lekson. The pledge
ofallegiance to the flag was given.
Ro11 call was taken. Presentz Councilmembers Spande, Zaun, Sindt, Nelson and
Mayor Lekson.
Also present.: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Darrell Schneider and Frank Krz,
Consulting City Engineers; J'im Robinette, Public works Director; Patrick.
81.254 Motion was made. by Zaun, seconded by Spande to approve. the_minut.es of the
May 18, 1981 council meeting with one correction on the last page of the
minutes naming the Physical Development :Committee of the Metro Council:
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Zaun Sindt & Nelson.
81.255 Motion was made by Spande, seconded by Sindt,to approve the claims. for payment.
as presented.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayss, Lekson, Zaun, Sndt, Nelson & Spande.
Staff reports.. ;There. were none.
81...256 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to receive the minutes from the
Natural Resource Committee meeting and Planning Commission meeting..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,-Zaun Sindty Nelson, Spande &Lekson.
At this time Mayor Lekson took up consideration of resolutions concerning the
Renaissance Festival: P.U.D. application. Mayor Lekson indicated that the
council had received five resolutions for consideration, four of which, had
been prepared for the April 6th council meeting, and the 'fifth resolution
which had, been prepared by staff for'consideration at the June 1st council meeting..
Councilman Zaun mentioned that some support~,has come forward from civic groups.
in Lakeville who wish to participate in the festival. He also stated. that
the City has taken the position"that it has the right to terminate the
festival if conditions were violated, and/or,scale doem'the festival.
He also discussed what the concept approval of 'a P.U.D.'application.means.
Counclmember Sindt questioned the staff. as to what Paragraph I meant in
its relation to parking under Phase 2. of the, P.U. D. concept plan.
The City administrator stated that it was his intent in preparing the fifth
resolution that parking could be shared between the commercial/office and
Renaissance Festival. operations on the 50 acre parcel:. under Phase 2.
Councilman Nelson stated"that. in his opinion Paragraph N of the fifth
resolution covers a'major point, and counclmember Spande stated that the
fifth resolution covers his major concerns as drafted.
At this time Mayor Leksari .read Resolution No. 5 in its entirety for the
benefit of all-those present.
Mayor Lekson also stated that the concept approval does not include any
rezoning, and that if the applicaton_gets through and approved by all the
other governmental agencies which have jurisdiction, it must still come
back to the City of Lakeville council for additional approval..
The City attorney. suggested to the council that some additional wording be
added to Paragraph N of :Resolution No. 5 and read the suggested wording as
follows, "and the applicant agrees concept approval shall have no binding
effect on the final determination of the application and waives its right,
if any, to bring suit if final approval is denied".
Mayor Lekson asked Mr."Corrigan of the Renaissance Festival if he understood...
the language .being added. Mr. Corrigan stated that he did and had no dis-
agreement with'it.
• a
June-:1 1981
Mr. Corrigan asked when the .final approval of the P.U.D. agreement would
be .considered and approved by ..the City Council. He stated his desire to
have those matters acted upon by the City Council after the other agencies
have acted on the application but before final engineering .plans. The
council and Mr. 'Corrigan discussed the wording of Paragraph I as it pertained
to future use of the 50 acres of band designated in the P.U.D. concept-plan
for the office/commercial development. Mr, Corrigan emphasized that they.
would like and would need,the.'contnued:shared use of the property for
parking between the office/commercial and Renaissance Festival.
The City ~:dministrator indicated that 'the intent of the paragraph was to
possibly prohibit the use of the 50 acres of ..Land for parking by Renaissance
Festival patrons only if the council had .determined ,that the development
of the'offce/commercial Phase 2 was feasible to proceed after 1986 and>
-the Renaissance Festival disagreed with that position. of the City. It was
not intended to prohibit the hared use of the property for parking between
the office/commercial and `Renaissance Festival. Mr. Corrigan suggested
that the wording in Paragraph I be changed. by adding the word "exclusive"
in the third .line from the bottom..pf the paragraph.
The City .Administrator then read the two proposed wording changes in :Paragraphs
I and N.
81.257 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Lekson to adopt Resolution No. 81-29,
also-identified as the fifth resolution pertaining to the Renaissance
Festival P.U.D. application, with .the two amendments being in Paragraphs
I and N.
Roll call=was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Nelson, Spande, Lekson & Zaun.
81.258 Motion was made by Spande, seconded by Nelson to authorize and direct the
City attorney to prepare a lease effective'.August 1, 1981 for rental of the
former Lakeville bank building for City.Hall office space from J. and J.
.Holding Company.
Roll call was taken on the motion. ?,Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Zaun & Sindt.
81:259 Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Sindt to adopt Resolution No. 81-30
approving the land sale and division of .property to the former Milwaukee
Railroad-right-of-way through the City, of Lakeville.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Zaun, Sindt & Nelson.
81.260 Motion was'made'by Spande, seconded by Zaun to approve three property assess-
merit abatements as recommended by the Dakota County Assessors office.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion.. Ayes; ~ekson, Zaun, Sindt Nelson Spande.
At thistime the City 'Councilreviewed the City engineer's letter. concerning
Mr. Leonard Nelson's proposed assessment for the stxeet improvement in the
oak Shores addition.
81.261 Motion was made by Spande, seconded by,Sndt to table the matter and advise
Mr. Nelson-when it will be `on the next council agenda so'that he cane be
present if 'he so desires before the `council acts on the recommendation.
`Roll call was taken on the motion. ,Ayes,. Zaun, Sindt, Nelson, Spande & Lekson.
81.262 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Sindt to approve the. sale of City owned
property located at-the southwest corner_of Howland ::Avenue and. Upper 208th
Street to the Lakeville V.F.W. for $2,50¢.
Roll call was taken `on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Nelson, Spande, Lekson &Zaun.
81.263 Motion was,made by Zaun, seconded by Spande to adopt Resolution No. 81-31
setting a special election'on the question, "Shall the City continue to
operate its municipal liquor stores'?", in accordance with Minnesota State law
requiring an election once after the city xeaches a_popu3.ation of-1QODO
by a U.S. census.
~ •
June 1, 1987.
ROl1 calf was taken on-the motion. "Ayes, Nelson, Spande,'Lekson, Zaun & Sindt.
Mayor Lekson proclaimed June as Fark and Recreation Month in Lakeville.
N1.264 Motion was fiade by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to<.adopt Resolution No. 81-32
amending the..1981 Park.Development..Fund Budget.
Roll 'call was taken on the motion. -Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Zaun, Sindt &.Nelson.
.There were_no bids received on the sale of city pool equipment.
81.265 Motion was made by Sndt, seconded by Spande to 'authorize the City attorney
'to offer the owners of 7.1 acres of land $42,407 for purchase of it for
'a city park on the west side of Jacquard Avenue near 208th Street and approve
the payment..
Roll coil was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Lekson, Zaun, Sindt, Nelson &Spande.
At this .time Mr. Robert Pulscher.presented reports on the three .bond issues...
Funds for. The Meadows Second Addition improvements were deleted from the bond°
issue because the developer has not submitted his letter of credit guaranteeing
payment of the assessments as required by the City.
81.266 Motion was made by Spande, seconded by Sndt to set a special council meeting
for `June 29, 1981 beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Roll calf. was-taken on the motion: Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Nelson,. Spande & Lekson.
81.267 Motion was made by"Zaun, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution No. 81-33
setting the bid date for the sale of $1,175,000,of general obligation bonds.
.Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sndt Nelson, Spande, Lekson & Zaun.
-81.268 Motion was made by,Zaun, seconded by Sindt to adopt Resolution No. 81-34
approving the sale of $90,000 of general obligation bonds for the siren
Roll call_was taken on the motion.:. Ayes.:,`Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Zaun & Sndt.
81.269 Motion was .made by Spande; seconded by Nelson to-adopt Resolution No. 81-35
setting the sale date for $170,000 of certificates of indebtedness for
Rall call was taken on the motion: .Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Zaun, Sindt & Nelson.
All of the above resolutions.: ° set " the date `:for "June 29 , 1981 ,at ` 6 : OO ~ p~. m.
81.270 Motion was made"by Zaun,' seconded by Nelson to approve'a bingo license
and waive the bond for Meadowlark Gal1a, Inc.
Roll call was taken. on the .motion. Ayes, Lekson; Zaun, Sindt, Nelson &Spande.
81.271 Motion was. made by Lekson; seconded,..by S~aa~dt to apprcwe change order No. 2
on project No. 80-6,in the amount of $749 :for Lee Richert Plumbing.'
Roll .call was taken on the .motion. Ayes, Zaun,'Nelson, Spande;, Lekson & Sindt.
81.272 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to approve a beer license for
the Lakeville 'Jaycees"from'3une 1,-1981 to December 31 1981.
Roll call..was taken on he motion. Ayes, .Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Zaun & Sindt,
y; ,
At thin time the. City Council reviewed the proposed article to be placed
in the City newsletter concerning the Lakeville. liquor store potential
sale and°.upcomng special election.
81.273 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Spande to approve Resolution No. 81-36
`opposing the proposed sludge sites in the City of Lakeville.
June '1, 1981
Ro11, call was taken<on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Zaun, Sindt & Nelson.
81.274 Motion was made by Spande, seconded by Lekst~n to adjourn the council meeting:.
Roll call was t~ken`on the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Zaun,'Sndt,"Nelson & Spande.
Time 9:12 p.m.
y. ~
G,~ , .f - ~
Patrick'E. McGarvey, City Clerk
Uu e Zaun Act M yor